THIS MKDKOUI) DAIIY Tit I HUN I'), AIKDKOUJJ, OI.M'XfOX, TUKSDAV, (KJTOMKIt L'(i, 1WJ. THE WEATHER. . I'uir lonighl I Wi'ilucsdny. Mi's. W'lllIlT Kcllllll'l' linn h''en sicnililiu II I'i'W illl.VH Willi lll'l' moth er, Ml-. 'I'. .1. Kclllii'.V ill .llirli"H villc. Mia (liiiinyiiw, public HiiMi(Krap!'!r, room 'I, I'mIiii build'uiir. I'lclclur I, inn rcliiiiicil In I'oi'llnnil SlIllllll.V I'VI'llitlg lllll'l' sN'lldillg III'' week looking nlli'i' his iin liiiiil. Mis I oiiinc I. inn nr.-.. . ;t 1 1 1 him. OrdiTH Inr ttweot erciun or liutior milk promptly filUnl. I'hono tw itriuiiiierv. Tin- piipiln of Si. Mary's in'iiili'iiiy n Mi' iMi.inyi-il mi hi l ii i n nl III" III. I follVI-lll sillllllctl ill Jlll'lihOllvillB Siitiinliiy. 'I'lii'.v were lnlii'ii In mill limn tin' place- in iiiiliniiiiliili'H. Tim l''.uicr'n'l rufi' ''alls especial iilli'iiliiin In their brcakl'iist menu. Cntiio iiml try our wiil'l'lc mnl maple sVllip III'' I"'! I" town. Mrs. W'i-Im r nl' I'mlland mnl Mis. .I. Seal's nl Me'ltoltl Wl'l'i' 1 1 1 T Kiii-U i.l' Mrs. I!. T. liurncll "!' JiK-li-si.tni'h' Stlinlnv. I'll. me f'r l'i ir cofd e. Mis-, rnni nl' .l.-i.-li-niivillf In , hern . piMnliin 11 lew iliivi with In'i' iiimt. Mi 4. I "i l l.ny nl' tlii-. !!. Spin's mnl cvtrncts l -I1' vIhm-I. l, M p.. T".n' lli" pi.pnliir 1 -1 - lliy ,i!'. I'lell.. -.p-iil tin' day " A .lilnml Sunday. i'.cst ti t : I Inr tint least ir.iniuy at II,.. Spot cufe. ' Mi .. .1. V. 'I'. Miller nn ..!.l pimi-iT ..; .I:i. !. Inil ii'v liviiur hi I . f I lit u ! . i. -pi'in!iiiL' n te'.v v. cel,s l In r ..I.I In. in.' imith !' .In.''.. -.11-x ill-. Tin- Kmcr icU : f .'nil'' c-pccial nlli'iilinn t.i their l.ii'iil.fir.l iiirni'. ('nine iiml liv inr wnt'l'lrs nun timpli' syrup llm best in town, 1WI ' All'ivil Wil-on mnl family nf T.i .'..iiiii ii n vi-ilinr with relatives liv-ii-v in llm valley. Why rii-li Imini'? Try llm S. ('iit.ri '.'."r dinner. I'mnL I H..'m li:i In mnl fmniiv "f lllv. ir.. in.- 'l iliii--- nl 111" In. Hi" ..I ll.nii v U'.'inll. Mr-. lli.-in liniii ..s l.nnellv Mi--- I'mii" W.'lnll. Hi" I p:ipi-r in s" u'ln -nl Ori'Vii Tli" Trilmni.. Ivl Vm: H'-l .-. II. I'. I . : . 1 . 1 1 . IVi.-r I r..Jt mnl l. II. .In.'l. ..'I nil ..I tVi-i i-iiv. were 1. 1 1. 'i'. !in',.- ". ill ilnr-il-;' llm tt.-l.. hern l . 11 T"ll Mini ('nl'fcc I'.... :iC. S.i. C. -Irert. Mr. mnl Mi -. II. M.'.