Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 26, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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OlilJlNANCE NO. 241.
An ordinance declaring the assess
ment on thu property benefited lor
the coht of laving a water main on
West Second street and directing llio
recorder to cuter a statement thereot
in the water mum lien docket.
The cilv of Medt'ord doth ordain
us follows:
Section 1. Whereas, the oil- coun
cil did heretofore bv resolution de
clare its intention to lav a (i-inch
water main on West Second street
from . North Oukdnlo avenue to
west corporation boundary,
and to assess the cost thereof on the
property frontimr on said portion of
said street in proportion to the front
age of said property, and did fix a
time and place for hearing protests
ugninst the la vine of said water mam
on said portion of said street and the
amount of the eost thereof as
aforesaid; and.
Whereas, said resolution was duly
posted uud published as required bv
section 110 of the charter of said
citv: and.
Whereas, a meeting of the eomici.
was held at the time and place fixed
in said resolution for the purpose ot
considering any such protests, but
no protests were at such time or at
any time made to or received by the
council to the laving of said water
main or the assessing of the cost
thereof as aforesaid, and said coun
cil having considered the matter, and
deeming that said water main was
and is of material henetit to said citv
and that all property to be assessed
therefor would be benefited thereby
to the extent of the probable amount
of the respective assessments
to be levied against said property,
did order said water main laid: and.
Whereas, the cost ot said water
main has been and hereby is deter
mined to be the sum of $4072.03;
Now. therefore, it is hereby fur
ther determined that the proportion
ate share of the cost of laving said
wnler main of each parcel of the
property fronting on said portion of
said street is the amount set opposite
the description o each, piece or par
cel of land below and that each such
piece or parcel of land is benefited
by the hiving of said water main to
the full extent of the amount so' set
opposite the description of such piece
or parcel, and that the respective
amounts represent the proportional
benefits of said water main to said
respective parcels of property and
also the proportional frontage there
of on said portion of said street, and
the council does hereby declare each
of the parcels of property described
below to be assessed and each of the
same hereby is assessed the amount
set opposite each respective descrip
tion for the cost of laying said water
' Assessment No. 1 Gus Samuels,
commencing at a point situated 15
chains and 40 links south of the N. E.
corner and on east line of the north
west Quarter of the northeast Quarter
of sectiou 25, township 37 south,
range 2 west of the Willamette mer
idian, aud running thence south on
said east line 1 chain and 55 links
thence west 6 chains and 43 links,
north 1 chain 55 links, east G chains
43 links, more or less, to place of
beginning, containing one acre more
or less in the citv of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 149.38 feet on south
side Second street. West, described
Vol. 4G, page 219. county recorder's
records of Jackson county. Oregon;
149.38 feet; rate per foot SWv cents;
amount due $121.74. :
Assessment No. 2 Margaret Dai
ly, commencing at a point 75 feet east
of the northwest corner of those cer
tain premises conveyed by grantors
herein to Rebecca M. McDonough bv
deed recorded in Vol. 55. page 165,
deed records of Jackson county. Ore
gon, described as commencing at the
northeast corner of those certain
premises deeded bythe grantors here
in unto one Martin McDonough. the
deed therefore being of record of the
deed records of Jackson county. Ore
gon. Vol. 15. page 102. nnd being
on the north line of those certain
premises deeded bv V. Hubbard, ad
ministrator of the estate of Eliza
Anderson, deceased, said adminis
trator being of records in Vol. 40 of
the deed records of Jackson" county.
Oregon, at page 219 thereof, and
from said beginning point running
thence east 100 feet, thence soulh 1
chain and 55 links, thence west 100
feel, thence north 1 chain 55 links
to place of beginning, and from the
beginning point first above described
running (hence south 1 chain 55 links.
Ihence west 50 feet to the place of
beginning, the last described tract
of land 1 chain and 55 links bv 50
!'"!, being, dpportion hereby convey
ed, frontage 50 feet on south side
Second street. West, described Vol.
