c... THE MEDFORI) DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, )RMO, CONPAV. OOTOHKU 25. IQOi). STOCK DAMAGED BY POOR PLUMBING The Hutchason Company Has Sev eral Hundred Dollars of Ctock Damaged by Water. Sunday afternoon Mr. Hutchason rnme to the store to turn on t ho lights ond raise tho awnings. On opening the door he heard a noise like a cat aract and was surprised to see two streams of water pouring from the ceiling in the rear of tlu store, lie called to some friends that the store was being flooded and then rushed upstairs to find where the water had broken loose. A weak place in the plumbing had given away allowing the water to pour from the pipes and flood the store below. Mr. Hutchason arrived in the nick! .. i .1 1.. f .I..M.. .. ! Ol tlllie HI lUU IIIVU.-MUIU: I'l iiwimm worth of ready-to-wear from irre parable damage by water. As it was, by the kind assistance of friends, working like demons for about an hour to remove the goods, much dam age would nave resuiieu. j The store on Monday morning look-1 ed like a wreck, with goods piled nndj hung on every counter and ledge.i By heroic work the store was opened for business at the regular hour. At this time the damage is estimated at from $'J')0 to $500. Tho goods that were slightly damp ened have been hung aside for ad justment and later will probably bo placed on sale at prices that will dis pose of them quickly. It is indeed a misfortune to have a stream of water poured into a store on such a pleasant day as Sunday proved to be, but the Hutchason com pany has its troubles, too, though not often, as the crowds that have visited this popular stoW ninke one believe that the good overbalances the bud in this store's, affairs. Southern Oregon Tea ond Coffee Co., 36 So. Q street. , . HOTEL ARRIVALS. J. II. Kilxgorald, city; II. 1'. Chin chil, New York; Curtis Hedriclt, Weed Harry Cash, Hurrell Cash, Dolinlson; K. A. Marker, Lynn ; J. H. Muckin, Mary Hertford, l.cluud; H, ('. Hick ott, F. K. Keikert, II. S. Louis, 11. C. YVcsterfield, K. 15. Seel, (leorge A. Hurker, J. II. Terry. C, S. Hay, Port land. At the Moore George Talsou, K. H. Hilling, Mack Williams, Charles Kuimnage, I". F. Patterson, A. M. Sn vine, R. G. Round, William Sampson, Itusehurg; F. M. Coiuptnu, Coun cil Bluffs; II. B. Tronson, F.ngle Point; II. W. Jones, 'Cincinnati; A. Conro Ficro, Central Point; U. B. Jennings, Seattle; I,. 1!. llaak, Eagle Point; G. I). Halo, Boston; A. T. Mc Donald, Los Angeles; J. C. Ciiituii, Louis Block, New York; L. M. Goat, F., W. Hliiiichard, A. If. Cousins, F. O. Miller, S. S. Townseud, L. N. U'ltlcr, 1'). 1 tola n , K. I). Williams, C. Stecerest, J. B. Adams, Portland;' II. .Wilson, Grants Pass; K. J. Morency, Cliicngo; II. I). Newton anil wife, Salida; C. C. Crane, L'llciiHhurg; Fred M. Kiaus, St. Uxis; It. (. Wilson, Salt Lake; P.. Ii. Hunan, Itosuburg; L. G. Simon, Albany; James F. Bar bur, W. V. Barber, Kansas City; II. A. Anderson, Chicago; Hubert 0. Smith, Grants Pass; George II. Smart, F.ugcno; lialps Billings, Ashland; G. A. Wright, San Francisco; B. L. Dodge. . "The Savoy Pleases Large Audiences. Tho Savuy theater played to a packed housu last evening and the audience' showed cone lusivuly by their many hearty laughs that they ap preciated tho efforts of Manager Huliliard in giving them tho cleanest and best moving picture show ever shown in Houtheru Oregon. One thing is strikingly noticeable in the Savoy shows, and that is that regardless of the mood you may ho in, on entering tho door you will find something that will appeal to you and you will feel that you have had your money's worth and more on leaving. ' Near Pilot Kock new apple lauds are being opened that are attracting n ( ton t ion from investors, MR. WORK This Is Worth 50 Cents To You INGMAN EJLMY-S do You Wear Sox 09 "When it comes to out fitting the laboring man and farmer we are truly always ahead. Every article sold has our guarantee, which means a new article absolutely free or your money back and no questions asked. We smilervwhen we make good, because we are making you our, friends, for keeps when we do it. IS A new Heavy pure wool Sox, usually sold for 35e and 50e 25 Finest Australian lambs wool Sox ; . 50 Knee length all wool Oxford Sox V 75 Best cashmere Hose, any color, at 25 Australian lambs wool cashmere Hose 50 pair free if you (ire not .satisfied. Regal Shoes Pure calf skin winter Shoos, guaranteed . '. $3.50 The Great Regal "special," all leathers $-1.00 Full viscolized guaranteed water proof Regals $5.00 Gotzian's high top best quality, guaranteed $0.00 Read this 1 new pair free if you are not satisfied for the mon ey paid. Gloves Best canvass Gloves 15 pairs for $1.00 Heavy wrist Gloves , . v50 Pure horsehide Gloves $1.25 Select horsehide wrist Gloves; best made $1.50 Select horsehide Gauntlets ; best $1.50 We want you to look everywhere in town and then see our woolen Mittens and Gloves. Pure all wool Mittens ; usually sold for 75c ; special 25 Pure all wool Knitted Gloves, first class 25 Finest all wool knitted Mittens, 50c, 65c and 75 Get Next !o Yourself With Our Fine Underwear. Very finest fleece lined Underwear made 50 Best heavy weight cotton derby ribbed 50 Cooper's Spring Xecdle Underwear, up from . . .$1.25 Gantner and Mattern fancy Underwear, up from $1.25 A No. 1 wool Underwear $1.00 The best woolen garment in the world for $1.25 Extra fine natural wool, soft and smooth $1.50 Superfine natural Australian lambs wool $2.00 Famous Mentor Union Suits, cotton .$1.75 Pure wool Union Suits, famous Mentor, up from $2.00 MENTOR pill a 1'!"!''!'IMZ!"''m ffijii ill ll'''1!'''1' V,i;;,;iu Tfljj.i; If Till m tea 1 We Guarantee ! Every pair of Overalls or Working Clothes to last as '.' long as it ought to or we give vou new goods and SMILh R ' Levi Strauss Overalls, per pair 75M'; Sweet Orr best in the world- Overalls .'. $1.00 J Levi Strauss Work 'Shirts . . .'. r.'. . .50? Sweet Orr Work Shirts, guaranteed not to rip or shrink 65 Sweet Orr Work Pants, up from $1.00 Sweet Orr Corduroy Pants, guaranteed for six months-' ' not to rip or burst, per pair .' . .$3.50 Athletic Suspenders, guaranteed for six months . . 35 mMv:kn ft? ml Pi UNIONS (Boupon o Cut this out and bring it to the store It Is .good for 50 cents with' every $10 purchase of the above advertised goods . DANIELS FOR DUDS Largest Men's Store in Southern Oregon