Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 30, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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''Found t hem 7" wltirniisTiq Interest.
"I Blnill .fell you only when wo get
out of this place. Come."
Hlllurd put out a friendly bund.
"I am sorry, boy. I .wanted ymi to
win something. Cheer up! We'll
shako the dust of this phico In the
"Oh, for a vacant lot and a good old
whmipor-up ivd!" cried Mvrrlhuw,
touching his side pockets.
"What Is It?" iiskt'd Hlllurd.
"What Is It? It Is Ml napoleons!"
"What?" sharply, even doubtfully.
"Thai's what! Eighteen hundred
dollars! My system will hnve no
funeral tonight."
iThe Lure m
ISIa Mask JW
yy f ' Cpyrihi. 1908. by the Bobbs-
CHAPTER I Jack Hilliard, a
wealthy New York clubman, hears a
mysterious voice singing in the night
under his window.
' II He inserts an advertisement in
a personal ccolumn to find the singer.
He receives a reply.
m, TV, V, and VI He visits the
mysterious singer, but she wears a
mnsk. He falls desperately in love
with her, but he has not seen her face.
The unknown woman gives Her name
as lime. Angot, which is assumed.
They have dinner. She refuses to
see him aeain.
VII Hilliard and Dan Merryhew
decide to go to Italy. : Merryhew
loves Kitty Killigrew, a comic opera
singer, who has gone to Italy. Hil
liard receives a black musk in an en
velope. VHI and IX Hilliard and 'Mery
hew arrive in Italy and later dine
with Mrs. Stanford, an American So
ciety woman, who tells Hilliard con
siderable abont the mysterious wo
with whom he is in love. She is now
posing as an opera singer in Kitty
Killigrew's opera company.
Hillard was n true prophet. There
came a change in the suiile of fortune.
The game jumped from color to color, j
seldom repeating, with zero making ;
Itself conspicuous. The man with the j
scar played on, but he began to lose I
small sums at first, then larger til! '
finally be was down to bis original
stake. The scar grew livid. He waited
five turns of the wheel, then placed
his stake on the second dozen. He '
lost He rose from his chair scowling. J
His eye chanced to meet HUIard's, and
their glances held for a moment
"Fool!" said Merrihew in an under-1
tone as the man strolled leisurely past
them. "Eight thousand and not con-'
tent to quit!"
Meanwhile the trolleys from Nice
and Mentone had poured Into Monte '
Carlo their usual burdens of pleasure .
seekers. On one of the cars from Nice
there bad arrived two women, both
veiled and simply gowned. They sel
dom addressed each other and never
Bpoke to any one else. Doubtless they
were some sober married women out
for a lark. Upon leaving the car tbey
did not.atxince go into tbe casino, but
directed their steps toward the ter
races, for the band was playing. They
sat In tbe shadow of tbe statue of Mas
senet and near by tbe rasp of a crick
et broke in upon the music. When tbe
music stopped tbey linked arms and
sauntered up and down the wide
sweep of stone, mutually Interested in
the crowds. Once as they passed be
hind a bench the better to view tbe
palaces of tbe prince they beard the
voices of two men.
As they went on the women heard
something about "those bad cigars."
" Tbe men were Americans evidently. '
It was only an Inconsequent Incident,
and a moment later both had forgot
ten it. i
"At which table shall I make tbe
stake. Kitty?" a
"The center. There Is always a
crush there, and we shall not be no
ticed." i
"I do not agree with you there. How-'
erer, It shall be the center table. What
would you do, Kitty, If I should break
the bank?"
"Die of excitement!" truthfully. ' I
"You will live through this event
then." With a light, careless laugh La
SIgnorlna pressed her way to the to-.
ble. , . j
She lost steadily from the start She
gave no sign, however, thut her forces!
were In full retreat from the enemy.
She played on, and tbe band which
placed, the bets was steady. And when
the gold was' all gone she opened
her empty hands expressively and
shrugged. She wag beaten.
Bcblnd tbe chair of the banker, oppo
site, stood tbe Italian. Tbe scowl still
TPftnyfl Nf fftfflhffld. Jf httL tfafi. le
mon In the veil spread out her hands
he started. There was something fa
miliar in that gesture. And then the
woman saw him. For tbe briefest mo
ment her form stiffened.
"Kitty," La SIgnorlna whispered, "let
us go out to the atrium. I am tired."
They left the ball leisurely and found
a vacant settle in the atrium.
"How cold your bands arol" ex
claimed Kitty.
"Kitty, I am a fool, a fool! I have
unwittingly put my bead In the llou's
mouth. If I had not reached this seat
in time I should have fallen. I would
willingly give all my rings if at this
moment I could run across the ball
and out into .the open!"
"Merciful heaven! Wby, what Is
the matter? What has happened?"
"I cannot explain to you."
"Was it some one you saw in there?"
"Silence, and sit perfectly still!"
