Till', "lODFORD DAILY TJUIiUNE, Al 101) FORI), ORKOOX, W KDN IQKDAY, OCTOBER 27, VM). i OIH IHt CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. OKMXANi'K NO. a tr. ' All Ol'llililllll'U declining till' IIHsChH IllCIlt IMI III)! plllpCllV benefitted lor llic cost ui' laving H WllJlT main mi (JIhuii struct Mild dircctini' lliu I'l'IMII'lIlT III llllllll' II stlllUIUCIll 1 1 1 !' J t' ill tllll Wilier lllllill lidl illicit Ul. Tho I'ilv nl Medlord ilulli ordain iih follows : Section 1. Whereas, lliu oilv council iliil herdnloio liV resolution decline ilM intention til lav U 4 inch wulur inaiil mi Olniin Hired from West -lib street In WchI 2nd slreut mill to iisscsh tin' cost thereof oil Hid property I routing on Hiiiil portion nl' said struct in iirniinrlinil to tliu Iroiitugo nl' Hiii'l uriMHiit v. mill iliil lix u I hum mill iilai'u lor hearing pro tests against lliu In viutr nl' said water luitiii nn hiiiil imrlimi nl' Hiiiil street mill tin' assessment ul' the cost thcrcot ui uluruHiiiil. ' And wlii'ii'iiM, Kiiiil resolution wns duly poMed mid published iih rc iiuired iiv section 110 nl lliu charter nl Miiid city. And whereas, n meeting nl' tins council was lichl ill llic Iiiiiu mid place 1 1 x i r 1 1 in niiid roHiiluliun lor tin) pur pose nl' considering uuv hucIi pro tests, lint no protests waro ul such tiinu or ul mi V tiiiiu made lo or re ceived Iiv lliu council In lliu laving ul' hind wnler inaiil or lliu assessing ul lliu cunt thereof ah aforesaid, and Miid council liming considered llie innlter, and declaim: llial hiiiil water inaiil wim and is nl material lieiielil to said cilv mid tliul all properly In lie iisscsned therefor viitlI lie hene litled thereby In the cxteiil of lliu inolialilii- ainuiiiit nl lliu respective assessments lo lie levied against said pmpcilv. did order Mini water Inaiil laid. And whereas, the cost of Haid water lliniil Iiiih I n and hereby is dder- luined lo lie Ilia Mini "f $830.10. Now therefore, it in liercliv lurther determined lliat Ilia proportionate share nl' llie cost of laving said water main uf each parcel of tliu property 1 roll I hit; on haid iiorlinii of said hlrcct in the liinolllil set opposite llie description uf each uiucu or iiarcul of land In-low and that each hucIi piece or parcel of lund is benefited liy tliu In villi; uf Miid water main to tliu l ull extent of tliu luminal ho net opposite tliu description of Hlieli piece or par cel and thai the respective amounts represent the proportional benefits of haid water main to said respective parcels nl properly and also the pro portional f roiilngu Iliureof un said iortion of said street, 'and lliu council dues here by dcclari! each uf tliu parcels of properly descrilied liclow In lie iih sesHed and each nf tliu same hereby is assessed tliu aiaumit set uppnsitu each respective description lor llie cost uf In vini; said water main. ASSKSSMKNT K HI A FOUMNCII WAT KU MAIN KUtiM WKST KOI H I M STKKKT TO WKST SKCONO STUKKT IN TIIK CITY OK MKDKoKI). (JKKOON. ON OL- SON ST UK Assessineiit No. 1 Williain Tongue, lot 1. Iilock (I. Olson addition lo tliu city of Medlofd. Orciioii. fronl iil'O Id" I'i'i't on west sidu Olson slreet and described Vol. 71. page 211, coiinlv reuorder'H reenrds of Jackson coiinlv. Oregon: ."0 feet. .Halo per foot ill. 00 cents; iimnunt duo ifiUO.KO. . Assessment No. 2 Mrs. M. A. 01 hoii. lot :t. lilnck 0. OIhoii uddition to the citv of Mudford. Oregon, frontage 50 feci on west sidu Olson street nnd described Vol. (12. pngo 2(18, coiinlv recorder's records of Jncksoii coun tv. Orciron; 50 fuct. Unto por foot. T.'I.OO cents; iimoiint dnu $30.80. Assessment No. 3 Mrs, M. A. 01 sun. lot 4. block 0. Olsnn nddition to the citv of Mcdford, Orciron. frontuiro 00 feet on vcst sido Olson street nnd descrihud Vol. (12, piiKO 2(18, county recorder's records of Jnckson coun ty. Orciron: fiO feel. Hate per foot. 73.00 cents; nmonut duo $30.80. Asscsstnont No. 4 J. V. Halo, lot 1. lilnck 5, Olson addilion to Iho cilv nt Mcdford, Oregon, l'ronlntro C3Vi feet un west sidu Olson street nnd descrilied Vol. 72, pntro "iH2, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; r'3li feel; rale per fnpt 73.00 cents; nniount duo lf3n.'