THE ' ED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1909. PICTURES TAKEN FOR CENTRALRIT BOOK Official Photographer Spends Much Time In Getting Views of ' Nearhy City. J. T. Mill.T of McCIimi.I,' Kill., of ficial pliotojfriiplii.r of (ho Southern I'lii'il'ii! i'oiiiii,ny, ivmh in (iutm I'oint IiikI Tliiirmliiy mid Kriilay no. nuv'mu pIi(iIokiiiiIim of I Ik, (,vii iinil HiirrouiHliiiK orclinrdu mill MPftncry for umi in Din forthcoming fciitnil I'oint hook, mii.v'm Mm Hi'i-iilil. Mayor T.iKivnr mid V. If. NiircniHH, who Imd hi-i'ii iiiioinliMl hy lliu clnli to Utftt Mr. Millur nrotiiiil I In- vnllcy nml to iikmM liim in ncciiiiir Hllilllllll! VilJWH KH'lll VO llllVM ill NI'OtirillK Old coun try in IiIh :oiiimny in Mr. Nontohk' Whilii Klcnii ninl lh result in n mimlier of Ihc finM view nvcr tali en in thi viilli-y. I'Vom thfl lop of Mr. OHoff'x Ikhiso well iii on tho foothill wiihI of town, Mr. Millur wnri'il n finn putioriiiiiin vinw of Ihn town mid ViillfV. with Mount Mc I.iiiililiii mill Tallin Ifock well dn flni'il in (ho (1inlmicn. Panoramic vii-wH woro nlHo tnkiMi from tlin Ni-1iMilliiiimn tower nhowin tho town mill valley to the northward and one from tho top of tho old school hullil iiK nhwinj tho Snowy Tlultn orchiinl and n finn vinw of tho valley to the noiilhwiird. Many iiidividaal views of orchard, fruit trees laden with fruit, Imilil intfH, ntn., worn nltm taken which Mr. Miller HayK enniirise n .net of an fine pictuicM iik he him ever taken for n similar pnrpono. SCHUMANN-HEINK URGES "ONE BIG, SIMPLE RELIGION" ClIICAdO, Oct. 2II.- Mmn. F.rnont (inn Schiunmin-lleink wax stunned to day when told lluit the i;hland I'ark hank rohlicr, who killed him self rather than ho captured, wuh her friend, I.ainar A. HariiK of Iaik AllelcH. "dolt," the winner exclaimed, Ktrik inif n diamalic attitude. "You know, them 1 1 u-1 1 1 to hn a pi-ml religion to keep people from doinj,' thin''H like that. There nnpht to ho just one re ligion not churches, not I'rotestantR and Catholics and Mohammedans and all that one hie religion all over the world one hitf. simple religion. The principles tho (ruthat the holtoin of all religions ans tho same. "h, there rnifdil to hn men moiri nliolit Iho world all the time like de tectives watching for people that do not inidersliind what it means n his:, simple religion thai can mako ns for fjet all petty and iniihl Ihiiiis and imike us remember only what is Ci'eat mid piocl mid kind mid beau tiful. "Sometimes a church ii nm when you feel all fx f 1 in I'rsu" slio laid her hiinii over inn heart "and vo' u kind of mi outlet for your i'r',!v.M. Hut iintnrc that in Hie true church." , ': BOND ISSUE IS FOUND TO BO O.K. Central Point Recorder Notified That Chicago House WHI Accent Bonds. llecorder T, M. .Ioiich of Central I'oint has received notice from K. A. Kean & Co., the Chicago bond buy ers, who tiro haudliii); our the water bonds of that city, that tho final papers rclalini; to tin) deal from the town to that firm Imvo boon received and found satisfactory and that tho bonds are now lining printed mid will he scut forward within a few days for tho ni;nitliiru of tho proper offi cials, says tho Hirald. This should end the long delay the town has met with in (,'cttiii),' actual construction under way mid no doubt the preliminary arrangements will be rushed through anil a contract for construction bo let without further deluy. The issuance of $25,000 in water bonds was authorized at (ho oily election March K, and when (hat mal 'cr wan settled the next problem wuh to decide on 11 water supply. After soino delay o well was decided upon as Ihn only proposition available mid property was secured and mi eipht foot well was sunk to a depth of 50 feet, 'funnels worn driven at the bottom rosseiitt'ui(j the water strata and it supply of belter than 200 ruI loiis per minute was demonstrated. 84 ACRES SOLD E, S. Palmer Adds to His Large Holdings Near Central Point. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the iin (Inroifiiicd will apply at tho negt regu lar meeting of tc city council, Med ford, Oregon, Tuesday, November 2, for a license to sell mall, vinous and spirtious liipiors in less quantities thai) one gallon at lot 7, block 21, in Mcdford, Or., for a period of six mouths. Dated October 22. M. Marshall & Hons recenlly cIob ed a deal with K. S. Palmer for tho remainder of their farm, 84 acres, the I price being $40,000. Mr. Palmer bought 112 ueres of the same farm1 two weeks ago for $35,000; finding it tt good thing, ho took the balance j at an advanced price. GKOROK M. POKDKAUX. Mcdford, Oregon: Th' certifies (hat we havc'sold Hall's Texas Won der for (ho cure of all kidney, blad der and rheumatic troubles for' ten yeilrs, and have never had a com plaint. It gives quick and permanent relief. CO days' treatment iiceach bot tle. Mcdford Pharmacy. PRE BUGS IN GOTHAM CLAIM TWO VICTIMS NT.W YOHIC. Oct. 2H. Two were burned to death and 34 seriously in jured today in a fire of incendiary origin which destroyed two three story tenements rl 'ast Fifteenth street. 