Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 30, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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titv iinTirrs
OUD1NASCE NO. 248. .
An ordinance declaring tho assess
tijeiit ou the property benefited for
the cost Ot laviii a water maiu ou
Clark .street aud directing the Record
er to enter a statement thereot ui me
.....,. ntiiiti linti itorket. ' '
The citv of Medford doth ordain as
follows: - ,
Section 1. Whereas, tho city coun
bv resolution de
clare its intention to lay au-incn
water main ou Clark street. West,
throughout its entire , length to
west corporation boundary, and
to assess ' the cost ' therof ou
the property fronting on said por
tion of said street iu proportion to
the frontage of said property, ami um
fix a time and 'place for hearing pro
tests against the laving of said wa
ter main on said portion of said street
and the" assessment .of the cost there
of as aforesaid; aud.
Whereas, said resolution was duly
...a nniiiishi1 as reouired bv
yUBlCU on.. - . .
section 110 of the charter of said
citv; and. .-,
w-i ... montinir of the council
was held at the time and place fixed
in said resolution for the purpose oi
such protests, but no
protests were at such time or at any
time made to or receivea ov uie coun
cil to the laving of said water maiu or
the assessing of the cost thereof as
aforesaid, and said council having
considered the matter, and deeming
that said water main was and is of
material benefit to said citv and that
all property to be assessed therefor
would be benefited thereby to the ex
tent of the probable amount of the
respective assessments to be levied
against said property, did order said
water main laid: and.
Whereas, the cost of said water
main has been and hereby U de
termined to be the sum of $2713.27.
Now. therefore, it is hereby further
determined that the proportionate
share of the cost of laving said wa
ter main of each parcel of the prop
erty fronting on said portion of said
street is the amount set opposite the
description of each piece or parcel of
land below and that each such piece
or parcel of land is benefited bv the
laving of said water main to the full
extent of the amount so set opposite
the description of such piece or par
cel, and that the respective amounts
represent the proportional benefits of
said water main to said respective
parcels of property and also the pro
portional frontage thereof on said
portion jof said street, and the council
does hereby declare each of the par
cels of property described below to
be assessed and each of the same
hereby is assessed the amount set op
posite each respective description for
the cost of laving said water main:
assessment for a six-inch
i watek main , on clark
street. west. throughout
its entire Length to cor
porate LIMITS.
' Assessment No. 1 William Bam.
commencing at a point 30 feet north
and 8.02 chains west of the south
east corner of lot 5. in block 2, Min
gus sub-division in section 24. town
ship 37 south, range 2 west of the W.
if. and running thence north 6.45
chains to center of the county road,
thence south 42 degrees and 42 min
utes west along said county road 8
and 73 chains, more or less, to a point
situated 30 feet north of the south
-,. . l I... n unnA .net .mfnllol
line oi saiu ioi o. iuuh-c
with and 30 feet north of said south
line of said lot 5. 5.48 chains to
place of beginning, and containing
1.88 acres, more or less, frontage
385.44 feet on north side Clark street.
West, described Vol. . 49, page,.. 175.
county recorder's records of Jackson
t Hrorrnn- 385.44 feet: rate per
foot 72 2-10 cents; amount due,
Assessment No. 2 A. W. Sturgis.
commencing at a point 30 feet north
and 3 chains. 80 links west of the
southeast corner of lot 5. block 2.
Mingus sub-division in section 24.
township 37 south, range 2 west W'.
M. and running thence west 4 chains.
22 links, thence north 0 chains. 45
links to the center of county road,
thence north 42 degrees, 15 minutes
cast along the center line of said
county road, 6 chains, 30 links, more
or less, to a point situated north of
the place of commencing, thence south
11 chains. 7 links, to the place of
commencing, containing 3.52 acres,
more or less, frontage 278.52 feet oh
north , side Clark street. West, de
scribed VoK 59. page 105, county re-
. corder's records of Jackson "ountv.
