TI113 MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEuFORD. ORKO.ON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 15)0!). 6 I The (Continued.) .. ..SYNOPSIS CHAPTER I Jack Hilliard, wealthy New York clubiunn, henrs a mvsterious voice singing in the night under his window. - II He inserts an advertisement in a personal ccolumn to find the singer. He receives a reply. Ill, IV, Y, and VI He visits the mysterious singer, but she wears a mask. .He falls desperately in love with her, but he has not seen her face. The unknown woman gives her name as Mme. Angot, which is assumed. They have dinner. She refuses to see him. asrain. Vn Hillinrd and Dan Merryhew decide to go to Italy. Merryhew loves Kitty Killigrew, a- comic opera singer, who has gone to Italy. Hil liard receives a black musk in an en velope. - YTH and IX Hilliard and Mery hew arrive in Italy and later dine with Mrs. Stanford, an American So ciety woman, who tells Hilliard con siderable about the mysterious wo with whom he is in love. She is now posing as an opera singer in Kitty Killigrew's opera company. Ltire ! rf the Mask By HAROLD MAC GRATH 8 Copyright. 1908. by IK Bobbs i Merrill Co. have a3ile3 prliieipessa prlueess. The gondolier will give you uny title you desire If you are willing enough to pay for it." The Flazza San Marco, or St. Mark, is the nieccn of those In search of beau ty. Here they uiay lay the sacred car pet, kneel and worship. There Is uoue other to compare with this mighty square, with lis enchanting splendor, Us haunting romance. Us brilliant If pathetic history. There were several thousand people in the square tonight, mostly travelers. The baud was playing selections from Audran's whimsical "La Mascotte." The tables of the many cafes were filled, and hundreds walked to and fro under the bright arcades or stopped to gaze into the shop windows. The two women saw uo vacant ta bles at Floriau's, but presently they espied the other derelicts O'Mally, Smith and Worth who managed to find two extra chairs. Through her, veil their former prima donna studied them carefully, with a purpose in mind. The only one she doubted was Worth. Somehow he au noyed ber. She could not explain, yet still the sense of annoyance was always there. "Gentlemen." she said during a lull, "I have a plan to propose to you all." "If it will get us back to old Broad way let us have it at once," said O'Mally. "Well, then, 1 propose to wait no longer for letters from home. My plan "There! This is better." "It is always better when you are w ith me," snid Kitty. ' For years Kitty had fought her bat tles alone, independent and resource ful, and yet here she was leaning upon the strong will of this remarkable wo man, and gratefully too. "Now, my dear Kitty, we'll just en joy ourselves tonight, and on our re turn I shall lay a plan before you, and tomorrow you may submit it to the men." "I accept it at once without knowing what it is." , "What a beautiful palace!" Kitty cried presently, pointing to a house not far from the house of Petrarch. The moon poured broadly upon it. The gondola posts stood like sleeping senti nels, and the tide murmured over the steps. Pompeo, seeing Kitty's gesture, swung the gondola diagonally across the canal. "No, no, Pompeo!" La Slgnorina spoke in Italian. "I have told you never to go near that house without express orders. Straight ahead." ; . "Who lives there?" asked Kitty. "Nobody," answered La Signorina, "though once It was the palace of a great warrior. How picturesque the gondolas look, with their dancing dou ble lights!" . , j ' "The old palace Interests me more than the gondolas," declared Kitty. But La Signorina was not to be trapped. ; From the Grand canal they cams out into the great canal of San Marco, th6 beginning of the lagoon. "La Signorina" began Kitty. "There! I have warned you twice. The third time I shnll be angry." r "Hilda, then. But I am afraid when ever I call you that. You do not belong to my world." "And what makes you think that?" There was a smile behind the veil. "I do not know unless it is that yon are at home everywhere, In the Campo, in the hotels, in the theater or the pal ace. Now, I am at home only in the theater, - in places which are unreal and artificial. You are a great actress, a great singer, and yet, as O'Mally would say, you don't belong." Kitty had forgotten what she had started out to say. La Signorina laughed. "Pouf! You have been reading too many novels. To the molo, Pompeo." At the molo, the great quay of Ven '. ice, they disembarked. The whilom prima donna dropped 00 centesiml into t-ompeo s palm, and he bowed to the Very gunwale of the boat, , ."Grazlc. noblllta." ... . ;' ' "What