'IT' f'ond : Herman ''" dt, .;:c! 31, and wife. Kminu, aged 27. Those responsible made careful preparations. Tho structures were filled with sleeping people. Oil was poured on the basement of the lower floors of ono building and then set fire. Tim loss is $50,000. TAFT IS HOURS BEHIND CCHEDULE IN THE SOUTH 1IKLKNA, Ark., Oct. 28. Hours behind his schedule, President Taft, who was due to arrive in Vicksburg at 3 o'clock this afternoon, will not arrive until dusk this evening. The fleet carrying the president, govern ors and congressmen will suid down the Mississippi without a slop until Vicksburg is reached. Tho delay wan caused on account of the fleet being unable to maintain Hie pace set by the Oleander. Why do they advertise in The Tri bune? Easy. They get results. F. The Christian Science Lecture at tho : Medford Opera House at 8 o'clock. Tuesday Evening, November 2, JUDGE SEPTIMUS J. HANNA Colorado Springs, Col. . Member ef the Christian Science Hoard of Lectureship of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Bos ton, Mass. The public is cordial ly invited. i "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folg-ers Golden Gate Coffee." ; It Is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid SI a pound for it. - Everything about P'olger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. A ll C Tfc aROCJii.IES, CHINA WARE FRUIT' AND FEED. J. E. ENYAUT, President J. A. PERRY, Vice-President. ' ' JOHN S ORTII. Cashier W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashie-. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK . CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. SHIPPERS WILL FIGHT IF RATES ARE INCREASED ' . CINCINNATI, Oct. 20. Fifty rep resentative manufacturers and bus inoss men of. 12 states mot hero re cently to enter n formal protest oguinst the general increase of freight rates which they believe tho railroads are planning. Tho emphatic denial by tho railroads was not taken serious ly by most of tho speakers. One said ho had positivo information that (he roads had already compiled tho rales and that presses were busy printing them. ' The conclusion of the meeting was that, if driven to il, the shippers would go to the couVls. They include the most powerful trade organizations en st. of the Mississippi, That an advance in rales will dis turb Imsini'vi conditions and is not justified wns lliu tenor of resolutions adopted. It; was voted thai whereas (!. C. McCain, chairman of the Trunk Linn association, had compiled a pam phlet entitled "The Diminished Pur chasing Power of Railway Earn ings,," and llm railroads had circu lated it to educate Hie public and prepare it, for nnad-inice in ratos, and tho pamphlet hung "biased, partial and misleading," ,in CNcrutivo., com mittee should ho oretUed by tho ship pers to prepare an nnMver'to tho pnm phlot and ci.-onlata U for Iho eduen-, lion of the p'blio i it tho '.true freight rail situatiiH The commit to was appointed. Paul de Anna FIRST-CLASS GERMAN WATCHMAKER, JEWEL ER AND ENGRAVER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. IN CONNECTION WITH MED FORD LOAN OFFICE, COR. s. CENTRAL AVE. AND SEV ENTH ST., MEDFORD. ESTERBROOK ORCHARD TRACTS 10 20 Acres Adjoining Hillcrest orchard and con tain unexceled deep, rich soil. Rea sonable prices and generous terms. OREGON ORCHARDS SYNDICATE SELLING AGENTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Perry Subdivision THIS PLACE POPULARLY KNOWN AS THE I. W. THOMAS PLACE TO feE DIVIDED INTO 10 ACRE TRACTS BEST LAND IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY, FOR SALE BY WHITE 6 TROWBRIDGE, Agents, OR J. A. PERRY, Owner NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET SOMETHING GOOD. K O. Hansen. Torn Moffat. We make any kind and style of, windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer In Northern California and South ern Oregon. It is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask .for Salem beer and drink It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. FOR SALE IDEAL FRUIT AND POULTRY FARM. 19 Acres with house, barn and never failing spring, only $ 1 200 TERMS, ONE-THIRD CASH, LONG TIME AT 6 PER CENT INTEREST ON BALANCE. f ' Only one and one-half miles from Eagle Point Ry. Station A BOUT TEN ACRES OP THIS LAND IS AS FINE GARDEN LAND AS THERE IS IN JACKSON COUNTY. THE OTHER NINE ACRES IS UNCLEARED. FOR PARTICULARS, SEE Brown' & Wakefield Office upstairs in Palm Block, Medford.