3 THE ASHLAND ADVERTISER. l*r RsOVAL. !/•« Minkler left for San ITancisco last Sat unlay. - F. H. Gregory, of Portland, was in tow n last Mondav. Mr. Patrick Donotighue and w ife left for Yreka yesterday. —<». Y. Heaton will leave for Browns­ ville to-morrow, to I m * absent about a month. - Mr*-. Will Barnum, of Medford, was visiting Ashland friend* and relative* Sunday. — Mr. R. T. Melius returned home. "atunlaV, from a week s vi*it in San Francisco. —Geo Crr»w -on, of w horn mention w as made in last issue as having started for Ashland from Minnesota, arrived on Sunday morning's train. — Mi** Ivory Carrol is in Ashland this week visiting relatives, Mr. and Mrs.G. Y. Heaton. Miss Carrol’s home is in Illinois, and she has invn visiting on the Pacific r<»ast for several month* ami in­ tends to conclude her visits ami arrive home < fri« d st 2. I f Y<>r Bi Y o vot Stationery ---------- OF----------- . SHERWIN,. You can always dejieml on for V voiir money. • trve iirren A l»ri«-d F ruit*. Fine Candle*. * A ** A 5 I Pays. • value . Will. II<‘Veii c er FULL WEIGHT. I.CW PRICES. Fili* I . noog . NORTH . OF . POST . OFFICE /f^“lh**t ami cheaj«est line of Teas in the city. 'IHIE MARBLE HILL ERA i* a4 page * weekly j a|H r. choke full of choice reading, only "Joe jht year. F«»r unique­ ness ami originality it cannot l>e l»eatvn. Sample copy free. John S. Smith. Pub. Mamie llil’. Ind Ï1, 50.000 RECIPES I n««rm«»u* Profit*. r Advertising I* a venture that require* a gotwi business head ami sound judgement, ami these voii show when you place voiir ad. in the Anvr aiisi k . Being small, every inch ot it* content* is eagerly pur­ sue«!. ami if vou have an an- noum'vment in it* columns, |»roph* know it. I'he Ai»v krtisfh i* not an antiquated publication, but a modern, up-to-date jour­ nal, publishing the «-ream of the latest local news a whole «lav ahead of any other Weekly in Southern Oregon, w bile the interests of its ad­ vertisers are earnest!* pro- mop'd.-and that’s why an advertisement in its column* h Drugs, Medicinesand < apital. No Canvassing. We Guarantee it t thing, 1 '• Ï stamp. S. J. ANDREWS. Clinton, Ont. * A PAPER TH \T WILL Pi E\SE YOl . Sample free Address \ . - 1. t - r 11 ~ ' 11 gilts N J. i OVER USERS.—We distribute ad- ' gi mvw here in South Dakota al low« *t |M»>*dblv rate* W rite for term*. Small circulars mailed at 10c. | ht 100. T he H ome A dvertising C o ., Al»enievn. xouth Dakota.