THE WEATHER. Main tonight mid Friday. Cnnler Friday. Mrs. J. C. Moimu i4 hero from Ilcln, II. I,, visiting her du iiv'litiT, Mrs J. S. Craig of Kaglu Point. Kiln Ouunyaw, pnhiio stunogrnpbor, room 4, I'uhn building. Tony Miirriilu, rare horse owner it ml Higu painter, in Imi'k in town again after ii long absence. Mr. Mur rain minim frnm Grants I'iihx, where In1 has Ijim'ii making hi liimin. tint, Im hiivh, "you've khI a better town tliaii wo have. Med l ord's alive." rimno 3.103 fur ton or coffee. Miss ,, S. Wood is in tliii idly on llllhjlM'HH this WI'I'U. i. Order fur sweet cromn or butter milk promptly filled. Phone the oreamerr. Huliy and, Mario Loflnnd loft the other day for Fugle I'nint on n visit with their brothers, Lewis and Percy I.ofland. . . . Why muli hornet Try tho Spot Cnfo's 2.rin dinner. lionlon A. Kifford, who linn been in tho city fnr some time in tho in terest of a San Francisco firu in surance company, left tho oilier morning on No. 20. Mr. Kifford dis covered that W. II. Crawford of thix lilneii wax his coiiKin and lliey had a very pleasant visit. Spices nnd extracts at 30 So. G Jit root. S. K. Crow, owner and proprietor of a loeal hotel, re I n mod Thursday from n trip to Airland. Hoxt papor in southern Oregon Tho Tribune Mrs. Dnllv Swan of Wood, f'nl., Mopped off in thix city on her wny to Jacksonville, where xho goes to vixit her daughter, Muudo Rny. Southern Oregon Ton nnd Coffco Co.,'.1fl So. 0 xtreot. Mrx, J. W. McCoy oatno down from Ashland Thursday morning on busi ness, text moal for the lonxt monoy at thn Spot cafe. t Merlo Minoar nnd Jessie Darby were innrried at tho hitter's homo on flriri'in Creek hy L. F. Belknap, pax tor of tho M. K. ehiireh of thix city, Wednesday, Oetnbor 27. Tho couple left for n tour of California tho same evening. Fifty thousand Xo. 1 grape rootx while they last, $'2 per thousand at "Cook's." the nurseryman. !)l Mrx. .1. .1. Van Union and daughter of lloise, Idaho, arc visiting Mrs. ,T. W. Dressier of lllis city. Hoiiso for rent nnd furniliiro for sale, 8 rnomx, only two blocks from depot; rent only $20; n snap if takun lit oneo. Call X. W. corner Fourth mid Front streets. 100 J. T. Dargen of Atlantn, On., loft tho other dny for homo nfter n Rhort slay in this city. Five-room house, bam nnd two lotx on Xorth Riverside nvenno for snle at fpl'iflO. Impure of W. T. York & Co. 102 Charles K. linked died nt his home on CJ riff in Creek Wednesday morning of consumption. Ttcv. IToxio will conduct funeral services nt tho home Friday morning nflor' which tho ro mninx will be laid in tho Fhoenix cemetery. B. II. Harris returned the other day frnm n visit to Michigan nnd will vivo hix full ntlention to hix lumber ing intereslx here. Mr. Harris left for lliille Falls Thursday morning. A parly in honor of Mixx Frnnkic Ohlielt, who is leaving with her par ents for West Virginia, was (riven hy Miss Maude flanex Wednesday eve ning . The work of laving water pine on 'ii"k'on si reel will be oounlclod in n few days anil the trenches will be rilled. .T. H. Ttocelf of River Fares, Wi.. is in Medl'ord looking for n loention. Mrs. Louis T'lrioh of Jacksonville spent Wcdnesdny in Medford. Mrs. W. S. Spitzer nud Mnrv Sm't r.or who were shopping in Mod ford tho other day, left for their homo in Talent. Ihfl Inst of the week. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. J. Wntson of Sis on, Cal.. who have boon viisting tho lntter'n sixtor, Mrx. 0. M. Mnrphy, Iff t for home Thursday. THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, Mil and Mrx. Waldo Collier! of ('orvallix ant in llm valley visiting friendx nud looking for a locution. Mix. J. S. dill of Gnrfliilil, Wash., arrived hero the laxl of the week to vixit with Mrx. J. Woody and J. Ktin xoil (bu city. Mrx. Lucie I .mid linx come hero to live from Ocnexeo, N. I). Shu will vixit her daughter, Mrx. Caspar Miller of Kuglii I'nint, lor some time. Mixx I'Vankiit and Oraco Abbott left for u visit to Kcixer, W. Vn.', Thursday. liev. W. T. (Joiiluer ix Inking a xliort vnciiiioii iimiu William creek, hunt ing and fishing. ' ' Mrx. Hubert Hillings of Ashland, who paid Medford a xhort business visit thu other day, returned home on Thurxduy. Mr. and Mrx. C. J. Butler of Sac rumenlo left for homo after spending some lime looking over tho valley. T. Iliihbard of l'l.vmoiith, MJcb., who hex been visiting W. Packard of this city, left for home Thursday morning. , Mrx. M. 11. Long of Cambridge, O., who has been visiting Mrx. C. Linn of Jacksonville for tho past week, left for bor home in tho east tho other day. jack Kucha returned recently from hix hunting trip in -tho Mount Pitt country. Mixx Cntherhifl Chapman of Jack sonville left for u vixit to lloruhrook, Cal., tho other day. Mr. and Mrx. II. ('. Dixon of Grunts l'uxx slopped off hero Thursday on their way to visit Dr. F. W. Hosier of Jacksonville. F. It. Short of San Francisco was in Jacksonville on biixinexx recently. ' William Hart Hamilton of San Joxo, who has largo property inter ests in thix city, ix again in Medford. George W. Tuylor went to Ashland on business Thursday. Mr. and Mrx. A. Schmidt cuuic over from Jacksonville this week to visit l'ocahontux lodge, No. 1. Mr. Schmidt ix the oldest lodgo man in Jaekso neounty and wax the organ izer of hix lodge hero. II. J. Devereaux of Buffalo, X. Y., arrived be Tlmrxiny und took tho train for .mekxo:r i' s where ho will I ra n snel home business. A sidewalk ix being put in along the wide of tho park facing Oakdalc avenue. . !;'' F.ight teams are 'busy on Seventh street hauling crushed rock for the paving. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Donough of Mitchell, Ncb arrived in the city Thursday nud will settle hero in the vallcv. Mr. Ionom;!i ix a barber nnd will ply his trade in Eagle Point. Colonel (leorge P. Minis of Central Point spent Thursday in Medford. City Attorney Nei'f spent Thurs day morning in Jacksonville on busi ness with the enialialioii board. Henry C. Savage, 'of Phoenix was in Medford Thursday on business. William C. Wilson of Kugene is spending a few days m Medford with friends. Mrs. Arthur. Hrown is making an extended visit with relatives near Eu gene. Harry Williamson of Klamath Falls is xM-nding a few days in Medford. F. M. Stewart left Thursday for n b lilting trip in lug Butte section. B. H. Harris, who returned Tues day evening from Michigan, left on Thursday for BuHe Falls. HOTEL ARRIVALS. At tho Nash O. K. Sholders, San Francisco; Charles K. Piny, Marion; B. A. Sifford, Portland; C. P. Vin ocnt, New York; E. K. Hannn, Rose burg; L. II. Onj, Now York; J. Alex ander, San Francisco; P. A. Barney, Detroit; J. H. Linn, Roscburg; John I). Kuran, San Frnnoiseo; Charles A. Boyee. M. W. linger, John Blnke ley, William nahn, 0. W. rnrker. Portland; II. E. Nail Riverville; Tony Habinber, Arrowvillc; Dollie Swan, Thomas Slater. New York; Joseph Ooldstone, S. M. Seligsohn, Charles L. Fitehette. San Francisco; II. B. Bowlund. W. Baxter, J. II. Banm. Chi cago; E. P. Chandler. Woodvillc. At the Moore M. Conrtwright. Klamalli Falls: W. M. W. McXealy. Scut tie; Alex Anderson. Bly; Ts.iac W. Gill, Toledo; R. F. Willis, 'Medford Merlo Christonseii. Redding; James A. Slorah, city; Paul Christensen. Redding; F. T. Plowden, San Fran cisco ; I B. French, F. A. Lane, Myr tle Crook; F. J. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Skcols, George Apcel, A. E. Bensis, Portland; J. W. Qnane, John C. Lueiont, San Frnncisco. Notice to A. F. & A. M. There will be work iu tho third de gree Friday evening. BRYAN NOT KICKED OUTLAYS MACK Democratic Chairman Refuses to Go on Record Regarding Candidates. CHICAGO, Oct. 28. Norman Mack chairman of tho democratic national committee, today denied that the committee hud repudiated William J. Bryan. "It ix too enrly to make predic tions ax to the next campaign," said Mack, "and a chairman cannot go on record ax yet in regard to any notion which the committee might take. Neither can the committee go on rec ord regarding the support of the prospective candidates, Governor Harmon of. Ohio or Governor Mar shall of Indiana. Both arc big men and their names will undoubtedly be mentioned at Jh next democratic Convention." UNION LIFE WILL GO INTO LIQUIDATION ALBANY, X. Y.. OH. 28. On the application of Attorney General O'Mallcy, which wux joined iu by the company, tho New York supreme court on Tuesday granted an order directing the liiiiidatiou of the Union Life Insurance company by the New York Insurance department. Super intendent of Insurance Totchkiss an nounced negotiations with tho Met roMilifan Life Insurance company whereby the latter company reinsured all of the policy obligations of the I'niou Life Insurance company. Library Board Meeting. The library board will meet this evening nt 7:30 o'clock at Mr. Yuw ler's office. It is important that all members be present, ns it will be de termined by lot the length of the term of each member, also who the. retiring members are to be. Other ijnpo riant business. .MRS. IT. C. STODDARD, President. Europe's Dirtiert Town. All travelers should shun Boralaw, In Gnllcla "the . back of Europe" truthfully willed the dirtiest place In Europe. It Is the oil trade center and Is decidedly not beautiful. In tbe main street all the bouses have been built on . mine refuse, and most of them have sunk below tbe level of the street. In fact, there is not a solid brick or stone building la the wbole of the town, and many of the bouses arc In a stnte of partial or entire col lapse. Unrefined petroleum Is every where. It gets into everything food nnd clothing nnd the atmosphere reeks of It. Along one side of the main street Is a raised wooden pave ment, and beueatb It is an oily ditch. Boryslaw's main wnterway is a nar row, sluggish, oily stream. On Its banks the town's refuse Is cast, and the market booths are erected along side, while tbe local washerwomen though from externnl appearances one would judge tbat laundresses did not exist there at all do tbeir washing to Its oily depths. Got Too Familiar. A story told of Justice Brewer con cerns a trip be made to his old home In Kansas, accompanied by Mrs. Brewer..' Is Washington a (justice of the supreme court Is spoken of as "Mr. Justice." and tbat Is tbe title Mrs. Brewer always has beard. When they reached Chicago, however, the "Mr." was dropped and tbe Jurist was re ferred ' to as "Justice Brewer." At Omaha some old friends called him "David Jm" and when they crossed tbe Kansas line some former neigh bors referred to him as "David." "Let's go home," suggested Mrs. Brewer. "Why 7' asked the Justice. "Because, dear." Mrs. Brewer re plied. "I am afraid if we go any far ther they will be calling you 'Davie.' " Cleveland Lender. Cure For Disconsolate Lovars. Somebody hns lu out of nn old book of the lime of Queen Elizabeth the following advice to d slighted and despondent lover: Tye one end of a rope rlchte over a bcame And make a sllppe noose at the other ex trenme. Just under the bcame lett a bucket be sett: On It lett the lovler most manfullle Rett. Right over his heude be lett the snlcket be gott And under his ears well fastened the knott. The