TMI'i "KDroiM) J)AfliY Tli'lliUNK, Mill MID, OI.'KCOX, TirKSDAY, 0 ITOIii:!,' 2'. 1 'Ml I CITY NOTICES. OKi'AN'i K SO. 21... An in tiiimiH'c doelu run: llic iis-c.o,-liii'lll nil Ihe property hcncl itloil I n- till' rii . I ui' luviiiK II ttul ''I' liiiiin nil Olnnll Mini mill dlli'i'lnu' tliu I nlir In cnlcr a f.lnlcmuiil 1 1 1 1-1 . t III I III' Wlltl'l lllllill lll'll ill" , I'l. Till' cilV ill Mi'illnlil llulll nl. II. Ill III. I..II..U h : SlTllllll I. YY'llCI'CUS, till! I'ilV Colllllil lllll III 11' I ' 1 1 Ml' llV I'cnolulinll iliii'liun lln Iiili'iiliiHi In lav u I inch water main mi OImhi i.lri'i't limn Wet llli sU'cel. In Wc-I 2nd sired llllll III ll.'.-esS ll (hi lllli'lllll mi lllll property li'iilltlllU nil "Hill nullum III Mini hired III plnpnliloll In till! li'lllltuuo nl Hllll 111'HpcrtV, llllll 'llll J IX ll liini' ami place lor heariiiu pro ti'hU u i.' j 1 1 1 1 I lln- Invinu nl' hiiiil W liter lllllill llll Mll'l iillillll III' Mini In ii ami tin' ii melil (if llll! cost (hereof nit iiforcniild. Ami wlnii'ii-', stud rc-oliilioii wan il ills' posted ami published an ii' iiuircd liv hi'i'tinn llli nl tin! charter nl hiiiil rily. Ami whcrcim, a iiieiiinu of the cniiin'il wiirt In-Ill al tliu linn! aii'l place lixi-il in nit ni ri'Miliitimi Inr III" pur pose III' I'lllll illclillL' IIIIV Midi lll'1' ll lh, lllll III ;l'llll'M Wl-I'll III KlU'll liliui or at ' v linn' iiiiuli! t" "i- re ceived li V I..' I'lHitii'il lii lliii laviiiL' nl haul water main ni' llii! uhnensinu nl lliii i-iihl llii'ii'iil an aforesaid, and Mini ciiinii il InniiiL' considered the iniilti-r. ami deiininu lliut said wnli-r liiiiin iih mi'l "I material benclil In miiiI i-itv ami tlinl all property l" III- IISM-hhl-ll llii'iii'H' would Ini lii'ii'' I llli'. I thclchv In llli' exlclit 1' ll"' pinlllllllc llllll. lllll ill ll"! respective iioii-h-iiii-iiU I" I"' levied nuainst Mini irnii'll, llltl older mini W liter lllllill linil. Ami '.vle'ica I lie cost nl' said water lllllill lias lll'i'll llllll lierehv is lli'lul- iiiineil tn lie tin- Mini nl irh3li.HI. Now Ihelelnie. ll lh hereby I miller ileteliiniieil lliut III" pr.iportl He cluire nl tlie i-iihl nl InviliL' said vvatcl lllllill nl each lillleel nl' the properly I I'niiliiiL' mi Mii'l iinii urn nl Mii'l street ih I lie lllnnlltit nd . 1 n . -1 1 e tin ilenerilitii'll "I eaell liieee nr parcel of l.uiil lielmv an. I Iliiil eaell hiieh piei c nr iureel nl' laml is benefited l' the In villi; nl' mini water main ( the lull extent nl' tin- llllinlllil mi het opposite tin- description nl' such lueee nr par I'el ami tliat the rospcclivc iiiiunintn l -1 --.-1 1 1 the proportional benefits nl Mini waler main In MiiiI respective imreelh nl property nml nlso tlie pro portional friintiiK" thereof "ll nit ill J It i 1 1 nl' Mliil hlreel, llllll lllll l-iilllieil lines here by ileelnre eaell nf Hie parcels nl' properly dcneribed lielnw tn lie as sessed ami enell nl' I lie Milne llel ellV ih an-csscd the umiiillit set opposite enell respective ile-entiliiill n- I lie cost nl' l.i mil' MiiiI water inaiii. ASSKSS.MKXT l'il! A l 'i il li I S 1 1 W A IK It MAIS' Ili'iM WKST I'lirinii sruKKT to wkst M'.ifiNK STKKKT IN Till'. CITY nl'' .MKIH'iUiK. OKKGiiX. i iN nl,. si in ntkkkt. Ahhi-Shineiil Nn. 1 - Willi:'. ill Trunin'. I"t 1. block li. Hi-mi nilillliini In the eil V nl .M I'll I. 'I'll, I Ili'U'in. I runt ime lllll 1 eel nil i'"l side ( ll.-im Mli'i'l ami de-enhcd Yid. 71, imue "-ill. eiiiinlv recorder's records nl' Jack-on e.iiiiilv. (lieu-nil: 'ill teii. linle tier Innl Til. (Ill eeiils; amiiiinl line $30.80. Assessment Nn. 2 Mrs. M. A. Ol hini, In) II. block li. III-. in nil.lil . ni tn tin- eitv nl' Medford. Oreuon. IrnntiiL-i' ."(I leet nn i'-l siile Olsnii street ami ileserilieil 'nl. (i'J. Ihil-i- lit H. elilllilv reenriler's reeniils nl' .laeksnn ennn IV. Oreirnii; .111 leel. Kale ier I'mil. 7:1.(10 mils; aiiiiniiil ilni! .