3 ' Tur urATurn Fair tonight mid Tu!K(liiy. J. ('. mill J. I). Cui'liriiit ul' Medford mill I'liil Itccklcy ul' Oukliinil rolurn n few iIiivm ago rruin u few week hunting trip on Kihh hike. 'Duty liriiiiflil liniiiit hi'vnrnl deer, a iiuui lily ol' hike li-li nml Hoiiiii lino duck ( nml gceoo. (Jriliii'M fur Hwnul criimii or butter milk promptly filloil. I'hona tlid itroiunerv. A 1 1 J 1 1 1 f I,. Itrnuil of Elgin, 111., ar rived here this morning nml will look over llm valley. Kiln (liuuiyiiw, pilii'n: stenographer, room !, Pnhr. ImililiiiL'. " h'ulii'il Wi i in ii (;)' of Jackson villi' wiih over on Iiok'hicxx llm other tiny. Spices nml extracts ul 30 So. 0 MiiTt. Thulium I.iiiiiIi of Tnli'iit slopped off in tlm i'ity .Motiilny morning on hi wiiy to llrownslioro, where he ex pect to limit mill visit with his brother, W. A. I.ninb. Choice lot of bulbs direct from IIhIIiiihI, nil varieties, it t "Cook's, tlm Xiirscryniiin." IS" Miss I', nml r.nln Johnson of Asli Imiil in-rived in tin- city Monday mill will visit Mrs. W tlli mn Howard for a few iluj'H. Phone .'lillin fur ten or coffee. Olive Turner of fiolil Hill, who hns lii'i'ii employed ii h a nurse nt Ashland, win in the city the first of the week, flcorgc I.iieroii of Koschurg in in the i'ity on court business. The Kmeri( eiifu culls especial nlti'iition to their breakfast menu. Come nml try our waffles mid maple syrup the best in town. IHfl J. H. Miiekin in n recent arrival in the city from I-elnnd, Cnl. Hurry Cash nml Rurrell Cash of I)iiiiii1i1mhi, Cal., were visiting in Mcd fnnl over Siinilny. Tlm Kmerick ciifo cnlls especial nlti'iition to their breakfast ineint. Come mid try our wnffles nun mnplo syrup the beat in town. fi!) . Walter F. Hun's nuto was badly dmiiuited by runninif into nn unlight ed, open newer ditch on Tenth street Snturdny evening. Hest menl for tho leant money nt the Spot cufn. F.. II. Billing. Mack Williams nnd Charles Utiinninge of Rosebnrg nre in the city us witnesses for the Southern Pacific company in the trinls being, held here. Jesse Ifngsdnle of Trnil hns re turned from Snlcni, where ho took his "i-yeiir-old son to consult nn op ticiiin. The boy's eyes nre in n dan gerous condition nnd lift inny lose his sight. FOR SALE Brown & Wakefield Office upstairs in Palm Block, Medford. I'liil Loosely, who Iiiim churgo of llm resort under cons! ruction lit (.'ru ler luku Iiiim como to town to May during tho winter mid work on the buildings lit thn In kii will ho discon tinued for thn winter. . j Mrs. M. J. Mclciilf bus returned from a business trip to Sun Jose, Cal., j where she bus been attending to Home' husiuesH mutters. Mrs. Metculf did it little boosting in the southern city by taking Home very fino apples with her nml presenting the into some of the prominent citizens. A civil service cxiiuiiiiiition for for est rimgerH wns held at thn high school building by M- h. Krickson. Why rush hninct Try the Spot Cnfo's 2.1n dinner. Ciihick & Mayers of this place have bought a tract of 1120 acres of orchiiril hind in Sams Valley o Ihin icl Wary, pitying H(I00 for the same, mid expect to plant part of it to fruit at onco. .10(10 Ko. two-veiir-olil (.'rape roots, all varieties, "hi'o they last, $2f per Ihoiisiinil. "Cook, the Nurseryman." 187 Mr. and Mrs. M. Tryer left Mon day moraine for Talent, where Mr. Tryer will go inlo tho hardware bus iness. ' IJ. I). CJillcspin of llamiltoii,' 0.. who has been visiting here for some liine. left the first of the week for San Friuii'isi;o. Mr. flillespie states he hud n fine time in this city and may como hnek. ' 1 Chai'les Hay is rapidly recovering from injuries sustained in a collision with an unknown boy on n bicycle. Charles was struck down in front of the Bijou theater Saturday evening mid was taken home at once, where Ir. rickel ntleniled his injuries. Tho hoy's arm was found to be broken just cbove Hie dhow, and excepting a few bruises, was the only wound received. 