Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 29, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Medeord Daily Tribune
Official Paper of the City of Medford.
Published every evening except Sunday.
George Putnam, Editor and Manager.
Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fi o
Medford, Oregon.
One year, by mail ,$5.00One month by ninil or carrier. .$1.50
The Tribune is for sale by Hotel Portland News Stand, Portland, Or.;
Ferry News Stand, San Francisco. Cnl.
; The Portland Journal contains some good advice in the
following on mossbackism:
In China they still beat torn toms and set off explosives
during a solar eclipse to keep the great dragon from swal
lowing the sim, and China is a prostrated and impotent
land. The condition is the price China pays for clinging
to old forms, old ideas and old prejudices. Civilization is
the fruit of willingness by a race to accept change. The
tallow dip and ox yoke of yesterday are the electric light
and locomotive today. The abandoned f amis of New Eng
land will be fields of wondrous productivity tomorrow.
The sooner all men admit that the old way is not the
best way the faster development will be. Portland can
not afford to sit on her haunches and beat torn toms to
scare off dragons. Her people cannot afford to cling to
old methods and old models simply because their fathers
and grandfathers did things that way. In business, in in- j
dustry, in transportation, in every walk of life, vast im-1
proveinents are being made. In everything the keenest !
minds are seeking by day and by night changes of method
that will yield better rewards. The business man who does
things in the old fashioned way is headed straight for bank
ruptcy. All the methods that change and discovery have
brought must be invoked or the deadly hand of competi
tion will blight the enterprise. There must be spray for
the growing apple or the worm will get it. -
There are cities that are dying of dry rot because they
, insist on being old fashioned. Men who count in this day
haven't the time and patience to spend their energies in
towns that insist on doing all things the way grandfather j
did. They go to communities where the population rec-1
ognizes that the world moves. They pitch their tents in
cities that realize that we know more than we used to, and ;
where torn toms have been thrown into the scrap bin. If
Portland insists on following old grooves, men worth while
will go to places where ancient forms are not the fashion.
The loss of such men is the death of a city and the penalty j
that must be paid for being old fashioned. Change is prog-.
ress, and progress is success. The swine goes about with j
his nose near and his eyes on the ground, for an acorn or
other food is all that is on his horizon. Man was made up-!
right and given the power of thought so he could work out !
a destiny and not merely live as the swine, to be eaten.;
Change is the means of destiny, and resistance to change
the price of failure. The rule has always been true of men, :
and cities are what men make them, Portland among the j
rest. .
The county board of equalization should not adjourn
for some time. There is a great deal of work before it
before its labors can be called completed, and "equality
before the law" ensured.
The assessment of Medford property turned in by As
sessor. Grieve is absurd. It shows a decrease in the city's
total valuations exceeding $150,000, and this despite a
growth exceeding 30 per cent in population and valua
tions. There are many instances that might be cited, which
make the assessment little more than a joke. But four
automobiles out of the 200 owned here are listed. City lots
on "West Main street, Medford, are assessed at the same
valuations as residence lots in the Central Point town site.
A lot on Main near .0 street is valued at $6000ywhile that
directly across the street is valued at $5000. Residence lots
at West Main near the Park are assessed at a third less
than the lots of the same frontage adjoining.
It is evident that a sad mess has been made in assess
ment work, leaving much for the board of equalization to
straighten out. The assessments should be equalized or
rank injustice will be worked upon many property own
ers and the already high rate of taxation jump skyward.
Savoy Theatre
. .i :r TONIGHT
Mt OolUr Uog Cn Do.
A. man in h tiiMiliy city uoUKtit for
bis vlrt and I'liliu it year nuo ti dog,
for wuh-ti tip pii 14 a dollar. It was
obviously uothlin: wonderful In tlu
CBiiliif ) iiii-iciy it mongrel, wltU
the bulldog hi i n In prcdoinliiitut. The
owner wus a limn In uiituMe clrcuin-stnuci-s.
and tin ilng tn ins modest
dwelling mo principal asset aside
from a few kuciis or turnlture. The
othi'i' Ilium loin was tltU to il leg ul
the kllcticu sink, ns usual, and the
family went to bed. They were awak
ened by the dog ut inldulght scratch.
Ing at bis muster's door. When bis
master cuiun out to see what wus the
matter the dog. with a retmmnt of
chewed rope hanging from his collar,
whined and rau to the bvad of tho
stairway. The house wus ou tire, and
shortly ufier woman and child uud
inn n mid dog made their eHrnp" Ihelr
poor dwelling wus u muss or clowlmr
umbers. Thu owner of (he (leg bus
been urged to part with blm for n
largo cash consideration; but. t'lotti-ti
ho Is penniless, he will not irt with
thii four fooled suvlor of his tumlly.
Neither bus Hie dog at any llni" hud
thoughts or leavlnt ;:io::i Tor luxurious
kennels. New Vor!: Time.
Direct From New York
City to Meeker & Co.
All Day Saturday
One of the largest linos of Ladies' Suits and Cloaks, as well as a full line of
Misses' and Children's "Wearables will be oii display at our store.
We have induced this large wholesale manufacturere to allow their salesman
to stop over for one day on his return home, and place on display and sell for
inmicdiate delivery any garments you may desire to select.
