2 THIS MEDFOKD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, QKKdON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2!), 100!). .. CITY NOTICES. P.ITV NOTICES CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. TITV NflTIRrS ORDINANCE NO. 248. Au ordinance deeluriiig tho assess uicnt on tho property benefited lot the cost of laving a water mum on rinrk ufrt mill directing the Kccora er to enter a statement thereof iu the wnlnr main hen docket. The citv of Medford doth ordain as follows : Snntiuii 1. Whereas, the city couu cil did heretofore bv resolution de clare its intention to lay a o-juch water muiu on Clark street. West, throughout its entire , length to west corporation" boundary and the . cost ' therof . oU ihfl nrotertv f ronliue on said por tiou of said street iu. proportion to the froutaire of said property, ana aia fix a time and place for hearing pro tests against the laving 01 saia tor main on said vortion of said street and the assessment of the cost there of as aforesaid: and.' Whereas, said resolution' was duly posted and published as reonired by section 116 of the charter of said city; and. Whereas, a meeting of the council was held at the time and place fixed in said resolution for the purpose of considering any such protests, but no protests were at such time or at any time made to or received by the conn cil to the laving of snid water main or the assessing of the cost thereof as aforesaid- and said council having thn-matter. and deeming that said water main was and is of material benefit to said citv and that all property to be assessed therefor would be benefited thereby to the ex- tent of the probable amouut of the respective assessments to be levied against said property; did order said water main laid; and. Whereas, the cost of said water main has been and hereby is de termined to be the sum of $27 la.lt, Now. therefore, it is hereby further determined that the proportionate share of the cost of laving said wa ter main of each parcel of the prop ertv fronting on said portion of said street is the amount set opposite the description of each piece or parcel of land below and that each such piece or parcel of land is benefited bv the laving of said water mam to the lull extent of the amount so set opposite the description of such piece or par cel, and that the respective amounts represent the proportional benefits of said water main to said respective nnrcels of nropertv and also the pro nnrtiniinl frontn-re thereof on said nortion of said street, and the council does hereby declare each of the par rels of property described below to be assessed and each of the same hereby is assessed the amount set op posite each respective description for the cost of laving said water main: ASSESSMENT FOR A SIX-INCH WATER MAIN ON CLARK STREET. WEST. THROUGHOUT ITS ENTIRE LENGTH TO COR PORATE LIMITS. Assessment No.. 1 William Bain commencing at a point 30 feet north and 8.02 chains west of the south east corner of lot 5. in block 2. Min- gus sub-division in section 2 town ship 37 south, range 2 west of the W. f. and ' running thence north 6.45 chains to center of the county road, thence south 42 degrees and 42 min utes west alone said county road 8 . and 73 chains, more or less, to a point situated 30 feet north of the south " line of said lot 5. thence east parallel with and 30 feet north of said south line of said lot 5. 5.48 chains to place of beginning, and containing 1.88 acres; more or less, frontage '385.44 feet on north side Clark street. West, described Vol. 49. page 175. county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 385.44 feet; rate per foot 72 2-10 cents; amount due, $278.28. Assessment No. 2 A. W. Sturgis. commencing at a point 30 feet north and 3 chains. 80 links west of the southeast corner of lot 5. block 2. Milieus sub-division in section 24, township 37 south, range 2 west W. M. and running thence west 4 chains. 22 links, thence north 6 chains. 45 links to the center of county road, thence north 42 degrees, 15 minutes cast along the center line of said comity road, 6 chains. 30 links, more or less, to a point situntd north of the place of commencing, thence south 11 chains. 7 links, to the place of commencing, containing 3.52 acres, more or less, frontage 278.52 feet on north side Clark street. West, de scribed Vol. 59. page 1 05. county re corder's records of Jackson county. Oregon: 278.52 feet; rate per foot, 72 2-10 cents; amount dne. $201.00. Assessment No. 3 J. T. Eads, commencing' 30 feet north of the southeast corner of lot 5. block 2, Mingus , sub-division section 24, township 37 south, range 2 west to W. M., Jackson county, Oregon, and running thence west parallel with south line of said lot 3 chains, 80 links, thence north parallel with east line of. snid Mot 11. chains.. 