-fHli.SO. Assi'ssinenl Nn. It Mrs. .f. A. 01-i-nli, hit I. Iilnek ti. Olsnti iiilililinn to llie eilv ul' MeiHnril, ( lieirnn. rrinilnu'e "tl Teet nn west siilt- Olson street nml ileserilieil Vol. (ili, UltI '.'(IH, county rceoriler's n-eorils nl' ilaekson eotin IV, Oreuon; fill leel. Kale ner 1'nol, 711.110 eenls; iininiinl line $30.80. Assessment No. I .1. V. Halt;, lot I, Iilnek fi. Olsnii iiilililinn In the eilv nl' Meill'nril, Oreuon, frontline I'eel nn went siile Olson street nml ileseiilieil Vol. 7'J, lume ."iS'J, ennnlv li'i'iirili'i 's reennl- nl' , laeksnn enmity, repui; ''.' leel: rule per ''not T.'l.liO eenls; ainminl line $!!!!. I". AssesMllelll Nn. ."l - linllii't Wilful! lul hliiek .''. ( H-.MI .'lilillliim In ill.' I I'ilv nl' M"ill'iii'il. Iti "jini. i .'iinlii'.-i' .i.i-., in. iiii ve-. Mile ( I .-"ii t "-'I'! nun ileserilieil Vol. li:.'. iiiil'i- I O.'i. ennnlv l'i'i'iil'iii''s reenrils nl .laekiin rinintv. Oi.'ii'ii: XV., leel : rale per I'.inl 711. lid eeiil i; niiinmil duo 1.1. ,s..eMlielll Nn. (i II. C tin rue! I, Ini .'I. hlnel.' "i Olsnii .'iilililimi In Ihe eilv nl Mi'illiiri!. Ori-miii, I'l'iinlii'.'e 'i.'t'j I'eel nn wel siile Oh'im slrrl nml ileserilieil Vol. 7-. in'.:e .TJ'J. ennnlv reenrilerV reennls nl' .Ineksmi ennui V, Oreivon; "lil-ll I'eel. K'.ile per Iniil, $7:1.110. Aiiniiiiil ilue. :!!. II. A ise-Milelil No. 7 (ii'iir;!!' V. Il.'ill. Ini I, hlnek -1. Olsnn iiilililinn In Ihe eilv nl' .Mi'ill'iil'il, Oi'i"-iiN, rrniilane .VI1''- I'eel mi west liile Oli'in s'reel nml ileserilieil Vol. I'M!" 178, (toiinlv I'eennler'H rei'iirils of .Tnek Bon nullify, Oregon; fi.'l1, feel; rnlo wr fool. 7o.n0 ; mnoiiiil. due $:!!).'t.ri. AsMcssiiienl No. 8- (leoi'Lre W. ITall, lot .1, Iilnek T), Olsnii ndilitinil to Hie r-ilV of! ModlYird, Oreiron, frnnfii','0 ri,1,n feel on wosl. siiln Olson si reel 7'i .,,(A 17a 'n tittt CITY NOTICES. innl v lei'iii'ili'i ' . leei.rii-. .,; Jack .in 1'ii'inly, iii (;nii ; inr Innl -nl :'l',-i le'i ; rule ; urn. Mini line .V.'Wi.HO. A- l --lliiill Nn. !l I,. Int I. hlnek I. Ill'ini Iiii eily nl' Mi'dlniil, '.' ,1 leel nil l.e l ,-ine ( .! nl tle-eriheil 'ul. 7'J, ui;4e Mi'I'liei'son, I i 1 1 1 1 1 In Ihe I l lllll il'l! .'ill i-Ji'eel, ami UK), enmity I ei ' i l'i I er' n reeniil'. nl .lnek-siill emilily, Oregon; .10 leel; Mile per Innl 7.'l. (id eenls; 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 iIiiii t. Hi. HO. Aihei.'.meiil Nn. 10 l Mi'l'heiriiii. Iiii J. hlnek I. I 'l.-KII Iiilililinn tn ill'' I'ilV of Meilliilil, III. 'L'. in, ll'nillliL'e .10 leel 011 we-t 'iileOhnn hlieet and li'M'iiheil nl. ("', iniL'e .'II II, ennnlv reennler'h reenril-i nf .Iliek-nn coilli I.V, Oii-;iiii; .10 leel; rnl" per fnnl 7:i. (ill eenls; miii. mil due $:ili,80. AsM'K-melll Nn. II J. l'i. Olhiill. Ini il.; 1. iilhini aildilinii to the eitv nl .Meill'nril. (Ili'L-i'll. I I'nlit IlL-l! 100 leet on went hide Olson Mreet nml di'Miiheil Vol iiiil'ii .... eniiiitv reeiii'iler's reeorils ol .laekHiiii ennnlv. I Ircmiii ; .10 leet. Kate per f ool, $7.1. 00. Annum! due. $:ill.KII. Ashi-nMiieiil Nn. ' - It. II. Toft, lot ). hloek :i. Olsnii iiddilinii tn the eilv nf Meill'iild, Oreuon, Iniiiliiu'i! 100 leet east side Olson street ami de M'lihed Vol. 71. iniL'e liJO. eninilv ie- ciiriler'h 11 rds nf .laeksnn eninilv. Ori-von ; ''0 feel; rale per font 7X00 eeiiln; ti 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ilne $:i(i.H0. AshenMlielil N'n. 1.1 It. II. Toft, lot hlnek it. OImiii llil'lllli.ll In Ihe eilv i.l Mi'llliird. Ill'i-joll, ilnlllllL'e .10 leet e:i"! Mile Ill-oil street mid ile-.'l lln'ii Vol. 71. pll'.-e lilli. eniiiitv reenlder's rei nnl- nl .lai k-ini rmiiilv, I Iri'L'.in ; .10 leet; rale per IiiiiI 7:i.li0 renin; jiiimiiit due $:tll.hO. A-M---im-nt Nn. 1 I .1. I'. I'.r-ivn. Int 1. hlnek :i. IM-. Ml Iiilililinn tn ill'' eilv nl Meill'iild. Oii-l-iiii. I'rniilnt!!! .10 I'eet nil eil-l side Ol-nll si reel ami dl! .liihi d Vol. 71. PIIL-e -10.1. einmlv I'C enl'di r'- reeorils of .Ilieksoll riilllltV. 