(ill, pa 'j is 303, county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson count v. Oregon; 50
feet: rale per foot 81 V cents;
amount due MO.?'.'.
Assessment Xo. " F. Rowe.
commencing at (lie northeast corner
of those, pcrlnin P'-emie? deeded bv
Cms Samuels nnd Lottie V. Samuels
unto Marl in McDonough. Hie deed
therefore being of record in the deeds
accords of Jatb.;i! cov.r.'y, On.
Vol. 55, page 102, tliereol, and liemg I
on I lio norm line oi inose cerium
premises deeded bv V. Hubbard, ad-1
miuistrator ot the estate ot Eliza
Anderson, deeeased. said adminis
trator deed being of record in Vol.
40, page 219, deed records for Jack
sou eouulv, Oregon, and from said
beginning point running thence east
100 feet, thence south 1 chain 55
links, thence west 100 feet, thence
north 1 chain 55 links to the place
of beginning, all of said premises be
ing situated in section 25. in town
ship 37 south of range 2 west of
Willamette meridian, fronlago 75 feet
on soulh side Second street. West, in
the citv of Medt'ord. Oregon: 75 feet;
rate per foot Sl'.ii cents; amount due
Assessment No. 4 J. E. Roborts.
commencing at the northeast corner
of those certain premises d-.'eded by
Gus Samuels and wife to one C. W.
Coker, the deed therefor being of
record of Jackson county, Oregon,
Vol. 52, page 295 thereof, said be
ginning point being on the north line
of those certain premises deeded by
F. Hubbard, administrator of the es
tate of Eliza Anderson, deceased,
which said deed is of decord in said
deed records in Vol. 43, page 219
thereof, and from said beginning
point running thence east 125 feet,
thence south 1 chain .55 links, thence
west 125 leel to the southeast cor
ner of said premises deeded to said
I'. W. Coker. thence north on east
line of said premises so deeded to
said C. W. Coker, to the place of
beginning. All of said premises being
situated in section 25, township 37
south of range 2 west of the
Willamette meridian, frontage 125
feel south side Second street. West,
described Vol. 71, page 511, county
recorder's records of Jackson county.
Oregon: 125 feet: rate per foot SI1,
cents: amount duo $101.87.
Assessment No. 5 Ada Cornell,
commencing at a point situated 15
chains ai.d 40 links south of the
northeast corner and on east line of
the northwest uuarter of the m-rlh-
east uuarter ot section 2o. m town-
hip 37 south, range 2 west of the
Willamette meridian, and running
thence south 1 chain and 55 links.
thence west 0 chains 43 links, thenco
north 1 chain 55 links, thence east
G chains 43 links, more or less, to
place of beginning, frontage 25 feet
south side Second street. Wet., des
cribed Vol. 55. page 4S1. county re
corder's records of Jackson county.
Oregon: 25 feet; rate per foot 81
cents: amount due $20.98.
Assessment No. G Cora Wilson.
eommencmg at a point situateu ij
chains 40 links south and 11 chains
55 links east of the northwest cor
ner of the west half of the northeast
Quarter of section 2j. in township
27 south of range 2 west of the Wil
lamette meridian, and from said
point running thence east 2 chains
27 links, thence south 0 chains and
22 links, thence west 2 chains 27
links, thence north 6 chains 22 Hnks
to place of beginning, containing
1.41 acres more or less, excepting
and reserving from the last described
tract, however. 100 feet of the south
side thereof; frontage 149.82 feet
south side Second street. West, des
cribed Vol. 65, page 345, county re
corder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; 149.82 feet; rate per foot
81 V cents; amount due $122.10.
Assessment No. 7 W. H. Meeker.
lot 3. block 3. Olson addition, in the
citv of Medford. Oregon: frontage 54
feet south side Second street. West,
described Vol. 59. page 365, county
recorder's records of Jackson county.
Oregon: 54 feet: rate per foot 81V?
cents: amount due $44.01.
Assessment No. 8 R. H. Toft, lot
4. block 3, Olson addition, in the citv
of Medford. Oregon: frontage 54 feet
south side Second street. West, des
cribed Vol. 71, page 629, county re
corder's records of Jackson county.