-i.l.'i' mnl Mi-s MafKlirel M.'I'nV Well' III" '' l.f Mi'i. r'nink KiiiT Sunday. Tli" Jackson ( 'ii iinl v lieally run fiirni-li ymi willi iiri'linril Imnl in ntiv si.r Irn. l-. Sr" llii in nl (ill I Wr-I T.Milli slrri-t. U'! Mr. II.miiv Wi'inll. Jr.. mnl h"r twn rliililrrn Irl'l lor l.iilir Crrrk lliis wrrk, wlirrr lliry will visit tlir I'nr mrr's pnrrnls lirfnri' ri'liirnint; In tlirir liniiir in rii-lrrn Ori"iiii. Tlir rislii'iniiiii's i-1 nil lirlil iN wrrl; Iv iiii-i't iiiir 'I'nrsilny rvriiiiii; mill rn jnyril n sp;'rinl iiml pniriiin. I". I Cliiipin mnl II. I). liny of Th riiniii,, ii rn lonliin-,' ovrr llm linnur Millry lliis wi'i'li. I,, S. Mnr w-ii-i il.n'.ii l'ii. in (l.ilil Hill Mmiilny mi Im -iiii-KH, Mr-.. Cliiirlrv, Mr . I'.i.iwii mnl Mi-;. I Irri il'li, WI'll I......MI hl'.iWII) lllllll In- ilii's, wrrr ill tlir rily l!i" first of tlir iM-.-k sln..iiiiK. ,1. A, (luff of linen, Or., iirrivril in Mrilforil Mmiilny nn nil' inrsM mnl Irl'l Tor limn" Tui'siiny rinniiii. .1. I'. Arkris. I' Klliow l.nlm, Minn., i-. ii irrrol niiiviil from llm I'llhl . Milton lli'slnmr, who in riiiplnynl hi a siilr mum I v ii tlry ooiIh firm of I'.oslon, iirrivril in inwn llm first of I lir wrrl' on liitHiints-1. Mri. W. K. WnlriK of Olyinpiii, Wiisli.. Iirrivril in llm rily llm ollirr ilny mnl in looldiik' vrr wnim of tlir 'mnl iv'i-i fin" frnil. I''. I., foslrr wiim ilnwn from Asli- llllltl oil II visil rrrrlilly. (luinu In lh" Inrl Unit llm "Tin'"' Twins" rompiiny iinisl rnlrli ii hpr-i-inl I in in lunifhl, tlir riirlniii will risr nl K:.'i hIiihii. Miss full mnl Mrs. M. Dirkry of A'.lilmiil rmnr ilown rrrrnlly t'i Inlili" sonir purr linsrs. Mrs. Williiuu Myt'r mnl Misk Wiii nir Sinilh, lirr nirri', nrr Klioppin;; in town lliiw wrrk. Mrs. mnl Miss .1. Knllry of Knrli. slnppril off ill Mr. 11'.. r.l llm ollirr ilny mi llirir wiiy lo visit Mrs. ('. II. I.iml sny of Iiml pill"". Miss llrrlliii l.inil-ny, who Iiml lin n i - i I in-.- Mr. mnl Mi's. Knllry in llm-li. i.-lt:rn.'.l l.t A-hlmi.l will) thrill. Mr-. I'rmik I.. -wis mnl I'ninily of l.l-.'l" I'l.l'lt. ttlln lliis i.t'l'll Vlsltlll-." Mr-. S. M.l'...-1'l" nl W Iwillr. 1'f- hii-iifil linnir 'I'll"-. hiv niitl wns nr-.--impii:. iril liv lh" In.l"-., who iii-..ii"hl -..ii.- lint' -"-.'.-(.-ilir- lh" l-'.-.lnliil liniltlini; I'mm h"i- lurni ..M K;m- rrcrlc. II. r. ii'lnnn'i! limn ;i htlsilirss o (i.ilil li'ny Tlirstliiy. Mr. .-mil Mr-. C I.. Tosli'wn iirriv ril in lh" i-ily I riiin A-hlmi.l 'I'lir-tlny lo speinl till) day. II. I'.. I . i r : 1 i : i - nl ('mil. hi. III., who lliis Iii'i-ii .-" I n ir : itv II lillsinrs-. xi-il, Irll Sn "ill. i 'I'lirsihiy. I !. 1 1. Nr ., Ill ' . I-!. mnl t'miiili I' l-'.luiii. III.. I'M't for Sim l-'rmn-i-r.i on n vi- -I ill" rif-l of ill" wrrk. 'fhrv n.ii-it!"i' lliis phirr llirir hi.tiir. Ii.iwi'vrr. mnl will rrlnrn hrr." in tint spritif;. 'mi Wi.llrt-s w "Pt In A-hlinnl on Ini-inrss rrrrnlly. Sh.-iill .1 s iis in Mr.ll'.inl mi 11 h.'lt tin -inr-- llii 'f, Irs, In V. l-'iv.l .1. !ll..! .-lrv of Knsrliiirt: is sp"i-..lin'.' ;i I'.'W tl;is in M.