The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, June 12, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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Shr Uhland gidvrrtiwr.
Published WedneMday.
Remember us for Job Printing.
— B. Beach went over to Cal., * Monday.
—M iss Kate Grider was in town last
Monarch of Amateur Locai News Journals. !
— Read the Shorthand ad. on |mg»* 4
of this issue.
— TKRM6. —
8n Inscription, One Year.............
Six Months,
Sample copies mailed frrelv.
Advertising rates,
Terms to Agents,
Made known on njr-
— Miss Lixzii* Strahl left for Gold Hill
last Friday evening.
— Perhapsyou don’t know it, but no*
is the time to sul»scnl»e.
—The straw la»rry season is nearh
over. The crop was short.
vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s
— W. J. Virgin went to San Francisco
Exchange, San Francisco, is our author«
iied agent. The A dvkiitihkk is kept on on a business trip, Monday.
tile in his office.
— Miss Dottie Sovern returned to her
home in Eugene last Friday.
— Hugh McGuire, of the Pacific Paper
Co., was in town labt Monday.
— It pays to advertise in the right
We will exchange with all papers,
large and small, irrespective of '‘mem­ journal; this paper is the one. Try it'
bership in the N. A. P. A.”
— A pair of Chinese pheasants arrived
on Saturday morning’s train f<»r O. II
It is to the interest of every cititen of
Ashland to do all permissible by his
- M rs Kate Linebaugh and family
means toward the promotion of the pro­
ject to rtatablisha good wagon route from left, fur Santa Rosa, Cal. last Sunday, to
Ashland to Linkville, for it cannot lie reside there.
otherwise; than advantageous.
—The observation car w as used for the
first lime this season on the south-lound
All the space in the columns of the train last Sunday.
A dvertiser living required for local
— Miss Nellie Stanley is taking a re­
news, we cannot publish any amateur
notes, as, no doubt, our amateur friends creation trip to Portland. Her position
would wish, but we are interested in in the Barrett drug store is being filled,
Amateur Journalism just the same, and during her absence, by Bert Barnes,
will do our share toward preserving its
—G. W. Crowson went over to Cal.
this morning, on a busineas tripto make
arrangements for disf*oaing of his fruit
The subscription price of the Weekly this season. Hr will la» gone about a
A dvertiser will remain the same as week.
that of the Monthly, for a year, and
— Mr — . —. Bolster, an old acquaint­
then it will pe raised to fifty cents per
year. Subscribe now, to get the "Mon­ ance of H. Williams, of "Iowa Town,"
arch of Amateur Local News Journals” arrived in Ashland from Spencer, Iowa,
every Wednesday evening fur a year, for yesterday, for a visit with old friends
the small sum of twenty-five cents.
and acquaintance.