8 THE MEDFOR1) DAILY TRIHUNK. MKDPOUl). ORKOON. T I IMS DA V, OCTOHKR '!, 1!)0). BEAR CREEK SMASHES ON E MR E RECORD Company Receives B'i Cents a Pear for 44.564 Pears This Breaks Record by Two Cents. ROGUE VALLEY ALSO HOLDS SECOND PLACE Pears Net Grower 4.97 Cents Each in Full Carload Sold in New York. Tho H.'ar CiveU nivluiril, .itit miI!i of the city limit, luis sm.-i-hoil :m mlior wm-M's ivi"nl in (rii'es paiil 1'or oar. tlii tinu" for im!ivil;!:! pears. Tin' mvliiml lvecivoil li'L fonts ea-li fur 41. "nil tVAnjoii pears, which paid the growors J.iC tents net a pear. In the car recently solil by the Tiear! Creek orchard. vhii;h crossed ,J!)itO HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Moore M. Q. Norton, Oak lanii: Mr. nml Mrs. K. 1). Townseml, ar.il ilanchter. Minneapolis; Mrs. Charley, Mrs. ltrower. Mrs. llerriek, Hrownshoro ; J. A. (luff, llupi; K. It. I'mler. Sisson; C. W. Milhrimner, city I.. S. Noe, Oolil Hill; J. V. Hinwu. 1'aule 1'oint; J. V. Aeherson. Kllio;- I. aUe; V. V. Cohh. A. Uernan. C. C. Springer, V. .1. I'alterson, William I. Cirumly, William A. Woodward, A. llen-on, I.. A. Murray, Portland; T. II. llaiker. Modfonl ;' T. S. Chapin. Taeoma: I). P. Hay. Trovinn: X. C. llooh. drains Pass; Mr. and Mrs. 11. 0. Turner. Seattle; 0. II. Comtohnic, city: U. W. Mcl.eod. San Francisco; V. L. l'eacock. Seattle. At the Xa.-h J. C. Haird, San I-'raneisco; Tied .T. Hlakcley, Hose- 1. nrs:; M. 11. Keller. New York: Ira Gunsiiwr, Seattle; II. Pendleton. Ta ble Hock; W. C. Wcstlnke, San .lose; ri.onie W. Donncll. C.rants Pass; P. Bowery. I. a Grange; J. C. Uonovan, Albany ; I.. Simpson, liochester: .T. A. Scott. Salem: P. A. I.ilfond. Hoy S. Iler-h. Webb Campbell. Ci. Uenkennini;er, S. A. IUrrini;, S. J. Watson, John Ulakely, C. S. Sprinner, M. Moscssidm, It. K, Malini;, Halpli ltlooin, (leorxe C. Hardncr, A. Alex-1 ander, Portland. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. TERRIFIC STORM SWEEPS THE FROZEN NORTH Villi HUNT In pvivate house, coin l'ortablo i'ti I'll i .i ifi i rooms lor (jen llcmcn only, cl in and cheap if taken at oiiclv Apply northwest corner ponrlh, unit I'Yonl. IDII XOMK, Alaska, Oct. L'tiy T'uo worst storm in many years is niyini; on Iterini; sea today. Dozens of vessels have j;one ashore driven by the lirco Kale. It is feared when the details are received it will bo found that many lives were lost. The whaler, 0ix: is reported wrecked. All coast wise vessels are ashore at various points. The steamer Senator, after hoim; buffeted by the tremendous seas during the storm, i- now shel-1 lercd behind Sledge island. It is ' thought her position is precarious,, and that she will be unable to laud , p.ieu!:ors. numbcrlnt: ciubt. and ihel crew of SS men. i lust received, a Vi lid of sal mon, hnli'.ul, so. 1 1- in. i Iim s, shrimp, clams, ovsters, el ., dr-ssed chick en unci imported c'n-e,' olwuys in slock at the lioue b'iwr Pish uiar kcl. 1S.S LOST - Loose - leil memorandum book; name written on liy leaf, lie ward lor return. lialpli 1 Hoss, Moore hotel. P.m TO KXCIIAMIK - 1 city lots in Port Worth anil liocoe, Tex., worth l'J"ill. for property of I'lpuil value In Mi'dloitl. por parliculurs addicts ., I'ai'e Ti'iliuiu'. t'.W WALSWORTHS ARE GIVEN THE LAW'S LIMIT Jiuliio Hanna Imposes Scntonco of Fifteen Years In Both Cases Men Are Taken North. .Iiiiluc II. K. Il.iiiuii of the circuit I court on Monday al'lciuoou siuilutie j I'd ( hiiilcs II. Walsvvoilli and Norval i W'nl .wort li each t l.'i xears in the 'lute penitentiary. The prisoners ! v.cie taken north by I m t v Sheril'l' for llie killing of .liiines Mankius a year no last Dili -linas. .Iiulc llnu iiii imposiid the limit in each ciihc l.'i years in spile of llin fuel that the juries had reciiiniiicudcd mercy. The scene in Jacksonville when the prisoners were taken north was pitia ble in the extreme. The two men were bidden goodbye by their wive imtl children. Hope had died hard, as it was believed that the men would mil he severely ileallll with. I " i t-i -1 1 Monda P.. been found ;:uiliy of inaii lai. filter Wo uro Orownn-Tliiy illni'l from lia NO AfllNTB , Our Tw. r icrMtt .IrM'llf WITHOUT IRRIGATION Vt'flm for ff nat.lntf. I .run itiM li of vi,rlttliulllln r..r Miiiintdr. iwl nrvlianl. CKoks Irull, Nul .nil Omimnlal Out Vimi, bmll I ruil I'lauli ai'J bhiul.Uij Till! Dai.i.kh NllllSKIIII'.S MalnOOl.'C, Uriui'l Avv.rtfrtlbtt.l.Or. taw vvii'WVa in Xew York, were 10ti4 half boes or -14.504 pears, hence each pear for the whole car nveraired C'-j cents. The car paid the company net 221."i.S!l, of 4.07 cents a pear for the car. The Roue River valley also holds second place in prices paid for d'An jous. a car from the Marshall or chard, containinir l.020 pears, sell ing for .