A man in evening dress came out
into the atrium, lighting a .cigarette
At the sight of him both women wer
"It Is Mr. Hillard. Mr. Merrihew'
friend!" Kitty would bnve risen, bu "
tbe other's strong hand restrained hei
"Kitty, remember your promise."
"Is he the man?"
"No. no! Only I have said that we
must not meet him. It might do him
Incalculable harm. Harm!" La SI
gnorlna repeated. "Do you under
stand?" Hillard blew outward a few pale
rings of smoke and circled tbe atrium
with an Indolent glance wbicb stopped
as it rested upon the two veiled wo
men. A certain curiosity impelled him
toward them, and be sank on tbe settle
with perhaps half a dozen spnns of the
hand between. He observed the wo
men frankly. Not a single whls'p 'of
hair escaped the veils, not a line of
any feature could be traced, and yet
tbe tint of flesh shone dimly behind tbe
silken bands of crape. He nodded.
Tbe veils did not move.
"Fortune favors the brave, but rare
ly the foolish."
There was no response, but the
small shoe of the woman nearest be
gan to beat tbe floor ever so lightly.
Hillard was chagrined. 1
Thereupon be bowed and sought an
other seat. The women hurried to
the lobby. He would have given them
no further thought bad not tbe Italian
with the scar appeared, eyed the re
treating figures doubtfully and. then
started after them. That he did not
know them Hillard was Reasonably
certain. He assumed that the Italian
saw a possible flirtation. He rose
quickly and followed.
The four departed from the casino
and crossed toward tbe Hotel de Paris,
the women in the lead. As yet they
had not observed that they were being
followed. The car stops at this turn.
As the women came to a stand one of
them saw the approaching men. In
stantly sue fled up the street Tbe
other hesitated, then pursued her com
panion. Whatever doubts the Italian
might have entertained, tbis flight dis
sipated then. He knew now he knew!
W'th a sharp cry of exultation be
broke into a run. So did Hillard. Peo
ple turned and stared, but none sought
to Intercept any of the runners. In
Monte Carlo there are many strange
scenes, and . the knight errant often
finds that bis bump of caution has
suddenly developed. And there were
no police about; they were on the ca
sino terraces or strolling through the
Past the park the quartet rail. Then
came a stretch of darkness between
one electric lamp and another. And
then, as if whisked nway by magic,
the foremost woman disappeared. The
other halted, breathless. Klie started
ng-iln, but too Into. The Itallaii caught
her roughly and quickly tore aside the
"Kitty Killigrew!" Hlllnrd cried.
lie sprang forward and grasped tw
Italian by the shoulders. The Italian
struck out savagely, but Hillard slzcd
bis arm. Kacb ; ,n enn.'d honf th
breathing of the i.i'.ivi: qui !. ami iHv
"You meddllsig Cog'.- ;,a.i cd Ililjii'
.."Take cure lest the dug bite, uij;'.. .:.
"A Uulut Grace of Mary, that U droll"
iMvSss W fmnna 'stima TtsracT " ,
"Presently. Now. that way Is yours,"
tnld Hlllurd, pointing. .
"Are you certain ?' the Italian hissed.
"So certain that If you do not obey
me I shall call tbe police."
"I should like nothing bolter," re
piled the Italian, with a coolness which
dumfounded Hlllnrd.
"Do you know theso Indies?"
"Do you?" insolently.
"My knowing them does not mat
ter. But it is any gentleman's con
cern when a man gives pursuit to a
lady who does not wish to mewt him."
"A lady? Grace of Mary, that Is
Hillard released tbe Imprisoned arm.
There was a patent raillery, n qulzzlcri'
Insolence which convince .1 " rv
the Itallun liil not pivc : f.
dcrstar.d ...c e v.
"And tile pcrple too." Hlllnrd had
no desire to pass tbe time of day with
bis opponent.
"Well, I have said that we shall
meet again, and it must be so."
"And your lint, as well as mine. Is
still In the cnslno. The night Is cold."
The Italian permitted his glnnce to
wander over Hillard critically. Ho
swung round on bis heel and walked
rapidly down the street. Hillard
turned to reassure Kitty. Kitty bad
MEUKIIIEW sighed with per
fect content. The pretty wo
mun sittlug opposite smiled
at him tenderly; uud ho
smiled back abstractedly, as a man
sometimes will when bis mind tries to
gather lu comprehensively a thought
and a picture which aro totally differ
ent Before him lu iieut Utile lustrous
stacks stood 7,000 francs In gold, 3fiQ
effigies of "Napoleon the Little" 7,000
francs, $1,400, more than half the
sum of his letter of credit!
He couuted off ten coins and placed
them on the second dozen. Tbe ball
rolied into No. 23. He leaned back
again with a second sigh, and tbe pret
ty woman smiled a second smile, and
the wooden rake pushed the beautiful
gold over to him. He was playing a
system, one bet In every three turns
of tbe wheel in stakes of $10 and $80.
To be sure, he lost now and then, but
tbe next play he doubled and retrieved.
