THE "EDFORD DAILY TR1HUNE, MEDFORD, OREO ON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1009. 3 CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO. 215. An ordiuuiicu ihieliiring tho assess- IllUIlt (III UlU propCI'tV boiicfiltcd for t lit) imimI c.l' luviiiL' u wiilcr imiiii (ill OIhihi hi unit mid diructiiii' I III) recorder In enter u stiituiiiunt thurcuf in thu wutur imiiii lien dock et. 'J'liii rilv of M c(l I urd doth ordain us follows! Suction 1. WliuruiiH. lliu city council did hcretoloru l)V ruHuliilion decline its iiilimUiiii lo lav u 4 inch water main on OIhoii struct from Wust 4th street lo West 2nd Hi lent and to assess lliu (MjHt Iheruuf on tlni property Ironling on Hiiid portion ol' Hiiid street in proportion to tlio lronlngu ol! hiiid property, and did fix a limn and nlncu lor hearing pro-j tenth against tliu lit vinir ol' Haiti water inaiii on mid portion ol' tntid street and tint n HHtt Nhinctiit of tho cost thuruol ii H uloi'usaid. And whereas, Bind resolution was duly posted mid published an fu iiuirod liv suction Jill ol' lliu charter ol Miiid city. And whereas, u uiouliuC ol' tlic council mux livid ul lliu tiinu unci place lixcd in niiid resolution lor tliu pur UOhu of considering unv such pro IchIh. lint no protest weru ul such ti mu or at unv tiinu uiadu to or re ceived It v lliu council to lliu luvinir of said water main or lliu assessing of tho-eosl thereof iih uloreHiiid. und Hitiil council liuvinir considered llic iniillcr. and deeming that suitl water main wiih and is ol material benefit to said fit v and llial all properly to lie iiHHCHHml therefor would bu bene fitted thereby lo tliu extent of the lirolialilu iiinoiinl of tliu ruspucliyc uHhuHHinuntH to Im levied against waid properly, did order huid water jnain laid. And whereas, lliu coht of Huid water main has been and liereliv ih deter mined 10 lie iln) hum of h;io.i 0. Now llicrefore, it it) licrebv further ileteriiiined that lliu proportionate shiiru of lliu coHt of hiving Hiiid watur main of each unreel of thu propurlv Ironling on Kiiid iiortion of said street in thu amount Kut opposite the dcHcriiition of euch piece or parcel of laud below and that each Biich piece or puruul of laud in bunufitod by the luvinir of said watur main to tliu full extent of thu amount no Hut opposite the description of nuch niece or par cel and that thu respective amounts represent the proportional benefits of said water inuiii to said respective parcels of property and also thu pro portional frontiigo thereof on Mud portion of said street, and thu council does here by declare- each of thu parcels of property described below In bo us suNsed and ench of the same hereby is assessed lliu amount set opposite each respective description for the cost of laving said water main. ASSESSMENT !'( i A Kill "It-INCH WAT EK MAIN FROM WEST FOl'RTIl STKKKT TO WKST SECOND STKKKT IN TUB CITY HI'" MKDI'oh'l). OREGON. ON OL SON STKKKT. Assessment No. 1 William Tcugtie. lot 1. block (I. Olson addition to the city of Medfnrd, Oregon, front- airo ltlll feet on west sido Olson street and described ol. il. puge 2.1 1. fount v recorder's records of Jackson count v. Oregon; 50 feet. Hato pel- foot 7:1.00 cunts; amount duo $30.80, AsscsHinont No. 2 Mrs. M. A. Ol son, lot 3. block 6. Olson addition to tho cilv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet on west side Olson street and descrihud Vol. (12. pngo 2H8. county recorder's records 01 Jackson coun tv, Oregon; 50 foot. Kalo per foot 7H. (10 cents; amount duo $30.80. Assessment No. 3 Mrs. M. A. 01- lot 4. block 0. Olson addition to tho citv of Medford. Orciron, frontngo 50 feet on west sido Olson street and described Vol. (12, pnfro 2(iH, county recorder's records of TiicUhou coun ty. OreL'on; 50 led. Hutu per loot, 7:1.(10 cents; amount duo $:i(i.80. Assessment No. -I J. F. Halo, lot 1, block 5, Olson addition to the citv ol Medl'ord, Oregon, frontngo 53'2 feet on west side Olson street and described Vol. 72, pngo 582, enmity recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 53',:.' feet; ralo per foot 73.00 cnnls ; aniount.dufl $30. -15. ' AKsesHincut No. 5 Kobcrt Wilson lot 2. block 5, Olson mlililion lo the, citv of Medl'ord. Orciron, frontage 53-0 in. on west side Olson street und described Vol. (12. pau'u 405, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; ".'!', i feet; rujo per foot 73.