7 links. more or less, to the center of count v lot, thence northeasterly along center line of said county road to a point north of- northeast comer of said lot, thence south to and along east line of said lot 15 chains, 25 links, more or less, to beginning, containing 5 acres, more or loss, frontage 250.8 feet on north side Clark street. West, described Vol. 62, page 456, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 250.8 feet; rate per foot, 72 2-10 cents: amount due, $181.07. Assessment No. 4 Gertrude - E. Weeks, commencing At the northwest corner of lot 3. block 2, Mingus sub' division section 24. township 37 south, range 2 west of W. M. in Oregon, and miming ' thence 2 chains; 87 links, thence south 6 chiiius. 37V links to within 30 feet of the south line of said lot, thence west 2 chains, 8' link.- thence north on west line of snid lot 6 chains. 37V links to place of commencing, containing 1.83 acres more or less, frontage 189.42 feet on north side Clark street. West, describ ed Vol. 63. pace 524, couutv record er's records of Jaeksou county, Ore gon: 189.42 feet; rate tier foot. 72 2-10 cents: amount due, $130.76. Assessment No. 5 W. M. Erskiue, commencing at a point on north line of lot 3. block 2, Mingus sub-division section 24, township 37 south, range 2 west of W. II., situated 2 chains 87 links eust of the northwest corner of said lot and running thence east on said north line 4 chains. 70 links, thence south 6 chains. 37V? links to within 30 feet of sourh line of said lot, thence west parallel with and 30 feet north from said south line 4 chains, 70 links.- thence north 6 chains, 37V? links to. place of begin ning and containing 3 acres, more or less, excepting and reserving from the above a piece of land 100 feet square off southeast comer of the described land heretofore sold and marked Z on plat, frontage 210.2 feet on north side Clark street. West, described Vol. 65. page 195. county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon: 210.2 feet; rate per foot. 72 2-10 cents: amount due. $151.76 Assessment No. 6 J. C. Emerick, commencing at a point on the north line of lot 3. block 2, Mingus sub division, section 24. township 3 south, range 2 west of W. M., situated 3 chains. 13 links west of the north east corner of said lot 3 and from said point running thence south to within 30 feet of south line of said lot 3. thence west parallel with the said south line 3 chains. 93 links, thence north to north line of said lot 3. :.i . CITY NOTICES. said lot and running thence north par allel with east line of said lot to within 30 feet of north line thereof, thence west parallel with and 30 feet distance south from said north line 3 chains, 13 links, thence south to south line of said lot, thence east to place of beginning, containing 2 acres, in Jackson couutv, Oregon, frontage .106.58 feet on south side Clark street. West, described Vol. 30, page 233, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 106.58 1121.06 feet: rate per fool. 72 2-10 cents; uinount duo, $418.40. Assessment No. 17 M. A. Itmkor, commencing at a point situated 30 feet north and 7 chains. 0 links west of the southeast corner of lot 3, hlouk 2, Mingus sub-division, section 24, township 37 south, rango 2 west, W. M. and running thence west 100 feet, thenco north 100 feet, thenco oast 100 foot, thence south 100 feet to place of beginning, froutugo 100 flint nrtvth ui.la i'1.,,.1, ..-..... ltr..i feet; rate per loot., 72 2-10 cents; described. Vol. 62. page 213. county amount due, $76.85. , , I recorder's roenr.U nf .Innti-mn in..n v thence east on said north line chains. 93 links, to place of beginning. containing 2V- acres, more or less. frontage 258.72 feet on north sid Clark street, West, described Vol. 61, page 331. county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon: 258.7 tcet: rate per foot. 72 2-10 cents: amount due, $186.79. Assessment No. 7 Paul Krutzler commencing at a point on east line of lot 3. block 2. Mingus sub-division, section 24. township 37 south, range west of W. M., situated 30 feet north of southeast comer thereof and running thence' north on said east line to the, northeast corner of said lot. thence west on north line of snid lot 3. 3 chains. 