.r(. Asscssnicnl No. "i Hubert Wilson lot 2. lilnck f. Olsnn nddition lo the city nl' Mi'dford. Orcmni. I'rnnlmie i "i3-u in. on west sidu Olsnn sired nnd descrilied Vol. 02, pmro -IOTi. enuillv recorder's records of Jnckson coiinlv. Oregon; 3Vi led; ralo per font 73.00 conls; nniount duo .$30.45. Assessment No. 0 II. 0. Oarnett, lot 3. block fi Olson nddition to the citv of t Mcdford, OrcL'on.'frontmro Ti.'tVa feet on west sido Olson street nnefdescribed Vol. 72, tmire 322, counlv recorder's records of Jackson county. Orciron; 53-0 feet. Knto per font, $7.1.00. . Aninunl dun, $30.4"i. Asc-si' cnl No. 7 Ueorsrc W. Hall, I t 1. block .). OK" m n-''iition to tbo nitv of Mudford, Ovou'nn, frontnire 03 Yi fact on west, s'.d" 'Mkuij struct and dcMcribcd Vol. 72. pauu 178, county recorder's records of Jack Min cniiiity, Orcgiiu; .13 'a fuel; ralo per foot 73.00; amount duo $30.1.1. AkmchmiiuiiI. Nn. 8 (Icnriro W. Hall, Inl .1, block .1. Olson addition to thu citv of Mcdford. Ore'.'on, frontniru fct nn west side Olsnn street and described Vol. 72. uniru 178, county recniiler's leenrdK. of Jack won county, Oregon; "t'.i1 feci; rate per loot 73.00 cents; amount dun $30,80. Assessment No. I) -L. Mcpherson, lot I, block I, Olson addilion to llie cily of .Mcdford, Oregon; fronlage .10 feet on west side Olsnn si reel, and descrilied Vol. 72, page 310, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; .10 feel; rale per font 73.00 cents J amniilit dim $30.80. Ashchi uienl No. 10 I,. McPlierHim, lot 2. block 4. Olson addition lo the citv of .Mcdford. Oregon, frontage 10 led mi west hide Olsnn hired and descrilied Vol. 72. Pllgo 310, cuuiitv recorder's records of Jnckson eomi ly, Oregon; 50 fed; rale per font 73.00 cents; auinmit dan $30.80. Assessment No. 11 J. K. Olsnn. Inl 3. Iilock 4. Olson addition lo llic citv of Mcdford. Oregon. I'rnnlago 100 led nn west sidu Olson street nnd described S'ol page .... county icciii iler's records of .Jackson county. Oregon; .10 led. Kate per font, $73.- 00. Amount due. $30.80. Assessment No. 12 -l(. II. Toll, lot 1. block 3. Olson addition lo the cilv of Medlord. Oregon. Inmlitgc 100 feet cast side Olsnn sired and de scrilied Vol. 71, page 020. counlv re corder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; .10 feet; rate per lout 73.00 cents; amount due $30.80. Assessment No. 13 1. II. Tuft, lot 2. block 3. Olson addilion to the citv of Medlord, Oregon, froiilagc .10 feet cast side Olson slreet and described Vol. 71, page 010, count v recorder's records of Jackson counlv, Oregon; 50 led; rate per font 73.00 cents; amiiiuit due $30.80. Assessment No. 14 J. V. Ilrown. ol 1. block 3. Olso i ..dditiou to the citv of Mcil: ..d. 0:c;.:ri, frontage 50 feel on cast sV.o O:oi. street and de scribed Vol. 71, page 505. count v re corder's reenrds of Jackson count v. Oregon; .10 feet; rate per foot 3.00 cents; amount due $30.80. Assessment No. 15 J. V. ltrown. lot .1. bioi'K 2. Olson addition to the citv nf Medlord. Oregon, frontage feet on cast sidu Olson struct and described Vol. 71. page .10.1. cnuiitv reenrder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; ')'. - fuel; ralu per foot 73.00 cents; amount due $30.15. Assessment No. 10 J. K. Olson, lot 4. block 2. Olson addition to the city of Mudford, Oregon, frontage 53'!; feel on cast side Olson sired and descrilied Mil page counlv recorder's records of Jackson, county, Oregon; .13' j fed; rate per foot 73.00 cents; amount due $30.15. Assessment No. .17 M. K. Lewis, lot 3, block 2. Olsnn nddition to the cilv of Mcdford. Oregon, frontage 53 ', feet on cast side Olson slreet and described Vol. 72. page 204, counlv recorder's record f Jnck son county. Oregon; 53 feel; rate per font 73.00 cent; amount due $39.45. Assessment No. 18 J. F. Hulcha son, lot 2, lilnck 2. Olson nddition to the citv of Mcdford. Oregon, front ago 53'a feet onenstsido Olson street and described Vol. 