-.l i'oril. Ii'i.lit-rl (i. Sinilh nl' llrmils Pus" prill Mi .ii. lav in M".l..r.l .. ii lins-i- Ilt'-s. Iirpniy Shrrill I'lri.-h i- in S.-ilrni ..ti Inisinrss. II. F. ..I' Tin"" (In!.- ...i-liMi-.l i rmii" into l.i',n'..n lin-inr-s M..inl:iv. A "II ili.'ll srwrr pipr Slid l'r-1 loll'.- j w ill lir Ini.l mi Ki-.:hl!i sirrri I rmii tlir I S...H li.-i-n l'ii"i!i" Ir.ii'k- lo l',-;ii-.-i.-.-k for lh" pni'...-r of ilrmniii'5 lh" ilitrh ! of wntrr whirh llows iinilrr llir i.prrn lioiisr, I, mil' llir pipr will lir cmitin nril to (Inkiliilr iivriuir, i;iviiij5 it n lanrn Irrritory t" drain. Pmfi'ssnr O'Onra It'll Mmiilny for Ashlmiil, wlirrr ho will push tlir work of ilrsl n.viiiir n t'I'i'i'l oil trri's- in ortlrr Ihnl limy III ii V L't'l In Mrilforil ns siion as possihlr. Konr lmiiilri'tl fnrmrrs' linllrlins, with iinli'Nrtl mnl In. nil. 1 rrfrrrnrr Vnliilni's lmvr iii'ri'rtl from llir ilrpiirliiirnt of iiiririillurr mnl nil t'tiial iinmhrr of limriui linll.'tin- nri rxprrlrtl. That it wont be long until time for setting your trees? Better come in and let me make you Before booked VK'TdK MOKI.KV. - . ii. .y -vjv.l'Ai.' i ' A mi Mm l.rnilin inlili in ''Tliree Twins," soon In In- .-"en nl llir i."!-;t lion-". lion-" for inil ami Jnt-nil nrr for -nl", S mom-, only Iv-o hlo.-ks ftniii tl.'pot ; nnil only .sLill; a -n.-ip. il l.-ik"ii ;.t our.'. Call N. W. roi-iii-i' Fourth .mil I-' p. nl -li-.-rl-. l!ll lirv. I-;. II. Ili.-l;- of A-hlnntl v.-ns rl""l.-.l plf-i.lrl: of t.' lli"" in Ii:ip- ti--t n--oi-i:.limi. w hirh v.-.-i- hrltl nl Itn-rliiir In -I wrrk. Knlph I'.illinu's of Ashlmnl is visit. in;5 In llir rity this wrrk. Ii. S. )..,!-.n- i- h.-ic from Akron. O., lookimr ov.-r llir i-nllrv for :i loea limi. .1. T. ::ir!,"" I W. I'. I'.nvli. f I i'y. Mo., nre touri-i roniiliy armmil llir rily iiml lil... what IllrV' luir si-ell of il. Iloh. il (ii'iininill mnl II. Wil-mi of iiaiils I'a-s arr in M.'iiloi-tl trans, a. 'I iin.' linsii,,.-s. .1. I-'. Crown, an K.n:l" l'..ii,t n:ri--h.uit, wa- urn kim.' son:.- Ini-i.;.'--: na t i , -1 . t - in ih" .-itv tin- . 1 1 . -1- NOTICE ! Have you seen clock. It runs 12 months with one wininding at Martin J. Reddy m it is too late as they out fost at this time Flower Gdrdcni of the Sea. Tlir sin Inn Ha llourr .iirilriid, l.tit llir LI".. in nrr not on plnnlx in llicy lirr mi llm Intnl. It in llir hiiIiiiiiIh of llir si-zi tlirit iiiiikc tlir L'liiil.'iis, tlio roralN of tlir iroplriil ntrrn inrtl'U Inrly iniililni; it illsplii-i of floral lirnuty Iiml fnlily rlvnlH tin- Kori;rniiH colorliiu anil ilrllralr I'mrr ir.