$'2700. or an avera.ee of 4.S cents a pear. Xever before have d'Aniou pears touched the Cornice in price, but this' season they have held up well to the higher priced fruit. EX-PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT ARPIVES AT LONDIANA LOXWAXA, Oct. 2G The huni- rived today and this afternoon will reach Xjoro, where huutintr will probU ably continue until the middle of.j Xovember. WORLD'S RECORD BROKEN ! FOR FLYING MACHINES DOXCASTER, En-jland. Oct. 26. De La Grange today broke the world's record, flying a mile and a half in one minute and 47 and 1-5 seconds. l! i One Bundle of Joy at The Savoy. A large crowd eni"ycd themselves to the fullest extent at -The Savoy" last night, when not lan.L'hing at the "False Alarm," "Sleepy Jnn" and "A Bachelor's Visit." they were intense ly interested in the pnvc-1 plot of the drama, "Justified." The same pic tures will be shown tonight and if you have not already seen lliem you had better get busy. Entire change of program tomorrow niht. One dime. ) Of Interest to Mothers. There is one subject which always Interests the mothers of young chil dren, and that is how to treat their coughs and colds, or to ward off a threatened attack of croup. For this purpose we can recommend Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It always proves beneficial. In case of croup should be given ns soon as tlie eroupy cough appears, so as to pre vent the attack. Keep it at hand ready for instant use. Many mothers do so, and it saves them much uneasi ness. For sale by Lco:i V.. nas!:::is' Pharmacy. it J. II. Reamcs and Cal Martin; two Xew Mexico ranchers, returned home the other, dav after a short stay in and around Mcdford. IT. F. Tohland is down from Ash land on business. The ABC of Advertising advertising ttracts ilttention iriyhtens inlii''"-' 'usine:. E Four Days Water Sale Last Four Bays The An ry niversa Beginning Wednesday Morning We Will Place on Sale $3000.00 WORTH OF READY-TO-WEABS Thar, weir in the path ." lite i'll ami while y..u ri.nM w idl ihat they hail been close to water, we tire ino- tn pacrifiee them and clean them out at nrnst any pri'-e, because we wuut sell uumls I'm- first cias that have had a suspicion of beino-' damaged. Come "Wednesday or before Saturday nilit and share in the most wonderful bargains ever offered in Jackson countv. Fine Sacrificed Hundreds to Choose From Our big east of "Waists wns in the path of the flood and a few were dampened, and while but few show the experience even to a slight degree, we have placed all on sale and will close them out as follows: S.XoO Waists for . . .$1.75 4.00 Waists for . . .$2.19 $.-.00 Waists for... $3.29 i.00 Waists for . . .$3.89 7.tm Waists for . . .$4.69 $8.00 Waists for .. .$5.19 Mew Soils Sacrificed Buy a Dress Skirt Now -VII of our Skirts, including the durable panamas and worsteds, were in a cloud of dampness and, although they are just as good its before to all appearances, and will wear and look as good as ever, we will close every one of Hiein out at a big sacrifice. ."i.OI) values for . . .$3.29 .8.ll(l values for .. .$5.19 .ft 0.1)0 values lor . .$6.60 .flJ.llO values for . .$7.89 . 1.1.00 values for. ..$9 67 .fjo.oo values fin . .$13.89 Jill Furs Sacrificed As yon know, a little dampness doesn't hurt a good fur. All of our furs are new and turned out by very reliable furriers. They were close to the stream and will go at a sac rifice. Buv vour furs now at About Half One Piece Dresses At About Half Price Every woman wants one of the new one-piece Dresses. Those were well protected and were only slightly touched by the dampness, yet we offer choice of over 200 all newest styles al most any wanted shade and black. You can buy them at this Flood Sale for prices that would hardly cover the materials, to say nothing of the making. Values from $15.00 to $75.00 at from $8.69 along to $43.50 '' I i "I i !A Many Inducements To Trade This Week This is the last, of the Anniversary Sale, the most successful sale ever attempted in Southern Oregon. You can buy goods for less now than they will ever bo offered for again Ibis year. ALL R l) A I ) Y-T( )-W K A 1 S AUK li lODUCKI) MATKRI A LLY SUITS, COATS, 1)1? KSSKS, LTC., DRV (100 IKS, NOTION'S, FANCY (iOOI)S, MITdilN'KRY, FTC, AUK SKLL1NO FOR LOSS THIS VYIOKK. See the $2.BO Shoe for Women; You Save at least 60c on each pair. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday the closing days of Notion Sale All the little items are includ ed in this sale this week, no nHnr hnw SHIP11 .'; ; '.rticlc r; j ,Cma:e;yhlIs: Successors to If&keMiutcfiason Co. m py Central Ave., just north of Jackson Co. Bank Toilet Article Each purclinso of toilet articles se cures a beautiful picture worth many times as much as tho arti clo purchased. All iiontls first ( ti a I i t y . C atches isculating oin