buckott kicked clears, lett htm tak a full swinge , And leava alls the rests of the works to the strings! ()n:nO, TIIIIK'.SDAY, Poison In the Middle Ages. In the middle ages so little was known of toxicology that all sudden snd mysterious deaths were attribut ed to poison. Imt In the light of mod ern knowledge many of these, says tbe Krltlsti Medical Journal, are now eas ily explained hy such dlsenses as ap pendicitis and gastric ulcer. Even tbe Ilorglas can I absolved from many of the poisonings laid to their charge. Nevertheless from early times In Italy poison was a favorite means of "re moving" an enemy. In England, France and Germany cruder methods of vengeance prevailed, and It was not until tbe sixteenth century tbat tbe Medici Introduced poisoning Into France. The fashion spread wltb ter rible rapidity, and poison was employ ed In every rank of society to get rid of Inconvenient persons. Tbe art In troduced Into France by Catherine de" Medici and ber followers took root so deeply ns to blossom later Into tbe black magic of Louis XIV.'s reign. Monuments to Wellington. Ilns any Brlilsb national hero mors monuments to bis fame In London than Wellington? There i l be Achilles stntuo by Westinnscott In Hyde park, cast from cannons taken at Salamanca. Vlttorla. Toulouse and Waterloo, at a cost of 10.000, defrayed by "the wom en of England." Tbe equestrian statue by Boebm at Hyde park corner is tbe second equestrian statue erected Id tbat locality. Tbe former one. by Wyatt, costing some 30,000, was re moved to Aldersbot when tbe sreb wblcb it crowned was moved. Then there Is the colossal equestrian statue by Chantrey at tbe west front of tbe Itoyal Exchange, tbe monument by Bell Id tbe Guildhall, tbe monument by Stevens In Ht. Paul's, wblcb was over twenty years In hand, and a stone stntup by M lines, erected In tbe Tower of London near the Waterloo barracks. London Chronicle. Persian Cities. Teheran. Persia's capital. Is one of tbe least interesting cities of that an cient lund. The houses are mean, tbe streets narrow and dirty, and even tbe Jiuhice of the shall Is fnr from being a thing of beauty. It bus uo history worth mentioning and ix only redeem ed by tbe blrtli of Harniiu-ul-Knscbld to a neighboring village. Its Impor tance coincit from the presence of tbe court, but It undergoes a sad decadence In summer, wheu tbe unbealtbful cli mate drives tbe greater part of tbe population to more sanitary places. Ispahan, the former capital of Per sia, is far different Tbat city was opce girdled by a wall of twenty-four miles, and Sbab Abbas In thesixteeutb century loaded it wltb magnificence. It coutnlus splendid mosques and an cient palaces which appeal to tbe im agination. But Ispahan, too, bos fallen upon evil days. "Houses, bazaars, mosques, palaces, wbole streets."" writes a traveler of a few years ago, "are to be seen in to-, tal abandonment, and one may ride for miles without meeting with a siDgle living creature except perhaps a soli tary Jackal looking over a mall or a fox running to bis bole." A Witty Widow. A widow of tbe nume rtf Rugg. hav ing taken Sir Charles Price for ber second husband, was asked by a friend how she liked the change. "Ob." she replied. "1 parted with my old Rugg for a good Price." The Missing Part. Landlady Ynu say iln- i-hlt ken snap Isn't good? Why. I told Hie rook hnw to make It Perhaps "he d'il"! m"-i tbe Idea Boarder No: I (k i; !.. the chicken she illfi"'- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY.. FOR RENT Furnished rooms at No. 10 North Grape street, first house off-West Main street. 195 WANTED Lady or gentleman waiter nt Emerick cafe. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will apply nt the negt regu lar meeting of te city council, Med ford. Oregon, Tuesdny, November 2, for a license to sell malt, vinous nnd spirt ions liquors in less quantities than one gallon nt lot . block 21, m Medford, Or., for n p.-riod of six months. Dated October 22. GEORGE M. HORDEAVX. We are Orowete Tint direct from na NO AOKNTS) Our Trees are crown strictly WITHOUT IRRIGATION Write for free Catalan, tmrao stock of vmrteUtaUal'lafor commercial orciisrds CMct Fruit, Nut Mid Omirmlll TrMl, Brans VlnM, Smill Fnlt Plinll tml Sbrabbtij Tub Dallks Nukst.kiks MalaOflos, te Otsad Ar,ronlnd,Or. 4 OCTOBER 28, 1909. BENSON'S BARGAINS Wo nre headquarters for business properties of every description. Ten acres four miles from Medford nnd Vz miles from Central. Point, new land, 8 acres ready to culti vate, new J-room house, good new small barn, situated on mam traveled road; tha very best soil in the val ley; fine fine shade trees and a beau tiful site for a home. Large lot with 12 full bearing ap ple trees on South Central avenue; fine location and a beautiful si'e for a home; a snap if taken at once. Forty acres, 16 miles from Med ford, half mile from Beagle; 8 aeres cultivated; 4 acres in fruit tree 2 to 10 years old, on two good roads ; small house, barn, woodshed, etc; 25 acres inclosed in woven wire fence : $2000 Small house and barn, with seven lots, north side Jackson street ; a snap , $lb3U New 5-room house, hardwood fin ish, new woodshed, well on back porch, lot 50x100, corner Jackson and Fir $1450 One acre, 0-room house, barn, chicken bouse, city water, only 600 feet from Riverside avenue . . .$3400 Four-room house on west side Main street, lot 50x168 $1500 We want a man with horse and buggy to show real estate and write fire insurance 5-room mo )ern bungalow on South Central avenue yx snap if taken at once . .... $2050 Nine-room modern house, Bunga low addition, lot 50x160, corner 4th and Orongc, near Oakdale ave..$3850 284 aeres, one mile from P. & E. depot; a bargain at the price. .$6000 Rooming house Best location in the city; clears $150 per month; long lease $2200 27 acres, three miles from Med fora; $1500 house, good barn, alL in nlfalfa: the best land to be found in the Rogue River valley; ternis.$ 12,000 I8V2 acres, close in property, fin est free soil, 14 acres planted to com mercial apples and pears 4 years old. V2 acres alfalfa; good terms $1 1,500 For sale or rent 9-room modern bunealow on Orange street, near Oak dale; rent $30; price .". .$3850 Business loention lot 50x100, right in the heart of the city. Call nt our office for particulars $8500 5 aeres inside city limits, high ele vation; this tract-can be subdivided into building lots or would make an ideal orchard tract. It is a bareain at $3000 5 acres adjoining city limits, good orchard land and a beautiful site for a home: in one year will be worth double the price asked $2000 10 acres, one mile from Medford on main traveled road to Ashland; Bear creek bottom land, set to apples and pears 2 years old; trees are strong and vigorous. Here is a beautiful site for a home.'' Easy terms. Price ...J.. $2900 3-room box house and large lot on South Central nvenue, completely furnished; good well nnd chieken house: a genuine bnrgam; easy terms Price $750 Some splendid business properties for bale, close in, good income pay ers. Call at our office for details. Our charge is $1 per month for routine; nnd collecting. We represent seven strong relia ble fire insurance companies. Surety bo; ds We represent the Union Guarantee Association of Port land. We have several applications on file for furnished houses. BENSON INVESTMENT CO Opposite Moore Hotel . 1 12 W Main St. Phone 3073 Main. 2 CD - $ a- 3 CD CD GO Ht CO to