2 THE MEDFOKD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD," OUKOON, W10DN KSDA V, (XTOIJKK 27. 1!KM. CITY NOTICES. city Notices. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. OHD1NANCE NO. 244. Ail ordinance declaring the assess ment on thu property benefited for the cost of hiving a wator main on West Second btreet and directing the recorder to enter a statement thereof ill the water main lieu docket. The citv of Medtord doth orduiu as follows: , Section 1. Whereas, the cit- coun cil did heretofore bv resolution de clare its iuteutiou to lav a ti-iiieh water main ou West Second street from North Onkda'.e avenue to west, ooruoration bouudarv. und to assess the cost thereof ou the - i : ' propertv lroutuig ou saiu poruou said street iu proportion to the front age of said property, aud did fix a time nud place for hearing protests agaiust the laving of said water mam ou said portion of said street and the amount of the cost thereof as aforesaid; and. Whereas, said resolution was duly posted and published as reauired bv section 110 of the charter of said citv; and. Whereas, a meeting of the council was held at the time and place fixed iu said resolution for the purpose of considering any such protests, but no protests were at such time or at auv time made to or received bv the council to the laving of said water maiu or the assessing of the cost thereof as aforesaid, aud said coun cil having considered the matter, and deeming that said water main was and is of material benefit to said oitv aud that all property to be assessed therefor would be benefited thereby to the extent of the probable amount of the respective assessments to be levied ugainst said propertv. did order said water main laid : aud. Whereas, the cost of said water maiu has beeu and hereby is deter mined to be the sum of $4072.03; Now. therefore, it is hereby fur ther determined that the proportion ate share of the cost of laying said water main of each parcel of the property fronting ou said portion of said street is the amount set opposite the description of each piece or par eel of land below and that each such piece or parcel of land is benefited by the laving of said water main to the full extent of the amount so set opposite the description of such piece or parcel, aud that the respective amounts represent the proportional benefits of said water main to said respective parcels of property aud also the proportional frontage there of on said portion of said street, and the couucil does hereby declare each of the parcels of propertv described below to be assessed aud each of the same hereby is assessed the amount set opposite each respective descrip tion for the cdst of laving said water main. ASSESSMENT FOB A SIX-INCH WATER MAIN ON WEST SEC OND STREET FROM NORTH OAKDALE AVENUE TO WEST CORPORATION BOUNDARY . LINE: ' Assessment No. 1 Gus Samuels, commencing at -a point ' situated 15 chains and 40 links south of the N. E. corner and on east line of the north west quarter of the northeast quarter of- section ,25. township 37 south, range 2 west of the Willamette mer idian, , and running thence south on said east line 1 chain and 55 links thence west 6 chains and 43 links, north. 1 chain '55 links, east 6 chains 43, links, more or les, to place of beginning, containing one acre more or less in the city of Medtord, Ore gon; frontage 149.38 feet on south side Second street. West, described Vol. 46. pag 219. county recorder's records, of Jackson county. Oregon; 149.38 feet; rate per foot 81 V cents amount due $121.74.-. Assessment No. 2 Margaret Dai ly, commencing at a point 75 feet east of the northwest corner of those cer. tain premises conveyed by grantors herein to Rebecca M. McDonough by deed recorded in Vol. 55, pace 165, deed records of Jackson county, Ore gon, described as commencing at the northeast corner of those certain premises deeded by the grantors here in unto one Martin McDonough, the deed therefore being of record of the deed records of Jackson county, Ore gon. Vol. 15, page 102, and being on the north line of those certain premises deeded bv F. Hubbard, ad ministrator of the estate of Eliza Anderson, deceased, said adminis trator being of records in Vol. 40 of the deed records of Jackson county, Oregon, ' at ' page 219 'thereof, and from said beginning point running thence east 100 feet, thence south 1 chain and 55 links, thence west 100 feet, thence north 1 chain 55 links to place of beginning, and from the beginning-point first above doscribed , Tunning thence south 1 chnin 55 links, thence west 50 feet to the place of beginning, the last described tract of land. 1 chain and 55 links by 50 feet, being deportion hereby convey ed, frontage 50 feet on south side Second street. West, described Vol. 69, page 303, county recorder's rec- ords of Jackson count v. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot S1U cents; amount due S40.75. Assessment No. 3 Helen F. Rowo. commencing at the northeast corner of those certain promises deeded bv Ous Samuels and Lottie V. Samuels unto Martin McDonough. the deed therefore being of record iu the deeds records of Jackson county. Oregon. Vol. 55, page 102. thereof, aud being ou the north lino of those certain premises deeded bv F. Hubbard, ad ministrator of the estnto of Eliia Anderson, deceased, said adminis trator deed being of record iu Vol. 40. page 219. deed records for Jack son county, Oregon, and from said beginning point running thence east 100 feet, thence south 1 chain 53 links, thence west 100 feot, thence north 1 chain 55 links to the place of beginning, all of said premises be ing situated ,iii section 25. i:i town ship 37 south of range 2 west of Willamette meridian, frontage 75 feet ou south side Second street. West, in the citv of Medt'ord; Oregon ; 73 feot; rate per foot 81l cents; amount due $01.13. Assessment No. 4 J. E. Roberts, commencing at the northeast corner of those certain premises deeded bv Gus Samuels and wife to one C. W. Coker, the deed therefor being of record of Jackson county, "Oregon, Vol. 32, page 293 thereof, said bo ginning point being on the north line of those certain premises deeded by F. Hubbard, administrator of the es tate of Eliza Anderson, deceased, which said deed is of decord u said deed records iu Vol. 43. page 219 thereof, and from said begiuuing point running thence east 125 feet, thence south 1 chain 55 links, thence west 123 feet to the southeast cor ner of said premises deeded to said C. W. Coker. thcuce north ou east line of said premises so deeded to said C. W. Coker. to the place of beginning. All of said premises being situated in section 25. township 37 south .of range 2 west of the Willamette meridiuu. frontage 125 feel south side Second street. West, described Vol. 71, page 511. county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon: 123 feet; rate per foot 8IV9. cents; amount due $101.87. Assessment No. 5 Ada Cornell. commencing at a point situated 15 chains and 40 iinks south of the northeast corner and on east hue of the northwest quarter of the north east Quarter of section 23, in town ship 37. south, range 2 west of the Willamette meridian, and running thence south 1 chain and 55 links, thence west 0 chains 43 links, theuce north 1 "chain 53 links, thence east 6 chains 43 links, more or loss, to place of beginning, frontage 25 feet south side Second street. We-t.. des cribed Vol. 55. page 481. couutv re corder's records of Jackson couutv. Oregon; 25 feet; rate per foot 81Vs cents; amount due $20.98. Assessment No. -0 Cora Wilson, commencing at . a point situated 15 chains 40 links south und 11 chains 55 links east of the northwest cor ner of the west half of the northeast auarter of section 25. iu township 27 south of range 2 west of the Wil lamette meridian, and from said point running thence east 2 chains 27 links, theuce south 6 chains and 22 links, theuce west 2 chains 27 links, thence north 6 chains 22 links to place of beginning, containing 1.41 acres, more or less, excepting and reserving from the last described tract, however. 