1 iri'L'on ; .10 leel; rale per foot 7:1.00 rrlll-; lllllilllllt due $:ili.S0. A-nen-meiil N'n. 11 - .1. I'', limttil. hit .1. hlnek HI- !' : ddilioll to the eilv of M ' mil. I' --iron, frnntii'.-e .I:!1 leel '..1 ell- e tllsnn street and de-erili-'ii ni. 71. iiiil'I" -10.1. rinintv iernrdrr's 11 rdn ot .l.iek-iili ml v. Oregon; .In'l feet; rale per fool 7:1.00 eentn; amount due .$.10.l.1. A-sennlnent No. Ki-.l. K. Olson, hit I. hloek '-!. I'lhim addition to (lie eilv of Medfnrd. ( Ireiroii. fronliiL'C .l.'Pj feet 011 east side Ol-on street ami ileserilieil Mil iuil'C eninilv r rder's records of ,Jai-k-nn enuiily, OreL'oii; "i.'I'j feel; rule per fin. I 7:i.(iU cent-; 111111. mil due $:I0.I1. Assessment No. 17 - M. I'. Lewis, hit :i. hloek 'J. (Il-oii addition to illi cit v of Mrilliiril. OrcL'iin, li'nntaL'c i:i 1. leel mi ea-t side Dl-iin street alld'desrrilled Vol. 7-'. P.'IL'C 'JO I. coaiilv r nlrr's I'iv'i-iU o .laek snn inly. 1 li.-,:.. 11 : .i:i!. feci; rale per Innl 7:!. 00 cent-; llllmlllil 'lie $:i:i.'i.. A c ineiil Nn. IS .1. 1'. Ilulcha- I -..11. hit J. hlnek 'J. Ill-nil 11. '..111!. .11 to ihe eilv nf Mrillniil. llri'L-on, frimt-HL-e .l.'l 1 j I'eet on ell -I side dl.-oii slreel ami ileserilieil Vol. 7'J. pa'.-e 'J i:i. icoimlv r irilcr's records of Jack. -on county, Oregon; .i:i''1 feel; rule per fnnl 7:1.00 cents; nun. mil due $:i!l..1. Assessineiit No. lit .1 . I'', llulclia soii, lot I. hloek 'J. Olson aiidilion tu the eitv of Medford, OrcL-on. fronl nco .1.1' feet on east side of Olson si reel nml ileserilieil Vol. 7L paL'e J I8, vuutitv recorder's records of Jackson county, Orepm; lil'.'j feet; rule per foot 7:t.li0 cents; uiiioiiut due $:i!.l.1. Assessnient No. 201). W. Bi-flie, lot I. hlnel- 1, Olson addition to the eilv of Medford. Oregon, frontnife i0 feet 011 rust sid of Olson street mid dcsci'ihed Vol. 72, piil'O 271. eoiintv recorder's records of Jackson eoiintv, Oregon; .10 feel; rale per foot 71). 00 cents; 1111101111I duo $.'10.80. Assessment No. 21 IV YV. Heelie, Ini .'!. hlnek 1, Olson addition to the eilv of Medford. OreL'on. f rondure "ill feet on en -I side of Olson slreel and ileserilieil ol. 1 2, piil'c 2(1. eoiintv I'eeorili'r's records of Jackson coiuilv. Drejiin; .10 feel. Kute per fool. ."."..OH e. 'nl-: ainiiiiil ('lie .:i(i.S0. A. "-11 ml No. 22 T. ,. Olson. Ini 'J. hlnek I. Ol-nll addition to lie eilv nf Medfniil. Orei;iin, froiituee 10(1 leel on east side of Olsnii slreel and ih'-erilieil 'ol. 72. PiLO' 2!:i. count v 1 o iler's reeorils of Jackson rnuiiv, ( O'l'iion : 10 .feel. Kale per font, 7:1.00 eenls; inuomil due $:i(i.S0. Section 2. The recorder of (lie rilv nl M.'illnl'i! is lierehv difecteil tu enter a shilcnn-nl nl' snid several as-se--mi"il 1 ii 111.- w.'.ler main lien docket of 'iiid c'lv lis '-enr.ireil hv li. eilv cliini.'i'. The ir mil'' 1 in' M i' , ,1 '-V i'i'v ( a il 1. 1 il.e 1 .d '.:. . ifni'ii ." Mu- I'Mli 1 I O-'iolu r. I !(. hv Ihe J'oOov i'.tf mi.c; ' iivo", .',..11, nv; ,.' . , . r- ick, iihseiu ; Vortinnn, nvc; Denmier, absent . Approved October lOtb. 1000. YV. H. CANON, Jlavor. Attesl: i:or,EKT w. Ti'.r,i',F.R, lU'Oordii'. TiiHftHfH CITY NOTICES. HtHMMttHtM OHNINANCK No. jir. An onliiiiiiiei! ilei'lnriiiL' (lie ji ,--.--ll. i", I nn llii! plnpciiv heiii liltril fin Ihe r.i t nf IjimiiL' a waler ilium on Jai l, .nn nlreel and diri.'iiiiiL' llii: lecoi'iler lii enter 11 slalriiient llii re ol in Ihe water main lien dm-kul. Til" eilv ol Medlnld (Inlil oidain a-, loleci.-; Sr. lam I. U'h'i'i'.is. lln: eil .' eouii ed (hit In : nl nl hi o hv resolution du el. in- Hs iiilenllo-i tn lay a 0 inch water 111. 1I11 on Jaek-oii slreel from I rape sh eet In i'. c-l roi piiration hoimilih V and In asscnK tlie cosl lliiii'.il nn Ihe iii'npeiiv I ."'Hit iiiL' 01. 