B 4- "f'f CITY NOTICES. t t CITY NOTICES. , CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. showing the various kinds of service - ORDINANCE NO. 248. An ordinance declaring the assess ment on the property benefited for the cost of laving a wator main on Clark street uud directum the Record er to enter a statement thereof iu the water main lien docket. The citv of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. Whereas, the citv coun cil did heretofore bv resolution de clare its intention to lav a 0-ineh water main' ou Clark street. West, throughout its eutiro length to west corporation boundary and to assess the cost therof ou the property fronting on said por tion of said street iu proportion to the frontage of said property, and did fix a time and place for hearing pro tests against the laving of said wa ter main on said portion of said street and the assessment of the cost there of as aforesaid: and. Whereas, said resolution was duly posted and published as reauired bv section 116 of the charter of said citv: and. Whereas, a meeting of the council was held at the time and place fixed in said resolution for the purpose of considering any such protests, but no protests were at such time or at any time made to or received bv the coun cil to the laving of said water main or the assessing of the cost thereof as aforesaid, and said council having considered the matter, and deeming that said water main was and is of material benefit to said citv and that all property to be assessed therefor would be benefited thereby to the ex tent of the probable amount of the respective assessments to be levied against said property, did order said water main laid : and. Whereas, the cost or said water main has been and hereby is jle termined to be the sum of $2715.27. Now. therefore, it is hereby further determined that the proportionate share of the cost of laving said wa ter main of each parcel of the prop erty fronting on said portion of said street is the amount set opposite the description of each piece or parcel of land below and that each such piece or parcel of land is benefited bv the laving of saifl water main to the full extent of the amount so set opposite the. description of such piece or par eel, and that the respective amounts represent the proportional benefits of said water main to said respective parcels of property and also the pro portional frontage thereof on said portion of said street, and the council does herebv declare each of the par cels of property described below to be assessed and each of the same herebv is assessed the amount set op posite each respective description for the cost of laving said water main: ASSESSMENT FOR. A SIX-INCH WATER MAIN', ON CLARK STREET. WEST. THROUGHOUT ITS ENTIRE LENGTH TO COR PORATE LIMITS. ' Assessment No. 1 William Bain, commencing at a point 30 feet north and 8.02 chains west of the south east corner of lot 5. in block 2. Min .r.is snh-division in section 24. town ship 37 south, range 2 west of the W. M. and running thence north 6.45 chains to center of the county road thence south 42 degrees and 42 min utes west along said county road 8 and 73 chains, more or less, to a point situated 30 feet north of the south line of said lot 5. thence east parallel with and 30 feet north of said south line of said lot 5. 5.48 chains to place of beginning, . and containing 1.88 acres, more or less, frontage 385.44 feet on north side Clark street, West, described Vol. 49. page 175, county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon: 385.44 feet: rate per foot' 72 2-10 cents; amount due, $278.28. Assessment No. 2 A. W. Sturgis. commencing at a point 30 feet north and. 3 chains. 80 links west or the southeast corner of lot 5. block 2. Mingus sub-division in section 24. township 37 south, range 2 west W. M. and running thence west 4 chains, 22 links, thence north 6 chains. 45 links to the center of count v road, thence north 42 degrees. 15 minutes cast' along the center line of said county road. 6 chains. 30 links, more or less, to n point situated north of the place of commencing, thence south 11 chains. 7 links, to the place of commencing, containing 3.52 acres, more or less, frontage 278.52 feet on north side Clark street. West, dc- . scribed Vol. 50. page 105, county re corder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; ,278.52 feet; rate per foot. 72 2-10 cents: amount due, $201.00. Assessment No. 3 J. T. Eads, commencing 30 feet north of the southeast corner of lot 5, block 2. Mingus sub-division section 24. township 37 south, range 2 west to W. M., Jackson county, Oregon, and running thence west nnrnllel with south line of said lot 3 chains. 