-sriilr. y lunil Howrrs. So rlnsrly do lliry rrsrrntilr plant IiIooiiih Him II Is Imnl to hrllrve that lliry nrr wholly imlinal In ori;aiil nl Inn. A liiiliirnllNt kiivm that limoin; tlir ronil ciinlniH llirrr urn IlKhin of rnrloiiH forniH mnl IIiihIiIiik rolorH (lnrt Ini,' nlioiii. Just a llir ,lril-i mnl butter film ilarl nlioiii plant iiirilriiH on land. Not Much to Make Up. "IV -fooilnrsM' iftkc." Iinpntlrntly cx rliilinril Mr. (.'i.onlry iltiriti I lie poker Iiiiini', "Ki'i'iik 1 1 1 j llvply an' any what yo" nm n-iiw lnr In do. Mose! Why, It don't tiikf inr mo- il.-n two scconda to make up mnh mind." "If It did." rrii'd the player ad drrawd. vrry ilrllhrralrly. "you'd nut lalnly lie lonfln'!"-New Vork Sun. Wrong Either Way. Inalicl I'll never have another photo (traph taken. Iiorolhy Why not, dear? ImtlK'l Oh. If H lo.kH like me I don't like It, and If II flatten) ine my friends don't like It.-Kirhance. A Mean Critic. "How renlUtlr your palntlni; Is! It fairly innkea my mouth water." "A minuet inakea your uioutli water!" "Oh. It In a sininrt. Ih It? I thought It wan II fried vzisV I'lre la not extinguished by Are. Iliilhtn I'rovrrli Nol So Very Clever. "Bllklna' wife founil some poker clilpH In hla . krt." "Yes?" "Well, Kllklns told lirr they were COUKll lo7.eil(5CS." "Cli'Vrr of I : illi i rif. wasn't It?" "Very, ffli" kwallowed two and very nearly diet!." Where Vomen Swim Bt. "The K.,iv:i:i women are the best swimmers In llir v.-orld." said a life guard. "The".n pearl (Mvlng Is In their hands. They swim they don't boat they swim out to the pearl fish eries of Quelpart. lugging baskets with them. After this swim of half an hour they dive down fifty feet and fetch up queer one she!!"d pearl oysters as big as liahles. T!i".v dive till their baskets are full lh" l.uskrts are corked to keep them ail- nt ami after three or four hours' work they swim back home with llirir rntrli. The big one shelled oysters air valuable as pearl mines and as fond too. A half dozen Koreans will sit down to an oyster ns ssnyly as you or I sit down to a I. rolled lobster. Sometimes when the great shellfish is eaten raw It quivers and j moans slightly as the knife Is plunged Into It."--Philadelphia P.uHetln the new electric THE JEWELER Near P. O. BENSON'S BARGAINS I,iire;Q l-rooiii hoariling or room ing house, 2 hlorku from depot, lot 100x1 00; ran he Hindu to pay $300 per month; a genuine hitrniu $6500 Forty acres, lli miles from Med ford, Iml).' mile from l!eiij;lc; 8 aeres eullivatcd; 4 nercM in fruit tree 2 to 10 yearn old, on two good roads; small house, burn, woodshed, etc; '17 acres inclosed in woven wire fence $2000 Small houKO nnd ham, with seven lots, north aide Jackson htreet; a snap $1690 New 5-rootn limine, hardwood fin ish, new woodshed, well on back porrh, lot 50x100, corner Jackson and Fir $1450 One acre, 0-room house, barn, chicken house, city water, only fiOO feet from Kivcrsido avenue ...