'iiid piiiiinn of -iiid m1 reet in pioiinr li.ii to 1 he imiilaL'i! of said iiinpii t v. and did liv a time and nian: lor hearing prolehtH U(aiimt . laying of Miid water inaiii on Hiiiil portion of -aid hlreel and the aiiiount of the cost therenf as aloresnid. Am. ..aereas. said re -o! .;; jiti wan d.ilv imsli'd and pulilishid lis rciiiiirod hv seiiiou 110 of Ih'j charter of said eitV. And v. 'hercus. 11 lacetliiLf of the 1'i.uni'il wim held at the time and ulaee fixed in -aid for the imr- I111M! of eonsid(!riiie; any such prolcsts. hut 110 protests were at such time or al iniv lime made to or received hv the council tn tin: laviiiL' of said water inaiii or the assesniiiL' of the cost thereof as aforesaid, and said council havim; eoiihidcred the mat ter, and deemliiL' that said water main was and is of material benefit to -aid city and that all property to he l--es-ed lli".'elnr Would lie hem.'-filt.-d Iherehv lii the extent of the prnhiilile amount ol the rcspi-(iivc hs - -mi-lit- to he Ieird iiL'ain-t said pn.piiiv. did order -aid water main laid. Am! v.heira-, thr co-t of said wat er main ha- heen ami hrreliv is dr trluiilird tn he the slim of $1,100. Now therefore, it is lierehv further determined that the proportioitute -hare ol Ihe ro-l oj' laviiiL' said wat er main nl rarh parrel nf the pruper tv IrnutiiiL' on said portioii of said street is the lllllilllllt set oppo-ite the ilr-rription of rarli piece or parcel of land below and that earh -ilrll pin e or tut reel of land is belief ilted hv the laviiiL' of said water main to Ihe full exlenl of the ainoinil so set opposite the description of such piece or parcel, and that the respective amounts represent the prnportionnl benefits nf nn'ul waler main to said respective unreels of propertv and also the proportional f'rimtaL'e there of on said portion of said street, mid the council does lierehv declare each (if the parcels of propertv described below lo be assessed and each of the same lierehv is assessed the amount set opposite each re.-peclivc descrip tion for Ihe eii-l of laying said water liiiiin. ASSKSSMI'.NT Km: A SIX INCH MAIN UN JACKSON STKI'.KT. WKST. Kli'o.M UUA1T, STUl'.KT. NoKTII. To UT.ST CoKI'OliA Tli iN l!Ol 'Nli.l;Y. As-rs-meiil No. I --Isaac .1. Staeev. .lot 7. block 2. I'aL'e addition in the I eitv nt M.' OrrL-oii. fiiinta'je .11 I feet on -nlltll side .laeksnn slreel. Wc-t. descrilied Md. 71. pane 201. enimlv rccoiilrr's records nl Jark- son c'liintv, OrcL-on; .11 I'eel. Kate per fool, SS.S-10 cents. Aiiioiiut due. $ 1.1.110. Assessment No. 2 - Kred'k C. I'ul'O. lot (i, block 2. Pane addition in the eitv of Medford. OreL'on, fronliiL'tf .12 feel on south side Jackson street. West, described Vol pane eounlv recorder's records of Jackson coiuilv. OreL'on; .12 feel. Kate tier font. 88 8-10 cents. .Amount due, $10.18. Assessment No. a" Herl Anderson, lot .1, block 2. I'iil'c addition in the eitv of Medford. OreL'on. frontiiL'o 52 feet on smith side Jackson street. West, described Vol. 71, pane -118. eoiintv recorder's records of Jack son eoiintv, OreL'on; ,12 feet. Kate tier foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due, $1(1.18. Assessment No. -t Hert Anderson, lot I, hloek 2, I'niro addition in the eilv of Medford, OreL'on, front aire ;12 I'eel on south side Jackson street. West, described Y'ol. 71. patre -118. eoiintv reenlder's records of Jack son count v. Orcuoii ; 12 feet. Wale per foot. SS S-10 cents. Amount due. $10. IS. Assessment No. .1 J. A. f. von. -! 11 v. lol !!. block 2. l'ime addition in the eilv of Mel; .re. Or. "j.m. 1 ro.(a'.:c leel i ll -,:-:X'. -nl.' .' 