i 6 THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEoFOIttJ. OREGON, Tl ID USD AY. OCTOHKR 'JS, 100!). ' The hure Of the Mask By HAROLD MAC GRATH 4 cir' NOTICES. Continued f'-om (Continued.) Copyright. 1908. by the Bobbt Merrill Co. be repented. Merrlhew sbook his hend airily. "Nlonte, nlcntc!" be said In his best Italian. He did not understand what the inspector said. He merely bad suspicions. "Look!" suddenly exclaimed Hlllard. Passing out of the door which led to liberty and to France, their luggage guaranteed by cabalistic chalk marks, were two women. One of them was veiled; the other was not. "Kitty KlUlgrew, as I liver shouted Merrlhew, making a dash for the door. But the inspector blocked the way, beckoned to a gendarme, wbo came over, and calmly pointed to Merri hew's unopened cases. . "Open!" said the inspector. "But" Merrlhew struggled to pass. "For heaven's sake," cried Hlllard, "be patient and open the cases at once." Merrlhew handled bis keys clumsily. It is ever thus when one Is in a hurry. Finally he threw back the lids, foiling that in another moment be must have spouted Italian or French out of pure magic simply to tell this fool inspector what be thought of bltn. "Oho, monsieur in a hurry!" mocked the Inspector. "Nothing, nothing!" He took out two boxes of cigars. "Why the devil didn't you tell me "I'd like to shake blm. He goes "a" l"KU,i . "u,u Igalnst the grain somehow." Merri-1 w",thfully. To find the women by this hew swung into the compartment "I . stro,ke ,of ' nd a ,t0 lose them maddening. 2 , T so?ason,-, Th7 are 1 hew's possessions with premeditated raija'r- aD, UIL ell rWard Ww Everything had to come out offended them It must have been some- Qe d the shaT, tQe thing outside the pale of forgiveness the , case8 and the But I should like to know where old ,,. CHAPTER XL A BOX OF CIQARS. ON the way up to Rome Hlllard and his pupil had a second class compartment all to themselves. The train was a fast one. for the day of slow travel has passed In Italy, and the cry of Speed is beard over the land. There was a cbnngc of cars at Rome and a wait of two hours. After luncheon Merrlhew secretly bought two boxes of cigars to carry along. They were good cigars and cost him ?J3. He covered them with some newspapers and at the station succeed ed by some legerdemain in slipping tbcm Into one of bis cases. Hillnri would have lectured him on bis ex travagance, and this was a good way to avoid it But some hours later he was going to be very sorry that he bad not made a confidant of bis guide. As they were boardlng'tbe train they noticed two gentlemen getting into the forward compartment of the carriage. "Humph: Our friend with the srar." said Hlllard. "We do not seem able to shake him." wonder why the Sandfords dropped him?" Giovanni is. 1 miss blm." "Poor devilT said Merrlhew, careless sympathy. The train started. "Monte Carlo! Gold. gold. bag. with Will yon hasten?" asked Hlllard. Wo fin nnt Trfsh tn mlea Hi i trn in " "Others follow," said the inspector laconically. Utile i TTlMnrfl nrnriimprl n (ira frnnr. nlwo round pieces of gold!" Merrlhew rub- The lnspector ,aughed wlthout nolge T m'ser u ,Jm 1 and sbook his head. This one inspector Ha,rd?, S(? an,d heaVy t0. h0ldr I' impervious to money or smooth quoted Hillard. "1 suppose that you speecues. He ,s tlle jaw personlDed. have a system already worked out." inexorable "Of course. I shall win if I stick to . ,,.,, ' t,no,i M 00 .,f neither Kitty nor the veiled lady again. Doubtless they were already on the It "Or if the money lasts. Bury your system, my boy. It will do you no good. Trust to luck only. Monte Car lo is the graveyard of systems." "But maybe my system is the one. Ton can't tell till I have tried it" Soon the train began to lift into the mountains, the beautiful Apennines. By the time they arrived In Genoa, late at night both compared favorably with the coalers in the harbor of Na ples. ' . Early the next morning the adven turers set out for Monte Carlo more tunnels; a compartment filled with women and children.1 But the beauty of the Riviera was compensation. Ventimiglia. or VIntlmllle, has a. sin ister sound in the ears of the traveler if percbance be be a man fond of bis tobacco. The train drew in. A dozen steps more and one was virtually In France. But there is generally a slight hitch before one takes the aforesaid steps the French customs. A porter popped his head into the window. "Eight minutes for examination of luggage!" be cried, train. Had Merrlhew been an old traveler he would have left him to get to Monte Carlo the best way he could, but Merrlhew was as helpless as a child, and he hadn't the heart to desert him. though be deserved to be desert ed. Ding-ding! went the bell. Wbee vbee! went the whistle. The train "or Monte Carlo was drawing out and they were being left behind. Hlllard swore and Merrlhew went white with Impotent anger. If only be could hit something! The inspector smiled and went on with bis deadly work. When be was certain that tbey could not pos sibly catch the train be banded the cigars to their owner and pointed to a sign the other side of the barricade. "What shall I do now, Jack?" Merrl hew asked. "I refuse to help you. Find out your self." So Merrlhew, hopeless and subdued, went into the room designated, saw the cigars taken out and weighed, took "Come, Dan," cried Hillard; 'lively if the bill and presented it with a hun dred lire note at the little window la the off room. . ' Procuring his change, he found Hll lard sitting disconsolately on the bar ricade, t "I hope you( are perfectly satisfied," said Hlllard. with an amiability which wouldn't have passed muster any where. "Oh. I'm satisfied," answered Merri hem. He stuffed his pockets with ci gars, slammed the boxes Into the case and locked them up. "I warned you about tobacco." "I know It." "You should have told