80 links, thence north parallel with easl ' line of said lot 11 chains. 7 links, more or less, to the center of county road along the northwest side of said lot. thence northeasterly along center line of said county road to a point north of northeast corner of said lot. thence south to and along east line of said lot 15 chains, 25 links, more or less, to beginning, coiituiniirs 5 acres, more or less, frontage 250.8 feet on north side Clark street. West described Vol. 02. page 450. county recorder's records of Jackson countv Oreiron: 250.8 feet; rate per foot. 72 2-10 cents; amount due, $181.07 Assessment No. 4 Gertrude E. Weeks, commencing at the northwest corner of lot 3. block 2. Mingus sub division section 24, township 37 south, range 2 west of W. M. in Oregon, and running thence 2 chains. 87 links, titmice south (5 chains. 37V- links U within 30 feet of the south line of said lot. thence west 2 chains, 8 links, thence north on west line of said lot 6 chains. 37V links to place of commencing, containing 1.83 acres more or less, frontage 189.42 feet on north side Clark street. est. descnb ed Vol. 63. page 524. count v record er's records of Jackson county, Ore gon; 189.42 feet: rate per foot 72 2-10 cents : amount due. $130.70. Assessment No. 5 W. M. Erskine, commencing at a point on north line of lot 3. block 2. Mingus sub-division section-24. township 37 south, ruuge 2 west of W. M.,'situated 2 chains 87 links east of the northwest corner of said lot and running thence east on said north line 4 chains, 70 links, thence south ti chains. 37V- links to within 30 feet of south line of suid lot. thence west parallel with and 30 feet north from said south line 4 chains, 70 links, thence north 6 chains, 37Vi links to place of begin ning and containing 3 acres, more or less, excepting and reserving from the above a piece of laud 100 feet souare off southeast corner of the described land heretofore sold and marked Z on plat, frontage 210.2 feet on north side Clark street. est. described Vol. 65. page 195. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon-. 210.2 feet;', rate per foot. 72 2-10 cents: amount due. sHol.io. Assessment. No.-6-r-J. C. Emerick, couyueneiug at a point ou the north line of lot 3. block 2. Mingus sub division. - section 24. township 37 south, range 2 west of W; M.; "situated 3 chains. 13.Iinks.west.of the north east corner of said lot 3 and from said point running thence south to within 30 feet of south line of said lot 3. thence west parallel with the said south line 3 chains. 93 links, thence north to north line of said lot 3. thence east on said north line 3 chains, 93 links, to place of beginning. containing 2V- acres, more or less. frontage 258.72 feet on north side Clark street, West, described Vol. 61. page 331. countv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon: 258.72 feet; rate per foot. 72 2-10 cents; amount due. $186.79. Assessment No. 7 Paul Krutzler. commencing at a point on east line of lot 3. block 2, Mingus sub-division. section 24. township 37 south, range 2 west of W. M., situated 30 feet north of southeast corner thereof and running thence north on said east line to the northeast corner of said lot. thence west on north line of said lot 3. 3 chains. 13 links, thence south to within 30 feet f the south line of said lot and thence east 3 chains. 13 links to place of commencing, con taining 2 acres, more or less; front age 206.58 feet north side Clark street. West, described Vol. 47. page 158. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon: 206.58 feet rate per foot. 72 2-10 cents; amount due. $149.15. Assessment No. 8 Geo. A. Don hert. commencing at a point 30 feet south of the northeast corner of lot 2. block 2. Mingus sub-division, sec tion 24. township 37 south, range 2 west of W. M., running thence south 100 feet, thence west at right angles with aforesaid line 3 chains, 13 links, thence north parallel with cast line 10(1 feet, thence enst to plnce of be ginning, frontage 206.58 feet on south side Clark street. West, described Vol. 70. page 132. countv recorder's re cords of Jackson county, Oregon 150.58 feet: rale per foot. 72 2-10 cents; amount due. $113.05. Assessment No. 0 John Hacrtlc, commencing at a point in Mingus sub division, section 24. township 37 south range 2 west of W. M., 200.0 feet west nnd 220 feet north