(10 nents; amount due $30.45. Assessment No. (J II. 0. Gurnet t, lot 3, block 5 Olson addition to tho cilV of Medford, Orciron. fronlniro 5312 feet on vest siiV) Olson street und doscribod Vol. 72. pniro 322, countv rocordor's records of Jackson countv. Orcuon; 53-0 feet. Kalo per f.wit. "S73.00. Amount dun, $30.45. AsHOHsmont No. 7 Goorce y. Hall, t., 4. block fi. Ol .11 nddi' .11. to tho citv of Modfoni, Oreoon. fronlagi! HSV, foot on west Aie Olson treet and dcHcribed Vol. 72. pairo 178, county recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregon; fl'i feet; rate per foot 73.00; amount duo $30.45. Assessment No. 8- George W. Hall, lot 5, block 5, OIhoii addition to the city of Medford. Oroiroii, frontline 53 Vi feet on -wont hide Olson struct and, described Vol. 72, pairo 178, countv recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregon; 53'2 lent; ruto per foot 73.00 cents; amount due $30.80. Assessment No, 0 I.. Mcl'herson, lot 1, block 4, Olson addition to thu city of Medford, Orciron; i'ronta(; 50 feet 011 west side Olson street, and described Vol. 72, iaiH 310, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; ",() j'()(. j rule per foot 73.00 cents; amount due $30.80. AssusMiienl No. 10 I.. Mcl'liurson, lot 2, block 4, Olson addition to the citv of Medford. Orcuon, frontage 50 feet on west side Olson street and described Vol. 72, puce 310, countv recorder's records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 73.00 cents; auioiilit due $30.80. Assessment No. 11 J. K. OIhoii. hit 3. block 4, Olson addition to the fit V of Mudford, Oregon, frontuL'O 100 feet on west side Olson street and described Vol piiL'd .... county recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oreixon: 50 feel. Kate pur fool, $73. (ill. Amount due. $30.80. Assessment No. 12 U. II. Toft, lot 4, block 3. Olson addition to thu citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 100 feet cast side Olson street und de scribed Vol. 71. page 020. countv re corder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feel; rate per foot 73.00 cents; amount duo $30.80. Assessment No. 13 K. II. Toft, lot 2. block 3. Olson addition to thu citv of Medford, Oregon, froutagu 50 feet cast side Olson street and described Vol. 71, page 01(1, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 1O feel; rale per foot 73.00 cents; auiount due $30.80. Assessment No. 14 J. F. Urown, lot 1, block .'I. Olso.i addition to the citv of Medl r.d. Orc r'ci. frontage 50 feet on east ;-V.o 01 sol. street and du- scribed Vol. 71, page 005, county re corder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 73.00 cents; amount duo $30.80. Assessment No. 15 J. F. Brown, hit 5, blocK 2, Olson addition to the citv of Medl'ord, Oregon, frontage 53'2 feet 1111 oast side Olson street and described Vol. 71. pago 505, countv recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 53 Vl feet; rato per foot" 73.00 cents; amount due $30.45. Assessment No. 10 J. K. Olson, lot 4. block 2, Olson addition to the city of Medl'ord, Oregon,, frontage 53',! feet on east side Olson street and described Vol page county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 53''2 feet; rate per foot 73. (iO cents; amount due $30.45. Assessment No. 17 M. K. Lewis, lot 3. block 2. Olson addition to the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 53 ',2 feet on cast side Olson street and described Vol. 72. pace 204. countv recorder's records of Jack son county. Oregon; .Wi federate per foot 73.00 cents; amount due $39.45. Assessment No. 18 J. F. Hutcba son. lot 2, block 2, Olson addition to the citv of Medford. Oregon, front age 53'o feet oneastsido Olson street and described Vol. 72. page 243. county rocordor's records of Jack son county, Oregon; 53'!! feet; rate per foot, 73.00 cents; amount due $30.45. Assessment No. 19 J. F. Hutchn son, lot 1, block 2. Olson addition to thu citv of Medl'ord, Oregon, front age 53 'a feet on oast side of Olson street and described Vol. (2, page 218, countv recorder s records 01 Jackson county, Oregon; 53V2 foot; ralo per foot 73.00 cents; amount due $30.45. Assessment No. 20 D. W. Reqbe, lot 4, blocl- 1, Olson addition to the citv of Mudford, Oregon, front lino 50 feet on east sido of Olson street and described Vol. 72, pago 271, county recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 feet; rnto per foot 73.00 cents; amount duo $30.80. Assessment No. 21 I). W. ttocbo. lot 3, block 1. Olson nddilu-n to the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontngo 50 font on east Ride of Olson streot and descrihud Vol. 72. pago 271. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feel. Kuto por foot, 73.00 cents; amount dun $30.80 Assessment No. 22 T. A. Olson, lot 2, block 1. Olson addition to tho citv of Medford. Oregon, frojitago 100 feet on east side of Olson street and described Vol. 72. pngo 293. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; GO feet. Rato por foot. 73,i. i cc rtinonut. due $30.80, b'oulion 2. The recorder of the oily of M' rd is hereby directed to enter a slulcWiit of said several as sessments in the water main lien docket of said citv us reouircd bv tho citv charter. Thu foregoiii" ordinance wiih puhh l bv lliu citv council of the citv of Mudford 011 thu 10th dav of October. 