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About Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1909)
the "rcnwmi) daily trimjne, medford, okkoox, Saturday, octobkr no, moo. 3 TARIFF WAR WITH WORLD JEEWS SURE New Law Said to Be Dlspleasln'u to Many of the Foreign Countries. WAKIIINUTON, M.:il).Vli'llicr 1 1n I'liilcd Slulcs in K"'"K K" "' ii luril'f wiir or nut will) 1 lift rent of tlm world ri'inniiiH to do uni-n. Tim wi'iipoim for Hiiitli wnr liro nlrriiily in poNilioii, (jutm urn now ink' Irnim-d, mill iiiiiiniiiiition in licinj; collccti'i). Tim oiiti'iiiiic will ilcicnil it f tit tln ili'u'ii'o of iii'iiiii'Hi'i'iicn with wlarli l'nrui;ii 1 1 i i : i i i . s i r willing' to ri'uiinl our ni'w tnriff lmv, nml upon) llm iii(liilj!i'iwi', or nullity, with' wliirli tho I'liilcil Slut cm offiriiiln Cll furen it. Kor llioro in mi ilnuM tlml Hut t'nili'il Klnti'H n (IrliMiiiiiii'd to nu foi'i'ii it m rililH to mi 'iiiul oppor liinily in llm iiiiirkcts of the ivorltl. If IIhti' in to lie any nntioiiH bpci'iiilly f mured in I In1 iniilti-r of ciikIihii rntnx tli Vnilod Stuli'H miiht liu mm of tlii'in. Thin country !h not nuking nny fu vorn Hint nro not m-cordi'il to oilier, hut it ilocH liold, for iuKtiini'C, llmt it hlutll icccivH from ilx iiicridiiiiitH tlm HiiuiK ciiHtouiH t i'cii t men ( Hint r'nini'p (liven to Hie Oeriiinii merelnuilH on the hump cliifi of nrtii'li-K, mid Ciinjtrc'KS Iiiim provided tlm means by wh'u-li it is lielievcil, Hint lie insured. Should n tnriff wnr lie iuiiiiuuruleil lietweeii nny one of llm liiif Eurojii'iin I'oiiulrieM nml llm 1'nited Stules there is no donlit Hint it would lie, nt least teniiornril.v, disiislroiiH to ninny in rnslries in both eountrii'M. Hut ns tlm I'nited Slntes proilueeH onn-tliird of Hie world's food products, it tins I lie other cniiiilries liiiudiciippcd in such n coiiimerciiil wnrfnrn nml Hie iiii'renscd cost of living in nny coun try Hint preeipitiiled n filit would, it is lliotiLiht, suon produce sneb n condition of nffiiir lit homo iih (o enfori ciipituliition to llie I'liilcd Stnlcs ternm. As is well known, the incnnn 1V which this country hopes to lie aide to compel Hie entriiiicc of Americiin I'niiinioditics into foreign ntin'UcIs on c(iinl tenns with IIiokc of nny other country, is the niiiMuiutn in id mini mum hcetion of the new tnriff luw In brief, this simply iiicnns that those iinlioiis Hint do not allow American products to enter their ports on oil no I terms with similar articles from older countries will find, after March .'II next, Iheir own products, sent to the l;nilcd Slntcs, taxed 'Jfi per cent mora thnn tho regular tnriff rates, mid more Hum the same class of foods coining from oilier countries that have been found to treat the Tinted Stales fairly. TALENT TALES Hymn Tcrril from Harney county has beers visiting his parents; nt Tal ent. Horn-To Mr. nnd Mrs. Vanc Wiilunmnlli), on Tuesday, October l!l, n ilaiiuhlcr. Mother und child arc doing well mid it is hoped that Ilia father will recover. J, II, Slewnrd of I.os Angeles, Cul i f' j in in , is visiting willi the family of Mr. Summers nenr Talent. ; Win. Iteurdslcy (if l'lioauix on Weil nchdav liui'chaNcd n wagon load of iipples from parties in Talent, which I he will sell in Klaimilli county. RAISING FUND TO FIGHT WHITE PLAGUE Thirty Million Stamps Will Be Placed on Salo by the Red Cross . Society. WASHINGTON, Oct. .'HI. Thirty I million Christmas stnnps of the i 'rank Smith nml his daughter, 1 Americiin Kcd Cross will he placed on Mrs. h. Wadingtoii of Alnskn, while ',,) (brougliout the country curly in en route to San IVancisco slopped off . . ' . ' stumps melius n bullet in I lie .great lit latent anil visiteil Willi Mrs. Wuil diugton's graudmotlicr, Mrs. Crosby. I' (. Hopkins from Vniicnuvor, fight iigninst the White, i'lugue.. yiishinglon, is visiting willi llm fum-, These stamps arc not to ho used in ily of John Hearing nt Tnlent. ,ymt ,lf (;,.( Hll1-H (IOs!ngc thy Itobeil l'urves nnd Jack liallard on ,.v ,m, IMI.r(.v Ht,.k,-rn" intended Thursday went out to the Applcgalo , )C Ul)C.,j ; bl!llyin,, ;hHi,11(lf) ,,jfls country on n hunting trip. If. J. Kiiicbarger from Mcdford, on Thursday was in Talent, lie pur chased ii couple of lags for deer hides from Justice Sherman. W. U. Mason from Portland hist week w'as visiting his father, J. ('. Mason of Tiilcul. lieu Tliurber from Minnesota last week arrived in Talent. Mr. Thurher is n brother-iu-law of I'rof. 0. W. Agr of this plncn. The dance given in Iho Netberland hull Saturday evening was a pro nounced success. There was n good Utlendance und those present en joyed Hi ! ni selves. On Sunday Sam Hobinson suffered n severe accident. While repairing the windmill tower he lost his balance and fell to tlm ground 'injuring his back mid shoulders. Drs. Forbes mid $wedeiiburg are in attendance. The following is n list of persons stopping at the Hell house during the week: If. W. Hurling. Portland; W. H. Mason, Portland; Charles I.. Hat field, Mrs. N. Cunningham, Mrs. Ida or letters As far back as 1802 slnmps or "stickers" of this kind were sold us n means of raisii g fiuds for charitable purposes. In that year great num bers of stamps known iis"Sanitary Fair Stamps" were sold at a fnir nt Hostou, the proceeds going into n fund for Hie care of the wounded sol diers of I he civil war. Two such fairs were held in Brooklyn, one of which m 1804, netted $1(10,000. In, tho siiino your the United States Miniliiry commission stumps were sold, realizing .