13 links, thence south' to within 30 feet of the south line of said lot and thence east 3 chains, 13 links to place of commencing, con taining 2 acres, more or less, front age 206.58 feet north side Clark street, West, described Vol. 47, page l;8, county - recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon : 206.58 feet : rate per foot. 72 2-10 cents; amount due. $149.15. ' ' Assessment No. 8 Geo. A. Don - lert. commencing at a point 30 feet south of the northeast comer of lot 2. block 2. Mingus sub-division, sec tion 24. township 37 south, range 2 west of W. M.trunning thence south 100 feet, thence west at right angles with aforesaid line 3 chains, 13 links, thence north parallel with east line 100 feet, thence cast to place of be- ginning, frontage 206.58 feet on south side Clark street. West, described Vol. 70, page 132. county recorder's re cords! of Jackson county, Oregon: 156.58 feet: rate per foot, 72 2-10 cents: amount due, $113.05. Assessment No. 9 John Haertle, commencing at a point in Mingus sub division, section 24. township 37 south range 2 west of W. M., 206.6 feet west and 220 feet north of the south east corner of lot 2. block 2, in suid sub-division, i and running thence north 200 feet to the south line of (he street, thence west 100 feet thence south 200 feet, thence east 100 feet to beginning point, frontage 100 feet on south side Clnrk street. West, described Vol. 58, page 243, couutv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 100 feet; rate pTr foot. 72.2-10 cents; amount due. $72.20. Assessment No. 10 Frances A. Bliss, commencing at a point on south ine of lot 2, block 2. Mingus sub-di vision, section 24. township 37 south. range 2 west of W. M 3 chains, 13 road alone the northwest side of said links west of the southeast earner of Assessment No. 11 L. O. Howard, comniencing'-nt a point 20 -feet south and 6 chains, 26 links west of the northeast, comer of lot 2, block Mingus sub-division. .; section - 24, township 37 south, rnugo 2 west of W M. and ; running thenco south 0 chains. 3 links to the south line of suid lot 2. thence west on suid south line 2 chains. 11 links, thence north 6 chains. 3714 links to within .10 teet ot the north line of said lot thence oast parallel with said north lino 2 chains, 11 links to place of commencing, containing 1.34 acres, more or less, frontage 139.26 feet on south side Clark street. West, de scribed Vol. 50. page 623, couutv re corders records of Jackson county Oregon: 1.19.26 feet; rate per foot. 2 2-10 cents; amount duo, $100.54, Assessment No. 12 Earnest Uieb- ter, et. ux., comencing at the south wi-m corner oi ioi i, oioeK i. Mingus sub-division, section 24. towilship 37 south, range 2 west of W. M., und run mug thence north on the west line of said lot 2 within 30 feet of said west corner thereof, thence east parallel with and 30 feet distant from said north line 6 chains. 26 links, thence south to tho south line of said lot. thence west on said south line 6 chains. 2b links to place of commenc ing, containing 4 ncres. more or less, frontage 413.16 feet on south side Clark street. West, described Vol. 48, page 552. county recorder's re cords of Jackson county. Oregon: 413.10 feet; rate per foot. 72 2-10 cents; amount duo, $298.30. Assessment No. 13 Earnest Kit-liter, et. ux.. beginning at a point 30 feet south of the northeast corner of lot 6. block 2. Mingus sub-division section 24. township 37 south, range 2 west of W. M., and running thence west 1 chain, 56V! links, thence south to the south line of snid lot 6. thence east 1 chain. 50V. links to southeast corner of said lot 6. thence north on east boundary line thereof to place of beginning, containing 1 acre, more or less, trontage 103.29 feet on south side Clark street. West, described Vol. 53. page 583, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 103.29 feet: rale per foot, 72 2-10 cents: amount due, $74.57. Assessment No. 14 Richard V. Antle. commencing at a point 30 feel south 1 chain. 561,, jks wes, .. northeast corner of lot 6. block 2. Mingus subdivision, section 24, town ship 37 south, range 2 west of W. T .. .. J - .i . - . . ..i. unu running ineiioe west 1 chain. 