100 feet of the south side thereof: frontage 149.82 feet, south side Second street. West, des cribed Vol. 65, page 345, county re corder's records of Jueksbn' county, Oregon; 149.82 feet ; rate ' per foot 81 cents; amount due $122.10. Assessment No. 7 W. H. Meeker. lot 3. block 3. Olson-addition, in the citv of Medford. Oregon: frontage 54 feet south side Second street. West, described Vol. 59, page 365, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 54 feet; rate per foot 81 cents', amount due $44.01. Assessment No. 8 R. H. Toft, lot 4. block 3. Olson addition, in the citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage 54 feet south side Second street. West, des cribed Vol. 71, page 629, county re corder's records of Jackson couutv Oregon; 54 feet: rate per foot 81 cents; amount due $44.01. Assessment No. 9 J. E. Olson, lot 3, block 4, Olson addition, in the city of Medford. Oregon ; frontage 54 feet on south side Second street. West; 54 feet: rate per foot 81V!. cents; amount due. $44.01. Assessment No. 10 J. E. Olson, lot 4,' block 4. Olson addition, in the citv of Medford, Oregon ; frontage 54 feet ou south side Second street. West; 54 feet; rate per foot 81 cents; amount due $44.01. , Assessment No. 11 William Erd-" map. commencing at a point 4 chains 45 links east and 12 chains 40 links north of the southwest corner of the northeast auarter section 25 township 37 south, range 2 west of the Willamette meridian, Jackson couutv, Oregon, and running ihence east parallel to the soul It line ot stud uuarter section 2 chains 75 links, thence north parallel with the west lino of said tiuarter section 12 chains 44 links, theuce west 4 chains 33 links, thence south 5 chains 22 links, thence east 1 chain 00 links, theuce south 0 chains 22 links iu the place of commencing, containing 4.41 acres; frontage 287.10 feet on south side Second street. West, described Vol. 22, page 153, couutv recorders records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 287.10 feet; rate per foot 81V! cents; amount duo $233.98. Assessment No, 12 Joseph Kauf- mnun; commencing at a point situ ated 1 chain 24 links east and 15 chains 40 links south of tti w north west corner of the northeast uuarter section 25. township 37 south, range 2 west of tho Willamette meridian. aud running thence east 1 chain .01 links, theuce south 0 chains 22 links, thence west 1 chain .01 links, thence north C chains 22 links to place of beginning, coiitaiuing 1 aero; front age 106.20 feet on south side Second street. West, described Vol. 59. page 242. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 100.20 feet; rate per foot SIVv cents: amount due $80.00. Assessment No. 13 K. E. and K. Wolter. lot 1. block 1. Wolter addi tion, iu tho citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage 53.43 feet on south side Second street. West, described Vol . . page . . . countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 53.43 feet: rute per foot 81 'A cents; amount due $43.54. Assessment No. 14 E. E. and E. Wolter. lot 2. block 1. Wolter addi tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage 53.43 feet on south side Second street. West, described Vol. page . ., county recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 53.43 feet; rate per foot 8IVS1 cents: amount due $43.54. Assessment No. 15 E. E. and E. Wolter. lot 1. block 2. Wolter addi tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon: frontage- 53.43 feet on south side Sec ond street. West, described Vol... page. .. county recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon: 53.43 feet; rate per foot 81V cents: amount due $43.54. Assessment No. 16 E. E.and E. Wolter. lot 2. block 2. Wolter addi tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage 53.43 feet on south side Sec ond street. West, described Vol... pnge... county recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon: 53.43 feet; rate per foot 81 cents; amount due $43.54. Assessment No. 17 E. E. and E. Wolter. lot 3. block 2. Wolter uddi tion. in the citv of Medford, Oregon; frontage 53.43 feet on south side Sec ond street. West, described Vol... page... conntv recorder's records of Jackson countV.'Oregon; 53.43 feet; rate per foot 81 cents; amount due $43.54. ' Assessment No. 18 Emil Wolter. lot 4, block 2. Wolter addition, iu the citv of Medford, Oregon; frontage 53 feet on south side Second street. West, described Vol. ., page . ., coun tv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 53 feet; rate per foot 81 cents; amount due $43.19. Assessment No. 19 Emil Wolter, lot 5. block 2. Wolter addition, in the city of Medford, Oregon ; frontage 53 feet on south side Second street. West, described Vol. ..page. ..county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 63 feet; rate per foot fil cents: amount due $43.19. Assessment No. 20 Anna Wolter. lot 6, block 2, Wolter addition, in the city of Medford, Oregon ; frontage 53 feet on south side Second street. West, described