I THE M El) FORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEoFORI), ORKOOX. TUESDAY. OCTOHKR 1 !(!. illiiiiiella Sharp vs. Williiini I). Sharp; divorce; decree by delimit. Myrtle Painter vs. Albert I'miilci". !iui'ce; decree by default. A. V. Simgis vs. . Y. Gray; ac tion to recover money; pinlgnicnt by default. bViVlIHlMi" k fiJLl it BOILER INSULATOR AND t i Me i HOT FIRELE3S COOKER Mask p a i'fr 1,1 BIJOU ! 1 W t THEATRE By HAROLD MAC GRATH 3 Mi Copyright. 1908. by th. Merrill Co. Bobbt- (Continued.) .. ..SYNOPSIS CHAPTER I Jack Hilliard, wealthy New York clubman, hears a mysterious voice singing in the night under his window. II He inserts an advertisement in a personal ccohiron to find the singer. He receives a reply. Ill, IV, V, and VI He visits the mysterious singer, but she wears a mask. He falls desperately in love with her, but he has not seen her face. The unknown woman gives her name as Mme. Angot, which is assumed. They have dinner. She refuses to see him again. VII nilliard and Dan Merryhew decide to go to Italy. Merryhew loves Kitty Killigrew, a comic opera singer, who has gone to Italy. Hil liard receives a black mask in an en velope. " VIII and IX Hilliard and Mery hew arrive in Italy and later dine with Mrs. Stanford, an American So ciety woman, who tells Hilliard con siderable about the mysterious wo with whom he is in love. She is now posing as an opera singer in Kitty Killigrew's opera company. 'S CHATTER X. CARABIXIERI. , 'IGXORI," began Hillard calm ly, "before you act will you not do i;ie the honor to ex plain this visit?" "It Is not her' s.-id one of the cara binieri. "It is the master, and not the servant. This is Signur Ililfnr. is it not?" he continued, addressing himself to Hillard. "The slgnor lias a servant by the name of Giovanni':'' "Yes. And what has lie done to war rant this visit?" "It is a matter of seven years." an swered the spokesman. "Your serv ant attempted to kill an otlicer in Home. I.uixi hero, who was then in terested lu the ease in Home, thought he recognized Giovanni in the street today. Inquiries led us here." "At any rate, it looks as though Gio vanni hud been forewarned of your visit," answered Hillard. "And may I ask what is the name of the officer Giovanni attempted to kill?" "It is not necessary that you should know." Hillard accepted the rebuke with be coming grace. "And now, slgnor," with the utmost courtesy, "permit us to apologize for this Intrusion. We shall wait in the hall, and if we lind Giovanni we shall gladly notify you of the event." "Hello! What's this?" exclaimed Hil lard, going to the table when the of ficers had gone. It was a note ad dressed to him: My Kind Master The carablnlerl are after me. But rest easy. I was not bom to rot in a dungeon. I am going north. As for my clothes, send them to Giacamo. the baker, who lives on the road to El Denerta. He will understand. May the Holy Mother guard you should we never meet again! Hillard passed the note to Merrihew. "That's too bad. I've taken a great fancy to him. It seems that the peas ant has no chance on tills side of the water. His child a painted dancer in Paris and a price on his own head! It's hard luck. And the fellow who caused all this trouble goes free." "He always goes free, Dan, here or elsewhere." "Why, we'd have lynched him in America." "That's possible. We are such an Impulsive race," ironically. "Vcs, no doubt we'd have lynched him, and these foreigners would have added an other ounce of fact to their belief that we are still barbarians." "I hadn't thought of that," Merrihew admitted. Merrihew became Impatient. "Now out villi it. Where and how did you learn that Killy Is in Venice?" I Lilian! told him brielly. "A ml so they are all in Venice, broke? I'.y George, here's our chance cvrlaBfJng gialitiile and all that! iVo 11 bail 'cm out and ship 'era home! iIr.T that tor a bright idea?" "lAt me see," said HilUird practical ly. "There tiro live of them five hun dred for tickets and doubtless five bun flrcd more for unpaid hotel bills. It would never do, Dan, unless we wish to go homo with them." "But I haven't touched my letter of EEcdit reL I could get nloDg on two . thousand." "Not with the brand of cigars you are smoking, 30 cents each." "No; we can't ball them out, but we can ease up their bills till money comes from home. Not one of them by this time will have a watch. O'Mally will remain soler from dire necessity. Toor Kitty Killigrew! All the won derful shops and not a stiver In her pockets!" Merrihew paced the floor for some time, bis head full of Impossible schemes. He stopped In the middle of the room with an abruptness which portended something. "I have It. Instead of going directly to Venire, we'll change the route and go to Monte Carlo. I'll risk my four hundred, and if I win" "Then the announcement cards, a house wedding and pictures in the New York papers. Dan, you are Im possible. You have gambled enough to know that when you are careless of results you win, but never when you need the cash. Hut it is Monte j Carlo if you say so. Two or three j days there will cure you of your beau- j tlful dream. After all," with a second thought, "it's a good cause, and It j might be just your luck to win. The ' masquerading lady! Monte Carlo It is." Merrihew danced a Jig. Hillard j stepped to the mirror and bowed pro- foundly. The jig ceased. "Madame, permit me, a comparative ; stranger, to offer you passage money j home. We won It at Monte Carlo. It Is yours. Polite enough," . mused i Hillard, "but hanged If it sounds j proper." "To the deuce with propriety!" cried ; Merrihew buoyantly. "We'll start to morrow?" From her window Kitty looked down on the Campo, which lay patched with black shadows and moonshine. How still at night was this fairy city in the , sea! There were no horses clattering I over the stone pavements, no trains, no omnibuses. The stillness which was of peace lay over all tilings. And some of this had emen d Kitty's heart. , P.ut for one thing the hour