Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 28, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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, Medford Daily Tribune
Official Paper of the City of Medford.
Published every evening except Sunday.
( George Putnam, Editor and Mauager.
Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof i: v-
Medford, Oregon.
One year, by mail.
. .$5.00Ono month by mnil or carrier. .$0.00
The Tribune is for sale by Hotel Portland Nows Stand, Portland, Or. ;
' Ferry News Stand, San Francisco. Cnl.
Professor Wesley C. Mitchell of the University of Cal
ifornia, in. a recent issue of the Journal of Economics,
brings out the fact tthat inJS76 the" ratio of the capital of
national banks to total liabilities was 38 per cent. In 188(5
it was 31, in 1896, 30.- If is now 19. By his article ho
shows that the decline in the ratio has occurred during a
periods of prosperity. During panicky or hard tinies there
is practically no change in the oad of liabilities imposed
pn bank capital. '
A movement so constant may be expected to continue
in the good times that may be now well resumed- Professor
Mitchell shows that the ratio was exactly the same on Au
gust 22, 1907, and May 14, 1908 before and after the panic
but the decline since then has been resumed. The" t'Apital
ratio in state banks has declined from 41 per tent in 1S78
"to 1 pel' cent in 1909. " '
. That there need by any element of peril in this ten
dency Professor Mitchell disproves by citing the Cana
dian, English and Welsh banks, which have not suffered
from panics like ours. The Canadian ratio has declined
from 46 in 1878 to 19 now. The English and Welsh joint
stock bank ratio has within the same years gone from If
toll. - -w . , ..-"
One dollar of banking capital throughout the English
speaking world is doing twice the work it did a generation
ago. The same is true in many other forms of business.
Whatever safeguards are thrown about deposits by bank
ing custom or by public supervision will continue this strik
ing illustration of the increasing function of credit in bus
iness life.
Property owners and citizens of Medford owe it to
themselves and to the city to clean up some of the dis
graceful rubbish, heaps along alleys, back yards and vacant
. The sense of civic pride should be strong enough to
force everyone to clean up, but it don't seem to be.. Clean
ing up days were set aside, but the bulk of the people paid
no attention to them. It is time to enforce the laws which
were put on the statute books. The city officials are cloth
ed with ample authority; let them use it, for if cleanliness
is not voluntary, it must be compulsory.
Apples Were From the Robinson Or
chard Located Near
Wilderville. '
posed that would put a stop to traf
fic and was informed by the owners
of the orchards that they would not
: again try to dispose of the apples.
' However, the latter part of last week
he found that they were making deals
with people here in town to sell the
apples at a reduced rate, offering the
apples at 50 cents a box, and at some
places informed the people (hat the
apples would be delivered at about
daylight in the morning. .
GRANTS PASS, Oct. 28. Fruit
Inspector J. F. Brke has not been
in office long and there is probably
many people in the county who do not
know him, but if they try to dispose
of diseased fruit or evade the fruit
laws, they will soon get acquainted
with him.
Some time ago ha visited the or
chards of Richard Robinson' and J.
H. Robinson at Wilderville and found
much of their fruit diseased, being
wormy and scaly.
He notified them that they' must
not bring such fruit to this city for
sale, but some time since he was in
formed that they were bringing the
fruit in and peddling it around to
different parties. He laid for them
and some days ago caught a wagon
load of the fruit from the Richard
Robinson orchard at the river bridge
He examined the apples and found
thta they were diseased, and as a re
sult he poured kerosene over the ap
ples and compelled the driver to haul
the apples out of town.
He again confiscated some of the
apples from these orchards, and sup-
The 8mithy 8ettled It'
One of the candidates at an English
lection wus announced to address a
meeting In' a Yorkshire village well
known to horse dealers and breeders
as the center of a district noted for its
hackneys and roadsters., The candi
date was an eloquent speaker, bat for
some reason or other he failed to
make any great impression on the
horse loving farmers. However, the
local blacksmith came to the rescue by
summing up the respective merits of
the rival candidates In the following
laconic little speech:
"Friends, this feller" the candidate
"rides a 'oss. T'other feller rides a
mortycar. You breeds 'osses, an' I
shoes 'em, so wot Is tbeer to argy
In such a district and before such an
audience the brief, businesslike speech
of the blacksmith was not without ef
fect, for It touched the pockets as well
as the hearts of those present Lon
don Mall.
Passing Events.
' Tlmit Is a sort of river of passing
events, and strong Is Its current. No
sooner Is a thing brought to light than
it Is swept by and another takes Its
place, and . this. too. will be w-pt
away. Marcus AurrlluB.
Enlists Aid of Pollca anj Newspaper
Men in Sc:rch for
Missing Man.
A sentry. .in irishman, was on post
duty for tin- tlrtt time at uljsbt. wlicn
the olllrer r I lit' lny approached. He
called. "Who comi's there?"
"Ollicer of the day." was the reply.
Then what are yei doin' out at
night?" naked the sentry. London
Demeanor Analyzed.
"Tour chauffeur seems very respect
ful." said the guest.