Oregon; 278.52 feet; rate per foot.
72 2-10 cents: amount due. $201.09.
Assessment No. 3 J. T. Eads,
commencing 30 feet north of the
southeast corner of lot 5, block 2.
Mingus sub-division section 24.
township 37 south, range 2 west to
W. M., Jackson county, Oregon, and
running thence . west parallel with
south line of, said lot 3 chains, 80
, links, thence north parallel with east
lino. of said lot 11 chains. 7 links,
more or less, to the center of county
road alone the northwest side of said
lot, thence northeasterly along center
line of said county road to a point
north of northeast corner of said
lot. thence south to and ulotig east
line of said lot 15 chains, 25 links,
more or less, to beginning, containing
5 ucres. more or less, frontage 250.8
feet on north side Clark street. West,
described Vol. t2, page 45(i, county
recorder's records of Jacksou couutv,
Oregon; 250.8 feet; rate per' foot.
72 2-10 cents: amount due. $181.07.
Assessment , No. .4 Gertrudo . E.
Weeks, commencing at the northwest
comer of lot 3, block 2. Mingus sub
division section 24, township 37 south,
range 2 west of W. M. in Oregou, and
runuing thence "2 ' chains, 87 links,
thence south 0 chains. 37 links to
within 30 feet of tho south line of
said lot, thence west 2 chains, 8"
links; thence north on ' west line of
said lot 6 chains., 37y litiks to place
of commencing, containing 1.83 acres
more or less, frontage 189.42 feet on
north side Clark street,. West, describ
ed Vol 63. page 524. county record
er's records of Jackson county, Ore
gon: 1S9.42 feet: rate per foot.
72 2-10 cents; amount due, $136.76.
Assessment No. 5 W. M. Erskine,
commencing at a' point on north line
of lot 3, block 2, Mingus sub-division
section 24, township 37 south, range
2 west of W. M., situated 2 chains 87
links east of the northwest corner of
said lot and running thence east on
said north line 4 chains, 70 litiks,
thence south 6 chains, 37V links to
within 30 feet of south line of said
lot. thence west parallel with and 30
feet north from said south , line 4
ehuius. 70 links, thence north 6
chains, 37A links to place of begin
ning and containing 3 acres, more or
less, excepting and reserving from the
above a piece of laud 100 feet square
off southeast comer of tho described
laud heretofore sold and marked Z
on plat, frontage 210.2 feet ou north
side Clark street. West, described
Vol. 65, page 195, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon ;
210.2 feet: rate per foot. 72 2-10
cents: amount due. $lol.i6.
Assessment No. 6 J. C. Emerick,
commencing at a point on the north
line of lot 3. block 2, Mingus sub
division, section 24, township 37
south, range 2 west of W. M., situated
3 chains. 13 links west of the north
east comer of said lot 3 and from
said point running thence south to
within 30 feet Of south line of snid lot
3. thence west parallel with the said
south line 3 chains. 93 links, thence
north to north line of said lot 3.
thence east on said north line 3
chains. 93 links, to place of beginning.
containing IVt acres, more or less.
frontage 258.72 feet on north side
Clark street, West, described Vol. 61,
page 331, county recorder's records
of Jackson couutv, Oregon ; 258.72
feet; rate per foot. 72 2-10 cents:
amount due. $186.79.
Assessment No. 7 Paul Krutzler.
commencing at a point on east line
of lot 3. block 2, Mingus sub-division.
section 24. township 37 south, range
2, west of W. M situated 30 feet
north of southeast corner thereof and
running thence north on said east
line to the northeast corner of said
lot. thence west on north line of said
lot 3. 3 chains. 13 links, thence south
to within 30 feet of the south line of
said lot and thence east 3 chains. 13
links to place of commencing, con
taining 2 acres, more or less, front
age 206.58 feet north side Clark
street, West, described Vol. 47, page
158. county recorder's records of
Jacksou county,-Oregon ; 206.58 feet:
rate per foot, 72-2-10 cents; amount
due. $149.15.' '
Assessment . No. 8 Geo.' A. Don
hcrt. commencing at a point 30 feet
south of the northeast comer of lot
2. block 2, Mingus sub-division, sec
tion 24, township 37 south, range 2
west of W. M., running thence south
100 feet, thence west at right angles
with aforesaid line 3 chains, 13 links,
thence north parallel with cast line
100 feet, thence cast to place of be-ginni-g,
frontage 206.58 feet on south
side Clark street. West, described Vol.