Oh, tbe American Comic Opera com
pany should be well taken care of!
Two more bets and then he would
pocket his winnings and go.' He laid
40 francs on No. 2G and 400 on black,
leaned upon bis elbows und studied the
pretty woman, who smiled. If sbe
spoke English he scribbled tbe ques
tion On a scrap of paper and pushed It
across the table, blushing a little as
he did so. Shu rcud It, or at least
she tried to read It, and shook her head
with the air of one deeply puzzled.
He sighed again, reflecting that there
might have been a pleasant adventure
had he only understood French.
Twenty-six, black and even!
Merrihew slid back his chair and
rose. He swept up the gold by tbe
handful and poured It Into his pockets,
casually and unconcernedly, as If this
was an everyday affair and of minor
importance. Hut as a matter of fact
his heart was beating fast, and there
was n wild desire In his throat to yell
with delight. Eighteen hundred dol
lars, 0,000 francs! A merry music they
made In his pockets-jingle, jingle,
jingle! And then be saw Hlllurd com
ing across the hall. Instantly ho
forced the Joy from his face and eyes
and dropped his chin In his collar. He
became In that moment the. picture of
"Is It all over?" asked Hillard grave
ly. '
"All over!" monotonously.
"Come over to the cafe, then. I've
OiuoUUuS Important to loll lm!
(To be continued.)
Notice to A. F. & A. M.
Tlioro will bo work in tho third do.
Krco Friday evening.
Continued from I'uge 2
the eitv of Medford. which check shall
bo held bv tho citv of Medford on tho
conditions heicufler set forth. It
said grantee, his associates, his suc
cessors or assii'iis, shall begin the
actual work on the things mentioned
in this ordimuico with in four mouths
from its passage and taking effect,
und shnll prosecute tho same with dil
igence until substantially completed,
so that not less than twentv-l'ivo
hundred dollars ($2500) shall bnve
been expended in the actual construc
tion work of installing said plant on
tho ground in said citv within six
mouths from the date of tho taking
effect of this ordinance then, and as
soon ns the said sum of twenty-five
hundred dollars ($2500) shall huvo
been so expended, und said ' , -it-tilie'
... : ' er - -aid
i to nave tno same
substantially complete within 12
months after the date of tho passage
and taking effect of this ordinance.
It is understood and ncrecd that the
citv engineer of tho citv of Medford
shall determine the question ns to the
amount .of work actually dono, nnd
that the retrnvmcnt of said check
shall onlv be made upon tho certifi
cate of snid citv engineer that said
work has actually been performed
within snid time.
It is further understood and agreed
that time i.s and shall bo of tho es
sence hereof, and that if said gran
tee, his associates, his successors or
assigns, shall fail to beirin actual
work on the things mentioned in this
ordinunce within four months from
its passage and tuking effect, or to
prosecute the same with reasonable
diligence, so that thcro shall have ac
tually been expended, ns aforesaid,
within tho aforesaid six months, the
said sum of twentv-five hundred dol
lars ($2500) in tho actual work of
construction on the ground in said
citv. then nil rights of the said gran
tee, his nssociutcs. his successors or
assigns, in or to said certified check,
shall be absolutely forfeited to said
citv, nnd said city shall retain tho
same nnd all thereof ns liquidated
damages for the breach of this con
tract. " '.
Section 22. This ordinance shall
take-effect and be in full force from
and after its passage, approval and
Done at Medford, Oregon
The foregoing ordinance was pass
ed bv the citv council of the citv of
Medford. Oregon, on the 22nd dnv of
October, 1901). bv the following vote:
Welch, aye: Merrick, nve; Wortmnn,
no; Kifcrt. nve: and Pcmmcr, nve;
Eincrick. abfjent
Approved this 2.1rd dnv pf October.
V. II. CANON. Mayor.
Citv Hecordcr.
Richard Darling Stock Company
A beautiful four-act comedy
Hoot Mon, Did you see the Scotch
specialty by Billy Van and Chas.
Overton? .
New stago nnd more room. A
scat for everybody.
Admission, as usual, 10c and 20c
mm i
mm 4
mm - 4
Nu -
Office in Aikin Plumbing Co.'s Store, Medford.
Timber and Coal Lands
B. H. Harris & Co.
Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs
Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North
west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first
class nurseries.
L. E. HOOVER, Agent
When we suggest that you
Toast Your Bread
On Breakfast Table
"Wc do not mean that yon should eat off
the stove toast
With an Electric Toaster
and have crisp, brown, delicious toast
. costs 1c per meal to . operate. We
have the best toaster on the market for ,
1 sale at $4.50. Clean, appetizing, sanitary
Successors to Condor Water &;Power Co.
Containing two indispensable
luxuries and lw sources of econ
omy. Call and lot us demonstrate its
The best resolution for you
to make is to come to ur for
your next suit, if you want
somclhinfr out of the ordinary.
We do tho best work nnd charge
the lowest prices.