The lol. 111. Ashland ‘Advertiser. ASlIl.AXD. <»KK6OM. WKD.X KKDA V, J OK It. 1H9&. .... ~ ..i . .......................................... ... HERE WE AKE AGAIN. ■—■ — No. 4. .................. -, - . . IRON FOUNDRY. It ír rumored that an iron foundry YOU AN A WKKKLY. that will cmoloy a force of al»out fifteen « Seven months of suspension have put men is to lie established in Ashland, • in into tine shape to resume journalistic shortly. If the enterprise is carried out, Ash­ duties, and, having aatis far tori ly com­ pleted our work in the High School, we land will lc immensely lienefited, for. feci that our susismsion has I «‘t n really I besides giving employment to working­ »s*neficial and an' now ready to make up men Hud starting money into circulation, it will ait as an inducement to jíersons for I oat time. treeing the superiority of a weekly seeking ¡strmunrnt homes. The establishment of such enterprises over a monthly publication, wo have made the A i > vf . rtuikk a weekly, issued is jus» w hut is needed to restore confi­ dence and release the stringency of every Wednesday, anti, making it of a money, thus improving the times. strictly local character, expect to merit “It’s a g\TI>I IED AT LAST Gur circulation is just ss r«»nresented and advertisers are respectfully invited It is an ohl saving that the farmer is a to visit the A dvkk T i SKR office on publi­ hard man to please and satisfy; no cation days to see what they are getting sooner is he thoroughly com pluming of for their money, for, rather than a priv­ too much rain than the necessity for ir- rigs’ion stares him in the fat e, and starts ilege, it is a right to l*e demanded, that I bin« investigating the latest practical every’ advertiser should know the exact •and profitable methods. Experience piality and quantity of the rirculrtion now confirms the claim that a Herrulo Gasoline Gas Engine solves the problem <»f the journal in which be advertises. of economical, tellable power; »nd for As its name implies, the A dvkmtiskb once the farmer is suited, for a Palmer is devoted to the interests of its adver­ A Rev Pumping Plant so operated gives tisers, and. with sufficient support, its him a chance of clearing his overflow n si/.e will l»e doubled before another vol­ lands, and, later on. of Howling his parched fields, besides using his engine ume is added to its existence for cutting feed, sawing wood and run- I ning churns, etc. •H’K SUSPENSION IS OVER AND WK GRFKT UP OLD GRIZZLY. THE RGAI) MEETING. \ large party of young people from I ------- 7. The meeting of the citizens of \shland. Xnhiand t«»ok a climb to the breexy sum­ mit of Grizzly Peak, > esterd.iy. The tn consider Hie question of opening and party was com^roscd of Nellie Ewan, Mac maintaining a good wagon route between Millsap. Maud Berry, Iconise Ganeir, Ashland and Linkville, occurred at the City Hall lust Monday evening. Some Mints Gavot, Mary Hevener, (’ora are desirous of building a new road, Baldwin, Mrs. MrUlunie, Geo. Norton, while others maintain that the most Will Hevener. Elmer Patrick, Harry practical thing to do is to improve the Force. Will Denny, August Mickrlsen I old one. Continued on page 3. anil several others.