1 Stevens of Morrison, Pn., is looking over fruit hind with the in tention of purchasing if anything! suitable presents. : Dudley Estes wns arrested for; jumping n train Sunday night, and, upon giving $5 hail wns released. lie has not showed m v nnd is not ex- i peeted. H. K. T) "''ip. '"' '''t superintend ent of the Methodist F.piseopnl church, came down from Ashland Saturday afternoon to conduct the quarterly conference held here and preached the Sunday morning ser mon. L. F.. Cochran, n representative of a shoe firm of. Ttoston, hns pnr- clinseil Hum Here ior,nn orcnnni ano wns up to Professor O'Clarn's office i the first of the week for information. Mrs. V. Cummings of Acre. Cal., I who has been visiting W. M. Oarrett of this place, left Monday morning! fur Ashland. ' V. F. 11. Morlcv of Snginnw, Mich..' and A. J. Morley of Aberdeen. Wash.. ! mid families are visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. filnsse. , II. A. Thiirlicr of Worlhineton. Minn., enme down from Talent., where he hns been visiting his broth er, 0. W. Acer, nnd is looking for n place to mnke a home here. IDEAL FRUIT AND POULTRY FARM. 19 Acres with house, barn and never failing spring, only $1200 TERMS, ONE-THIRD CASH, LONG TIME AT 6 PER CENT INTEREST ON BALANCE. Only one and one-half miles from Eagle Point Ry. Station ABOUT TEN ACRES OF THIS LAND IS AS FINE GARDEN LAND AS THERE IS IN JACKSON COUNTY. THE OTHER NINE ACRES IS UNCLEARED. FOR PARTICULARS, SEE ,v , . ' Mr. and Mrs. I Hlevens of Pitts- burg left for Kivcrside, Cnl., ufter; spending a pleasant week touring the: Kogue Hiver valley. They will como ' hack hero inho Hummer uud make I it their home. ' j W. II. liniwn, who owns an or- chard east of town, recently got' through picking and had a fine crop of Spil.enhergs, Newtowns nod Ben Davis apples. Mr. lind Mrs. W. F. Piektl of Do-, ciilnr, III., arrived in the city Mon-' day morning und will visit Will Floyd and family of this place, for a few, days. T. S. Townscnd of Portland, who recently purchased some orchard, land ol Colonel Mundy, arrived in the! city Monday morning to look after his interests. T. S. Townscnd of Portland, who recently purchased smne orchard laud of Colonel Miimly. arrived in . . i (he city Monday morning to look . alter bis intercstt:. ! Pi -sir O'Oiira '.vi;'. leave for Ashland Tuesday to oversee the work being done by the inspectors in that city. i ANNIVERSARY Remember the Browniekar ami save the coupons for some little friend. Don't allow the boys and girls to anno)' yon, but some child is going to be happy as can be. YQJJcan buy the best ready-to-wears and all classes of Dry Goods SHOES again in Medford. Come and examine our goods. If you thifck we are saving you money and appreciate that we have brought the prices down, not alone here but all oveiwc will be more than glad to receive your business and we be lieve that we deserve it. You arenlways Avelcome, whether you buy or not. The Hutchason Co. Successor to Baker Hutchason Company Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Newton nnd daughter ol Salida, (.'ol., stopped off here Monday on their way to San Diego, Cal. Two 20-oiiiicc Pippin apples, 17 Yi inches in eircuiiifereucc, were brought in by J. A. Houston, who owns an orchard on Kogue river. J. F. Hale returned Monday from a trip to Sun Francisco, where he went on bin-.iiiegg. 