Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 27, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Itiiin Imiinlil mill TlmrHflfiy.
II. V. fliiint anil L. T. Howard of
Kosrlmrg urn v'lHitorM to llm city thi
Ella Gaunynw, public, Bloiio(f rapbnr,
ronin 4, 1'ulin building.
Mr, mill Mm, .1. A. NIniiihii urn ro-
cenl arrivals here I'roin Ashland. They
a ro t uk in tc in Hi" metropolis nf llm
Hogim valley during their hI ay.
OrdarH for Kwoot ere mil or bntinr
miik promptly filled. Phone tin
Jiuiii'M II. Krndhcrn of Sim I'Yiin
eisco in lookiuir over home of tin'
fruit mid other product of tlii' virility.
Ili in much interested in tliu city mid
in ii. V invest hern.
Tim Kmcrick enfe culls especial
attention to tlii'in breakfast mmiii
Come mid try our waffles mid maple
-rii llio best in town. 1H!I
Mr. mill Mm. II. S. Scales mid
niece, Dorrie Neil, nro hero from Twin
I'nlU. lilulio, looking for property to
1ii v. Thi'V li'iivii for Aslihtnd Wed-
ni'Hilny for n dny' visit.
I'hotio :i:tort for ten or enffco. "
MrH. S. E. Kiii) of AhIiIiiuiI vn
in M fd ford Weilne-diiy for 11 short
slny on business.
Spices unci extracts nt HO So. 0
Hi rent.
James It. Kinyoii of rorllnnd, Mo.,
it liere in Hie intercut of n lurnc eom
puny looking for investments.
Why tuhIi hornet- Try tho Spot
Cafa'H S.ln dinner.
F. A. Waterman of Johnson, Vt.,
has purchased 72 nereH of fruit land
nenr Hrownsbnro from Edward Tuck-
The Eincrick enfo culls especial
nttention to their breakfast menu
Conic mid try our wnffle mm miiplo
svrun the best in town. 18!'
f. T.. Winston of Wullown, who
cnine here n few weekH ago to in
vcHtigiite. bus dei'ided to miiko Med-
ford hi) home.
frcst meal for the lenst money nt
the Spot rnfn.
JiiiIl'O f. W. IIulo wns over from
OrnnlH Puss llm other dny looking
over tho city.
Southern Oregon Ten mid Coffee
fii.. ,'Kl So. 0 street.
Mrs. Charles D. liifner was per
buns fnlirilv injured in n runaway
occurrim.' Inst f Ashland. Moth Mr,
mid Mr. Hitnnr worn in the wngon
ihe former escaped without injury.
Best pnper in southern Oregon
Tho Trihuno.
The Misses liifner who me at
tending seliool nt Alhiiny, have hceii
called homo.
K. S. Ililyor mid fiimily of Mcdfonl
who have hneii visiting in llm east
wilh relatives mid friends, returned
hiimii Wednesday nfler u stay of
lliren inontliH.
Fifty tlioiiMiuiil No. I grape roots
while llie.v IiihI, $J.'i per IIiouhiiiiiI lit
"Cook's," Ihe nurseryman. 1M
Work Iiiik) been begun on n cen I
wnlk on the north side of llm city
Tliu Indie of llm C'liriHl inn church
will line it meeting WedniiHiliiy aft
ernoon nt 2 oYlock to discuss some
business uiTiingcniciils. '
J. M. ItroiiHi! of fmiyoii City, Col.,
left Til -Hilny for Kmi Francisco iiflor
u short slay in the city.
J. M. Tcenichter of Boulder, ( ol.,
is looking over Hoine of tho Hiirroiind
iug milieu.
T. K, Kniilh of kennowiek, l nl.,
lel'l for h i Ihe other dny.
Arthur M. Brown of KrowiiHboro
vieinily was in the city transacting
Home business.
J. M. Peter of Sonorn, fill., was
in the oily n few diiyn hint week
v I in lt frieliilH.
MixH N. Frole piiHKed IhroiiKh IIiIh
eilv on her wnv hoine to ( oIiihii, (.nl
from Jiii-kwinvillii, where hIki him been
viMiliiiK mi old friend, Mrn. I.owih hn
F. lliirnx, who iirrived here from
Ihe eiiHt hoiiio lime iiko, left Weiliie,
duy for FiiRle Point, where he will lie
MrH. J. W. Pierolt of Onklmid, fnl.,
who Iiiik been visiliiiff her fitther, V..
I. l ielt, left for her home the Inxt
of the week.
Mrs. f. I. Seolt left llm city Wed-
nexdiiy for n trip to ModcHto, fnl.,
where i.he will viwit W. M. Tret'cn.
Sre (.'o''" from there to Porterville,
fnl,, to visit her brother, .1. W. Hen-licit.