Oregon; 54 feet: rate per foot SIV7
cents: amount due $44.01.
Assessment No. 9 J. E. Olson, lot
3. block 4. Olson addition, in the city
of Medford. Oregon: frontage 54 feet
on south side Second street. West;
54 feet: rate per foot 81V! cents;
amount due $44.01.
Assessment No. 10 J. E. Olson,
lot 4. block 4. Olson addition, in the
cilv of Medford. Oregon; frontage 54
feet on south side Second street.
West; 54 feet; rate per foot 8iy2
cents: amount due $44.01.
Assessment No. 11 William Erd
man. commencing at a point 4 chains
45 links east and 12 chains 40 links
north of the southwest corner of
the northeast Quarter section 25.
township 37 south, range 2 west. of
the Willamette meridian, Jackson
count v, Oregon, nnd running thence
east parallel to the south line of: said
onartcr section 2 chains 75 links,
thence north parallel - with the west
line ot sain Quarter section 12 chains
!4 links, thence west 4 chains 35
links, thence south 5 chains 22 links,
thence east 1 chain (iO links, thence
south 0 chains 22 links to tho place
of commencing, containing- 4.41
acres: frontage 287.10 feet on south
sY - ;' : r -t mot, . in scribed
Vol. !53, c.'v recorder's
records of Jncl:-on connlv, Orerron:
287.10 feci; rate per foot CAK
cents; runoiinf due $?.t3.08.
A---'"----mor.t No. 12 Joseph .TT.-nif-rn.'uin:
eonm enc'nv.r nl; ,1 point f-iln-
Hi - 1
on-1 an
eliains III links south ul lh north-1
wesi corner in me iioriucusi ipuiricr'
section 2.'i. township 37 smith, range !
2 west of the Willamette meridian.'
and limning thence cast 1 chain til
links, thence soulh G chains 22 links,1
thence west 1 chain til links, thence
north ti chains 22 links to place ot
beginning, containing 1 acre; trout
age 1HG.2G feet oil soulh side Second
street. West, described Vol. ,"!, page
212, connlv recorder's records of
Jackson count v, Oregon: 10G.2G feet;
rale per foot 8U- cents; amount due
Assessment No. 13 E. E. and E.
Wolter. lot I, block 1, Wolter addi
tion, in the citv of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 53.43 feet on south side
Second street. West, described Vol
. . page . ., county recorder's records
of Jackson county, Oregon; 53.43
feet; rate per foot 81V cents;
amount due $13.54.
Assessment No. 14 E. E. and E.
Wolter. lot 2. block 1, Wolter addi
tion, in the citv of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 53.43 feet on south side
Second street. West, described Vol.
. . page . ., eouulv recorder's records
of Jackson count v, Oregon; 53.43
feet; rate per foot hl'.i cents;
amount due $13.54.
Assessment No. 15 E. E. and E.
Wolter. lot 1. block 2. Wolter addi
tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon;
frontage 53.43 feet 011 south side Sec
ond street. West, described Vol...
page.., coimtv recorder's records of
Jackson count v. Oregon; 53.13 feet:
rate per foot SI1-, cents; amount due
Assessment No. Hi- E. E. ami E.
Wolter. lot 2. block 2. Wolter addi
tion, in the cilv of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 53. 43 feet on south side Sec
ond street. West, described Vol..,
page... eouulv recorder's records of
Jackson county. Oregon; 53.43 leel;
rate per foot M 1 - cents; amount due
Assessment No. 17 E. E. and E.
Wolter, lot 3, block 2, Wolter addi
tion, in the citv of .Medford, Oregon;
frontage 53.43 feet on south side Sec
ond street. West, described Vol...
page.., county recorder's records of
Jackson count v. Oregon; 53.43 feet;
rate per foot SH-. cents; amount due
Assessment No. IS Emil Wolter,
lot 4. block 2. Woller addition, in the
citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage
53 feet on south side Second street.
