The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, June 19, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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<Jhc Ashland ^Mrntisn.
Poblinhed Wed »••<!• jr.
Monarch o! Amateur Local News Journals.
Subscription, One Year,.................... |.2A.
Six Months, ............ .15.
Sample copies mailed freely.
Advertising rates,
Terms to Agenta,
Made known upon
tyRemvmber us for Job Printing.
— Rend the Shorthand ad. on png«* 4
of this issue.
— Miss Nellie Ewan went to Albarn
last Fridav.
— Bert Calhoun was in town <»n hi*
wheel Sunday.
— Perhaps you don’t know it, but now
is the lime to subscribe.
— Dr. A. C. Caldwell, formerly a den­
tist here, was in Ashland Sunday.
— Mr Gelislx*, of the firm of Bell A Co.,
■lJ« vertising Agent. 21 Merchant s of Portland, was in town Monday.
Exchange, San Francisco, is our author­
—G. W. Crowson returned from hi­
ized agent. The A dvertiser is kept on
tile in his office.
trip to California, Sunday evening.
The ADVERTISER ha* th* Larfrrwt < irralallua uf
any Paper of ita Claaa.
—L. George is building an addition t<*
his house in the eastern part of town.
AVNE 19, 1806.
—------------- —
Hereafter, the A dvertises
printed on better paper.
— It pays to advertise in the right
journal; this paper is the one. Try it!
will be
—There was a light frost on the foot­
hills al>out Ashland last Saturday night.
— Miss Halve von Whitmore left for
her horn«* in Klamath county lustgf-ri-
With the establishment of the foun­ dav.
dry ami the opening up of the woolen
—J. R. Beamer and family have moved
mill, the future prosperity of Ashland is
into E. V. Carter’s house on the l»oule-
If you receive this }»aper as a sample
copy, kindly look it over, then send in
a quarter fora year’s subscription.— Fif-
tv-two times a year for twenty-five
Perhaps times are hard, but Ashland
people can swell as fat a subscription list
to promote a good enterprise as the next
one. Such things denote returning
The people of Linkville are unani­
mously in favor of the establishment of
the Ashland-Linkville wagon road, and
with their co-operation and that of Port­
land also, there is no reason why the
road should not be put through.
—Geo. Crow son, who went bark East
some weeks ago, started on his return to
Ashland yesterday.
—The cl<*ing exercises of St. Mary’s
Academy at Jacksonville,Orc., were held
last Friday afternoon.
— Herbert McCarthy returned from
Grant’s Paas, where he has been visiting
with friends, last Saturday.
— Victor Mayer went to Sam’s Valley
last Saturday, in company with Stanley
Vaughn ami James Donoughuc.
—W. J. Virgin returned from San
Francisco last Sunday evening,where he
has ln*eti purchasing machinery and
water pipe for the flouring mill here.