72. pneo 243, county recorder's records of Juck son (jnnnty, Oregon; .Wo feet; rate por font 73.00 ccnls; nniount due $30.45. , Assessment No. II) J. h Htitchu son; lot 1. block 2. Olson addition to the citv of Mcdford, Oregon, front age .13 Vi feet on east sido of Olson street nnd described Vol. 72, page 248, countv recorder's rocords of Jackson county, Oregon; 53'i feet; rnte per foot 73.00 cents; nniount due $30.45. Assessment No. 20 D. W. Heobo, lot 4, bloel- 1, Olson nddition to the cilv of Mudford. Oregon, frontneo 50 feet on oust sido nf Olson street nnd described Vol. 72. page 271, counlv recorder's records of Jnckson countv, Oregon; 50 feet; rnto per foot 73.00 cents; amount duo $30.80. Assessment No. 21 0. W. Heobo. lot 3, block 1. Olson addilion to the cilv of Mcdford, Oregon, fronlago 50 feet on cast sidu of Olson street nnd described Vol. 72, pngo.271, counlv recorder's records of Jackson ooimtv, Oregon: 50 foot Knto pev foot, 73.00 cents; nniount duo $3(1.80. Assessment No. 22 T. A. Olson, lot 2. block 1. Olson nddition to the citv of Mcdford, Oregon, frontage 100 foot on oust side of Olson strcot nnd described Vol. 72. pngo 203, countv recorder's records of Jnckson count v, Oregon: 50 feet. Rnte por foot, 73.00 cents; amount duo $30.80, Section 2. Tho rocorder of the city of Mcdford is hereby diroctod to culcr a sl.ileincnl of said several as schsmenls in Hie walcr main lien dnekcl nf said city as rciiuired by the cilv chillier. The foregoiii" ordinance was pass "d bv Hie cily council of hc rril V of Medlord on the Uih dav of October. I:i00. bv the following vole: Merrick, ave; Welsh, ave; Kil'crt. ny; Kmer ick. absent: Wortinan, ave; Ilemmer, absent. Approved October 10th. 1000, W. H. CANON. Mayor. Attest: HOHKKT W. TKI.FKK, Recorder. OKNINANCK NO. 217. An ordinance declaring ilic assuss mciit on the properly benefitted for ilia cost of laving a walr main on Jackson street and directing the recorder to enter a statement there of in thu water main lien docket. Tim citv of Mudford dnlh ordain us lolliiws : Section 1. Whereas, thu citv coun cil did heretofore Iiv resolution de clare its intcntiwi to lav n 0 inch water main on Jackson street from drupe street to west corporation boundary and lo assess the cost thereof on tho property fronting oi. said purl ion of said street in propor tion lo the frontage of said property, and did lix u lime and place for hearing protests nguinst thu laying of said water main on said portion of said street and the amount of the cost thereof as aforesaid. And whereas, said resolution was duly posled and published as rciiuired bv section J lij ot tliu charter of said city. Anil whurcfls. n meeting of the council was held at the timo and place fixed in said resolution lor the par lose of considering any such protests, but no protests were at such lime or at any time made lo or received bv the council lo thu laying of said walcr main or the assessing of the cost thereof us uforesuid. and said council having considered thu mat ter, mid deeming that said water main was and is of material benefit to said cily and (hut all property to be assessed therefor would be bene fitted thereby to the extent of the probable niiiumit of the respective as sessments to be levied against said property, did order said water main laid. And whereas, the cost of said wat er inaiil has been nnd hereby is de termined to be the sum of $4,100. Now therefore, it is hereby further determined that the proportionate share of the cost of hiving said wat er main of each parcel of the proper ly fronting on said portion of said street is tho nmonut set opposite the I description of each piece or parcel of laud liclow and that each such piece or parcel of land is belief it ted bv the laving of said water main to the full extent of the amount so set opposite llie description of such piece or parcel, and that the respective amounts represent thu proportional benefits of said water main to said respective parcels ot property nnd also the proportinual frontage there of on said portion of said