Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 30, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Hiiin tonight. SiiiicIiiv, fair.
K VmiU Iiiin lirniixht lim fmiiily
hern i'roin Sheridan, W'yu., to live
mill will iiiirlniNii a liiiinii nl iiiii'i;,
A. KiiiIh Ik u brother of lint End boys
nl' lliiv city.
Turkey dinner, fide, ul Kmcriclc
I'll ft! tomorrow.
Mm. Henry lender nml daughter
of Medford in vihilinjj )ht iluuf(htcr,
Mim. I,. II. Ovitrtimilt ()' Tnlcni.
Fifty tliniiHiinil Nil. 1 (;riiii! roolH
W'llilo Illl-y llfMt, J'l ..T tllllllNllllll nt
"1'ook'n," the niirhcryiiiiiii. Ill 1
Mrn. Freil Monohun left lor her
home in Simtii A 1 1 ii rt after n ili'iiM
nnl viHit with Imr hiMer, Mih, T. K.
Kivc-rnnm Iiimim', barn nml I wo lnU
on North Kivernidii avenue for kiiIu
ul i;i()0. lniuii of W. T. York &
Co. .1(12
K. A. WuIIh, an orcliiirdint from
Li tllii Hoi'k, Ark., nrrivcd in lint
oily Friday nml in looking over fruit
lund in llm valley. Mr. WcIIh ih en
pceially intercKted in llm manner of
caring for fruit nml ln ih Hlnily
iiilf the iiii'IIkiiIh of jrowirM here.
Special n lu carte menu ul the Lou
vre Cnf tomorrow. I)2
('omit v Iteeorder Burnett of Jiick-
Mon villi) iiiKcd through hero on liir
way Jo AhIiIihkI the firt of tlm week.
Hi'ttt tniior in Hoiitliurn Oregon
TIio Trilinno.
K. V. Moorfe, of Denver, f.'ol., iH
it biiMiiiihrt visitor to the i'ily 1 his
Don't inifM tlmt ."iilc turkey dinner
lit tlx Emcrick en ft! tomorrow. lil'J
(i ut. I n v Y. I'elXfl in a recent nrrivul
from Stockton, Cnl.
TIio Louvre Cnfe makes n special
ty of Ihi!kIic(h mill KiiiH-r purlieu.
I!. W. Orout of HoKeliiirif is look
ing over the valley this week.
Order for Hwoet cronm or butier
uiilk promptly filled. Plione tho
The Hon. W. II. Newell, (.resident
of the slate Imiiril of hortii'iilture,
who has heen cnmluctiuK incslii;ii
tiotis in Ashlaml, left for Iloml River
Why rush homeT Try llio Spot
riif'ii'H '.?"in dinner.
A. I!. Cornell and A. C. Ilolconili
of (irants Pass are orchardits in the,
city (his week.
Special n In rarto menu nt the lou
vre Cafe tomorrow. 102
Professor P. J. O'flarn is hack from
Ahlaiid today, hut expects to return
immediately to put the finishinc
loaches on Iha work nl that plane.
Ella Oannynw, public, stenographer,
room 4, Palm building.
the fact that L. 13. Warner, the pioneer nurseryman of southern Oregon, who practically speaking was handling
trees when other concerns were in their swaddling clothes and has 16 years of square dealing back of him in Jack
son county alone, will soon be ready to make deliveries of his nursery stock, among the tyt being an extra fine
stock of
Bartlett and D'Anjou Pears
Tim Hon. A. II. ( 'arson, commls
Hioner of (ha third liorliculluni! iIIh
liicl, left for (Iniiils Pns Friday
cveiiinvt after u prolituhla vlay in
Ashlaml, f
Phono 3II03 for ten or coffee.
Miss K. M. Tlium of Hiinla Amin,
Cnl., left for homo Kriilny utter n
short visit here, wild friends.
Turkey dinner tomorrow, fide, nt
Emcrick cafe. 102
.1. M. von der Mans of this placo
left Kiiliirilny morning for JJerby, I
where, lie will visit wilh friends. I
Spices nml cxtmctH nt 30 So. Q '
HI reel.
Edith Kredculiurg of Trail, who
lins heeu visiliiiK in Aslilnml for Homo
lime, passed through here on her way
to Eagle Point I lie other day.
Southern Oregon Ton und Coffco
Co., 3(1 So. 0 Ht rent.
J. M. Swain of' Sacrnmeiilo was
in (ho city Saturday on his way to
Portland on a visit
Bent menl "for lhe Icimt money at r
the Spot enfe.
A. II. Siindstrom of Allniny is in
the city vimting friendx.
