. I THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDUKD, uum.ujv, oa u;...,;, Medford daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING OO.MPA George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fi Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One year, by muil .$5.00One month by mail or carrier. .$0.50 The Tribune is for sale by Hotel Portland News Stand, Portland, Or.; Ferry News Stand, San Franniseo. Cal. MEDFORD. . "TCTiat city in Oregon has grown from 2500 to 7500 in five years ? Medford. What city has spent within a year over a million dol lars in public improvements ? " -Medford. . "What city has spent $2,500,000 in building materials in the past twelve months! Medford. TYTiat city is constructing a half million dollar gravity water system, bringing pure water from the mountains? Medford. What city is completing a 21-mile cast iron distributing system? - Medford. . " What city has constructed,, 25 miles of sewer system within a year! v- v ii v . Medford. ' 1 : What city has laid two miles of bitulithic pavement in less than twelve months? Medford. " What city furnishes the most business, passenger and freight, for the Harriman system in Oregon, barring onlv Portland? , . , .- Medford. . j What city receives shipments of at greater number of carloads of commodities than any city in Oregon outside the metropolis? , Medford. What is the leading fruit city of Oregon, surrounded by 50,000 acres of orchard, shipping most carloads of ap ples and pears ? , Medford. What city is the banner pear city of the northwest, shipping more carloads of pears than all the rest of the northwest combined ? Medford. What city ships pears that command the top notch price in all the markets of the world? f Medford. i.' What city shows an increase in bank deposits from $500,000 to $1,750,000 in less than five years? ; Medford. I What city shows a gain in postal receipts from $5000 to $20,000 a year within five years ? " . j .' Medford. f What city leads .the world in the number of automobiles for its population, having over 200? . . . c Medford. ' , H What city has the .most progressive population, the Imost metropolitan characteristics, the best stores and the jbest hotels of any city of its size in the country ? K Medford. j H What city has the richest horticultural, mining and i timber resources of any pla ce in the northwest ? U Medford. i 'V What city is growing fastest, has most substantial f oun idatibn, arid is known far and wide as the liveliest and most up-to-date and has the best future of any small city in the country, barring none, east, west, north or south? j' Medford. , ; f '' ' TO BUILD UP YOUR CITY. ;.; Encourage every home enterprise. Take an interest in every industry, invest liberally in the stock of faith and .good will, and distribute it all over your city, in every fac tory, every shop, every business house. It will pay you large dividends, and will cost very little. It can never depreciate in value. It will always be above par. Buv home made goods. Ask your merchants for them. Wear garments bought in your home city. Buy honiej grown articles of food.v Read home made newspapers, i In this way the money you spend is only loaned. It will i come back to you again with interest. Praise your city don't run it down. Stand by your merchants and manufacturers they are the bone and sin ew of your municipal structure: Stand by your churches and take an interest in your schools they are the hopes ,'of your-, future. Stand by, your press it is the tireless fcentinel that guards your interest. At the Chrirtian Church. liiblo tich jul nt 10 a. in. Tlio Lord's supper and preaching at 11. At this service t lio hi'i'inoii will lo t ho soo oiul in tin sorios of Hcrmons on tlio "New Testament Church." Every member f llie church is exported to le present. The I'lirUtinn Kndcnvor Hoots nt (i:3X No. 7 ;:I0 servieq on account of tint union temperance service nt tint Presbyterian eliurcli. W. Theodore Mullock, pastor. Pioneer Injured. . ' 8. M. Robinson, one of tlio well known pioneer residents of Talont precinct, is laid up from tlio effects of injuries received in an aucident lie met with while eugngod in ropnir ing the windmill on his plnco a few days ago. He fell from the windmill 24 feet to the k''ouih1 mid received some very bad injuries, but fortu nately no broken bonus, and is now recovering under careful trout men I. M. W. A. . Notice There will u uncial hour with refreshments the first l'Viday in November. The cniiimiltco huvu a good time in stoic All Woodmen come. Ii. W. ST! '.A HNS. 107 Clerk "I'm Tom. The Louvre C'nfe million a i-paml-ty of banquets and Niippor purtieN. VAN DYKE'S ft JF .nnin. f Boys' and Young Men's Clothing Youths' Overcoats in sizes from 3 to 8, in automo bile styles at,'wh ..