70, paae 132. county recorder's re
cords . of Jackson county, Oregon:
156.58 feet: rate per foot. 72 2-10
cents: amount due, $113.05.
Assessment No. 9 John Huertlc.
commencing at n point in Mingus sub
division, section 24. township 37south
range 2 west of W. M., 206.6 feet
west and 220 feet north of the south
east corner of lot 2, block 2, in said
sub-division, nnd running thence
north 200 feet to the south line of
the street, thence west 100 feet
thence south 200 feet, thence east 100
feet to beginning point, fronlnge 100
feet 011 south side Clark street, West,
described Vol. 58, page 243. county
recorder s records of Jackson county,
Oregon: 100 feet: rate per foot.
72 2-10 cents: amount due, $72.20. .
Assessment No. 10 Frances A.
Bliss, commencing at a point on south
line of lot 2. block 2, Mingus sub-division;
section 24, township 37 south,
range 2 west of, W. M., 3 chains, 13
links west of the southeast corner of
said lot and running thuncu north par
allel with east lino ot said lot to
within 30 feet of uorth liim thereof,
thence west parallel with and 30 feet
distance south from said north line
3 chains, 13 links, thence south to
south line of said lot, thouce east to
place of beginning. containing 2
acres, iu Jackson couutv, Oregon,
frontage 106.58 feet on south Bide
Clark street, West, described Vol. 36.
page 233, county .recorder's records
of Jacksou couutv, Oregon". 106.58
feet; rate per foot, 72 2-10 cents;
amount due. $76.95. , ,; ,
Assessment No. 11 L0. Howard
commencing, at .a point 26 feet south
aud 6 chains. 26 links west of, the
northeast comer of lot 2.,' block 2
Mingus sub-division, section 's 24,
township 37 south, range 2 west of W.
M. .'and . ruuuiug1 thence, south 6
chains, 37 Vi links to the, south line
of said lot 2. thence west on said
south line 2 chains, 11 links, thence
north 6 chains, 37V links to within
30 foot of the north line of said lot 2.
thence east parallel with said north
line 2 chains, 11 links to place of
commencing, containing 1.34 acres,
more or loss, frontage 139.20 feet on
south side Clark street. West, de
scribed Vol. 50, page 623, county re
corder's records of Jackson couutv,
Oregon: 139.26 feet; rate per foot.
72 2-10 cents: amount due. $100.54.
. Assessment No. 12 F.urucst Kieh
ter, 'et. ux., comenciug at the south
west comer of lot 2. block 2, Mingus
sub-division, section 24. township 37
south, rango 2 west of W. M., und run
uing thence north 011 the west line of
said lot 2 within 30 feet of said west
comer thereof, thence' east parallel
with and 30 feet distant from said
north line 6 chains, 26 links, thence
south to the south line of said lot,
thence west 011 said south lino 6
chains, 26 links to place of commenc
ing, containing 4 acres, more or less,
frontage 413.16 feet ou south side
Clark street. West, described Vol.
48, puge 552. couutv recorder's re
cords of Jacksou county. Oregon:
413.16 feet: rate per foot. 72 2-10
cents: amount due. $298.30.