1 ..N.'l -fori. West. desciii.".l Md. ',2. pi-e i:;.s. rotinlv recorder's records ot' Jackson eoiintv, O'VL-nn: .12 feci. Kale per loot. SS S-10 cents. Amount due. $10.18. Assessment No. ti lilanche Toft, lol 2, block 2. I'nue addition in the eitv of M.'illoiil. Oreuon, I'roiilac,. ,yj leel south -ide Jackson slreel. West, de-cribed Y'ol. 72, tui'je 10, coiuilv re corder's reeords of Jackson count v, Orernii: .1.' I'eel. Kale per fool. Si S- 10 eenls. Ainounl due. , l'.i.lS. ' 1 '"cut No. 7- C. -. Kowler, V ii 'i 2, I'll".' iiilililinn in the i''" o ' Me 't ii'ii, Oi.'l'.iii. fr .ula'jc .12 eil --: ' .ii.l'k-r 1 : Heel, YVcst, i nnl '1 . I. '2, paffii ill7, eounfv ' 'Cordcr's ,.ordi nf Jnekson eoun lv, OreL'on ; ;12 feel, linle. per foot, 88 8-10 eenls. Amount due, -10.13. Assessment No. 8 l'ert Anderson, lol 8, block 1. Voire addition in the eilv of Miilford, Oivl'oii, front a so .12 feel on son I H side Jackson street, West, ilerfcriboil Y'ol. 7.1, pngo '118, CITY NOTICES. "..ll.! v .'rci'i 1 rii.ll.IV. O'. -tool. f-H t- if. .1 J.irk-m 12 Ini. I,';ile per 'i.l-. Alno'il.t (Inr. Hi. 1.4. A -si.-s-mciii N,,.!( i'., t Amlrr-nn. lot 7. hi'" i. 1. I'.iL-r aiiiiiiinu in thr riU of .Men, OirL'on. lion Iiil'C ;12 leel on Moilli r.iihi Jack-mi street. W'e.t. de.-i V.,. 71. pani: 118. ((inntv rei nnli-i'.s reennls nf Jark soii coiuilv. Oieeiin; .12 feel. Kale per foul, hh h-lu rent,-. Amount due. t 10.18. A-nc.-smi ni Nn. 10 lilaiirhe Toll, fut (i, bloii: I, 1'iiL'i: nddilion in the eilv "f .Mi'l I nl. OreL'oii. li'iinliiL'': -12 tret oil n. iilh nidi; Jack-mi street. Wc-t. ilc-.eiihi-il Mil. 72, paje 2.10. eounlv rernnlrr'n records nl Jack-ou enimtv. OirL'on; ;12 feet. Kale per loot. 88 h-JO cents. Amount due. $10.18. Ansessiiiiiit Nn. 11 - J. K. Toft, lot 1. bloel: I. I'.i'i- add:!:.." 'he eilv of Medford, t i'oiitfiL'i! 12 feet south -ide Jack-nil street. We-t. de-erihed Md. 72, imi-'i! 11. eoiintv recorder's records of .lurk-on eoiintv, Oregon; .12 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 eentn Amount due, $ 10.18. Assessment No. 12 K. Oore. lot 4, block 1. 1'ul'c addition in the eitv of Mi'dfnrd, OreL'on, f roiitti'.'e .12 feel sou I li side Jackson street, West, described Y'ol. 72, paL'e 218, eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. OreL'on : -12 feet. Kate per foot. 88 S-10 eeiil-. Amount due, $10.18. Assessineiit No. lit Hubert U. I.'von. lol il. block 1. I'.-iL-e addition in the eilv ol Medford. Orcoii, f'roiitaL'e 12 feet on siiutll sidir Jaek-nn street. West, dc-crihed Y'ol. 72. paL'e .IS.'i. count V 11 rder'n reeorils of Jackson count v. Ore'.'on; .12 leet. Kate per toot. 88 h-lo cent-. Amoui'.t due. $10.18. Assess,.... , No. 11 liert Ander son, Int 2. hlnek 1. I'.'il-i! addition in tlie eilv "I Medford. Oregon, fronlatre .12 feel - iilh side Jr.ek-on street. West, (le-ci'.lieil Y'ol ... pllL-e ... county recorder'-' r-cord- "f Jackson county. I ir.'.'on : .12 led ; nil" per foot S8 8-10 cent-: ail. 0111. 1 due $10.20. Asscssmi "it No. 1-1 Hert Ander son, lot 1. hloek 1. 1'nL'e addition in Ihe eilv of Medford. Oregon. front.iL'e 12 feet south side Jack-on eountv. OreL'oii: -12 feet. Kate per foot. 8S 8-10 cent-. Amount due. $-1(5.20. Assessment No. 10 Hert Ander son, lot il. block 1. Ai derson-Toft nd- dition in Ihe eitv of Medford, OreL'on, I'roulaL'e .12 feel, south side Jackson street, YY'est, described Vol pauc eountv recorder's reeords of Jackson eountv, OreL'on; .12 feet Kate per fool, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $40.20. Assessment No. 17 0. A. Fowler, lot 2. block 1. Anderson-Toft aiidilion in the eitv of Medford, OreL'on. front iil'i' .10 feet sontli side Jackson street West, described Y'ol paL'e eountv recorder's records of Jack son count V. OreL'on: 10 feet. Kate tier font. Ss, ,S-lll cent-. Atiinimt due. $11.10. .-s,.s.,uc!!l X. is - J. II I.vdinrd. lot I. I. lock 1. Anilcr-on-Tol t addition in tlie eitv of Medford. Ore'.-on. Iroc.t ;k.' .Ill leel south -ide Jack-ou street. W.-l. described Vol puce eountv recorder's r ins of Jackson eountv. Oreuon: .10 leet. Kate per foot. SS 8-10 rents. Amount due. $ 1 1. 10. Asses.-niciit No. 10 -YV. S. Kint:. et 11 s. lot -4, block 1. Kinsj's addition in the eilv of Medford, Oreuon, 1'roiiliiL'e .18.