$3400 Four-roorn house on west side Main street, lot 50x108 $1500 We want a man with lior-e audi buggy lo -how real r-lale i.i.d write ; fire iiisuriinci .i-r-i....' mo l.;m''al..w on South Central ..vrmir :: snap if taken at .$2050 I We represent seven strong relin-Niiie-room modern house. Hunga--y ftri. insurance companies. r.v ml.'.ii'.o:!, lot .illvlMI, corner -itli : and Oronge. near Oadale ave..$3350' s,,r,.y bonds We represent Hie Union Guarantee Association of Po'rt-2'-" i acres, f, mile from P. & K j .IU depot; a bargain at the price . .$6000 Iioomia'.' house I '.est location in ! the city: clears $150 per month: !..t'.' lease 522C3 27 acres. U,es fmrn Med - forn: $1500 house, '.-not! ban. all i'l alfalfa: the be-t land to be found i:i ; the Hogue Hiver valley: terms.$l2.CCC i is' j acres, close in property, fin- CRESTBROOK ORCHARD TRACTS 10 Adjoining Hillcrest orchard and con tain unexceled deep, rich soil. Rea sonable prices and generous terms. OREGON ORCHARDS SYNDICATE SELLING AGENTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer In Northern California and South ern Oregon. It is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. are being of year r-l free soil, M ai res planlr.l lo com- ' l.i,.r,.i..l ,....,1,. ...,.t -. I . .11 .... .. .... ,,,,,, j,, ,., (yt'lll.s mil, I1 arrrs ii Ifn fit; (ronil lerms $11,500 for sale or rent -!l-rooiu modern hunt-alow on Omni"' srrrt. nrar Oak tlale; rent $.10; prire $3850 Ihi-incsj. locution-- lot .'iDxIOD, right n the heart of tin- rily, C'all at our if fire for piirliriilnis $8500 "i arrcs inside rily limits, high ele vation; this tract ran bo subdivided into building lots or would make an ideal orchard uart. It is a bargain at $3000 5 acres adjoining city limits, good orchard land and a beautiful site for a home; in one year will be worth double the price asked $2000 10 acres, one mile from Mcdford on main traveled road to Ashland; Bear creek bottom land, Bet to apples and pears 2 years old; trees are strong and vigorous. Here is a beautiful sile for a home. Easy terms. Price $2900 3-room box house and large lot on Smith Central avenue, completely I furnished; good well and chicken I house; a genuine bargain; easy terms. .Price $750 s!ne sr)c,li,l business properties fcr . i f if,se in. "ood income nnv- i ers. Call at our office for details. Our rlmreo is $1 per month for 1 ,.,;., .,,,,1 ,.,,lr.,.i;(. We have evcrnl spplin" on .-, f furnished houses. , 1 BENSON INVESTMENT GO. 1 Opposite Moore Hotel 112 W. Main St. Phone 3073 Main. 20 Acres Office in Hotel Nash Office MMMiMaMiaiMlMHIillIMUMIMMMBW