Assessment No. 13 Earnest Rich
ter. ct. ux., beginning ut a point 30
feet south of the northeast corner of
lot 6, block 2, Mingus- sub-division,
section 24. townsliip 37 south, range
2 west of W. M., and running thence
west 1 chain, 56, 9 links, thence south
to the south line of said lot 6. thence
east 1 chain. 5612. links to southeast
comer of said lot 0. thence north on
east boundary line thereof to place of
beginning', containing 1 acre, more or
less, frontage 103.29 feet 011 south
side Clark street. West, described
Vol. 53. page 583. county recorder's
records of Jacksou county, Oregon:'
103.29 feet: rate per foot, 72 2-10
cents; amount due, $74.57.
Assessment No. 14 Richard F.
Antle. commencing nt a point 30 feet
south 1 chain, 56'i links, west of
northeast corner of lot 6. block 2,
Mingus subdivision, section 24, town
ship 37 south, 'range 2 west of Wr.
M. und running tlicnce west 1 chain.
56 links, thence south to south line
of Said lot (i. thence east 1 chain,
56 links, thence north to place of
beginning, containing 1 acre, more 01
less, and being the west half of the
2 acre tract in lot 6 above mentioned,
frontage 103.29 feet 011 south side
Clark street. West, described V6I. 72.
page 355. county recorder's records
of Jackson county. Oregon: 103.29
feet; rate per foot. 72 2-10 cents;
amount due-. $74.57.
Assessment No. 151. L. Hamilton,
commencing at a point on south line
lot 0. block 2. Mingus. sub-division
section 24. township 37. south, range
2 west, W. M., and situated 3 and 13
chains west of tho soutlieast comer
of said lot and from said point run
ning thence west on the south line
of said lot 2.09 chains, thence north
6.371-,. Mains to within 30 feet of
north lino of said lot. thence cast
2.09 chains, thence 6.37 chains to
place of beginning, containing 1.34
acres, more or less, frontage 137.94
feet on south side Clark street. West,
described Vol. 40, page 160, count v
recorder's rceohls of Jackson county.
Oregon; 137.04 feet: rate per foot,
72 2-10 cents; amount due. $99.59.
Assessment No. 16 Muthics Dcm
mer, commencing at the southwest
comer of lot 0. block 2. Mingus sub
division, section 24, township 37
south, range 2 west, W. M., Jackson
county. Oregon, nnd running thence
wist on south line of said, lot 9
chains nnd 41. links, thence north at
right angles to said south line to
within 30 feet on north line of said
lot. thence west pnrallel with 30 feet
distance south from north lino of said
lot to southerly line of county road,
crossing northwest corner of said lot.
thence south 42 degrees,. 15 minutes
west on snid southerly line of said
county road to west line of said lot,
tlicnce south on said west line of said
lot to place of beginning, containing
6 acres, frontage 621.00 feet north
side Clark street. West, described
Vol. 31. page 500, county recorder's
records . of Jaokson couutv, Orogon:
621.0(1 feel; rate per foot, 72 2-10
cents; amount due, $118.-10.
., Assessment No. 17 M. A. Broker,
commencing at a point situated 30
teot north and 7 chains, 6 links west
of'thu southeast corner of lot 3,
block 2, Mingus sub-division, section
24, township 37 south, range 2 west,
W. M. aud running thcuce west 100
foot, thence north 100 font, thmice
oast 100 .feet, thence south 101) feet
to place of beginning, froutago 100
feet north side Clark street. West,
described Vol. 62, page 213, county
recorder s records of Jacksou comity.
Oregon; 100 foot; rate per foot,
7 J J-10 cents; amount due $72.20.
Section 2. ' The, recorder of the citv
of Modford is hereby directed to ontor
a statement of snid several assess
ments in the water main lion docket
of 811 id city ns required bv tho city
Tho forogoin ordinance was pass
ed bv tho citv council of tho citv uf
Medtord on the 22nd dav of October.
1909, by tho following vote: Merrick
avo; Welsh, avo; Eifert, nve; Kinor
ick, absent: Wortman, nve: Denimcr,
Approved October 23rd. 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mayor.
An ordinance granting to E. (,'.