would 1 have been perfect. Kitty, ordinarily j brave and cheerful, was very lonesome and homesick. The dismal failure of it nil! She had danced, sung, spoken her lines the very best she knew how, and none had noticed or encouraged her. It was a bitter cup after all the suc cess at home. If only she could take it philosophically like La Signorina! And there were so ninny things she could not understand. Why should La Signorina always go veiled? Where ilid she disappear so mysteriously In the daytime? And those sapphires and diamonds and emeralds? Why live here with such a fortune hanging round her neck? "Kitty?" The voice came from the doorway. Kitty was startled for a moment, but it was only La Slgnorhja. Kitty furtively wiped her eyes. "I am over here by the window. The moon was so bright I did not light the lamp." La .Signorina moved with light step to the window, bent and caught Kit ty's face between her hands and turn ed it firmly toward the moon. "Y'ou have been crying, cara!" "I am very lonely." said Kitty. "You poor little homeless bird!" La Kignorina seized Kitty Impulsively In her arms. "If I were not" She hesi tated. "If you were not?" "If I were not poor, but rich Instead, I'd take you to one of the fashionable hotels. You are out of place here in this rambling old ruin." "Not half so much as you are," Kit ty replied. "I am never out of pho e. I can live comfortably In the Uelds with the peasants, in cities In extravagant ho- I tels. My mind Is always at one height. I Where the body is does not matter ! much." j There was a subtle hauteur in the Toice. It subdued Kitty's inquisitive ncss. ".Sometimes," said Kilty, drying the final tear "sometimes I am afraid of you." "And wisely. I am often afraid of myself. I always do the first thing that enters my head, and generally It Is (lie wrong tiling. Never mind. The old woman hero w ill trust us for some weeks ye t." She leaned from the win dow and called, "I'onip-e-o!" From the co.mil the gondolier an swered. "Now then!" said the woman to tho Bin. Kitty throw n heavy shawl over her hend jnd 6houdersJ w!'!,(!i,o .other A oooJ stroke ti'nt tht'yontloUi uptliecmuil, wound about "her face tin- now mil iar dark gray veil, and the two went down Into the Campo to the landing. Potnpeo threw away his elgarett and doffed his bat. He offered his el bow to steady tho women as they boarded, nnd onco they were seated a good stroke sent tho gondola up th canal. Under bridges they passed. They glided by little restaurants whero Venetians In olden days talked liberty for themselves nnd death to the Austrian, and at length they came out upon the Grand canal where the Ulalto curves Its ancient blocks of marble. (To be continued.) IT Circuit Court News. State of Oregon vs. N'orval Wills worth: defendant found guilty of manslaughter and recommended to mercy of court, and Monday, Octo hcr ''."). set as time to pass sentence. Closed for Repairs Open Thursday Evcnlnc with Darling Stock Company Musi enlarge sealing capacity lU'commodale tho crowds. BILLY EMPEY VAN, Manager, to Prepaid Raliroao Orders. "Something which is of consider known in the system of prepaid or uhlo interest to the public generally and which is uorhaps not generally dors now in effect between stations of tha Southern Pacific company and nil points in the United States. By means of this system tickets may ho purchased ut Mod ford from any place in tho United States and mail sd or telegraphed direct to the partN wishing to come here. Sleeper ac commodations and small amounts ol cash in connection with these tickets may also be foi warded at the same RKLi- 1 fippl mmmm ( 'tint; i in: Hi' I wo indispensable! luxuries and I wo sources of ecoii. oiny. Call and let us demonstrate its merits. Offi. J. W. WHITNEY in Aikin 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ir Oo.'s Store. Met Iford. Medford Theatre The Greatest Musical Comedy Success 9Amcrica "3 Twins has Ever 11 Known, -with- VICTOR MORLEY, BESSIE CLIFFORD AND 70 PEOPLE 70 Hear the famous "Yama-Yama Man." See the wonderful electric aerial swing. Without fear of contradiction the largest musical attraction on the road. TUESDAY, OCT. 26 WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENOINUElUNd AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OP FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, O R E CI O X "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so Rood wc cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid $1 a pound for it. ' Everything about Folder' Golden G.iti- Co!7e is perfect, ml we sell it with the positive yurtrantee that it will plc.ise you. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED Stnto Depositary ICfllalilinlied 1888. 'Capital nnd Kurplni 125,000 Roourrc t700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT iN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE Tim Jiicks'iii ('.' linn!, f , ? ! fully wil'i'il." yor. .'":' u . riiilijc I to your Mif 'It, viil) llif; . I . o;; it gin. 'nntce ol! Kiif.V-'v mid ''!"' utiif. Wo offer tlio liiJic.-it ti U'':."-- t systematic bunking scrvino, wbinh nHHiires tho greatest onro in evory financial transaction, with this oldig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER, Prcsidnnt. O. It. LINDLEY, Cashier. RESOLVED The best resolution for yon to tniiko i to coine to us for your next suit, if vow want Homi'tliim; out of tlio ordinary. We do I he bet work nnd rhiirija the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE PEOaafcSSIVE TAILOR P. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat. We make any kind and stylo of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. When we suggest that you Toast Your Bread On Breakfast Table Wc- do not mean that you should eat off the stove toast With an Electric Toaster and have crisp, brown, delicious toast ' costs Jc yer meal to operate. We h;n o the of.t toaster on the market for sale at $1.50. Clean, appetizing, sanitary ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. I