5(iVi links, thence south to south line ot said lot (i. thence east 1 chain 561-! links, thence north to place of beginning, containing 1 acre, more or less, and being the west half of the 2 acre tract in lot 6 above mentioned. trontage 103.29 feet on south side Clark street. West, described Vol. 72. page 355, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon: 103.29 feet ; rate per foot. 72 2-10 cents : amount due, $4.07. Assessment No. 151. L. Hamilton commencing -ui a point on south line lot 0, block 2, Mingus sub-division section 24. township 37. south. range 2 west, W. M., and situated 3 and 13 chains west of the soulheust comer or said lot and from said point run ning thence west on the south line of said lot 2.09 chains, thence north u.diV, chains to within 30 feet of north line of said lot. thence east 2.09 chains, thence 6.37', chains to place of beginning, containing 1.34 acres, more or less, frontage 1.37.94 feet on south side Clnrk street. West, described Vol. 40. page 100, county recorders records of Jack-son county, Oregon: 137.04 feet: rate per foot. li 2-10 cents: amount due, $09.59. Assessment No. 16 Mathies Dcm- mer, commencing nt the southwest comer of lot 0. block 2, Mingus sub division, section 24.' township 37 south, range 2 west, W. M., Jackson county, Oregon, and running thence east on south line of snid lot 9 chains nnd 41 links, thence north at right angles to said south line to within 30 feet on north line of said ot. thence west parallel with 30 fnnt distance south from north line of snid ot to southerly lino of county road. crossing northwest corner of said lot, tnence south vi degrees, 15 minutes west on said southerly line of suid county road to west line of said lot. thence south on snid west line of snid lot to place of beginning, containing 6 acres, frontage 621.00 feet north side Clark street. West, described Vol. 31, poge 500. county recorder's Oregon; 100 foot; rate por foot. 72 2-10 cents; amount duo $72.20. Section 2. The recorder of tho eity of Modford is hereby directed to ontor a statement of said several assess inents in the water main lien docket of said city as rcmiircd by tho oitv charter, The foregoinn- ordinance was pass ed bv the citv council of the citv of Medford on the 22nd dav of October. IUU1I, by the following vote: Merrick ave; Welsh, ave; Kifort. nvo: Miner, ick. absent: Wortinun, nvo; Dcmmcr, uve. Approved October 23rd. 1900. W. II. CANON. Mavor. Attest: RORT. W. TELFER. Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 219 in ordinance grantim? In K. r Wl. ........ -.-in-, ins associates, ins successors or assigns, tho riL'ht. I n nsl riit eiect. maintain and operate iu the cny or Aleulord. county of Jackson, Mine ot uregon. and in llin simnii alleys, avenues and thoroughfare lliereot. subicct to tho upproval of the citv council, wires, conductors and other appliances for the trans mission ot electricity for telephones. telegraph nnd messenger service, for tho purpose of carrying on a tele phone, telegraph and messenger busi ness in said citv. The city of Medford doth ordain as follows : Section 1. The rights and privileges are hereby grunted to E. C. Sluirpo, his associates, his executors, iidimn- strators. successors or ussigiis. sub ject to (lie approval of the city coun cil, to construct. uv. maintain and operate in the citv of Medford. coun ty of Juckson, state of Oregon, in cluding all tho streets, alleys, ave nues und thoroughfares thereof. Poles, wires and other conductors and cables necessary excavations construct nnd build and maintain u telephone, telegraph and messenger service and to do a telephone, tele graph and messenger service business. iu said citv, such wires, poles und other fixtures and upiiliuuces com monly used iu such work and con struction, are to be placed in proper pluces and at proper distances above and below ground us the cuse tuny icuiiire, and such other apparatus may be used ns inuv be nccosary or proper to maintain and operate tho same, but such poles and other appa ratus shall be set in place and main tained so as not to interfere 'with the free us'o of sui.b streets, alleys, ave nues and thoroughfares. Section 2.' It shull bo lawful for suid grantee, his associates, his exe cutors, administrators, successors or assigns to make needful and conven ient repairs und excavations in unv of said streets, ullevs, avenues und thoroiu'lilaros in suid citv of Mod ford, for the purpose of erecting poles, iilaciiif v.