Sliurpc. his ussociatos, his successors
or assigns, tho right to construct,
erect, maintain and opcrnto .in the
city of Medford, county of Juckson,
state of Oregon, und in the streets,
alleys, avenues and thoroughfares
thereof, subject to the approval of
tho citv council, wires, conductors
and other appliances for the trans
mission of electricity for telephones,
telegraph and messenger service, for
tho purpose of currying on a tele
phone, telegraph and messenger busi
ness iu snid citv.
The citv of Medford doth ordain
ns follows:
Suction 1. The rights and privileges
are hereby grunted to E. C. Sharpe,
his associates, his executors, admin
istrators, successors or assigns, sub
ject to tho approval of tho citv coun
cil, to consNuct, luv, maintain and
operate in, the city of Medford, coun
ty of Jackson, statu of Oregon, in
cluding ull the streets, ullcvs. uve
nues and thoroughfares thereof,
poles, wires and other conductors
and cables necessary excavations,
construct and build and muiulnin u
telephone, telegraph and messenger
service und to do u telephone, tele
graph und messenger service business
in suid city, such wires, poles and
other fixtures und appliances com
monly used iu such work und con
struction, are to be placed in proper
places and at proper distances above
and beiow ground as tho case muv
require, und such other upparalus
mav be used us muv be necesurv or
proper to maintain und operate the
same, but such poles und other uppn
rutus shall be set iu vlaco aud main
tained so us not to interfere with the
free use of said streets, ulloys, ave
nues and tlioroughfures.
Section 2. It shall be lawful for
said grantee, his associates, his exe
cutors, administrators, successors or
assigns to niuke needful and conven
ient repairs und excuvations in anv
of suid streets, alleys, avenues und
thoroughfares in suid oitv of Med
ford, for the purpose of erecting
pole. niacin,' wires, cnblos nnd other
app.ii;ccs iidiI fixtures, and to main
taii: th'.- same for the purpose afore
said, . hen i.iiue in accordance with
the resolution und ordianccs of the
suid city of .Medford.
Section 3. ' Whenever suid grantee,
his associates, his executors, admin
istrators, successors or assigns shall
disturb any of suid streets, ullcvs.
avenues und thoroughfares thereof
for the purpose aforesaid, thev shall
restore tho same to us good order
und condition as when before dis
turbed .as soon ns possible, and with
out unnecessary delay, and failing to
do so, the city council or other gov
erning body of said citv of Medford
shall have tho right to fix bv resolu
tion a reasonable, time within which
such rcapirs nnd restoration of
streets shall be completed, and if re
pairs are not complete nt expiration
of time fixed bv council, then tho citv
can cause such repairs to be made
(bv resolution of council) nnd make
a reasonable charge and collect same
from said grantee, his associates,
etc ., . ., , -
Section 4. The grantee, his' associ
ates, his executors, administrators,
successors and assigns shall nt the
time of construction, as aforesaid nnd
set forth thorein. file with tho city
council a plat showing tho location
of such streets, alleys, avenues and
thoroughfares as is to be so occupied,
nnd tho same shall be presented to
Iho oitv' council for approval.
' Section 6. The maximum rata of
telephone' rentals to be charged' for
each telephone service shnll be as
designated in the following table
showing tho various kinds of service
with their respective rales:
. $."1.0(1 per mouth for individual
main lino business service.
$2.00 por .month for individual
main lino residence service.
$2.S0 por uioiilh for two party se
lective ringing business service.
$1.50 pur month fur two party se
lective ringing residence service.
$1.25 pur month for four party se
lective ringing residence surviua.