does he say?" asked Kitty. ' "lit) says Thanks, nobility.' If I had given him a penny it would have iaen thanks wily. For a lira he would JSP 1 of Jail. Y -nirro a brick, all the Kiuiw." A ili.it wths noiir familiar ity us CV;.;.i!., it ciimi Sho turned to Smith, lull he put out :i hand In violent pnitrsl; tl"i) to V.'orili. imt lie Kind J and s'.iuok his Ito-.U. Klip put Hie rl::.i away. It was her uiuther's. Sli" never would sinllo scornfully In secret at these men uk::Iu. T!:n:i'; yen." sho said quietly, "if I le your money wo will all go to Fluiencc. I have another plan, but that will keep till this one under hand proves a failure." O'Mully beckoned to a waiter. Tom!" warned Smith. "You let mo alone." replied O'Mally. "A quart of Astl won't hurt anybody." Early the next morning she and Kit ty departed for Monte Carlo in quest of fortune. Fortune was there, wait ing, out In a guise wholly unexpected, (To be continued.) The only daily market report In southern Oregon in The Tribune. F vours? P. BIJOU THEATRE Closed for Repairs Must enlarge souting rnpnei'y to nccommodnto the crowds. Open Thursday Evening with Darling Stock Company "A BACHELOR'S ROMANCE" BILLY EMPEY VAN, Manager. The ShiVe. "What Old yon say last night when luck asked you to marry hlinV" "I shook my head." "Sideways or up and down?" Bus mii Tr:itii'it'il. P. C. Hansen. Tom iMoffat. We make any kind and stylo of windows. Wo carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. v A glorious green emerald lay In Ute palm of Iter hand. is simple. They say that a gambler al ways wins the first time he plays. I propose that each of you will spare me what money yon can. and Kitty and I will go to Monte Carlo and take one plunge at the tables." 'Monte Carlo!" O'Mally brought down .bis fist resoundingly. "That's a good idea. If you should break the bank think of the advertisement when you go back to New York." "Be still." said Worth. "Dash it, business is business, and without publicity there isn't any busi ness." O'Mally was hurt. "Mr. O'Mally is right," said La Signo rina. "It would bo a good advertise ment But your combined opinion is what I want." The three men looked at one another thoughtfully, then drew out their wal lets, thin and worn. They made up a purse of exactly $150, not at all a pro pitious sum. But, such ns it was, O'Mally passed it across the table. This utter confidence in her touched La Signorlna's heart. She turned aside for a moment and fumbled with the hidden chain about her neck. She placed her hand on tho table and opened it. O'Mally gasped. An emer alda glorious green emerald lay In the palm of her hand. "I shall give this to you, Mr. O'Mal ly," sold the owner, "till I return. It is very dear to me, but that must not etand In the way." "Ye gods!" cried O'Mally Id dismay. "Put It away. 1 shouldn't sleep o' nights with that on my person. Keep It. Wfi'H trust you any.wjiera thl nlio The Medford Theatre SEASON OF STOCK McKenzie Merry Makers TONIGHT, OCTOBER 27 "The Rustler" COMBINATION RANGE BOILER INSULATOR AND HOT FIRELESS COOKER 4 7 v- Containing two indispensable luxuries and two sources of econ omy. Call and let us demonstrate its merits. J. W. WHITNEY Office in Aikin Plumbing Co.'s Store, Medford. A comedy drama in four acts PRICES NOW 10c, 20c AND 30c WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs ' For. you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." . It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid SI a pound for it. . " Everything about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHIN AWARE, FRUIT AND FEED APPLES AND PEARS AJtfD ALL KINDS OP FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not iu the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent M E D P O R D , OREO O N RESOLVED The host resolution for you to make is to come to us tor your next suit, if you wont something out of the ordinary. We do the heat work and charge the lowest prices. ; W. W. EIFERT THB PROGRESSIVE TAILOR Br. State Depositary Established 1888. Capital and Hurplus 125,000 licsourt'jt (700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County fyink respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures tho greatest care in every financial transaction, with this oblig ing institution. W. I. VAWTEK, President. Q. R. LINDtEY, Carthier. ft' "fSS When we suggest that you Toast Your Bread On Breakfast Table We do not mean that you should eat off the stove toast With an Electric Toaster and have crisp, brown, delicious toast costs lc per meal to operate. Wc i have the best toaster on the market for sale at $4.50. Clean, appetizing, sanitary ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co.