West, described Vol. .. page . .. coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
count v. Oregon; 53 feet; rale per
foot 81'- cents; amount due $43.19.
Assessment No. 19 Emil Wolter.
lot 5. block 2. Wolter addition, in the
citv of Medford, Oregon; frontage 53
feet on south side Second street.
West, described Vol .. .page. ..couutv
recorder's records of Jackson county.
Oregon ; 53 feet : rate per foot SI '
cents: amount due $43.19.
Assessment No. 20 Anna Wolter.
lot G. block 2. Wolter addition, in the
citv of Medford, Oregon: frontage 53
feet on south side Second street.
West, described Vol. ., page . .. coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon: 53 feet: rate per foot
81 V cents; amount due $43.19.
Assessment No. 21 Anna Wolter,
lot 7, block 2, Wolter addition, in
the citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage
53 feet on south side Second street.
West, described Vol. ., page . ., coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon : 53 feet : rate per foot
81 V cents; amount due $43.19.
Assessment No. 22 Anna Wolter.
lot 8. block 2. Wolter addition, in the
city of Medford, Oregon : frontage 76
feet on south side Second street,
West, described Vol. .. page . ., coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon: 76 feet: rate per foot
81 V9 cents: amount due $61.94.
Assessment No. 23 Herman Lin
der. beginninc at a point 15.17 chains
south and 11.63 chains east of the
northwest corner of the northeast
Quarter of the northwest Quarter of
section 25. in township 37 south,
range 2 west of the Willamette mer
idian, and running thence south 6,20
chains, thence west 3.22'4 chains,
thence north 6.20 chains, thence cast
3.22V) chains to place of beginning,
containing 2 acres more or less:
frontage 212.85 feet south side Sec
one, street. ucscnoctl ol. ;)4. page
441. county recorder's records of
Jackson connlv. Oregon; 212.85 feet;
rate per foot 81' cents; amount due
Assessment No. 24 Mrs. E. L
Harrell, beginning at a point 15.17
chains south and 3.405 chains cast
of the northwest comer of the north
east Quarter of (he northwest ounr
tcr ot section 25. in township 37
south, range 2 west of the Willamette
meridian, and running thence south
6.20 chains, thence west ,3.22 V"
eliains. thence north 6.20 chains,
thence east 3.22V chains to place of
beginning, containing 2 acres more
or less, the premises conveyed bv this
deed being the north half 0! the above
described premises; fronl-igij 212.85
feel on south side Second street.
West, described Vol. 72. page 21,
county recorders records of Jackson
county. Oregon; 212.85 feel'; rote per
Coot i'',-- ..mount 1' '' ' 72. '7.
Asse- . ... No. 25 E. ,,-y Hum
ph rev et it v.. h --ginnin'.' i t a poinl
15.17 clK'iliS fo,-ih and .".IS chains
o:r I of the nniflnyo-l corner of Iho
m.rllien :t Minuter of the i.ortlnvost
Quai'liT of fcee.ioi) 25, township 37
was " ?! of Vi!l:t:n-
ctle meridian, and from said point
running (liene. .vesi 11.20 chains,
thence west l.till chains to the place
of beginning, containing 1 acre more
or less; frontage lllli.2 feel 011 soulh
side Second sliecl, West, described
Vol, (ill, pagj 2.:3, county recorder's
records ot Jackson county, Oregon;
10(1.2 feel; rale per fool 81'.' cunts;
amouiil due JMvVi.