F.. F. Ilornimiih of the Ilernld
Printiuir eompiiiiv, CJrmid Forks, N,
P., i viMtimf Hurry Tnttle nt hi
homn on South Onkdiilc. Mr. Horn
limiL'h eiime out hero on.n viiention
mid him b mm ho intorcHlcd in tho
country Unit be Ihih reiiicHlcd that
perioilienlH be Kent to bin homo in
North Ilakotn.
Mrn. J. H. Wo -il slopped off on
her wnv ' Herl;e fnl., to visit
Mrs. J. C. fore of Modford. ' Mrs
WooiIh Iiiih been to the Seattle fair
mid is on her return trip homo.
Peter Kinjiery enmo down from his
hcIiooI on lower Trail creek to nttciirt
the institute to bo held nt Ashlmid
thin week.
Minn Hcrniee fnrder wiih nnionir
thiihc who nttended Ihe teiiclicnt' ill
Htitute Wedui'Mliiv. Mihh fnrder was
L-rudiiated only Inst year from the
local hich school with, honors, doinir
Ihe four vears' work in three yenrs.
Miss bin mid llerlhn Ditsworth of
Derby came down this nioriiinii nnd
left on No. 15 for Ashland to iillend
the institute.
I,. F. Kirkpnlrick has received n
letter from his parents in Vim Huron
county, In., in which il wns stnlcd
that nn enrly cold simp h'1 prneti
cnlly destroyed the apple crop of the
iireatexl fruit district in the state.
This may mean better pries fur tho
Oregon product.
Tuesday wiih the second day of the I
ranker cxiiiniiiiiliini, which is being
coiiiluctcd by M. i. Kricksin. The
work beiiiK of il practiciil iiiiliire, wiim
cariieil on on llm vacant block east
of HI. Mury'M iicademy out of duorM.
W. 8. Doilin of Osii(;e, Kun., ur
ri veil hem the oilier day to vinit J.
W. Undue of lliix place.
('. I'',. JohiiHou of Kuuhi Point wont
to Ashland on a visit WeilnoHilny.
Mrs. f, II. Wnlsworlh in in the city
on her way to Ashland, where hIio
Iiiih busiucsH to attend to.
P. F. Anderson en inn in from hm
farm southeast of Medford with a
loud of produce Wednesday.
W. II. Fields of Oriffin frock di-
trict wiih in the city tho oilier morn-
inK to do a little trading.
(luv Webb left recently tor Aslilunil
for u short slay on businoHH.
fieri nnlii Dcierlein went to AhIi
IiiuiI I bin morning for a visit.
J. N. Stuart, a physician ol I'lnl-ile--,,!:i.
I'u.. in spenilint; his vnon-
tion in the llouuo valley near Ibis
Professor P. .1. O'Onrn will return
from a business trip lo Ashland on
Sirs. .1. N. T. Miller, who is now
res'nliiiL' in Portland wilh her son,
Colonel Hubert A. Miller, is visiting
friends in the valley mid in .Jackson
ville, her old home. 'She will remain a
,i, VI... u,.,.nl llu rln v with Mrs.
III.. Illlt. r-.... -
Ju'uioH A. Wilson of Ibis city.
Ono of the many marks which dm-
tint'iiish a ojly from the villus i
the applianccH used in erecting builil-
iiifjH. Tim Meiltord lincK eoiiipiiny
have just installed an electric hoist
tor uso in the Corcy-Oarnett buililiiiK
II. II. Taylor, who resided for many
yours near Hoxy Ann, but now lives
in Talent, spent Wednesday in Med
ford on business.
The Ladies' Aid society o the
Christian church held their meeting
today mid much work wns noeom-j
plishnd. Much business pertaining to
the oHTiition of the league was niso
George II. Parker, n nurseryman of
Grunts Pass, is in Medford on biiKi
ness. lie is delighted with the local
S. J. Tcmudor drove iu Wednesday
morning from Griff hi Creek, where
bo has a fine farm mid orchard.
Mrs. J. B. Knyart returned Wed
nesday morning from an extended
visit in Portland.
A largo number of Jacksonville
people witnessed "Throe Twins" nt
tho opera bouse on Tucsdny evening.
Clarence L. Henmes spent Wed
nesday in Jacksonville on business.
Dr. Ivy M. Hobinsoii, who ennie
here from Portland recently to enter
tho local field, has left for Portland.
She will return in Febriinry.
Miss M. Foster. Miss F.diia fum
mings mid Miss K. I.nwson paid Asli
lunil a visit us a result of the con
vention being held (hero tho first of
I ho week.
P. 0. Morgan of Berkeley, Cnl.,
nrrived in the city n few days ago
and is looking around.
H. W. I.niie of Iloschurg is visit
ing in Medford this week.
Judge J. If. Neil was in Medford
on business Wednesday.