street, nnd the council does hereby declare each of the parcels uf property described below to be assessed and each of the same hereby is nsscssed the nmonut set opposito each respective descrip tion for the cost of lnying said water main. ASSKSSMKNT FOR A SIX INCH MAIN ON JACKSON STREET. WKST. FROM GRAPE STREET, NORTH. TO WEST CORPORA TION UOUNDARY. Assessment No. 1 Isaac J. Stnoev. lot 7. block 2, Page addition in the citv of Mcdford. Oregon, frontage 51 feet on south side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 71, page 201, countv recorder's records of Jack son countv. Oregon: 51 feet. Rnte per foot. 88.8-10 cents. Amount due. $45.30. Assessment No. 2 Fred'k C. Pago. lot 0. block 2. Page addition in the citv of Mcdford. Oregon, frontage 52 feet on south sido Jnckson street. West, described Vol pngo counlv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon: 52 feet. Rate tier foot. 88 8-10 coats. Amount due, $40.18. , Assessment No. 3 Port Anderson, lot 5. block 2. Pugc addition in the citv of Mcdford, Oregon, frontage 52 feet on south side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 71, page 418, countv recorder's records of Jack son countv, Oregon; 52 'feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due, $10.18. Assessment No. 4 Bert Anderson, lot 4", block 2, Pnge nddition in the citv of Mcdford, Oregon, frontnge 5'. feet on south side Jnckson street. West, described Vol. 71. pngo 418, county recorder's records of Jack son countv. Oregon; 52 feot. Rnto por foot, 88 8-10 conts. Amount duo $40.18. Assessment No. 5 J. A. Lyon, ct ux, lot 3, block 2, Pngo nddition in the city of Mcdford. Oregon, frontage 52 feot on south sido Jackson street, West, descrihud Vol. 72. page 533, eiianlv recorder's records of Jackson CiiunlV, Oregon; .12 (cel. Knp. per foot. Mi H-IO cents. Amount due, $10.18. Assessincnl No. 0- iJlanelie Toft, lot 2. block 2, Page addition in the citv of Mdlmd. On gnu, frontage. 52 I eel sou lb Mile Jackson street. West, described Vol. 72, page 10. county re corder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; .12 fed. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $10.18. Assessment .No. 7 C. A. Fowler, lot 1. block 2. Page addition in the cilv of Mcdford. Oregon, frontage .12 feet south side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 72. page 317. countv recorder's records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon; ,12 feet. Rate per foot, 8H 8-10 cents. Amount due. $40.18. Assessment No. 8 I'.ert Anderson, lot 8, block 1. Page addition in the city of Mcdford, Oregon, frontage 52 feet on south side Jackson street. West, descrilied Vol. 71. page 418. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 52 feel. Kate per toot. 88 8-10 cents. Amomit due. $10.18. Assessineiit No. 9 I'.ert Anderson, lot 7. block 1. Page addition in the citv of Medlord. Oregon, frontage .12 feet on south side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 71. page 418. county recorder's records of Jack son counlv. Oregon; 52 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-1 0 cents. Amount due. $10.18. Assessincnt No. 10 Blanche Toft, Ivt 0, block 1, Page addition in the city of Medlord, Oregon, frontage 52 feet on Miuib side Jackson street. West, descrilied Vol. 72. pugv 250, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon: .12 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $10.18. Assessment No. 11- J. K. Toft, iot ,1, block 1, Page addition in the citv of Mcdford. frontage .12 feet south side Jackson sired. West, described Vol. 72. page 11. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 52 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents Amount due. $10.18. Assessment No. 12 Fred E. Gore, lot 4. block 1. Page addition in the citv of Mcdford. Oregon, frontage 52 feet south side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 72. page 218. countv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon: 52 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $10.18. Assessment No. 13 Hubert U. Hvon. lot 3. block 1. Page addition in the citv of Medlord. Oregon, frontage feet on south side Jackson stree'., West, described Vol. 72. page 5S3 oiintv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon: o2 ieet. Hate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due $40.18- Assessment No. 14 Bert Ander son, lot. -j, mock i, rage .umiiion in the oily of Medlord. Oregon, frontage 52 led south side Jackson street. Wcsl. described Vol ... pnge ounly recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon ; 52 feel ; rate per foot 88S-10 cents; amount due $40.20. Assessment No. 15 Bert Ander son, lot 1. uiock J. l age uuoiiion in the citv of Mcdford. Oregon, frontage 52 feet south side Jackson countv. Oregon: 52 feet. Rnte per foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $40.20. Assessment No. 16 Bert Ander son, lot a. block 1. Anderson-1 on ad dition in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 52 feet, south side Jackson street. West, described Vol pnge ..... countv recorder's records of Jnckson countv, Oregon; 52 feet. Rnte per foot, 88 8-10 cents: Amount due. $46.20. Assessment No. 17 C. A. Fowler, lot 2. block 1. Anderson-Toft addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon, front age 50 feet south side Jackson street. West, described Vol page county recorder's records of Jack son countv. Oregon: 50 feet. Rnte per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $44.40. Assessment No. 18 J. H. Lvdinrd. lot 1. block 1. Anderson-Toft nddition in the city of Medford. Oregon, front age 50 feet south sido Jackson street. West, described Vol pape countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon: 50 feel. Rnte por foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $44.40. Assessment No. 10 W. S. King, el ux, lot 4, block 1, King's addition in llie citv of Medfnul, Oregon, frontage 58.43 feel on south fide Jackson street, West, described Vol pnge counlv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon: 58.43 feot. Kate per foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $51.90. Assessment No. 20 W. S. King, et ux, lot 3, block 1, King's nddition in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontnge 58.43 feet on south side Jackson street. West, doseribed Vol page countv recorder's records of Jnckson county. Oregon; 58.43 feet. Rnte per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amouut due $51.90. Assessment No. 210. Eager, lot 2, blook 1. King's addition in the oilv of Medlord. Oregon, frontnge 58.43 feet south hide Jackson htiect. West, described Vol. 05. page 470. county recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 58.43 fed,. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $51.90. Assessment No. 22 O. Knger. lot 1. block 1. King's nddition in the citv of Mcdford. Oregon, frontage 58.43 feet south side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 05. page 470. countv recorder's records of Jackson coun tv. Oregon ; .18.43 feet. Kate per foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $51.90. Assessment No. 23 John h. Dern mer. (C) a lot fronting 377.52 feet on soulh side Jackson street. West, and rtimiiu" back 403.05 feet and marked C on map of the citv of Mcd ford. Oregon. Frontage 377.52 feet so nl h side Jackson street. West, de scribed Vol. 28. page 473. crtuntv re corder's records of Jackson countv. Oiegon: Ji.,j2 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due, $335.2.1. Assessment No. 24 John L. Dcm- mcr. (15) a lot lrontmg 155.40 feet on south side Jackson street. West, and running back 403.05 feet and marked B on map of the citv of Mcdford. Oregon, frontage 155.40 feet south side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 28. page 450, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon: l.j.j.40 feet. Rate per foot 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $138.05. Assessment No. 25 Geo. W. Prid- dv. (A) a lot fronting 707.58 feet south side Jackson street. West, and running back 410.5 feet and marked A on map of the city of