Vol. .. page . ., coun ty recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 53 feet; rate per foot 81 cents; amount due $43.19. Assessment No. 21 Anno Wolter, lot 7, block 2, Wolter addition, in the citv of Medford, Oregon ; frontage 53 feet on south side Second street. West, described Vol. ., page , .. coun ty recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 53 feet; rate per foot 81 cents: amount due $43.19. Assessment No. 22 Anna Wolter, lot 8. block 2. Wolter addition, in the citv of Medford, Oregon: frontage 76 feet on south side Second street, West, described Vol. ., page , . . coun tv recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 76 feet: rate per foot 81 cents: amount due $81.94, Assessment No. 23 Herman tin der, beginnine at a point 15.17 chains south and 11.63 chains cast of the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 25, in township 37 south, ranee 2 west of the Willamotte mer idian, and running thence south 6,20 chains, thence- west 3.22 chains, thence north 6.20 chains, thence enst 3.22. chains to place of beginning, containing 2 acres more or less: frontage 212.85 feet south side Sec ond street, described Vol. 54, page 441, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 212.85 fool ; rate per toot 81 ' cents; amount due $173.47. Assessment No. 21 Mrs. E. L. tlnrrell, begiuuing nt a point 15.17 chains south and 3.103 chains east of the northwest comer of the north east imiirter of the northwest uuar ter of section 25, iu township 37 south, range 2 west of the Willamette meridian, and running theuce south 0.20 chains, , thence west 3.221," chains, thence north 0.20 chains, theuce east 3.22 chains to place ol beginning, containing 2 acres more or less, the premises couveved bv this deed being tho north half of tho ubove described premises; frontage 212.85 feet ou south side Second street. West, described Vol. 72, pugo 21, t omit v recorder's records tf Jackson countv. Oregon: 212.85 feet; rate per foot 81 cents: amount due $173.47. Assessment No. 25 Henry Hiniu phrev et ux.. beginning at u point 13.17 chains south and 5.18 chains cast of the ;milbwost corner of the northeast omitter of the northwest quarter of section 25. township 37 south, range 2 west of the Willam ette meridian, nud from said point running theuce .vest 0.20 chains, llicpcu west 1.011 chains to the place of beginning, co-itaining 1 acre more or less: l'rontng'i 100.2 feet oil south side Second stieet. West, described Vol. 0(1, pug J 2.:li, couutv recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 100.2 feet; rate per fool 81V cents; amount due $M;.53. Assessment No. 20 Forest C. Ed meads, begiuuing 15.17 chains south and 3.5075 chains east of the north west corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 25, township 37 south, range 2 west of the Willamette meridian, and run ning theuce south 0.20 chains, theuce west 1.0123 chains, theuce north 0.20 chains, theuce cast 1.0125 chains to place of beginning, containing 1 acre more or less, also beginning at a point 15.17 chains south nud 1.955 chains cast of the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of the section, township and range above written, and running thence south 0.20 chains, thenco west 1.055 chains, thence north 0.20 chains thence east 1.955 chains to place of beginning, containing 1.21 acres more or less, saving and excepting and re serving a strip of laud 30 feet across the entiro west side thereof for road purposes, and containing 28-100 acres, it being understood thut the in tent of the instrument is to convey about 1 acre after making reserva tions for road purposes: frontage 205.40 feet on south side Second street. West, described Vol. 08. page 411. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 205.46 feet: rate per foot 81 cents; amount due $IG7.45. Assessment No. 27 Augustus Moore et ux., beginning ut a point 7.22 chains south and 3.305 chains eust of the northwest corner of tho northeast quarter of the northwest quurter section 25, township 37 south, range 2 west of the Willamette merid ian, in Jackson countv. Oregon, und running thence south 7.22 chains, hence west 3.305 chains, thence north 7.22 chains, thenco cast 3.305 clutins to place of beginning, containing 2.43 acres, more or less, saving und ex cepting und reserving a strip of land 30 feet in width across tho entire west side thereof, and containing about 33-100 of an acre for road pur poses, also beginning at a point 15.17 chains south and' 1.955 chains east of the northwest corner of the north east numicr of the northwest auar ter of : said section, township and range, and running thence south 6.20 chains, thence west 1.955 chains, thence mirth 6.20 chains, thence, east 1.955 chains to place of begin ning, containing 1.21 acres, more or less, saving and excopting and re serving a strip of land 30 feet in width . across the entire west side thereof for road purposes, and con taining about 28-100 of an acre, it being understood that tho intent of this instrument is to convey ubout 3.03 acres, after making reservations for -road purposes; frontage 192.9 feet on north side Second street. West, doscribed Vol. 55, page 138. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon: 192.9 feet; rate per foot 81 cents; amount due $157.21. Assessment No. 28 A. A. Balcom, beginning at a point 7.22 chains south and 4.75 chains east of the northwest corner of the northwest auarter of section 25. in township 37 south, range 2 west of Willametto meridian, Jackson conntv. Oregon, and running thence south 7.22 chains thenco west 1.385 chains. , thenco north 7.22 chains, thence west 1.385 chains to place of beginning, containing 1 acre more or less: frontage 91.41 feet on north side Second street. West, des cribed Vol. 56, page 5, countv re corder's records of Jackson county. Oregon ; 01.41. feet: rate per foot 81' cents: amount due $74.50. Assessment No. 29r J. E. Gattn vaw, commencing at a point situated CITY NOTICES. 'f H chains ami 53 links west and 7 chums and 25 links south of thu north east corner of the northwest ipiur Icr of section 25, in township 37 south, range 2 west of the Willniuetlu meridiuu, iu Jackson count v, Oregon, anil running llieiicu south 7 chains and 25 links, thence west 0 chains and 90 links, theuce north 7 chains, 25 links, thence north 7 chains 25 links, theuce east 0 chains UO links to place of beginning, containing 5 acres moro or less; froulagu 455.4 feet oil north side Second street. West, described Vol, 50, page 527, countv recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 455.4 feet; rale per foot 81 cents; amount duo $371.15. Assessment No. 30 Susanna l.luni mer Estate, John L. Dcuimor, ad ministrator, commencing ut ti point situated 7 chains 47 links south of thu northeast corner and on east lino of tho northwest quarter of sec tion 25, in township 37 south, range 2 West of the Willamette meridian, and riming thenco west 011 said line 7 chains 2 links, thence west 8 chains 53 links, thence north 7 chains 2 links, thenco east 7 chains 53 links to place of beginning: frontage 532.08 feet on north side Second street. West, described Vol. 53. page 434. countv recorder's records ol Jackson countv. Oregon: 532.98 feet: rnto per foot 81 coats; amount due $134.38. Assessment No. 31 Kmmn E. Mur phv. 1 1. A lot oil north side Second street. West, ami marked L. on map of the citv of Medford, Oicon front- ago 258.72 feet on north side Second street. West, described Vol. 42. page 040. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon: 258.72 feet: rate per foot 81 cents; amount due $210.85. Assessment No. 32 Hurt Anderson lot 0. block 3. Anderson Toft addition iu tho citv of Medtord. Oregon: frontage 50 feet north side Second street. West, described Vol. ... page ... countv recorder's rec ords of Jackson countv. Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot 81 cents; amount duo $40.75. Assessment No. 33 II. F. Mender, lot 5, block 3, Anderson-Toft addi tion, iu the citv of Medford, Oregon: frontage 50 feet on north side Sec ond street. West, described Vol. 71. pago 491. couutv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet; rate nor foot 81 cents; amount duo $10.75. Assessment No. 34 II. F. Mend er, lot 4. block 3. Anderson-Toft ad dition, in the citv of Medford. Ore gon ; fronlui'o 50 feet on north side Second street. West, described Vol. 71. pugo 491; frontage 50 feet 011 north sido Second street. West, des cribed Vol. 71. pugo 491. countv re corder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; rute per foot 81 cents; amount due $40.75. Assessment No. 35 George . W. Isaacs Estutc. II. A lot 011 north side Second street, West, and