me." wizened little man. "I know that too. but I didn't want "Monsieur has nothing to declarer' , you to lecture me, we want good seats when we come sut We change trains." After a short skirmish tbey located their bi longings. Tbey would have to be patient. . Among the Inspectors at Ventimiglia is a small, wizened Frenchman with a face as cold and impassive as the sand blown sphinx. lie possesses, among other accomplishments, a nose pecul- j iar less for Its shape than for its smell. He can "smell out" tobacco as a witch doctor In Zululnnd smells out a "devil." : Fate directed this individual toward i the Americans. Hlllard knew him of old, and be never forgets a face, this j "A lecture would have been better than waiting here in this barn for three bonrs." ' "Three hours?" despondently. be asked. Hillard made a negative sign and opened bis cases. With scarce a glance at their contents and waving aside the coupons the inspector ap plied tbe chalk and turned to Merri- j tew. Why a0 they advertise in The Tri- "Monsieur baa nothing to declarer bunet Easy. They get results. F. :!k' rilv o!' Mei!ti'il, wh'ch cheek shall bo held bv the ritv of Medfonl un tho I'limliliiins lifivnfloi' set forth. 'It suiil ur:tittii, his associates, hw sue-ee.-si)l! or u.-Mt'lis. hluill buiiill Ilia :u'l:inl wo:!; on the thinirs mentioned in this ordinance witli in lour mouths trom its imssnuo mid tukinir effect, nml shall prosecute tho Mime with tlil iuonce until suhstuntmllv completed, so 'that not less than twentv-fivu hundred dollars ($'J')(ID) shall have been expended in tho uutuul count mo tion work of instiillinir said plant on the uraiind in said fit v within six months from the duto of tho (ukine effect of this ordinance, thou, nml lis soon ns the said sum of I wont V-five hundred dollars ($2"0ll) shall have been so expended, mid said fact, cer tified as hereinafter set forth, said cheek mnv bo withdrawn upon depos iting in lieu thereof a sufficient bond, in tho penal sum of two thousand dol lars ($2000). cunrnnteeini! the con struction of said plant in accordance herewith, so as to have tho same substantially complete within l'J months after (he date of tho imssmro and taking effect of this ordinance. It is understood and nirrci'd that the eitv engineer of the citv of Med ford shall determine the question ns to the amount of work actually done, and that tho repayment of said cheek shall only be made upon the certifi cate of said eitv eneineer that said work has actually been performed within said time. CITY NOTICES. It is further unili'i'stood and aifreeil that time, is, and shall ho of tho es sence hereof, n ml that if said craii lee, his associates, his successors or assigns, shall fail to begin actual work on the tilings mentioned in this ordinance! within four months from its passage and taking uffeet, or to prosecute tho same with reasonable diligence, so (hat there slmll have ac tually been expended, in aforesaid, within the aforesaid six months, the said sum of tweutv-fivo hundred dol lars ($'jritll)) in the actual work of construction on tho ground in said eitv. tlicn all riglts of the said gran tee, his associates, his successors or assigns, in or to said certified cheek, shall be absolutely forfeited to said citv, and said eitv shall retain the same nml all thereof us linuidated damages for the breach of this con tract. Section -2. This ordinance shall tako effect and be in full force from and after its passage, upproval and posting. Hone at Medford. Oregon 1 !()!. Thu foregoing ordinance was pass ed bv tho citv council of tho citv of Medford, Oregon, on the 'JJntl dav of October, 11)011. bv tho following vote: Welch, ave; Merrick, nve: Wortmau, no; Kifert. nve; nml Peiiimor, live: Kmerick, absent. Approved this 2.'ird dav of October. 1001). W. U. CANON. Mayor. Attest: liOHT. W. TKI.FKR. Citv liecorder. P. 0. Hansen. :?.': Tom Moffat We make any kind and style of windows. W carry p;la?s of any size on hand. Medford Sdsh & Door Co. NOTICE Have you seen trie new electric clock. It runs 12 months with one winding at Martin J. Reddy THE JEWELER Near P. O. Hot Tamale Parlors 403 N. BARTLETT STREET. BEGINNING OCTOBER 5, WILL BE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Fresh beef and chicken-tamales, Mexican beans, chicken soup and all varieties of Mexican dishes always on hand. Special tables for ladies. Will also keep a supply of tamales, etc., at Kennedy's. Highest cash prices paid for chickens. MANUEL ELARIU, Proprietor. ' (To be continued.) "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid SI a pound for it. , Everything about Folgcr's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. ( & Reagan GROCIiuIES, CHINAWAEE, lKUi'.f AND FEED. Allen COMBINATION RANGE BOILER INSULATOR AND HOT FIRELESS COOKER i 'Err ten fcV Containing two indispensable luxuries and two sources of econ omy. Call and l't us demonstrate its merits. J. W. WHITNEY Office in Aikin Plumbing Co.'s Store, Medford. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON . TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES jr-g.,.,, FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OP FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in tbe Pacific North west. Not in tbe combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREJON RESOLVED Tho bent resolution for you to mnko is to come to us for your next suit, if you want somothinjr out of tho. orilinnry. Wo lo the boHt work mid chnrge the lowoHt prices. W. W. EIFERT THE PEOQEIiSSIVE TAILOB When we suggest that you Toast Your Bread On Breakfast Table We do not mean that you should eat off , the stove toast With an Electric Toaster and have crisp, brown, delicious toast costs lc per meal to operate. Wo have the best toaster on the market for sale at $4.50. Clean, appetizing, sanitary ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co.