"Thnt air of deferential solicitude,"
replied Mr. Cbugglns. "Is not respect
It Is sympiuhy. "-Washington 8tar.
Medical Professor What Is the re
sult young gentlemen, when a patient's
temperature goes down as far as It
can? Student Why er be gets cold
feet Cleveland Leader.
One at Home.
Mrs. Happywed i never saw an ed
ucated bear. Did you? Patient Wife
Yes. Indeed. We hnve one. Come over
some afternoon when be Is at home.
Devote each day to the object then
In time, and every evening will And
something done. Goethe.
His Opening.
Oatcake What be your son Jake
a-goln' ter dew niv that he hez left
Heyrix I duunu ylt. lies tnlkln
some of beln' a doctor, but I've been)
tell ez beow t bar be a heap nv money
in bankruptcy, so mebby he'll try that
fer a spell. Chicago News.
His Bald Spot.
Little ijnrgle's father bad a bald
pot. While kissing biro at 'bedtime
one evening she said:
"Stoop down. pupa. I want to kiss
yon on the head where the lining
The greatest of all faults. I should
say. Is to be conscious of none. Car-lyle.
SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 28. Lulu
Qombobxy, a pupil in pnblo school,
No. 71, living with her mother F 3H7
Tenth avenue, New 'York, is conduct
ing a search for her brother, William
Qombossy, who is believed to be some
where in the northwest. The little
girl has enlisted the aid of the news
paper men in Spokane.
In a letter to a local news pa per.
Miss QomhoKsy says her brother left
New York about two and a half years
ago to take a position with the Helena
Transmission Power company, going
afterward to Creney, Washington
where he remained a year on con
struction work, writing n letter to his
mother oneo n week. Ho was next
heard from at Helena, Washington,
but not a word has been heard from
him since July, 1908. She nddsi 'll
is 23 years of age of good habits and
has no cause to stop writing iiofin
Stiint'tiliug serious lias litippeued. If
he, is sick and needs anything, please
let me know and we will get it for
him. I have saved a little money by
running errands after school nnd if
there is anything I can do, I gladly
send him all I have. trv to
help me find him. I am very sad nnd
my dear mother's heart is broken.
He is my only brother."
Will See That Laws Regarding Hours
Are Observed In the
KPOKANK, Wiish., Oct. 28. Pro
limiunry arrangements have been
completed by tho officers of Clerk's
Union of Spokano to organize all tho'
retail clerks nnd saleswomen into ouo
union, which will have 271)0 members
if present plans are carried out. The
purpose of the organization is to pro
mote the social interests of the clerks
take care of them in sickness nnd
when out of employment n::l ileal
with employers regimlmK won nnd
hours. The stale law provides Unit
women shall not work more tli.m nine
hours n day, hut this is somctinics
ignored by cleparlnienlnl stores on
Saturdays and to enforce il I ho nl'l'i
cors say, it will he M.oeev.snv.v In pur.
foot the organization. The store
owners say with one or Iwo eveepl
ions the shops close at sit n'clnclc
every evening, They will make an In
vestigation ami if the reports made
by (lie union are liorne out I he retail
dealer's organization will cull upon
state officials to prosecute the of
fenders. ' ""
For Chapped Skin.
Chapped skin whether oji tho hands
of fnco mny lie cured in one night by
applying Chamberlain's Snlvo. It is
also unoqtmlod for sore nipples,
hums nnd scalds. For sttlo by Leon
n. Ilaskins' Pharmacy.
"The Mcml stiil the Jtini;! '," every
drop of fighting blood in your make
up will tingle. Your i.ulignuiioii
at the condition! cxpoicj will he
ulinoit lott in your ailiniiailun of
Indue I.iiultcy's j i4tnc, iiiele-liMinlcil
light iiml your rruliatinn t hut lie la
performing a magnificent public
You'll find the
a very likable
On Display by Medford Honk Store,
Knssell's Store mid Hotel Nash
News Hlniiil.
Mcdfijt'd, Oregon: This ceil i lien
llial we have sold Hall's Texas Won
der for the euro of all kidney, blad
der and rlieuiniilie troulilim for ten
yeui'M, nnd have never had n com
plaint. It gives ipiick and permanent
relief. (Ill days' Ircnlincnt in each bot
tle. Medford Phartnaey. .
Friday and Saturday
Richard Darling Stock Company
"A Bachelor's Romance"
A Beautiful Four-Act Comedy
Hoot Mon
Did You See the Scotch Specialty By
Billy Van and Chas. Overton
Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh
New Stage and More ftoom.
A Ssat For Everybody
Admission as Usual 10 and 20 Cents
Friday and Saturday Special
Table Tumblers, both plain and fancy edge; highest
quality flint glass,-which usually sell for IT
$1.00 a dozen, here Friday and Saturday llMp
for, per dozen U U
Universal Coffee Percolators,' aluminum, with
glass tops:
4-cup size . . .7 $3.50
6-cup size , . , 4.00
9-cup size ...i. 4.50
132 W. Main St.