-1:1 feet on south side Jackson street, West, described Y'ol .... piiL-e eountv recorder's records of Jack-iui eountv. OreL'on: .18.4:1 feet. Kate tier foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $.11.90. Assessment No. 20 YY". S. Kim:, et tlx. lot 3, block 1. Kind's addition in the eitv of Medford. Oreson. frontage 18. 4J feet on sontli side Jackson street. YY'est. described Vol paL'e eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. OreL'on: ,18.43 feet. Kate ner foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due $.11.00. Assessment No. 21 0. Kiiirer. lot 2. block 1. Kind's nddilion in the eilv of Medford, Oreuon. frontaue .18.43 feet south side Jackson slreel, YY'esl. described Y'ol. til. paue 470. eountv recorder's record- of Jackson rountv, Oreuon: .18. -I:! leet. Kate per tout. SS S-10 cents. Amount due. $11.00. Asse-smriit No. 22 - O. Knuer. lot 1. block 1. Kinu's addition in the env oi' Medford. Oreuon. Ironluuc .18. -K 'rii south sii.c .!. (!; on street. We i. io.-crilied Md. P.". aue -'70. nuii'.v recorder's ici oiV- o! ,1 cm: -tv, Oreuon: IS. 13 teel. Kate per ti" ;. SS S-10 cents. Amount due. $"1.00. Assessment No. 23- John 1.. I'cii mer. (CI a lol frontiiiL' 377. .12 feet ir -.mill side Jackson slreel. YY'e-t, .mil liinnini' back -103.0.1 feet urd .larked C on man of Ihe eitv of Med I in il. Oreuon. Krontaue 377. .12 feet .-it tli -ide Jack-on strecl. YY'esl, de scribed Mil. 2S. paue 173. eountv re corder's records of Jackson eountv. Oreuon; 377.12 feel. Kale per fool. SS S-1 .1 cent Amount due. $ Assessment No. 21 John 1.. I ein mer. I HI 11 lot I'iiiiiJ in-r 1.11.10 Ini on south side Jack-on stivcl. YY'est. and riinninir back -103. (i,1 feet nml marked H on man of the eilv of Medford. Oreson, fro:iliie 1.11.40 feel south side Jackson slreel, YY'esl, described Y'ol. 2S, pnue -110, eountv recorder's records of Jackson ennnlv, Oreuon: 1.1,1. Hi feet. Halo per foot 88 8-10 conl . Amount due, $13S.05. Assessment No. 25 Geo. YV. Prul- .).4.4.4. CITY NOTICES. 4.444 dv. (A 1 a lot fnintiuL' 707..18 leel -until side J, irk-, i ,-trret. We-t. ami ii 11 11 in LT h.irk I I0..1 led and marked A nn map of the eitv ol Medford. Or c cm 1, Iroiiliiue 707..18 feet south side lack-on street. We-t. (Icscnbeil Vol. 1.. piiL'i: ."'Oil. rinintv reenrder'n rec nl- nl Jacl.-on (-until v. Oreuon; 707.18 leet. Kate per font. 88 8-10 ills. Aiiniiiiil due. $i;'Jh.:i.1. A.-se iiieiit Nn. 20 11. A. Kreneu- huru. Int 12. block 2. Oak Hark nddi lion m Ihe eitv ot Mcdtoril. Oreuon,' iroiiliiue 100 leet on north side Jack-! on slreel. We-t. ile-rribi.-d Vol. 72. paue 01. eounlv recorders records of Jack-on eountv. Oreuon: .10 feet. Kate per loot. 88 8-10 eenls. Amount $1-1.10. As-e--meiit No. 27 L. (.'. Narrc-'s addition in the eitv of .Yledlord, Oregon, trontaue 30.32 feet north side Jack-on street, YV'e.nt, di-Hcribed Vol. .10, piiuu 'iXi, eounlv recorder's records of Jack-on eountv, Oreuon; 30.32 feet. Kute per foot. 88 8-10 eenls. Amount due. $20.92. As.-essmeiil No. 28 (.'. A. Kowler, lot 1. block 1, Narreuan's addition in Ihe eilv of Medford, OreL'on. frontiiL'e i0 leet north side Jackson street. We-t. described Vol. (il, paue filti, euiiniv lecnrder's records of Jackson eountv, Oreuon; 50 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $44.40. Assessment No. 2!) Warren C. Cnssndv. lot 2, block 1. Narreuan's addition in the eitv of Medford, Ore uon, irontiiL"- .10 tcet north side Jack-on street. YY'e-t. described Y'ol. 71. naue 102. eountv recorder's rec ords of Jackson eountv. Oreuon: .10 leel. Kate tier foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $ 1 1.40. A-si-ssment No. 30 YY'arren ('. t'as-aiiv. lot 3. block 1. Narreuan's aiidilion in the eitv of Medford. Ore uon. frontaue .10 feet north side Jack son street. YY'e-t. described Y'ol. 71, paue 102. eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Oreuon; .10 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $44.40. Assessineiit No. 31 Nettie Jones, lot 4. block 1. Narreuan's