It is hereby understood and ugroed
that the above tuble of'ratoH khiill
be maintained us 0 permanent ugroo
ment until said grantee shall luixe in
stalled and operate thruugh said ox
change, not lens than one thousand
connected telephones within tho citv
limits of the city of Mcil'ord. . When
Iho actual number uf operating tele
phones shall huvu exceeded one thou
sand connected telephone- services
then said grantee, his associates, his
executors, successors or assigns shall
huve Iho right to inercasu the above
mentioned monthly rates not to ex
coed fifty cents per mouth for each
telephone service so connected in
Section 6. Nothing iu this ordi
nance shall he construed as in any
wise to prevent tho proper authorities
of said citv of Medford from sewer
ing, grading, paving, rcpuirint. or al
tering any of tho streets on which
said grantee, his associates, his ex
ecutors, etc., arc operating ou.
Section 7. The grantee, his associ
ates, his executors, administrators,
successors or nssiiriiH hIiiiII alter re
ceiving notice from the proper au
thorities of said citv of Medford, re
move, raiso or lower his wires, ca
bles, etc.. on nnv of the streets of
snid citv. to admit free passimo of
anv hoiiso or houses which urn being
moved upon said streets bv tho au
thority given bv said citv, said notice
to be served upon said crantee. his
asscciutes, his executor-, etc., not
lexs I It 11 ii thirtv-six hours before such
removal of said wirii, cables or oth
er fixtures is reouired.
Section Hi In consideration of the
rights grunted, the city of Medtord,
bv its proper officers,
shall have the right to suspend upon
the poles placed bv said grantee, his
associates, his successors, executors
or assigns, in (he streets as afore
said, anv or nil the wires which mav
bo ri-oiiired tor tire alarm or iiolico.
telegraph service ami for 110 other
purposes except those mentioned in
this section.
Section 9. The grantee shall fur
nish and maintain tree six telephone
services to the cilv of .Med lord, and
one additional telephone service for
each additional fire station hereafter
maintained bv the citv. The said
services to be placed irs may bo des
ignated bv the cilv council.
Section 10. Said grantee, his as
sociates, his executors, etc.. agree to
begin actual work on Iho things men
tioned in this ordinance within four
months from its passage and taking
effect, and prosecute the siuno will
diligence until substantially complete.
Keel ion 11. Said grnntec, his asso
ciates, his executors, etc.. further
agree that to violate any of Iho con
ditions herein set forth, timo being the
essence hereof, will be sufficient
cause to annul ull privileges herein
set forth, mentioned nnd described.
Section 12. Thu rights, privileges
und franchise herein grunted shall
continue and be in full force for a
period of ten (10) years from the
passngo of this ordinance and no
Section 13. Said grantee shall,
within ten days after the passage of
this ordinance file with tho city clerk
his written acceptance of this fran
chise. Section 14. It is further agreed
that tho. style of cciuipmcnl shall be
of tho most modern make.
Section 15. The said gran lee is to
remove and change tho locution of
nnv pole or poles or appliances when
so directed bv tho citv authorities
within fifteon days lifter receiving
such notice nnd such removals or
changes to bo made iu accordance
with the resolution of Ihe cilv council.
Whenever, bv reason of ooneen
t rat ion of business and traffic on
nnv portion of nnv street or nveniin.
jt is, in tho opinion of tho citv coun
cil essential to the safety of property
nnd tho convenience of tho public that
all poles nnd overhead wiros bo re
moved from said portion of said
street or avenue, tho cilv council may
by resolution declnro such condition
to exist, nnd thereupon said grantoo
agrees to promptly proceed In cause
all polos nnd overhead wiros to be
removed from snid portion of said
street or avonuo and plnco upon some
other: street, alloy or avenue, or to
cause said wires to bo burind bo
nenth tho surfneo of snid portion of
snid street or avenue as said citv
council mav direct.
Section 16. Tho stvlo of construc
tion to bo of tho full mulliplo tpve
cnblo svstom on nil outside construc
tion, including Iho main stroot of the
citv nnd other streets ns far as consistent.
Siiclion 17. This frnneliisi. la ,,,.1
be IraiiMl'io I '.nil i:.....i
II reel I v Id 1 Hi Annus, .in. 11.. 11 'I'.i..
ioiiu ( ninpnnv or nnv Miibsidarv
mpuiiv thereof, or to nnv telephone
iiipiiiiv doing a con iliiv.i
Hiu business.