Assessment No. 20 Forest C. Ed
meads, beginning 15.17 chains south
and 3.5075 chains cast ot the north
west corner of tho northeast iiuarlcr
of the northwest Quarter of sectiou
25, township 37 soulh, range 2 west
of the Willamette meridian, and run
ning thence soulh 0.20 chains, Iheucu
west 1.0125 chains, (lichen north 0.20
chains, (hence east 1.0125 chains lo
place of beginning, containing 1 acre
more or less, also beginning at a ixiiut
15.17 chains south and 1.955 chains
east of the northwest corner of the
northeast Quarter of the northwest
Quarter of the section, township and
range above writ ten, ami running
thence south 0.20 chains, thence west
1.955 chains. Iheiiee north 0.20 chains
Ihence east 1.955 chains to place of
beginning, containing 1.21 acres more
or less, saving and excepting- and re
serving 11 strip of land 30 feel across
the entire west side thereof for road
purposes, and containing 2H-100
acres, it being lindei spioil that the in
lent of the instrument is lo convey
aboul 1 acre after making reserva
tions for road purposes; frontage
205.46 feel on south side Second
si reel. West, described Vol. OS, page
III, eouulv recorder's records of
Jackson eouulv. Oregon; '205. 40 feel;
rate per fool SI1-, cents; amount due
Assessment No. 27 Augustus
Moore el ux beginning at a point
7.22 chains south and 3.305 chains
east of the northwest corner of iho
northeast oimrlcr of the northwc-(
Quarter section 25, township 37 south,
range 2 west of the Willamette merid
ian, in Jackson county. Oregon, and
running thence south 7.22 chains,
hence west 3.305 chains, thence north
7.22 chains. Ihence eas 3.305 chains
lo place of beginning, containing 2.43
acres, more or less, saing and ex
cepting ami reserving a strip of land
30 feet in width across Ihe entire
west side thereof, and containing
about 33-100 of an acre tor rmnl pur
poses, also beginning nt a point 15.17
chains soulh and 1.055 chains cast
of the northwest corner of the multi
cast uuarter of the northwest ntmr
ter of said section, township and
range, and running (hence south 0.20
chains, (hence west 1.955 chains.
Ihence north 0.20 chains, thence,
east 1.955 chains to place of begin
ning, containing 1.21 acres, more 01
less, saving and excepting and re
serving a strip of land 30 feet ill
width across the entire west side
thereof for road purposes, and con
taining about 28-101) of an acre, it
being understood that the intent of
this instrument is to convey about
3.03 acres, after making reservations
for road purposes; frontage 192.9
feet on north side Sceond street.
West, described Vol. 55, pneo 138,
couutv recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon: 192.9 feet; rate per
foot 81V! cents: amount duo $157.21.
Assessment No. 28 A. A. BaWom.
beginning ut a point 7.22 chains soulh
and 4.75 chains east of the northwest
corner of the northwest Quarter of
section 25, in township 37 south,
range 2 west of Willamette meridian.
Jacks Ul com. tv. Oregon, and running
thence s-,..ll. 'i.J-.l cluiius thcuee west
1.385 chains. Uionira north 7.22
chains, thunce wcjt 1.385 chains to
place or beginning, containing 1 acre
more or less; frontage 91.41 feet on
north side Second street. West, des
cribed Vol. 50, page 5, county re
corder's records of Jackson county.
Oregon; 91.41 feet; rate per foot
81 'A cents: amount due $74.50.
Assessment No. 29 J. E. Uauii- j
yaw. commencing ut a point situated
8 chains and 53. links west and 7
chains and 25 links south of the north
cast corner ot the northwest quur-1
tor of section 25. in township 37 ;
south, runge 2 west of the Willumettc
meridian, in Jackson county, Oregon,
and running thence south 7 chains1
and 25 links, thence west 6 chains I
and 90 links, thence north 7 c'liaiiis
25 links, thcuee north 7 chains 25 ,
links, thence east 6 chains 90 links!
to place of beginning, containing 5
acres more or less; ironiage
feet on uurlh side Second street,
West, described Vol. 50. page 527,
connlv recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 455.4 feci; rate per
foot HVA cents: amount duo $371.15.
Assessment No. 30 Susanna Dem- j
mer Estate, John L. Demmer, ad- j
ministrntor, commencing at a point
situated 7 chains 47'A links south of
the northeast corner and on east
line of the northwest Quarter of sec
tion 25, in township 37 south, range
12 M:si ol llie willamclle meridian.
and riming llieiice west oh said line
7 chains 2' links, thence west 8
chains 53 links, thence north 7 chains
2 'A links, Ihence east 7 chains 53
links lo place of beginning; j.'ronlage
532.98 feci on north side Second
.reel, Wo I. .; Vol. 5". p: -J3I,
count, leuoumt'-i records 01.