If you have not been able to fit yourself in the city, or if you have not been
able to secure just the style or the kind of cloth you had in mind, here you will find
it. You can select it yourself from the largest line to be found anywhere.
It has been only with great effort that we have been able to get this firm to con
sent to allow their salesman to stop over with us, for it does not pay them only in
such instances where the merchant does a large volume of business for them.
This has been our first season to carry Ladies' Tailored Suits, but we venture to
say that no one firn has sold the amount of suits in their opening season that we
have. The prices' we have been making are the great attraction $15.00 to $25.00.
Yes, we want you to come if you have your suits already. "We want you here,
sure, if you have not already supplied yourself for the season. We have many linos
of goods you should not overlook.
Mr. Epstein will be here to welcome you all day, as well as his assistants.
It will be well for you to call early in the day to avoid the heavy crowds, for we
know of many who will be on hand at the opening hour 9 o'clock.
Tell Your Neighbors and Friends;
A Chance of a Life Time.
An excellent line in brown, gray, 'green, red and black. 1 After deciding to close
oiit ladies' and children's shoes we were unable to cancel our factory order for
ladies' .felt slippers. They must be closed out at once in order to make room for
men's shoes, suits and furnishings. ' .
Ladies' $2.00 fancy top nulls, usually
sold at $2.25 and $2.50, closing out
price now . ,$1.40
Ladies' $1.85 Slippers, now ...$1.20
Misses' $1.85 felt Nulls, very pret
ty 90c
Ladies' $1.85 felt Nulls now . . . ,?1.20
Ladies' $1-00 all felt Slippers, now. 60
Ladies' $.85 black felt Slippers, flexi
ble leathef .sole, pure white wool lined,
now $1.20
They're surely grandma's comfort.
About $1000.00 worth of children's sr-liool and dress shoos and Oxfords and
ladies' Oxfords and slippers still on hand and going at your price.
The Wardrobe
Wit nfft lw.llllimilt'liO'ri IlllldllOSS
1 " " 1 ;
' ii'nportios of eviry denciiption.
Ton ueros four miliiH from Medford
and l'j miles from Central I'nint,
new laud, H'j mires ready to culti
vate, new U-rooin house, good now
small tin 111 , situated on id 11 in truveled
road; the very best Hoil in the val
ley', fine fine shade trees nnd n beau
tiful situ for u homo.
Large I"' with 12 full bearing ap
ple trees on South Cunlriil nvcimo;
fine location and n beautiful si'o for
n home; u simp if taken at unce.
Forty acres, 10 miles from Med
ford, half mile from llonglo; 8 acres
cultivated: 4 acres in fruit true 2 to
10 years old, on two good roads j
small bouse, barn, woodshed, etc,
25 acres inclosed in woven wiro
fonco $2000
Small bouse uud bam, with sovon
lots, north side Jackson street; a
snap . .$1690
Now 5-room bouse, hardwood fin
ish, now woodshed, well ou buck
porch, lot 60x100, corner Jnckson
and Fir $1450
One acre, 0-room house, bnrn,
chicken house, city wntor, only 000
fcot from Itivcmilo nvuniio ...$3400
Konr-room house on west side Main
street, lot 60x108 .. .$1500
We want a man wilh horse and
buggy t show real estate nnd write
Tiro insurunco
5-rooni nioloni bungalow on South
Central avenue ;'i snap if taken lit
once . .... . . . $2050
Nino-room modern house, Uungti
low addition, lot 50x100, comer -till
and Oronge, near Oakdalo nvo..$3850
28 acres, one milo from P. & K.
depot; a bargain at the price. .$8000
Ituoming house llest location in
tho city; clears $l.r0 per month; long
Icnso $2200
27 neres, three miles from Med
ford; $100 house, good barn, all in
ill fit 1 I'd ; tho best land to be found in
the Noguo Hivcr valley; tenns.$l2,000
18Vi acres, close in properly, fin
est free soil, 11 acres planted to com
mercial apples and pears 4 years old,
iVi acres alfalfa; good terms $1 1,500
For sulo or rent 0-room modern
bungalow on Orange street, near Onk
dule; rent $:)(); prico $3850
Miisinoss locution lot 50x100, right
in tho heart of tho city. Call nt our
office for particulars $8500
0 acres insido city limits, high clo
vntion; this tract can bo subdivided
into building lots or would make an
ideal orchard iraci. It is a bargain
nt $3000
5 acres adjoining city limits, good
orchard land and a beautiful Hito for
a home; in one year will bo worth
double the price nuked '.$2000
. . .
10 acres, one milo from Modford on
main traveled road to Ashland; Bear
ereok bottom land, sot to apples and
pears 2 years old; trees are strong
nnd vigorous. Here is a beautiful
site for a borne. Ensy tonus.
Price $2900
3-room box house and largo lot
on South Central avenuo, completely
furnished; good well nnd chicken
Iioiiho; a genuine bargain; easy terms.
Price $750
Somo splendid businflss properties
for sale, close in, good income pay
ors. Call nt our offico for dctnilH.
Our charge is $1 por month for
renting and collecting.
Wn represent seven strong relia
ble fire insurance companies.
Surety bonds Wo represent tho
Union (Innranteo Association of Port
land, We hnvo Hovorai applications' on
file for furnished houses.
Opposite Moore Hotel
1 12 W. Main St. Phone 3073 Main.