11100. bv tho following vote: Merrick, avc: Welsh, live: Kifert, nvc; Kmer ick, aliFcut; Worluimi, avc; Dcmuicr, absent. Approved October lOth. 1000. W. II. CANON. Mayor. Attest: KOBEKT W. TF.LFKK, Recorder. OKNINANCK NO. 217. An ordinance ducluring the assess ment 011 the property benefitted for thu cost of laving 11 water main on Jackson streot and directing the recorder to enter a statement there- . of in lliu water main lieu docket. The citv of Mudford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. Whereas, the citv coun cil did heretofore bv resolution de clare its intention to lav n (i inch water main 011 Jackson street from Grape streut lo west corporation houndarv und to usschh thu cost thereof on tho property fronting oL said portion of said struct in propor tion to the frontage of said property, and did fix a time und pluce for hearing protests against the luying of said wutur main on said portion of said struct und the' amount of the cost thereof us uforcsuid. And whereas, said resolution was duly posted und published us required bv section 110 of the charter of said citv. And whereas, a meeting of the council was held at the time and place fixed in said resolution for thu pur- lose of considering any such protests. but no protests were at such time or ut 1111 v time made to or received bv the council to the luying of suid water main or the ussessine of the cost thereof us uforcsuid. and suid council having considered the mat ter, and deeming that said water main was und is of material benefit to suid city und Unit all property to be assessed therefor would bs bene fitted thereby to tho extent of the probable amount of the respective as sessments to be levied against said property, did order said water main laid. And whereas, tlio cost of said wat er main has been nnd hereby is de termined to be the sum of $4,100. Now therefore, it is hereby further determined that the proportionate share of the cost of laving said wat er main of euch pureel of the iropcr tv fronting on said portion of said street is tho amount set opposite the description of each piece or parcel of laud below and that each such niece or pnreor of land is benefitted bv the laving of said water main to the full extent of the amount so set opposite the description of such piece or pureel. and Hint the respective amounts represent the proportions!! benefits of said water main to said respective parcels of property and also the proportional frontage there of on said portion of said street, nnd lliu council docs hcrchv declare each of the parcels of property described below to be assessed and each of the same hcrchv is assessed the amount set opposite each respective descrip tion for the cost of laying said water main. ASSKSSMENT FOB A SIX INCH MAIN ON JACKSON STREKT. WEST. FROM GRAPE STREET. NORTH. TO WEST CORPORA TION BOUNDARY. Assessment No, 1 Isnno J. Stooev. lot 7. block 2, Puce addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 51 feet .on south side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 71. pago 201, countv recorders records of Jack son countv. Oregon; 51 foot. Hate per foot, 88.8-10 cents. Amount due, $45.30. Assessment No. 2 Fred k t . Page. lot G. block 2. Page, addition in Hie itv of Medford, Oregon, frontage o2 feet on south sido Jackson street. West, described Vol pace countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 52 feet, hato tier foot. 88 8-10 cunts. Amount due. $40.18. Assessment No. 3 Pert Anderson, lot 5, block 2. Pngo addition in the citv of Medl'ord. Oregon, frontage 52 feet on south side Jackson street, West, 'described Vol. 71. page llfv countv recorder's records of Jack son countv, Oregon; 52 loct. halo per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $40.18. Assessment No. 4 Bert Anderson, lot 4. block 2, Page addition in tho citv of Medl'ord. Oregon, frontnsc 52 feet on south sido Jackson street. West, described Vol. 71, pago 418, countv recorder's records of Jack son countv. Oregon; 52 feet. Rato per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $46.18. Assessment No. 5 J. A. Lvon. et m. lot 3. block 2. Pngo addition m the oit of Medford. Oregon, frontogo 02 fet on BoatB sido Jfiokson street. CITY NOTICES. West, described Vol. 72. page 533. count v recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 52 feel. Kate per foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $10.18. Assessment No. G Blanche Toft, lot 2. block 2. Page addition in the city of Medford. Oregon, frontage 52 feet south side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 72, page 10. countv re corder's records of Jackson countv, Orcg(n: 52 feet. Kale per foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $10.18. Asscsnnent No. 7C. A. Fowler, lot 1. block 2. Page addition in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 52 feet south side Jackson street, West, described Vol. 72, page 317. countv recorder' records of Jackson Coun ty. Oregon ; 52 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $10.18. Assessment No. 8 Bert Anderson, lot 8. block 1. Page addition in the citv of .Medl'ord. Oregon, lronlnge 52 feet on south side Jackson street, West, described Vol. 71. page 418. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon: 52 feet. Kalo per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $40.18. Assessment No. 9 Bert Anderson, lot 7. block 1. Page uddition in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontuge 52 feet on south side Juckson street. West, described Vol. 71, page 418. county recorder's records of Jack son countv. Oregon: 52 feet. Rule per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $40.18. Assessment No. 10 Blanche Toft, lot G. block 1. Page uddition in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 52 feet on south side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 72. page 250, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon:-52 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $10.18. Assessment No. 11 J. E. Toft, lot 5, block 1. Puge addition in the citv of Medl'ord. frontage 52 feet south side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 72. puge 11, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 52 feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents Amount due. $40.18. Assessment No. 12 Fred E. Gore, lot 4. block 1. Pnge addition in the city of Medford, Oregon, frontuge 52 feet south side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 72, page 218, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 52 feet. Rate per foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount duo. $40.18, Assessment No. 13 Hubert U. Rvon. lot 3. block 1. Pnge addition in t lift citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 52 feet on south side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 72. pnge 5S3. countv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 52 feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $40.18. Assessment No. 14 Bert Ander son, lot 2. block 1. Page addition in the citv of Medl'ord. Oregon, frontage 52 feet south side Jackson street. West, described Vol ... page countv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon ; 52 feel ; rate per foot S8 8-10 cents; nnioHiit due $40.20. Assessment No. 15 Bert Ander son, lot 1. block 1. Page addition in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 52 feet south side Jackson countv. Oregon; 52 feet. Rate per foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $40.20. Assessment No. 10 Bert Ander son, lot 3. block 1. Anderson-Toft ad dition in the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 52 feet, south side Jackson street. West, described Vol. pngo ..... county recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 52 feet Rate per foot, 86 8-10 cents. Amount duo. $40.20. Assessment No. 17 C. A. Fowler, lot 2. block 1. Anderson-Toft addition in tho citv of Medford. Oregon, lront ago 50 foot south side Jackson street West, described Vol pago countv recorder's records of Jack son countv. Oregon: 50 feet. Rate per foot. S8 8-10 cents. Amount due 44.40. Assessment No. 18 J. II. Lvdinrd, lot 1. block 1. Anderson-Toft addition in tlio citv of Medl'ord, Oregon, front age 50 i'cct south side Jackson street West, described ol pace countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet, hate' pe foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due $44.40. Assessment No. 19 . S. Km et as, lot 4. block 1, King's addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontug 58.43 feet on south s'.de Jitckso street, West, described ol . . ., png countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon: o8.4.i teet Rnto per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due.- $51.90. Assessment No. 20 W. S. King, et nx, lot 3, block 1, King's addition in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 58.43 feet on south sido Jackson street. West, described Vol. pago countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 68.43 foct. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents, Amount due $51.90. Assessment No. 210. Enger. lot 2, blook 1. King's addition in tho city of Medford. Oregon, frontage 58.43 feet south" side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 05. pnge 470, county recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon: 58.43 feet. Kate per foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $51.90. Assessment No. 22 O. Enter, lot 1, block 1. King's addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 58.43 feet south side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 05. puge 470. c.mntv recorder's records of Jackson coun tv. Oregon ; 58.43 feet. Kate per foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $jl.00. Assessment No. 23 John L. Dern mer, (C) a lot fronting 377.52 feet on south side Jackson street. West, and runninc back 403.05 feet and marked C on map of the citv of Med ford. Oregon. Frontage 377.52 feet south side Jaskson street. West, de-' scribed Vol. 28, pago 473, countv re corder's records of Jackson countv, Oiegon; 377.52 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $335.25. Assessment No. 24 John L. Dcm- mer. (B) a lot fronting 155.40 feet on south side Jackson street. West, nnd running hack 403.05 feet and marked on map of the citv of Medfnrd. Oregon, frontage 155.40 feet south ide Jackson .street. West, described Vol. 28, page 450, countv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon: 155.46 feet. Rate per foot 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. S138.05. Assessment No. 25 Geo. W. Prid- dv. (A) a lot fronting 707.58 feet south side Jackson street. West, and miming back 440.5 feet and marked on map of the city of Medford. Or egon, frontage 707.58 feet south side ickson street. West, described Vol. 7, page 390. countv recorder's rcc- rds of Juckson county. Oregon: 07.58 feel. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. S028.35. Assessment No. 2(i H. A. Frenen. burg, lot 12. block 2. Oak Park addi tion 111 the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 100 feet on north side Jack son street. West, described Vol. 72, page 01. county recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount $44.40. Assessment No. 27 L. C. Narre m's addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 30.32 feet north side Jackson street. AVest. described Vol. 50, page 253, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon : 30.32 feet. Rate per foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $20.92. Assessment No. 28 C. A. Fowler. lot 1. block 1. Narregan's addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet north side Jackson street, West, described Vol. 01, page 010, cotintv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon: 50 feet. Rate pet foot. 8S 8-10 cents. Amount due, $44.40. Assessment No. 29 Warren C. Cussadv. lot 2. block 1. Narregan's addition in the citv of Medford. Ore gon, frontage 50 feet north side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 71. oage 192. countv recorder's rec ords of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $44.40. Assessment No. 30 Warren C, Cassadv. lot 3. block 1. Narregan's addition in the citv of Medford, Ore gon, frontage 50 foet north side Jack son street. West, described Vol. 71 page 192. countv recorder's records of Juckson countv. Oregon; 50 feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $44.40. Assessment No. 31 Nettie Jones, lot 4. block 1. Narregan's addition in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 0 feet, north side Jackson street West, described Vol. 01. pnge 248, countv recorder's records of Juckson county. Oregon. Bond. 50 feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $44.40. Assessment No. 32 R. IP. Toft lot 5. block 1. Narregan's addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet north side Jackson street. West, describe'' Vol. 72, page 07, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon: 50 feet. Kate pel loot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due, $44.40. Assessment No. 33 R. II. Toft. lot 0, block 1. NtiiTegau's addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontuge 50 feet north side Juckson street. West, described Vol. 72. page 07. countv recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet: rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $44.40. Assessment No. 34 Pauline Stur gis, lot 1, block 1, Grav's uddition in tho citv of Medford, Oregon, front uge 118 feet north side Jackson street, vt est, described vol. til, page 32, countv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon: 118 feet Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $104.80. Assessment No. 35 E. L. Balcom. the east half of lot 13. block 1. Grav's addition in the city of Medford, Oro gon, frontage 54 feet north side Jack son streot. West, described Vol. 71. pne 530,, county recrderV records of Jackson county, Oregon; 54 feet. Knte per fr.ot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $4' .95. Assessment