addition in the eitv of Medford. Oreuon. frontaue .10 leet. north side Jackson street. YVest. described Y'ol. 01. paue 248. eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Oreuon. Komi. .10 feet. Kate per toot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $44.40. Assessment No. 32 R. II. Toft. lot ;1. hloek 1. Narreuan's addition in the eitv of Medford, Oreuon, frontaue 10 feet north side Jackson street. YY'est. describe-' Y'ol. 72. paue 6 eountv recorder's records of Jackson eounlv. Oreuon; .10 feet. Kate pet foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount flue. $44.40. Assessnient No. 33 K. II. Toft lot (i. block 1. Narreuan's addition in the eilv of Medford. Oreuon. lrontnue 10 feet north -iik Jackson street. We-t. desei'ilied Y'ol. 72. paue 0 eountv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oreuon: ,111 leet; rate per foot. 88 8-10 rents. Amount due. $44.40. As-cnsnient No. 31 Pauline Slur ui-. i"l 1. flock 1. Orav's addition i the eitv 1.: Meiltord. Oreuon. front aue lis leet north side Jackson street. YVe-t. described Vol. 01. puu'J 32. eounlv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Oreuon: 118 feet Kate per loot. (-S S-lll eenls. Amount due. $104.80. Assessineiit No. 3.1 K. I.. B.aleom the ea-t half of lot 13. block 1. Grav' Addition in the eitv of Medford. Ore uon. frontaue .14 feet north side Jack sou slreel. YY'est. described Vol. 71. paue .130. eountv recorder's record of Jackson eounlv. Oreuon : .14 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $47.05. Assessineiit No. 3d Marv B. Orr. the west half of lot 13. block 1. Gray's addition in the city of Med ford. Oreuon, frontaue .14 feet north side Jackson street. YY'est, described Y'ol. (i,1, paae 128. eountv recorder's reeords of Jackson eountv. Oreuon: ,14 feet. Kate per foot. SS 8-10 cents. Amount due, $47.05. Assessment No. 37 K. YV. Grnv. lot 1. block 2. Grav's addition in the eitv of Medford. Oreuon. frontaue 108 feet north side Jackson street. YY'est. described Y'ol paue eounlv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Oreuon : .18 feet. Kate per fool. SS S-10 cents. Amount due. $.11.50. As-essmc; IS. block 2. eitv of M."' 1 " S fret lion No. 3S-i;-v T irav's ad.'ii'.i.ii nl. Or.'u... :. -ide Jackson ' t. lot i the ntaue 1 reet. West, descrilied Vol. 72. paue 2-12. count V recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Oreuon: IS feel. Kale per loot. SS S-10 eenls. Amount due. .$51. .10. S. Assessment No. 30--Mrs. K. M. Kalb. the east half of lol 1. block 3. Grav's nddilion iu the eitv of Med ford, Oreuon, fronluue .14 feel nmih -ide Jack-on slreel. YY'est, descrilied Y'ol. 72. paue 1S3. e, recorder's records of Jackson entity. Oreuou ; 1! lee!. Hale per fool. SS S 10 cents. Amount due. $17.0.1. Assessment No. 40 -Louise H. Gleason. Hie vest half of lot 1. block 3. Grav's ,'iddiliou in the eitv of Med ford, Oreuon, froiitnue 5-1 feet north side of .Tacks-on flreet. West, de scribed Y'ol. 72. pnuo 183, eountv re corder's records of Jackson eountv, Oreuon; 54 i'eet. Unto per foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due, $17.05. Assessment No. 41 James F. . CITY NOTICES. t il fl i-f 44 Good, (A I pan of hit 1, hlnek 2, Milium- sub-division mnl marked A on map ot the ciiv ot Medlonl, Oregon, frontaue 103. IS leet 011 north side Jack-ou street, We-t, described Mil. i:i. Paue .170. eounlv recorder's rec oils of Jack-ou eounlv, Oreuon: 103.18 feet. Kale per fool. 88 8-10 cents. Aiiiouui due. .171-.1.1. Assessment Nn. 12- L. 1). (iinfiuld. (B-) pari of Ini 1, hlnek 2. Milium sub-division and marked li on mini f the eitv of Mi'dtoid, Oreuon. front aue '.Ui.oH leel 011 north side Jackson street. West, dc-rrihrd Vol. 73, paue I J, eountv reeori ers reeords of Jack-on eountv, Oreuon: 1 nere; 00.