Special n In carlo menu nt the Lou
vre ('afe tomorrow. 102
A. W'. Cork und fumily of Rock
laud, Me., hnvo como to live in llm
l(o(fiio valley,
Tahiti d'hote dinner tit the Nash
Miss Kiamn Stone returned Sat
urday from Ashland, where she went
to atleiid the teachers' institute.
Special n la curto menu nt the Lou
vre Cafe tomorrow. ' 102
V. (). Smith, cashier of the First
National hunk of Otlnwn. Kan., U
in the valley visitig friends. Mr.
Smith is on his vncution mid he likes
the west.
Tallin d'hote dinner nt the Nash
drill Sunday evening. Special music.
M. F. K(fideston, city recorder of
Ashland, passed throng hero on hit
way to Jacksonville to trnnsnet court
The I)iivre Cafe makes n special
ty of ImmiuetB and nnpp,r parties.
Will Murphy wus in Ashland on
liutincss recently.
The Nnsh 0 rill, finest service be
tween Portland ni -1 '"in Fmncisco. ,
Mrs. K. ? liii't ! Ashland wnv
in town the '"-t ' ' week on her!
way to F.ngle Point, where she goes
to visit H. A. Florey.
The Louvre Cafe makes a special
ty of hanonels 'and supper parties.'
A foolliall game wns played Sat
nrday afternoon nt Ashland between
Grants Pnss high school and the Ash
land boys. J
A shipment today of nil kinds of
fresh fish, dressed chickens always in
stock. Call and see us. Rogue Riv
er 1'ish Co. 1H2
Tn the absence of Rev. W. T.
dcr. who is hunting in the mountains,
Rev. Hoxie will preach nt the Meth
odist church. South, on Sunday.
The rimllier of Mrs. T. K. Daniels. !
who has been visiting in the city for j
some time, has returned to her home :
in Santa Ann. Cnl.
Mrs. O. J. Shirley returned to her
home in Talent from n shopping trip,
to Medford.
wilh from five to seven-foot tops; also a splendid line of E Iberia Late, and Early Crawford and Miiir Peaches. All
(Miiiuiicrcial varieties of pears, cherries, Newtown, Spitzenberg and Jonathan apples, as well as a full and com
plete line 6f bulbsroots, shrubbery and ornamental trees at prices that you e.r.i afford to pay and still be assured of
receiving absolutely high grade stork. ' iiemember the name and the place. . i
M. II. Mussel of Ceiitralia, Wash.,
continued his tour of the l(of(uo Kiv
er valley the other day, when lie left
this place for Aslilnml. Ma Kassel
Hiiys "this eily looks pretty good to
Frank Farrell, Knlph Burgess, Puul
McDonald und Kclilou Hill, local foot
hall boys, departed for Ashland Sut
iinlny lo witness the :uini) to, be
played therei between (Jrants Pass
und AhIiIiiuiI lii(h sclinols.
T. V,. Ward of Shelbyvillo, Tenn.,
is Klayin at the Nimh this week.
Mr: nml Mrs. W. Huff of Detroit,
Mielii, nre looking over the Unfile
valley ami innkiiiK Medford their seat
during the tour.
(Jeorge If. Kestermnn of Oraiits
Pass wus in the city on business the
last of the week. ,
.1. II. Illock of Knnsim City, Mo.,
who has been ifayiiig the city u busi
ness visit, left for the cast Friday.
Mrs. J. II.' Wood, who has been
vinitiinf for n short time wilh Mrs. L.
H. Wurner, left for home Saturday
on No. 15.
Mrs. .1. Drown of flold Hill came
down- the last of the week to visit
Mrs. H. 0. Shearer.
S. V. Hamlin of OrnntB Pnss, who
cmnc hero a short time ngo, linn de
cided to make Medford his home.
J. C. Milne of Grand Junction, Col.,
who has been looking over the Rogue
valley for the last few dayB, left for
I Ashland Saturday. '
Koxy Shine, Dessic nnd Denlnce
Moore and Snruh Deswick, pupils of
St. Mary'H neudemy, left for their
homes in Ashland Saturday morning.
Mrs. A. J. Harney of Ashland came
down the. other duv to visit her
daughter, Mrs. A. Kippcl.
' Four drunks wcro nrrcstcd last
night nnd one of them proved io he
a follow, Smith, who skipped uhout
a venr ngo when working off a sen
tence. This fellow wns the first to
bo nsked his name, and when he gave
the mime of Smith lhe other saw the
light and said their mime was Smith.
The men were put to work on the
II 1.' c:ittntIiil ntwlotit nf the
I I,. 1.. ii.l'l--, -"I - -
pi,',,,s orchard east' of here, was in
town Saturday afternoon
An 8-Mitind pumpkin was brought
in Miluriiay irom ine nan piacu,
... . f .1 ti ll -I..
north of here, and placed on cxhibi
lion in the Oregon Orchards Syndi
cate office. As no derrick wus hnn
lv, two men look llio vegetable and
hoisted it into the display window. In
the same office displayed in the win
dow are some prize winning Massa
chusetts apples sent to Mrs. R. II.