$5 Youths' two-piece Suits, in sizes 3 to 8, at each, $3.50, $-1.00,. $5.00 and $0-00 Boys' Suits in sizes 8 to 15, . in all new shades at, each $4.00 to $10.90 Buster Brown Suits, with Overcoats to match, at each ..'..$6.50 to $7.00 Full line of odd Pants for bovs, sizes 4 to 17 vears. each .....50? to $2.00 VANDYKE'S BIJOU TOEATR BILLY EMPEY VAN - - Manager TONIGHT, Last Chance To See "The Bachelor's Romance" :also Billy Van and Chas. Overton in "Hoot Mon" a Scotch Specialty Beginning SUNDAY Evening "Master And Man" A Four-Act Comedy Drama Diato Lorenzo , - Grand Opera Singer Italian, Spanish and American Songs Saturday and Sunday Evenings Admission 10-20 Cents BENSON'S BARGAINS Wo have u iiiiiiiliei' of suburban lot h which we will rliiHii mil in 11 hunch lit n hnrgoiu counter price, r will Inulii I'm' riiiii'li. Siimll house and hit-go Kit on Holly M reel, if.ViO. In this n hiinp? . We luive M-verul income-paying liiihinoNH properties l'or hiiIii. 1 1' ymi lire intci-cMcd in this class of invest neiil, il will hi v you lo Hoe iih. We lire hiiiiliiuiirlcrs fur husiiiosH pruporlioK of every description. Ten ncres four miles from Metlford nnd lt miles from Cenlriil Point, new Jmiil, H'2 ncrua renily to eulli vute, new .')-ronm Iioiihc, (food new small hit in. situated on main Inn-clod rond; the very best noil in tlie vul ley; fine fine shade treed mid u bcuu- t I ill Nile for a hoina. Largo lot with 12 full bearing np ple trees on South Central uveniio; fine liie'ution mid n lioiiiiliful ki'o for tt liomo; n snap if tnken nt once. Forty ucroH, 10 miles from Med ford, half mile from lloiigloj 8 ucios cuHivntod; 4 Heron in fruit tree 2 to 10 yours old, on two good roiuln; Hmiill hoiiKO, burn, woodKhod, etc; 25 ucron incloNod in wovon wiro fonoo $2000 Now 5-room Iioiibo, lmrdwood fin ih, now woodHlied, well on buck porch, lot oOxlOO, corner Jnckw.ii "'d Mr $450 Ono nero, 0-room . Iioiiho, bnrn, chicken Iioiiho, eity wnter, only (100 feet from liivereido iivoiino . . .$3400 5-r.om nio)ei-n ImiiiriiIow on South Centrnl avciiuo ;u fniip if tnken nt onc . $2050 Ninc-ronin modern hoiiso, Hmiill. low addition, lot COxlUO, corner -It It and OronBo, neitr Oiikdnlo nve..$3850 nereH, ono mile from P. & K. depot; n lifiiffiiin nt the price.. $6000 nonfiling bonne Best locution in the city; cleiirn ifl.M) per month: Inner '"i"0 , $2200 27 ncrcR. throe milnu fr...., f...i ' foro; .fl.-.OO Iioiinp, Knod bnrn. nil in nlfnlfn; tho best In ml he fomid in tlio J(oKiio Kivcr vnlley; tcrniK.$l2,000 1HU, ncrex. clone in iirinmriw r;... est free Hoil, I I noreo jilniitcd to com inerciiil npploR iiml pciirn 4 yenrn old, V-. iieres nlfnlfn; (rood tormn $1 1,500 Kur unle or rout fl-mmn m,),. buiiKiiluw on Ornnirc Hlreet, nnnr Oiik lnle; rent $:)0; price $3850 HtmineKM locution lot "lOxlOO, HkIiI in the honrt of tho eity. Cull ri( onr office for pnrlicu!nr $8500 r nereH iiiKido city liiuilK, hit'li elo yntion; this trnct enn ho Hiibdivided into building lots or would iiuiko nn idenl nrchnrd irnct. it in n bnrgniti ttt $3000 5 ncrcs ndjoining city limits, good orchnrd land and n boniitirul Bite for ft homo; in ono yenr will ho worth double tho prieo nnkod $2000 10 ncrcs, ono milo from Medford on tnniu traveled rond to AhIiIiiih! ; Bonr creek bottom. land, net to npples nnd penrs 2 yonrs old; trco8 nro Htrong mid vigoroim. Hero in a . bountiful silo for ' n - homo. Eimy tonnn. V $2900 3-room box Iioiiho nnd lnrgo lot on South Centrnl avenue, completely furninhod; good well nnd chicken limine; n genuine bargain; cimy torum. Price $750 Somo splendid l)iisinnH proporties for mile, 1oho in, good incoine pay ers. Cull nt our offioo for doluiis. 'Our charge m $t per nionlb for rciilir nnd collecting. We roprenont seven ulrnng rolitt hle firo insiininco enmpnnieH. Surely bondn W represent the Un ion Ouaraiiteo Association of Port land. We hnvo Bcvornl npplientions on filo for furnished houses. BENSON INVESTMENT CO Opposite Moore Hotel 1 12 W. Main St. Phone 3073 Main.