Jackson county, Oregon: 532. 98 feel;
rate per foot HV- cents; amount due
$13 1.38.
A.-;scs:uieiil No. 31 - Knima E. Mur
phv, L. A. lot. 011 liorlh side Second
'tree!, We.-. I, iin'i marked L. on nmp
1 " '. ': 1 i: v of Med'.ord, Oicoii : front -;:e
2 .8. 72 teet 011 noi'lh side Second
si reel, Wesl, described Vol, 12, page
610, eouulv recorder's records of
Jiicksnu eouulv, Oregon: 25S.72 feel:
into per loot hi1,, cents; amount due
Assessment No. 32 - Herl Anderson
lot 0, block 3, Anderson 'foil addition
in the cilv ofv Bedford. Oregon:
frontage 50 feet north side
Second street, West, described Vol.
... page ,., eouulv recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon: 50
feel; rale per fool Hl',i cents;
amount due $10.75.
Assessment No. 33 - It. V. Mender,
lot 5, block it. Anilersou-'l'ol't addi
tion, in (he cilv of Medford, Oregon:
frontage 50 feet on noi'lh side Sec
ond slreel, Wesl, described Vol. 71,
page 491, connlv recorder's records
of Jackson couutv, Oregon; 50 feel;
rale per foot 8l',- cents; amount
lite $10.75. .
Assessment No. 34- 11. F. Mend
er, lot I. block 3. Anderson-Toll ad
dition, ill the cilv of Medford. Ore
gon; frontage 50 feet on liorlh side
Second slreel, Wesl. described Vol.
71, page 191; fronlage 50 feel on
north side Second slreel, Wesl, des
cribed Vol. 71, pagu 491, county re
corder's records ol Jackson eouulv,
Oregon; rate per loot Ml1,., cents;
amount ilue $ 10.75.
Assessment No. 35
Isaacs Eslate, 11. A
(icorgo W.
lot 011 uorili
side Second street. Wes
II. on map of the cilv
. anil marked
of Mcdlold.
Oregon: frontiiee 292.9 teet on north
side Second slreel, Wesl, described
Vol. ., page. ., county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon;
292.11 feel; rale per loot SI',., eenls;
amount due $238.71.
Assessment N'o. :t(i ('. T. llallo
wiiv, a lot on norlh side Second slreel
Wes. in ti,,. ,-iiv of Mcdlnid. Ore
gon: Ironiage 132.10 leel on liorlh
side Second slrci-l, Wesl. described
Vol. (17, page 151, couutv recorder's
ri'eords o Jackson connlv. Oreeon;
132.10 leel: rale per fool SI1,-, cents;
amount due $107.95.
Assessment .So. .17 l. II. .Miller,
E. A lot on north side S md slreel.
Wesl. anil marked E. on map of the
cilv of .Medford, Oregon; frontage
132. -10 teet on north side Second
street. West, described Vol, 21. page
595, county recorder's records of
Jackson connlv, Oregon; 132.40 feel;
rale per fool Si1.-, cents; amount due
Assessment No. 38 C. F. Young
and J. ('. Hall, I). A lot on north
side Second street. West, 'and marked
I), on map of the citv of Medford.
Oregon: frontage 281.10 feet on
north side Second street. Wesl, des
cribed Vol. 02, pages 100 anil 101,
connlv recorder's records of Jackson
eouulv, Oregon; 2S1.10 feet: rate per
foot 811', cents: amount due $229.15.
Section 2. The recorder of the cilv
of Medford is hereby directed to cu
ter a statement of said several as
sessments in tho water main lien
docket of said cilv ns rciiuircd bv the
citv charter.
The forcgoin" ordinance was pass
ed bv the cilv council of tho citv of
Medford. oil the 19th dav of October,
1909. bv tho following vote: Merrick
nve. Welch nve. Eifert live, Emerick
absent. Wort man nve. Demmer ab
sent. Approved October 19. 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mayor.