of the soulh east corner of lot 2. block 2. in snid sub-division, nnd running thence north 200 feet to the south line of the street, thence west 100 feef thence soulh 200 feet, thence enst 100 feet to beginning point, frontage 100 feet on south side Clark street. West, described Vol. 58, page 243, countv recorder's records of Jnckson countv. Oregon ; 100 feet i rate per foot. 72 2-10 cents: amount due. $7220. Assessment No, 10 Frances A. Bliss, commencing at a point on south line of lot 2, block 2. Mingus sub-division, section 24. township 37 Boulh, range 2 west of W. M., 3 chains, 13 links west of the southeast corner of said lot and nflmng thunce north par allel with east line of suid lot to within 30 feet of north line thereof, thouce west parallel with and 30 feet distance south' from said north line 3 chains, 13 links, thence south to south line of suid lot, thence oast to place of beginning, containing 2 acres, in Jackson countv, Oregon, frontage 106.58 feet on south side Clurk street, West, described Vol. 36. page 233, county recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 106.58 foot; rule per foot, 72 2-10 cents;1 amount due, $76.95. Assessment No. 11 L. O. Howard, commencing at a point 20 feet south and 6 chains, 26 links west of the northeast corner of lot 2, block 2, Mingus sub-division, section 24, township 37 south, rnngo 2 west of W. M. and running thence south 6 chains, 37V- links to the south line of said lot 2. thence west ou said south line 2 chains, 11 links, thence north 6 chains. 37,-. links to within 30 feet of the north line of said lot 2. thence cast parallel with said north line 2 chains. 11 links to place of commencing, containing 1.34 acres, more or less, frontage 139.26 feet on south side Clark street. West, de scribed Vol. 50, page 623, county re corder's records of Jackson county. Oregon: 139.26 feel: rate per foot. 72 2-10 cents: amount due. $100.54. Assessment No. 12 Eurncst Hieh ter. et. us., comenciug nt the south west corner of lot 2. block 2. Mingus sub-division, section 24. township 37 south, range 2 west of W. M., and run ning thence north on the west line of said lot 2 within 30 feet of said west corner thereof, thence east parallel with and 30 feet distant from said north line (i chains. 26 links, thence south to the south line of suid lot, thence west on said south line ti chains, 26 links to place of commenc ing, containing 4 acres, more or less, frontage 413.16 feet ou south side Clark street. West, described Vol. 48, page 552. countv recorder's re cords of Jackson county, Oregon; 413.16 feel: rate per fool. 72 2-10 cents: amount due. $298.30. "Assessment No. 13 Earnest Rich te; ef. ux.. beginning at n point .'10 feet south of the northeast comer of lot" 6.- block 2. Mingus subdivision section 24. township 37. soulh. range 2 .west of Wi M., and running thence west 1 chnin. 561,-, links, thence south to the south line of said lot 0. thence east 1 chain. 56U links to southeast corner of snid lot 6. thence north on east boundary line thereof to plnce of beginning, containing 1 ncrc, more or less, frontage 103.29 feet on south side Clark street. West, described Vol. 53, page 583. countv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 103.29 feet; rate per foot. 72 2-10 cents; amount due, $i4.o. Assessment No. 14 Richard F. Antle. commencing at a point 30 feet south 1 chain, 50'.! links, west of northeast corner of lot 6. block '2, Mingus subdivision, section 24, town- ship 37 south, range 2 west of V. M. und running (hence west 1 chain. 6V links, thence south to south line of said lot 6. thence eust 1 chain. iGM links, thence north to place of beginning, containing 1 acre, more or less, and being the west half of the 2 acre tract in lot 6 ubove mentioned. frontage 103.29 feet on south side Clark street. West, described Vol. 72, page 355. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon: 103.29 feet; rate per foot, 72 2-10 cents: amount due, $74.57. Assessment No. 15 I. L. Hamilton, commencing at a point on south line lot 6, block 2. Mingns sub-division section 24, township 37. south, range 2 west, W. M., und situated 3 nnd 13 chains west of the southeast corner of said lot and from suid point run ning thence west on the south line of said lot 2.09 chains, thence north 6.37Vi chains to within 30 feet of north line of said lot. thence enst 2.09 chains, thence 0.37 V; chains to place of beginning, containing 1.34 acres, more or less, frontage 137.94 feet on south'side Clark street. West, described Vol. 40. page 100. countv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 137.94 feet; rate per foot, 72 2-10 cents: amount due, $99.59. Assessment No. 10 Matliies Dcm mcr. commencing nt the southwest corner of lot 0. block 2, Mingus sub division, section 24. township 37 south, range 2 west, W. M., Jackson county, Oregon, and running thence enst on south line of said lot 9 chains and 41 links, thence north nt right angles to said south, lino to within 30 fect on north line of snid lot, thence west parallel wilh 30 feet distance soulh from north line of snid lot to southerly line of countv road, crossing northwest corner of snid lot, thence south 42 degrees. 15 minutes west on snid southerly line of said countv rond to west lino of said lot, thence south on snid west line of snid lot to plnce of beginning, containing 6 acres, frontage 021.06 fect north side Clark street. West, described Vol. 31, page 500, count v recorder's records of Jackson county, Orogon: 621.06 feet: rate per foot, 72 -10 cents; amount due, $4-18.10, Assessment No, 17- M. A. Broker, commencing at a point situated 30 feet north and 7 chains, 6 links west of the southeast corner of lot 3, block 2, Mingus sub-division, section 24, township 37 souh, rangu 2 west, W. M. nnd running thence west 100 feet, thence north 100 feet, thence east 100 feet, thenco south 100 feet to pluce of beginning, frontage 100 feet north side Clark street, West, described Vol. 02. page 213, countv recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 100 feet; rate per foot, 72 2-10 cents; amount duo $72.20. Section 2. The recorder of the city of Modt'ord is herebv directed to outer u statomont of said several assess ments in the water main lien docket of suid citv as rcnuired bv the citv charter. Tho foregoin" ordinance was pass ed bv the citv council of tho citv of Medford p the 22ml dav of October, 1909, by the following vote: Merrick ave: Welsh, nvw Eil'ert, nve; Emer ick. absent : Wortman. ave; Demiucr, ave. Approved October 23rd, 1909. W. U. CANON. Mavor. Attest: ROUT. W. TEI.FElf. Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 219. An ordinance grunting to K. C. Sharpe, his associates, his 'Successors or assigns, the right to construct, erect, maintain und operate in the city of Medford, county of Jackson, state of Oregon, uud in the streets, ullevs, avenues anil thoroughfares thereof, subject to the approval of the cilv council, wires, conductors nnd other appliances for thu trans mission of elect rich v for telephones, telegraph and messenger service, for the purpose of carrying on u tele phone, telegraph and messenger busi ness in said citv. The citv of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1: The rights uud privileges uro herebv granted to E. C. Sharpe, his associates, his executors, udmiii istrators, successors or ussigns, sub jeot to the uppruval of tho citv con a oil, to construct, lav. maintain mid. operate in the citv of Medford. coun ty of Jackson, state of Oregon, in cluding all tho strcuts, alleys, ave nues und thoroughfares thereof. poles, wires und oilier conductors and cables necessary ' excavations, construct uud build uud maintain a telephone, telegraph and messenger service uud to do a telephone, tele graph and messenger service business iu said citv. such wires, poles uud other fixtures und appliances com monly used in such work and con struction, are to be placed in proper places and, at proper distances above and below ground us tho case may rciiuirc. and such other uppurutus inuv be used us may be necesarv or proper to maintain and opurato tho uuine, but Midi poles uud other appa ratus shall bo set iu pluce und main tainud so us not to interfere with the free use of said streets, alleys, ave nues and thoroughfurcs. Section 2. It shall bo lawful for said grantee, his associates, his exe cutors, ndmiiiistralors. successors or assigns to make needful and conven ient renuirs and excavations in any of suid streets, ullevs, n venues und thoroii"hfures iu suid citv of Med ford, for the purpose of erecting pole-, plaeirp wires, cables and other api.:a.:ccs und fixtures, und to main tain 1)1: same for tho purpose afore said. .he.i (, .110 in accordunco with the re.