I,. X. Hidcr lias nrrived from Port-
laud to take charge of the orchard
which Ir. S. Tnwiiseiid purchased ro
ceiilly from Waller J. Miiudy. The
ranch from now on will be known us
the Ttownsenil Creamery Company
ranch, ulthoiu,,i no creamery wjll be
established. The Townsend Cream
ery company owns creameries in
Portlmid, Astoria, Salem, Lyons,
Dallas, Seal lie, Gardner mid Xnh-
eotta. Mr. Townsend came here to
look over the situation nnd decided
Hint an investment in fruit land
would be the moHt profitable one he
I could make.
, C, Grouse of Crvallis came down
this week to discuss the fruit situa
tion wilh P. J. O'Oara.
Mrn. William Holmes nnd chidrcn
of this city left for Eagle Point on
Wednesday for a short visit with S.
IS. Holmes of that plnc!.
For AH Ages
Do you know we aro showing the finest line of Kid
Hody, Celluloid and Dressed Dolls ever shown in Med
ford? Any size, quality or jfriee you want from
25 cents to $10.00
Over 500 fanev novelties
in China to select from at
2oc to $4.50 each.
Sugar and Creamer
We are showing over 25
styles in the above in all
qualities from the 15c
glass up to the $4.50 hand
If you are down town tomorrow don't fail to see our
oast Window. It contains the swellest line of fancy
Glassware ever shown in Medford, at 25e each.
We have them, the good
kind, and the price is like
all our prices, the lowest,
quality considered.
the most complete line of
popular priced goods in
with house, barn and never failing spring, only $1200
Only one and one-half miles from Eagle Point Ry. Station
Brown & Wakefield
Office upstairs in Palm Block, Medford.
We are hciuliiiiirters lor business
properties of every description.
Ten acres four miles from Medford
and V2 miles from Central Point,
new land, 8'2 aeres ready to culti
vate, new 3-room bouse, good new
small barn, situated on main traveled
road; the very best soil in the val
ley; fine fine shade trees and a beau
tiful site for a home.
I I.nrge lot with 12 lull bearing np-
! nip trocit 'ill Sunlit Pnnfrtil nvnnun'
fine loeatiou and a beautiful si'o for
a home; a snap if taken at once.
Forty acres, 16 miles from Med
ford, half mile from Beagle; 8 acres
cultivated; 4 acres in fruit tree 2 to
10 years old, on two good roads;
small bouse, barn, woodshed, etc;
25 acres inclosed in woven wire
fence $2000
Small house and bam, with seven
lots, north side Jackson street; a
snap $1690
New 5-room house, hardwood fin
ish, new woodshed, well on back
porch, lot 50x100, corner Jackson
and Fir $1450
One acre, 9-room house, barn,
chicken house, city water, only 600
feet from Riverside avenue ...$3400
Four-room house on west side Main
street, lot 50x168 $1500
We want a man with horse and
biifigy to show real estate and write
fire insurance
5-room mo )crn bungalow on South
Central avenue ;-i snap if taken at
once $2050
Nine-room modern house, Bunga
low addition, lot 50x160, comer 4th
and Oronge, near Oakdale ave..$3850
28si acres, one mile from P. & E.
depot; a bargain at the price. .$6000
Rooming house Best location in
the city; clenrs $150 per month; lone
lease v. $2200
27 acres, three miles from Med
foro; $1500 house, good bam, all in
alfalfa; the best land to be found in
the Rogue River valley; terms.$!2,000
I8V2 acres, close in property, fin
est free soil, 14 acres planted to com
mercial apples and pears 4 yenrs old,
4Vi acres alfalfa; good terms $1 1,500
For sale or rent 9-room modern
bungalow on Orange street, near Oak
dale; rent $30; price $3350
Business location lot 50x00, right
in the hearj of the city. Call nt our
office for particulars $8500
5 acres inside city limits, high ele
vation; this tract can be subdivided
into building lots or would make an
ideal orchard iract. It is a bargain
at $3000
5 acres adjoining city limits, good
orchard land and a beautiful site for
a home; in one year will be worth
double the price asked ...$2000
10 acres, one mile from Medford on
main traveled road to Ashland ; Bear
creek bottom land, set to apples and
pears 2 years old; trees are strong
and vigorous. Here is a beautiful
site for a home. Easy terms.
Price ...$2900
3-room box house and large lot
on South Central avenue, completely
furnished ; good well and chicken
house ; a genuine bargain ; easy terms.
Price .$750
Some splendid business properties
for sale, close in, good income pay
ers. Call at our office for details.
Our charge is $1 per month for
renting and collecting.
We represent seven strong relia
ble fire insurance companies.
Surety bonds We represent the
Union Guarantee Association ol Port
land. We have several applications 011
file for furnished houses.
Opposite Moore Hotel
1 12 W. Main St. Phone 3073 Main.
vvitr "iw