- SS feet. Kate per Innl, 88 8-10 cunts. Amount due, $8.1.00. Assessment No. 43 L. Ti. (W field, (f) the east Oli.fiO feet of lot 7, block 2, Minuus sub-division and marked (' on map of the eilv of Medford. Oreuon, frontaue 00.0!.' feet on north side Jackson street. West. lesenOed Vol. J. paue 12, eountv recorder's records of Jackson coun ty, Oreuon; 1 acre: JU.O!) feet. KnlB per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due $85.80. Assessment No. 44 E. J. Lewis. (D) part of lot 7. block 2. Minuus sub-division and marked I) on man of the eitv of Medford. Oreuon, front aue D0.0!) leet north side Jackson street, YY'est, described Vol. 07, paue 25, eountv recorder's reeords of Jackson eountv, Oreuon; 1 acre; OG. (i!) feet. Kate tier foot, 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $85.80. Assessment No. 45 William II. Crawford. (Kl part of lot 7. block 2, Milieus sub-division and marked K on map of the eitv of Medford, Oreuon, Ironlaue 280.41 on north side of Jackson street. Went, described Y'ol. 00. paue .121. eountv recorder's rec ords of Jackson eountv. Oreuon: 3 acres. 280.41 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. - Amount due. $217.00. Assessment No. 40 K. YV. Hutchin son, (K) part of lot 7 block 2, Min uus suO-division ami marked K on map of the city of Medford. Oreuon, frontaue 4s2.70 feet north s',';.- Jack son street. YY'est. de-cribed Vol. 28, paue 20.1, county recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Oreuon: 482.7'J feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $ 128.72. Assessment No. 47 Alfred Bar zee and Jennie Burzec. block 3, Min uus sub-division in the eitv of Med ford. Oreuon, frontaue 120 feet north side Jackson street. YY'est, described Vol. 00, paue 113, eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv, Oreuon; 120 feet. Kate per foot. 88 8-10 cents. Amount due. $111.00. Section 2. The recorder of the eitv of Medford is hereby directed to en ter a statement of said several as sessments in water main lien docket of said eitv as reuuired hv the eitv charter. The foreuoinu ordinance was passed bv the eitv council of the eitv of Med ford on the 21st day of October. 1000. hv tiie foHovvinu vote: Merrick, ave; Weish. ave: Kifert. ave: Kmerick. ab sent: YY'..rt:iian. absent ; Demmer. ave. Approved : YY'. H. CANON. Mavor. Attest: KOKT. YY'. TKLKKK. Keeonier. NOTICE OF SALE. In the matter of the estate of Georue M. Needles, deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of the county court of Jackson county, Oreuon, made on the 14th day of October, 1909. in the matter of the above named estate, the undersigned admin istrator of the estate of said deceas ed will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday, the 25th day of October, 1909, nt 10 o'clock a. m., in front of whnt is known as the "Horseshoe Club Sa loon," situated on Front street in the city of Medford, the entire stock of merchandise contained in snid sa loon, consisting of a large amount of whisky in barrels, in bottles and oth erwise, together with a variety of other kinds of liipior usually kept by retail vendors thereof: also including two pool tables, both in good condi liou. and each completely equipped with fixtures: also a stock of tobac cos', cigars, pipes. c;uarttes. etc.. md a fill! set of decanters, u.'us-.-i and tin- 'ilers. i.e.; other a.iic'.e- u.-'il ill connection with ami in a saloon where liquors me sold by retail. For a more definite knowledge of the kind and amount of liquors, fixtures, etc., to be disposed of at said sale, inquire at the office of Colv;g & Kennies, Medford, Oregon. Dated October Iilh. 1009. CL.YIiF.NCF. L. KI'AMF.S, Administrator nf Ihe '.' ''etc of George M. Needles. I ). : TAxmr.'r'.iiST h n f; ,. z?. Send your if i.iii.. ' no io.' "i" unt -ing. Big g..' . iieiol:.. . -ii. birds cud mammals mounted '." e to na t.i'o by improved methods. 1 110 li, 10:1, ,.!,a fur rugs, make, remodel and clean fur garments. Express and mail or ders promptly attended to. C M. HARRIS. 495 Washington Street, Portland, Or. Telcphotio Main 3000.