No. 30 Murv B. Orr, the west half of lot 13. block 1, Grr.y's uddition in the city of Med ford, Oregon, frontage 54 feet north side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 05, pate 128, county recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; A feet. Kute per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due, $47.95. Assessment No. 37 R. W. Gray. lot 1. block-2. Gray's addition in the itv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 108 feet north side Jackson street. West, described Vol , page ..... ountv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 58 feet. Hate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $51.50. Assessment No. 38 Ray Toft, lot 18. block 2. Gray's addition in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 108 feet north side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 72. pnge 242, countv' recorder's records of Jackson !ountv, Oregon; 58 feet. Hate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $51.50. Assessment No. 39 Mrs. R. M. Ralh. the east half of lot 1. block 3. Grov's addition in the citv of Med ford. Oregon, frontage 54 feet north side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 72, page 183, county recorder's records of Jackson, county, Oregon; 4 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $47.95. Assessment No. 40 Louise B. Gleason. the west half of lot 1. block 3. Grav's addition in the city of Med ford. Oregon, frontage 54 feet north side of Jackson street. West, de scribed Vol. 72. page 183, county re corder's records of Jackson conntv. Oregon; 54 feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $47.95. Assessment No. 41 James F. Good. (A) part of lot 1. block 2. Min- gus sub-division and marked A on map of the city of Medford, Oregon, u trontnge 193.18 feet on north side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 49, page 170. countv recorder's rec ords of Jackson countv, Oregon: 193.18 feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due, $171.55. Assessment No. 42 L. D. Cnnfield, (B) part of lot 1. block 2. Mingus sub-division and marked B on map of the citv of Medford, Oregon, front age 90.38 feet on north side Jackson street, West, described Vol. 73, page 12, countv recorder's records of Juckson county, Oregon : 1 acre ; 90. 38 feet. Rate per foot, 83 8-10 cents. Amount due, $85.00. Assessment No. 43 L. D. Can field. (C) the east 96.09 feet of lot 7. block 2, Mingus sub-division and marked C on map of the city of Medford. Oregon, frontage 96.09 feet on north side Jackson street. West. described Vol. 73, page 12, countv recorder's records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon; 1 acre; 90.09 feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due $S5.S0. Assessment No. 44 E. J. Lewis. , (D) part of lot 7. block 2. Mingus sub-division and marked 1) on map of the citv of Medford. Oregon, front age 90.69 feet north side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 67, page 25. countv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon: 1 acre; 96. 69 feet. Hate ner foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $85.86. Assessment; No. 45 William H. Crawford. (E) part of lot 7, block 2, Mingus sub-division and marked E on map of the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 289.41 on north side of Jackson street. West, described Vol. 60, page 521, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon: 3 acres. 289.41 feet. Rate per foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $257.00. Assessment No. 40 F. W. Hutchin son, (F) part of lot 7 block 2, Min gus sub-division nnd marked F on map of the city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 4S2.79 feet north side Jack son street. West, described Vol. 28. page 205. county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon ; 482.79 feet. Rate per foot, 88 8-10 cents. tVmouut due. $428.72. Assessment No. 47 Alfred Bar- nee and Jennie Bnrzec. block 3, Min gus sub-division in the citv of Med l'ord, Oregon, frontage 120 feet north ide Jackson street. West, described Vol. 00, pnfe 513, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon: 120 feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $111.90. Section 2. The recorder of tho cit '.' of Mcdlord is hsreby directed to en-' ter a statement of said several as sessments in water main lien docket of said citv as reuuired bv the citv charter. The foregoing ordinance wns passed bv the citv council of the city of Med ford on the 21st duy of October, 1909. bv the following vote: Merrick, aye; Welsh, nvo; Eifort, aye; Emerick, ab sent ; Wortmnn, absent: Dcmmer, aye. Approved i Wi H. CANON. Mayor. Attest: ' BOr ;. V.. 'iBLFBB, Hi...,-' Reeorder.