$1,200,000. AN AUTUMN DITTY , The staff poet on the Oregon Jour nal sal down nmllhiiikcd ; and hav ing thiiiik, scribbled seriously; Apples rosy, apples fair, apples, apples, everywhere; Apples yellow, apples red, best of ap ples, kings have said; Apples favored with pure joy for man, or maiden, eld or boy; Apples known (ho world around, from Hood river's mount-girt ground; Apples from Willamette's plains, glistening in October ruins; Apples from the , choicest brands from southern Oregon lucious lands; Apples from Nehnlcm's vales, and Polk's foothills, where a crop never fails; Apples in sen-fneing Coos, in high. dry lake tlicy ore no, more news; Apples in Raker, Union, Grant; they say you may try to bent them, but can't; Apples in Lane, Linn, Josephine, in Lincoln and Crook, e'en Harney, I ween; Apples, oh welli in all the rest that are or can be made, the best; Apples from California's line to Coliimhin's rift, und from ocean's brine; ' Apples to the mountains of Idaho, by millions of bushels will finely grow. Apples, apples everywhere; it is good to go to an apple fair. AVIATION RAISES Attorneys Now Considering the Own ership of the Air Over- . head. WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. Who owns the airT The ancient Romans who mnst huve looked ahead through the cen turies and had visions of the present day aeroplane and dirigible, enacted a law grunting absolute ownership of the air above property owned by a citizen - In the light of the achievement of the Wright Brothers, Curtiss, Bler iot, and hosts of others, the ipicstiou has been reviewed after sleeping for centuries, nnd nerial enthusiasts are now asking legal , authorities' for n citation in the wodcrn . laws which might throw some light on it. T.yttleton Fox who is a member of theAero club of America, started tho discussion nt a recent meeting of that organization. He renched hnek into the musty tomes of ages and found that old lioimin law; remem bered Hint the English luw was mod eled after that code, recollected also that the statutes of America were made after those of old Great Britain and (hen cast about to see whether that particular ancient Roman law had survived through the process of transfer. Banilliouso, J. E. Smith, Mrs. E. Kease.Mrs. D. E. Warner, II. G. Pnr ker, Ashland; George II. Parker,, Grants Pass; Clauds Schrock, Cor vallis, Gerald Picker, Avers, Oregon; If. V. McCrellis, Piirceil, Oklahoma; H. G. Dake, Seattle;!). M. Souther land. Kay Lce Portland; R. A. Tnyne, 0. L. Irwin, Ashland; E. J. Kriiusc, C. Walker, I). II. Jackson, Churles Chauffer, I. M. LnCassoau, Medford. THE... NASH LIVERY GO. Have the Best Turnouts in the City You nro treated right, the prieo is right, the team is right iit fact, everything is right. Como and see. NASH LIVERY CO. Free Christian Science Lecture at the Medford Opera House at 8 o'clock. Tuesday Evening, November 2, JUDGE SEPTIMUS J. HANNA Colorado Springs, Col. Member f the Christian Science Board of Lectureship of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Bos ton, Mass. The public is cordial ly invited. " For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good wc eannot obtain a better coffee not if rc paid $1 a pound for it. , " Everything about I'olger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, aa4 we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHIN A WARE. FRUIT ANT) FEED TREES 84032 booked to date. , Reliable stock at right prices. Everything in the nursery line. Vines, Plants, Flowering Shrubs. Once a customer, you will come again. Just Arrived From Holland Full and Complete line of bulbs. Best Line of Lawn Grass in the city Ornamentals and small fruits 50,000 No. I Grape Roots . while they last at $25 per thousand. Peaches and Apricots Newtowns, Spitzenberg, Jonathans, Winesap Apples, Bartletts, Winter Nelis and Cornice Pears, N. S. BENNETT 1201 N. CENTRAL AVE. ' - P. O. BOX 823. PHONE 3221 You will do well do get our prices, before buying ROGUE RIVER NURSERY C. F. COOK, Proprietor MEDFORD, OR. PHONE 583. OFFICE IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY DEPOT 'X street, Medford. GEORGE M. BORDEAUX. Seventh street.