The only daily market report In
southern Oregon in The Tribune. F
yours 1 F.
Talent Orchard
Talent - Oregon
For the Best
in harness, saddles, whips,
.ones, tents, lilankcts, wag
on sheets, axle urease and
nail cure, as well as all kinds
of custom work, seo
J. C. Smith
314 E. Main.
TOUS. Notice is hereby i v 1 1 1 thai the city
council of Ilia city of Medford, Ore
gon, will receive sealed proposals for
the construction of a cement side
walk abutting Ihe city's property on
Kiverside avenue.
All bills must be filed with Ihe cilv
11 tilt' ! on or before 4:30 o'clock
p. m. November 2, 1009, and be ac
companied by a certified check, inaihi
payable lo Ilia city treasurer of said
city, ciiiul lo ten per cent of llie con
tract price, to assure good fit i I It lo
enter into contract, and to be forfeit
ed lo the city of Medt'ord if Ihe suc
cessful bidder defaults in emit reel -i"K-
Any oilier iiiformiilion in regard lo
said improvement may he had by
calling al or addressing city record
er's offieo.
Due by order of (he cilv council
this 22d (In V of October, 1909.
1H9 Cil v It rder.
.lie it resolved, by Ihe i'.Iv council
f Ihe cilv of Mcdloril, Oregon:
That it is Ihe intention of Ihe coun
cil lo cause a 4-inch water inion In
laid 011 Newlowii street from
Thirteenth street lo llakolah avenue,
and to assess the cost ihereof upon
the property frooliug on said por
tion of said street, in proportion to
the frontage of said properly.
The eooncil will meet at the coun
il chamber in the cite hall in the
fit v "f Meilfonl mi llie 2d day of No
vember, lOU'.l. al 7:30 o'clock p. In,.
al which lime all niolesl-i ngainsl llie
laving of said water l mi i n mi said
porhon ol said slreel and the assess
ment of he rosl Ihereof on the prop
erly fronting' thereon will be heard.
The foregoing resolution was pass
1 bv Ihe cilv council of Ihe cilv of
Medf,. id on the 21 si day of October.
lOO'.l. by Ihe following Mile: Welch
avc, Merrick nve, Wnrlman absent.
Kileii ave and llemmer nve.
Approved October 22. 1909,
W. It. CANON'. Mavor.
A tics! ;
liOHT. W.
Cilv Kecorder.
Notice is hereby given that the
fit .V council of the city of .Medford,
Oregon, will receive sen led proposals
for the laying of nine lateral sewers
and three trunk sewers.
All bills must hn filed with the city
recorder on or before 4:30 o'clock
p. 111., November 2, 1909, and accom
panied bv n certified check payable
to the city treasurer of said rily
c(iial lo ten per cent of the contract
price, cheek to he forfeited to thn city
of Medford in case Iho successful
bidder fails to enter into contract for
Contractor to furnish all labor and
materials nepessnry to completo said
sewers. Plans nnd specifications may
bo had by calling at or addressing, tho
city engineer's office.
Duo ny order of the city council
this 22li day of October, 1909.
nonnmn nwnnnmict
180- City Recorder.
Medford, Oregon: This certifies
that we have sold Hall's Texas Wonder-for
thn euro of all kidney, blad
der nnd rheumatic troubles for ten
years, and have never had a com
plaint. It gives Quick and permanent
relief. 00 days' treatment in each bot
tle. Medford I'hurmaey.
At A Bargain
Wo have threo acres, jiml out
side) the city limits, platted all
around it, with a new five-room
house, which we consider a bar
gain nt
The property faces on two
Hi reels and would subdivide nicely.
There- is an electric motor and
pump which goes with Ihe place,
and the well would supply water
for irrigating.
Tim owner has made, the price
low in nrii" to sell (illicitly, and
Ihe pmperly will hn on Iho mar
ket, but 11 short lime at this price.
W T. York 6 Co.