Parsons by her father. It's n won
der the fruit inspectors allowed the
apples to be shipped into the country,
I lie v ii ru so scrawny and blemished.
At the M. mrc II. S. Smith, Grants
Pass; A. C. Hough, Grants Pass; M.
Epstein, San Knincisci; C. K. Mu-
Williams, Syracuse; J. H. Hlock,
Kansas City; Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K.
Dickerman, Diilulh; J. M. Itencli, Kan
his City; C. A. Eitlc, Grcsham; Geo.
Dickey, San Francfscoj StniiIcy"Tur
ner, Itoston; J. K. Dresser, Seattle;
I). I'llin, William Ilalin, Kolict Hen-
drickson, R. II. Hoith, If. C'utlcy,
II. HodgCrs, Portland.
At the Nash William Huff
and wife, Detroit; T. K. Wurd, Shel
byvillo; F. F. Roosc, Denver; Wil
liam Ilimebniigh, Ashland; George IT.
Kc sternum, 'Grants Puss; O. W.
Goodiirn, lister L, Kahn, Kd K. Eitel,
C. J. Tyler, II. Lipman, Thad A.
Young, Slnnley Turner, San Fran
cisco; 11. Goodman, Los Angeles;
Mark .1. Slomnii,, .Rochester; George
M. Gibson, San Francisco.
A. Alford will have a bumper crop1
of apples ready for shipment wion.
W. F. Dunn of Talent was down'
at C. Cury's garden place Wednes
day buying vegetables.
L. A. Rose has had -several of his
teams nnd men at work in North
Talent finishing up the cciinml bridge
across Anderson creek.
Mrs. James Helms and son were
down to Medford on business last
Thursday. Mrs. Helms has great
responsibility since her husband's
sickness. j
Mrs. K. 0. Rcnso was visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Carey, the;
lust of the week. ) j
E R. Ontman has charge of the -packing
for the Estep orchard. This i
orcburd, known ns the Pcllett or-,
chard, has the heaviest crop of any'
orchard in the vicinity of Talent, and :
will bring the owner several thousand i
dollars this season. !
Miss Katie Aldredge, a former Till- j
cut girl,' but now of Myrtle Creek, I
wns married to Mark Fern of Fem
Valley last Tuesday. The young j
couple returned to the home of the1
groom's mother, Mrs. A. B. Fern, on !
Wednesdny, where they will reside.
Everyone joins in congratulations ;
nnd best wishes. I
L. A. Rose, our efficient road su- i
pervisor. met w;ith an accident one '
dny last week, which rendered him
unconscious for several minutes nnd -which
took him a couple of days be-;
fore he got over the shock. The i
horse he was driving in a Cart fell, ;
throwing Mr. Rose out over the horse
striking the hack of his head, jar
ring the spinal cord, which caused
him great pain. Fortunately he had
a gentle horse.
WANTED Woman for plain sewing.
Room 24. Palm Rooming House.
Main and Grape. 103
FOR RENT Rnrn. suitable for four
horses. Inquire nt Tribune office.
FOR SALE One disc gang plow' in
good condition.' Address E. E. Mor
rison. R F D No. 1. 1P7
WANTED An elderly single man to
take care of horses on ranch nnd do
light work nround the place. Ad
dress W, care of this office. 197
WANTED At once, teams for plow
ing. Address P. 0. Box No. 203.
Ver)T ntaiisili; nummitc m mc wu-
voy Theater.
The crowded house at "The Savoy"
Inst night witnessed one of the most
realistic comedy pictures ever thrown
upon a screen. The story, a simple
one of everyday life woven about an
umbrella; it fairly breaks forth hu
mor and laughter. The pantomime
The Store That Saves
You Money
Pure lead blown, bell top
Glasses; no better quality
made ; here today
25c Per Set
50 per dozen. t
For The Family
Today is Saturday, Hosiery Day, at , Husscy's.
Hosiery for every member of the family and the best
values to be found in Medford. Hose for father, moth
er, sister, brother and the baby, any size.
2 Pair for 25 cents
You can't complete your
shopping without first
calling at
Office with Warner, Wortman Gore
ceedingly eutertuiniug. "Onawan
dah," an Indian drama, nnd "The
Story of a lianknote" are excellent
dramas, which grjp, your n(te'n(ion
from start to 'finish. Don't fnil to
witness this program.
Entire change of program tomor-'
row night. Watch for it. The Sa
voy. One dime.
$1.00 Each
Want something nice ?
Then take a look at our
window of hand painted
'hina Plate today at, your
$1.00 Each
Don't waste it save your
money by doing your
I Saturday shopping at