- Section 18. Tho suid grantoo fur
ther hold the city free
rum all harm and damages arising
I ruin any negligence or othurwisu
upon tho part of tho grantoo whilu
constructing ( operating tho said
('lephono plant within tho city of
Section 10. fs.i.M
. 1 ... uiiimuu uvrces
lilt 110 Will, ill nil i: I ...
, " ilium, uiiu upon
roiisonnblq terms, ifermit anv com-
PailV. association
.. . '", fv.c.ii ut- iwrrtuilH,
operatinof or owning a telephone svs-
...... ur one willmut tllo cilv of Mud-
1 i. will! Ills
mud telephone svstum. and that he
will nllor.l such eoinpunv. iihsoiiIii
tion. person or persons connection
with his subscribers iu the cilv of
Sucliou o()i Jn ,.(,lmilBraliuM ()f
Hie riL'lll iri.inl.,,1 ,1... . ..: 1 .. ..
10 iiiiiko connections with hi
Mmrpe. his associates, his successors.
hmiuiin, no nureliv covenant and
agree to make and tarnish the said
;;.v 01 mc.iior.l, on or before (he
tirst day f February and thu first
day of August of 01., V(,uri u tr1(J
and complete slaloi t showing the
gross receipts of ,0 telephone, tele
graph und innse,,...r 1...
ncss. and all thereof conducted pr.
suiunt to Hum franchise, lor Iho six
months preceding tho first day of
Jauiiurv and thu first duv of July,
respectively, next before the date of
suul report. Suid ruis.rt ..,,.1 ... ......
men I shall
ot tho porsou in the notivo iiiauuge-
...e.i. 01 sum niiMinuHS and having ac
tual knowledge 1,1' 11 .1
set forlli.
And Ihe suid E. C. Shun.... Ida ....
socialcs, successors, iiiwl
hereby covenant ,,,,,1 .,.,. '
.... . - - " ' ' lUV III
siii.I lime to the citv of Mclford. 111
a consideration fr n,0 rights herein
grunted. 11,1 amount ennui to threu
hit com. .. tiiu gross receipts 11I01.,.
siii.I. Said payments to bo made 01.
or before thai t'ii-si .!.., ..r 1
I " " :"-.l II. Ml
'I V rcliri.arv in,, I A :. ...
I lie six months ending 011 the first dav
ot Janiiiirv and July respeelivulv. inl
ine,,, a,,. ,v preceding the, ,,,i0 f said
Ami thu said K. C. Shan.... Ids ....
soi-inies. successors. , assign-
Ilirtller rovelinill U,d L.r,. (,llt ,,v
will pay ill said limns 11 . r.
. ...n u (IV..
ceiling!) ot their receipts to said
city ns is paid to said citv by any
other person, association ,,r corpora
tion doing a telephone, lei
messenger service iu said cilv, for Iho
piiviiegi. ol using Um Mi-,.,.!, ,,VH
or thoroughfares of suid cilv for the
iruiisuc.lion of sudi business.
Section ''I. Tl.iu ,.1,1;., - .....11
- - - . 11, :u n.lll.l
lie void and the rights hereby granled
shall and terminiito absolutely
unless the said granlco shall within
ten (lavs from this date file with the
citv recorder of llin rilv,.i
bis written neveplnnro (1f ,, tnnns
mill conditions hereof, and shall at
suid timo deposit with said citv re
corder his certified check, drawn
upon a bank doimr business in tho
cilv of Medford. in (he sum of ono
wiojpnjMijniinrsJl nun, j,n y.ibjn (
(Continued on Pago R.)
Talent Orchard
For the Best
in harness, saddles, whips,
oues, tents," blankets,' wag
on sheets, axle grease and
flail cure, as well as all kinds
of custom work, see
J. C. Smith
314 E.' Main.