-ires. cables and other appliances ni,u fixtures, and to muin- tnin tli.; sa.:ic for the purpose afore said, when d i.,3 in accordance with tho reso.atioi! and ordiances of tho said city of Medford Section 3. Whenever said gran toe, his associates, his executors, ndmin istrators, successors of assigns shull disturb any of said' streets, alleys. avenues and thoroughfares thereof for the purpose aforesaid, they shall restore the sumo to as good order and condition as when before dis turbed .as soon as possible, and with out unnecessary delay, nnd failing to do so, tho citv council or other gov erning body of said citv of Medford shull have the right to fix bv resolu tion a reasonable time within which such rcapirs nnd restoration of streets shull bo completed, and if re pairs are not complete at expiration of time fixed bv council, then tho city can cause such repairs to be made (by resolution of council) nnd make a reasonable charge and collect same from said gruntco, his associates. etc. Section 4.. The grantee, his associ ates, his executors, administrators, successors and assigns shall at the time of construction, as aforesaid and sot forth thorein. file with tho citv council a plat showing the location of such streets alleys, avenues and thoroughfares as is to bo so occupied. and the same shall be presented to the citv council for approval. Section 5. - The maximum rate of tolenhono rentals to ho chnrged for eiiph telephone service shnll bo as records of Jackson county, Oregon; designated in the following table showing the various kinds of service with their respectiva rules: $3.00 per mouth for individual main lino business service. $2.00 per month for individual main line rusuluniio service. $2.00 per nuilitli for two parly so-joi-tive ringing business .service. $1.50 per month for two party se lective ringing residence service. $1.25 per month for four party se lective ringing residenco service Jt is horeby understood und agreed that tho above tuhlo of . rates shall be maintained ns u permanent agree uiont until suid grantee shull have in stalled and operate through suid ox cliiingo not less thun one thousuiul eonnucted teli-phoiio.4 within tho pity limits nf the city of Mcl'ord.'1 When the actual number of operating tele phones shall huvo exceeded one thou sand connected telephone Hervieos thun said grantee, his associates, his executors, successors or assigns shall have the right to increase tho above mentioned monthlv rates not to ex ceed fifty cents per mouth for each telephone service so connected iu service Section (I. Nothing in tliU ordi nance shall bo construed us in unv wiso to prevent the proper uiilliyritins oi said citv ot Jledl'ird from sewer ing, grading, paving, repiuriuu or til lering any of the streets on which stud grantee, his associates, his ex ccntors, etc., are operating on. Section 7. The grantee, bis usNoi-i ntos, his executors, administrators. Psuccessors or assigns shall alter re ceiviug notice from tho proper an thorities of said city of Medford, ro inovo, raise or lower Ins wires, ca bles, etc., on anv of the streets of said city, to admit free passage of any linuso or houses which nro being moved upon said streets bv the an thority given bv said citv, said notice to ho served upon said grantee, hi iiisociateK. ins executors, etc.. not les than thirtv-six hours before such removal of said wires, cables or oili er fixtures is renuireil. Section 8. In consideration of the rights grunted, the citv of Mndford. bv its proper authorized officers, hall have the nuht to suspend noon the poles placed by said grantee, his sociates. his successors, executors or assigns, m the streets as afore- aiil. anv or all the wires which inuv ic leouircd for lire alarm or police. len-grapu service anil lor no other purposes except those mentioned in this section. Section 9. The grantee shall fur ii i - H ami mil it 1 1 it id free six telephone semcis to the city of Mcdlord. and one additional telephone service for each additional fire station hereafter maintained bv the citv. Tho said services to be placed as may be do.. ignaleil bv the citv council. Section 10. Said grantee, his as sociates, his executors, etc., ngreo to begin actual work on the things men tioned in this ordinance within four months from its passage and taking effect, mid prosccutu the same with diligence until substantially complete. Seel ion 1 1. Said grantee, bis asso ciates, his executors, etc.. further agreo that to violate anv of the con ditions herein set forth, time being tho essence hereof, will be sufficient cause to annul all privileges herein set forth, mentioned and described. Section 12. Tho rights, privileges and franchise herein grunted shall eonl iniio and bo in full force for a period of ten (10) years from the imsyagc oi mix ordinance nnd no lor.gor. Section 13. Said grnntoc shall. within ten days after tho passage of this ordinance