-o.uti'.n und ordianccs'of the suid city of .Medford. Seetion 3. Whenever snid grantee his associates, his executors, admin istrators, successors or assigns shall disturb any of said streets, alleys avenues and thoroughfares thereof for the purpose aforesaid, they shall restore the same to us good order and condition as when before dis turbed .as soon as possible, and with out uunccessarv dolav, and failing to do so. the citv council or other gov erning body of said cilv of Medford shall have the right to fix hv rcsolu tion a reasonable time within which such rcapirs und restoration of streets shall be 'completed, nnd if re pairs uro not complete at expiration of lime fixed bv council, then tho cilv can cause such repairs -to be made (bv resolution of council) and make a reasonable charge and collect same from said grantee, his associates, cte. Section 4. The grantee, his associ ates, his - executors, administrators, successors and assigns shall nt the time of construction, as aforesaid and sot forth therein, filn with tho cilv council a pint showing tho location of such streets, alleys, avenues nnd thoroughfares ns is to bo so occupied, and the- same shall bo presented to the citv council for approval. Section 5. The maximum' rate of telephone rentals to ho charged for each telephone service shnll bo ns designated in tho following table with thuir respective rales: $3.00 per month for individual main line business servicu. $2.00 per mouth for individual main lino residence service. $2.50 per mouth for two purtv se lective ringing biisiuess service. $1.50 per month for two party ho- leclive ringing residence service. .25 per month for four party se lective ringing residence Niirvieo. It is herebv understood and agreed that the above table of rates shall lie maintained us a pormuneiit agree ment until suid grnnleu shall hao in stalled and operalo through suid ox- hungo not loss than one thousand connected telephones wilhiti the citv limits of ll.e cilv of Med'ord. When the iieliinl ni'tiihcr of operating tele phones shall have exceeded one thou sand connected telephone services 1 licit said grantee, Ins associates, his executors, successors or assigns shall have the right to increase Ihu above mentioned monlhlv rales not to ex ceed fifty cents per month for each telephone service so connected in service, 1 Section 6. Nothing in Ibis ordi nance shall be construed as iu nnv wise to prevent the proper authorities of said cilv of Medford' from sewer ing, grading, paving, repniruik or ul lering uny of the streets on which said graiilco, his associates, his ex ecutors, etc., are operating; on. Section 7. The grantee, Ins associ ates, his executors, uilminisiruiois, successors or assigns shall after re ceiving notice from the proper 1111- Ihorilics of said citv of Medium, re move, raise ,or lower ins wires, cu bic, clc. 011 anv of the street ot said citv. to admit free passage of auv house or houses which are being moved upon said streets bv the au thority given bv said cilv. snid notice lo be served upon said grantee, his associates, his executors, etc.. not less than thiiiv-six hours before such removal of suid wires, cables or oth er fixtures is reiiuired. Section 8. Iu consideration of the rights granted, the citv of Medford, bV its proper authorized officers, shall have the right to suspend upon the pedes placed bv said grantee, his associates, his successors, executors or assigns, i:i the streets as afore said. iniy or all the wires .which -miiv he recinircd for lire alarm or police, telegraph service and for no other purposes except those mentioned in Ibis section. Section 9. The griinlee shall fur nish and maintain free six telephone services lo the citv of Medford. and one additional telephone service for each additional fire station licreufler maintained bv the citv. The said services to be placed lis miiv bo des ignated bv the citv council. Section 10. Said grantee, his as sociates, his executors, etc., agreo to begin actual work 011 the things men tioned in this ordinance within four months from its passage and taking effect, and prosecute the sumo willl diligence until substantially complete. Section 11. Snid grantee, his asso ciates, his executors, etc., further agree that to violate any of the con ditions herein set forth, time being tho essence hereof, will he sufficient cause lo annul all privileges herein set forth, mentioned und described. Section 12. The rights, privileges nnd franchise herein granted shnll continue and be in full frcn fop a period of ten (10) years from tho passage of this ordinance nnd no longer. ' Section 13. Said grantoo shnll. within teti dnys after the passngo of this ordinance filo with the citv clerk his written acceptance of this fran chise. Section 14. It is further agreed Hint (lie style of