0. A. Wright, a rirominent capital ist and bufiuiesit mini of San Fran cisco, is visiting with George E. Max well of this city. He is much inter ested in the vnllcv and Mr. Maxwell is showing him about. T. O. Erieksoii, one of Undo Sam's sleuths, and A. ISrown, von-vivimit, man-about town and publisher, are spending the day with "Pat," the jiopular editor of the Central Point Herald. Colonel fieorge P. Mims, of Tolo, spent the week end in Medford on business. Churles (s, deputy game warden, spent Monday morning in Central Point on business. Continues AH Week for less than you ever paid in your life can be bought for less than for which I iimpi c ciu aciq cno BIOS ON STAR ROUTES WASHINGTON, Oct. 25. The postoffice department hns sent out an advertisement for bids for carry ing mails on all star routes in Ore gon, Washington and Idaho during the four years beginning July 1, 1910, also for bids for carryinb mails in wagons between railway stations and postofl'ices in Portland, Seattle, Tu 1'iima and Spokane for the same pe riod. J. II. Fitzgerald has returned to Medford from an extended trip to I northern points. Best paper in southern Oregon The Tribune. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. LOST Sunday. October 21, a dark brown fur on road between Jackson ville and Griffin Creek. Heturn to this office. 100 before, and many things they will ever be sold SALE BENSON'S BARGAINS Large 14-room boarding or room ing house, 2 blocks from dejMt, lot 100x100; enn he made to pay $300 per month; a genuine bargain $6500 Forty acres, 16 miles from Med ford, half mile from Beagle; 8 acres cultivated; 4 acres in fruit tree 2 to 10 years old, on two good roads; smull house, barn, woodshed, etc; 25 acres inclosed in woven wire fence $2000 Small house and bam, with seven lots, north side Jackson street; a snap ." ..$1690 Xew 5-room house, hardwood fin ish, new woodshed, well on back porch, lot 50x100, corner Jackson and Fir $450 One acre, 0-room house, barn, chicken house, city wuter, only 600 feet from Riverside avenue . . .'$3400 Four-room house on west side Main street, lot 50x168 $1500 Exchange 160 acres near Merlin, 140 acres of which is level, for va cant lots or house and lots in Med- i ford. This is a good proposition: in vestigate $3000 ' Will exchange some choice building j lots for a team of good- driving horses. I Kine-roora modern house, Bunga low addition, lot 50x160, corner 4th and Oronge, near Oakdale ave..$3850 v ' SS'i acres, one mile from P. & E. depot; a bargain at the price. .$6000 Rooming house Best location in the city; clears $150 per month; lone lease $2200 27 acres, three miles from Med ford: .$1500 house, good barn, all in alfalfa; the best land to be found in the Rogue River valley; terms.$ 12,000 18'2 acres, close in property, fin est free soil, 14. acres planted to com mercial apples and pears 4 years old. 412 acres alfalfa; good terms $1 1,500 For sale or rent 9-room modern bungalow on Orange street, near Oak dale; rent $30; price $3850 Business location lot 50x100, right in the heart of the city. Call nt onr office for particulars $8500 I 5 acres inside city limits, high ele j vation : this tract can be subdivided ! into building lots or would make an : ideal orchard tract. It is a baraiin i"t ' $3000 5 acres adjoining city limits, good orchard land and a beautiful site for ;a home; in one year will be worth double the price asked $2000 ' 10 acres, one mile from Medford on I main traveled road to Ashlund; Bear ! creek bottom land, set to apples and j pears 2 years old; trees are strong j and vigorous. Here is n beautiful ! site for a home. Easy terms. I Price MQn 3-room box house and large lot on South Central avenue, completely furnished; good well and chiekeii house; a genuine bargain; easy terms. Price $750 Some splendid business properties for sale, close in, good income pay ers. Call nt our office for detaiis. Our charge is $1 per month for renting and collecting. We represent seven strong relia ble fire insurance companies. Surety bonds We rrpmcont t'o Union Guarantee Association of Tol land. We have several applications on file for furnished houses. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Opposite Moore Hotel i:2 W. Main S. !mne 3073 Main.