filo with tho city clerk bis written acceptance of this fran chise. Section 14. It is further ngrood that the style of equipment shull be of tho most modern mnko. Section 15. The said grantee is to remove nnd change tho location of nnV polo or poles or appliances when so directed bv the citv authorities within fifteen dnvs after reooiving such notice and such removals or ..i .... , . ciiuiigns 10 no maue in accordance with tho resolution of tho city council. Whenever, bv reason of concen tration of business nnd traffic on unv portion of nnv street or avenue, it is. in the opinion of the citv coun cil essential to the safety of properly and the convenience of tho public Hint all poles and overhead wires bo re moved from snid portion of said street or avenue, tho citv council may bv resolution declnro such condition to exist, nnd thereupon snid grantee agrees to promptly proceed to cause nil polos nnd overhead wires to be removed from snid portion of snid streot or avenue nnd plnco upon some other street, alley or avenuo, or to causo said wires to bo buried be neath th? surface of snid portion of said street or avonuo ns said citv council may direct. Section lfl. Tho stylo of construe tion to be of the full multiple tpve onblo system on nil outside construc tion, including the main stront of the citv nnd other streets ns far as con sistent. 1 Suction 17. This frauchihu is not to bo transferred either directly or indirectly lo the Ainoricuii Hell, Telu Phouu ompaiiv or unv subsidiirv company thereof, or lo any telephone company doing u competitive tele phone business. ' i . Section JH. Tho said grantee fur. ther agrees to hold llu' t.jtv lri,0 rrom all harm und damage nribiiiir from any liegligeneo . or othcrwiso upon tho part of the grantee w,j0 cons riictmg al operating tho said telephone plant will,;.. ,l ... Medford. miY 01 " o9- , H"i'1 ttgrous lit lw w.ll, at nil ti1(,H. ,,nd up"' reasonable tonus, permit anv .1" imnv. association, person or 2. . ... .. .. vUllui , (1lv of lord to make niiini; . win' Hvt,It. and .Mho "fiord such company, assoeia- will. ,'K,"", '-lim "III! li s Sll iHer. L,. .. . Medford. mv 01 Section 20.' 1.. ,:.i II, . "..nnilirillK I I 01 tho rights im.i.i.,.1 ,i. ........ ., Shnrpo. Ins associates, hi Mlr. or assigns, do hereby covenant and ritvW..r"V",ir0 i"r,,i"1' ll,u Mui'1 citv ol Medlord. on or ,for0 tho "f oi rcoruury and the fi,t uv ol August of each year, a true und comploto Mat oinciit showing the gross receipts of lb., toplllu. u.lu. graph ami messenger nervice busi ness. and all thereof conduct,,,! , s'l.unt to this franchise. fr tlu klx months preceding tl,0 fjrht ,IIV ()f Jummry , tlu firHl ,luv ()f j , 4 respectively, next before the duto of said report Sui.l report ull,l slate moot shall b verified bv the oath ot the person . the active manage neiit of a,d business ami having ... set ' forth "'U tm lh"mn And the i,l j.;. (;, ,Sulr)u li(t . soi-iiitcs. successors, and assign,, hereby covenant and agree to pay at suid tune to tho iiv r Ml.,W(i a consideration for 10 riultU )(m(j granted, nil amount couiil lo Ht, Per ccnl. of the gross receipts fro. said. .Said pavnieois t I. i r before the lnl ,1IV of ..,, lllld every I-ebruarv and August, covering the six mouths endm,. ,. il, ...... of January and July respectively. ii. mediately precclj,,,, , ,U l' KIlili pavmenl. Viid the said K..C. Nlinm... social,., successors, ,J ussimis. ho ii i ncr coveuaul and agree that they "ill pay at said times IIS L'ttWll II I.OIX. 'cl.luge of (heir gross receipts to i, eilv as is paid In i , , " -ii, II V lill V other person, assnehii; tl'Ml doing a telephone, lelegranh ,.r messenger service in said citv. f..r it... privilege of iisiiiir II..- w, or thoroughfare of said city'for the transaction of mich business. Sect,,,,, 21 This ordinance shall nevoid ami the rights llerebv granted shall lapse and teriniiiiite absolutely unless the M,,il grantee shall within ted days from this dle file will. tl. citv recorder of the city of Medford his written acceptance of all terms and condilioiiH hereof, and shall at said tune deposit will. Mil ill ( if ... coider his certified ,-l,..t, ,i upon n bank doing biisi.,..sU ;.. ii. citv of Medford. in the sum of op -mumiiHu on i age u. WANTED APPLE PICKERS By ' Talent Orchard Company Talent Oregon For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, obes, tents, blankets, wag ; on sheets, axle grease and , flail cure, as woll as all kinds of custom work, see j. C. Smith '" 314' E.' Main." L'' '