Medford, Or egon, frontage 0i..j8 led south side Jackson street. West, described Vol. page 300, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson countv. Oregon: 07.58 led. Kale per loot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $028.35. Assessment No. 20 II. A. Frencn- burg, lot 12. block 2. Oak Park addi tion in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 100 feet on north side Jack son slreet. West, described Vol. 72. page 91, countv recorder's records ot Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount $14.40. Assessment No. 27 L. C. Narre gan's addition in the eitv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 30.32 feet ' north side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 50. page 253. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 30.32 feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $20.92. Assessment No. 28 C. A. Fowler, lot 1. block 1. Narregan's addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet north side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 01. page 610. countv recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due, $44.10. Assessment No. 29 Warren C. fttssudv, lot 2. block 1. Narregan's addition in the citv of Medford, Ore gon, frontage 50 feet north side Jackson street, West, described Vol 1. nagc 192. county recorder's rec ords of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8r10 cents Amount due. $44.40. Assessment No. 30 Warren C Cassadv. lot 3. block 1, Narregan s addilion in the citv of Medford. Ore gon, frontage 50 feet north side Jack- sou street. West, described Vol. il page 192. countv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 50 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $44.40. Assessment No. 31 Nettie Jones, lot 4. block 1. Narregan s addition m the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage "0 feet, north side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 61. pnge 248, county recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon. Bond. .10 feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due, $44.40. Assessment No. 32 R. H. Toft lot 5. block 1. Narregan s nddition m tho citv of Medford, Oregon, frontnge ")0 feet north side Jackson street. West, descnibe'1 Vol. 72. page 6f county recorder's records of Jnckson countv. Oregon; 50 feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due, $44.40. Assessment No.. 33 R. II. Toft lot 6. block 1. Narregan's addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 fed north side Jackson street West, described Vol. 72. page 0 countv recorder's records of. Jackson county, Oregon; ,iO ted; rale pet- foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due $44.40. Assessment No. 34 Pauline Stur gis, lot 1. block 1. Grav's addition in the citv of Medford. Oregon, front age 118 feet north sido Jackson street. West, described Vol. 01, pnge 32. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; .118 feet Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $104.80. Assessment No. 35 E. L. Baleom the cast half of lot 13, block 1. Grav's addition in llie citv of Medford. Ore gon, frontneo .It feot north sido Jnek son 'lioet, V", -I, described. V,,' page 530, counlv recorder, rocnmi of Jackson county, Oregon; 54 fee1. Kate per foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $17.95. Assessment Xo. 30 Murv II. Orr, the west half of lot i:i. block 1. dray's addilion in the city of Mcd ford. Oregon, frontnge 54 feel north side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 05. pnge 128. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 54 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due, $47.9.1. Assessment No. 37 R. W. Gray. lot 1. block 2. Grav's addition in tho itv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 108 feet north side Jackson street. West, described Vol page onntv recorder's records of Jackson ountv, Oregon: 58 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount duo. $51.50. Assessment No. 38 Kav Toft, lot 18, block 2. Grav's addition in the itv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 108 feet north side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 72. pnge 242. ountv recorder s records of Jnckson ountv. Oregon; 58 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents.' Amount due, $51.50. , ,,,, Assessment No. 39 Mrs. R. M. Ralh. the east half of lot 1. block 3, Grav's addition in the citv of Med ford. Oregon, frontnge 54 feet north ide Jackson street. West, described Vol. 72; pnge 183, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 4 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $47.95. Assessment No. 40 Louise B. Gleason. the west half of lot 1. block 3; Gray's addition in the citv of Med ford. Oregon, frontage 54 feet north sido of Jackson street. West, de scribed Vol. 72. page 183. county re corder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon : 54 . feet. Rate per foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $47.95. Assessment No. 41 James F. Good. (A) part of lot 1. block 2, Min- gus-sub-division nnd marked A on map of the city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 193.18 feet on north side Jackson street. West, descried Vol. 49, page 170, countv recorder' rec ords of Jackson countv. Oregon; 193.18 feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $171.55. Assessment No. 42 L. D. Canfield, (B) part of lot 1. block 2. Mingus iiib-divisiou nnd marked B on map of the citv of Medford, Oregon, front age 96.38 feet on north side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 73, page 12, countv recorders records of Jackson countv. Oregon: 1 acre; 96. 38 feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. imount due, $S5.00. Assessment (o. 43 L. D. Can- field. (C) the east 90:09 feet of lot 7. block 2. Mingus sub-division and marked C on map of the city of Medford. Oregon, frontage 90.09 feet on north side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 73, page 12, eountv recorder s records of Jackson coun tv. Oregon: 1 acre: 90.09 feet. Rate per foot. S8 8-10 cents. Amount due $S5.S6. Assessment No. 44 E. J. Lewis, (U) part of lot 7, block 2. Mingus sub-division and marked 1) on map of the citv of Medford, Oregon, front age 90.69 feet north side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 67. page ), countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon : 1 acre ; 96. 09 feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $85.80. Assessment No. 45 William II. Crawford, (E) part of lot 7. block 2. Mingus sub-division and marked E on map of the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 289.41 on north - side of Jnckson street. West, described Vol. 60, page 521, countv recorder's rec ords of Jackson countv, Oregon; 3 acres. 289.41 feet. Rate per foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due, $257.00. Assessment No. 4b F. W. Hutchin son. (F) part of lot 7 block 2. Min gus sub-division and ninrked F on map of the city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 482.79 feet north side Jack son street. West, described 'ol. 28, pnge 205, countv recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 482.79 feet. Rate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $428.72. Assessment No. 47 Alfred Bar zee .-.r.d Jennie Barzee. block 3. Min gus sub-division in the citv of Med ford, Oregon, frontage 120 feet north side Jnckson street. West, described Vol. 00, page 513, counlv recorder's records of Jnckson countv. Oregon: 120 feet. Rate tier foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $111.90. Section 2. The recoidcr of the citv of Medlord is hereby directed to en ter a statement of said several as sessments in water main lien docket of said citv as reutiired bv the citv charter. , The foregoing ordinance was passed bv the citv council of'the city of Med ford on the 21st day of October, 1909. bv the following vote: Merrick, aye; Welsh, nye ; Eifcrt. ave ; Emorick, ab sent : Wortinan, absent; Denitner, aye. Approved: ' . W. II. CANON. Muvor. Attest: KOBT. W. TELFER, , . Recorder.