eiiuipmenl shall be of tho most modern make. Section 15. The said grantee is lo remove nnd change tho location of anv pole or poles or appliances when so directed bv the citv authorities within fifteen dnvs nflcr receiving such notice nnd such removals or changes to be mnde in accordance with the resolution of the cilv council. Whenever, bv reason of conccn I ration of business nnd traffic on any portion of nnv street or avenue, il is, iu Ihc opinion of tho citv coun cil essential to the safely of property nnd the convenience uf the public that nil poles, and overhead wires bo re moved from snid portion of snid slrcct or avenue, tho citv council nmv bv resolution dcclnro such condition to exist, nnd thereupon suid grnnleo ngrces to promptly proceed to cnuse nil poles and overhead wires lo he removed from snid portion of said street or avenue and placo upon some other street.' nllev or n venue, or lo causo said wires to be buried bc nonth tho surfnco of said portion of said street or avenuo oh said citv council mnv direct. Soction 10, Tho stvlo of construe tion to be of tho full multiple tpvc cablo RVstem on all otitsido construc tion, including the main street of the citv and othor Btrcots as far as consistent. Section 17. This Irniirhimi is pot to bu transferred either direet.lv or indirectly lo Ihu American Hell Tele phono Compailv or nnv sulmidarv company thereof, or to any telephone company doing a competilivu tele phone business. Suction 18. The said granlee fur ther agrees lo hold the citv freo from all harm and damages arising from any negligence or otherwise upon the part of the grantee while constructing and operating the said telephone plant within the cilv of Medford, Suction 19. Said grantee agrees that he will, at till times, and upon reasonnhla terms, permit uny com pany; association, person or persons, operating or owning a telephone sys tem or line without the cilv of Med ford to make connections with his said telephone system, and Hint he will afford such company, associa tion, person or persons connection wilh his subscribers iu the city of Medford. Section 20. In consideration of thu rights granted, the said E. C. Sharpe, his associates, his successors, or assigns, do hereby covenant and agree lo make uud luriiish Ihe said cilv of Medtord. on or before Ihe first day of February and the fiisl dav of August of each year, 11 true and complulc statement showing Ihu gross receipts ot the telephone, tele graph uud messenger service busi ness, mid nil I lie root conducted pur suiaut lo this franchise, lor Ihu six months preceding the first dav of January and the lirst dav of Jul v. respectively, next bcloru tho dale of said report. Said report and state ment shall be verilicd by the onlh of Ihu poison in the active manage men of said business und having ac tual knowledge of (he facts therein set forth. , Anil the said E. ('. Sharpe, his as sociates, successors, and assigns, hereby. covenant and agree to pay at sliid time lo Ihu cilv of Medford, as a consideration lor thu rights herein grunted, an amount count to Ihrcu per cenl. of the gross receipts afore said. Said payments to be made 011 or before the first day of cuch uud every February and August, covering Ihe six months ending on Ihe first dav of January uud July respectively, iiu meilialelv preceding Ihe dale uf said payment. ' And the snid E. ('. Sharpe. his. as sociates, successors, and ussigns, also further covenant uud agree that thev will pay ul said times as great a per centage of their gross receipts in said cilv us is paid to said citv bv auv oilier person, association nr coriMira lion doing a telephone, telegraph or messenger service iu suid cilv, for tho privilege of using Ihe si reels, alleys or thoroughfares of said cilv for the transaction of such business. Section 21. This ordinance shall be void and the rights herebv granted shnll lapse und terminate absolutely unless the said grantee shnll within leu days from Ibis dale file with tho cilv recorder of the cilv of Medford his written acceptance of nil terms uud conditions hereof, and shnll nt suid time deposit wilh said citv re corder his certified check, drawn upon a bank doing business in the cilv of Medford. iu Ihe sum of mm thousand dollars ($101)0.) payable to (Continued on Pago fl.) WANTED APPLE PICKERS By Talent Orchard Company Talent Oregon For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, ones, tents, blankets, wag- . on sheets, axle grease and gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main.