marked II. ou map of tho citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage 292.9 feet on north side Second street. West, described Vol. ., page. ., county recorder's rec ords of Jackson countv, Oregon; 292.9 feet; rute pur foot 81 cents; amount due $238.71. Assessment No. 30 C. T. Hallo wav. a lot on north sido Second street West, in tho citv of Medford, Oro gon; frontage 132.46' feet on north side Second streot. West, described Vol. 07, puge 151, county recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 132.40 feet: rate per foot 81 cents: amount due $107.05. , . Assessment No. 37 D. II. Miller, E. A lot on north side Socond streot. West, and marked E, on map of the citv of Medford, Oregon; frontage 132.40 foct on north sido Socond street. West, described Vol. 21, pago 505, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 132.40 feet; rate per foot 81 cents; amount due $107.95. Assessment No. 38 C. F. Young and J. C. Hull. D. A lot on north side Second street. West, and marked D. on man of tho citv of Medford, Oregon; frontage 281.16 foct on north sido Socond street. West, dos cribed Vol. 02. pages 100 and 101. countv recorder's rocords of Juckson countv. Oregon; 281.16 font: rnto per foot 81 conts; amount due $220.15. Section 2. The recorder of tho citv of Medford is hereby directed to en ter a statement of said several as sessments in the water Main, lion docket of said city as required bv the citv eharter. Tho forceoin" ordinance was pnss ed bv tho citv council of the citv of Medford, on tho 10th dav of October. 1909, bv the following voto: Merrick avo. Welch nve. Eifort nve. Emcriek nbRent. Wortmnn rvo, Dommor ab sent. 1 . Approved October 10. 1009. W. II. CANON. Mnvor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER. . I .V Recorder. NOTICE TO CEMENT CONTUAC-TOKS. Notice is hereby given that I lie cily council of the city of Modioli!, Ore gon, will receive sealed proposals for the const ruction of a commit side walk abutting the city's properly on Itivcrsidii avenue. All bids must lie filed with Ihu city recorder on or before 4 :30 o'clock i. 111. November 2, 1009, and bu ac companied by 11 certified chuck, Hindu payable to tho cily treasurer of said city, eipial to tun per cunt of tho con tract price, to iiHHiiro good faith to enter into contract, and to bu forfeit ed to Ihu cily of Medford if thu suc cessful bidder defaults in contract ing. Any other information in regard to said improvement may be hud by culling nt or addressing city record er's office Duo by order nf the cily council this 22l dav of October. io00. IIOHT. W. TEI.FEH, 189 City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTHACTOHS. Notice is hereby given that the city council of thu city of Medford, Oregon, will receive scaled proposals tor tun laying ol nine lateral sewers ami Hi roe trunk sewers. All bids must be fileil with the city recorder on or before 4 :30 o'clock p. in.. November 2. 1909. and accom panied by n certified check payable to the cily treasurer ot snul city C(tinl to ten per cent of the contract price, check to bo forfeited to the city of Medford in caso the successful bidder fails to enter into contract for same. Contractor to furnish all labor and materials necessary to complete said sewers. Hans and specifications may bo had by culling at or addressing the city engineer's office. Duo by order of tho cily council this 22d day of October. 1009. ROItltTH.H mVHRHBHot ROUT. W. TELFEIt. 189 City Recorder. TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send your trophies to me for mount ing. Hig game heads, fish, birds and mammals mounted true to nature by improved methods. I do tunning, mako fur rugs, make, remodel and clean fur garments. Express and mail or ders promptly attended to. C. M. HARRIS. 405 Washington Streot, Portland, Or. Telephone Main 3000. Medford, Oregon: This certifies that wo hnvo sold Hall's Texas Won der for the cure of Jill kidney, blad der and rheumatic troubles for ten years, and hnvo never had a com plaint. It gives quick and permanent relief. 60 days' treatment in ouch bot tle. Medford Pharmacy. WANTED APPLE PICKERS By Talent Orchard Company Talent - Oregon For the Best in , harness, saddles, whips, '.obes, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle urease and gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main.