Tills " IQDI'OUl) DAILY TRIHUNK, AIPJ)FO,U), O RICO ON'. CON'DAY, OCTOBER 25. HK). CAPLES TELLS OF 'I'n ( In Kililur- In I - i-Miii uf Tim Tiiliimi' dl' llm IHIh iin-l., .vim iii'fi-nl mi iMiiiiirnii in yimr reimerH iimmtiiiih Ik. nrlivil.v "I' I'iii'IIiiikI'x 'i rit i iit-f- I'illl llllllil'H ill llll' I'l'llll'l III hl'l'llle ill- i ii'iihi'il iiiirniiiiiliim fur tin im- IH'iivcrnriil of lli Williiu lo nml 'l- bin river fiiim I'nrllulnl In the Hen uillir 111" I'liiiiini'iit lluil "I'lH'tliiiiil i (tri'K'in in Hi'1 iriimlx "I' l'r i-ili.i'iiH." II lliix llmiiplil !' in I''" miii'U "f tin- n-iilrni of I'miIiiimI. I i"'h,i"" tin- ri;;lil ol iliMiMinitiiitiiik' l'"'"' "linl iinr." A Htizen nipiililo "f I'-mliiii! i iBiuily lii'iiinl-ininit''l nwl "' mVi.lnl i-iiiilin- iil. v.. (.. I y fiiH-. ii'i- illll.Mlil' 1. 1' UlTliollIll jl'lllllllH. Ml! iiiii-I Knew mi. I ri'iili.u fully tin' p Imililint; "I'JHi.v Hcrtimi of th" ,,,,) lii'iicfilM inori- or Ii'mh ilii' entire htnlit. Inil it "InMlii'K" citiziyt ""l ,t""'1 iiilviiuliiyeK f"l- Hfl-liollH of 111 r..imn..ii.illli Hi lli- '""I h" " iiinillicr or ilistiuit euniinunil.v. Tliiil of nnir-f, yon iiimI yoilr rmil ith fully iimler-tnml. hnt in "in ,,I1I"C iiriicl". yon nxMTt to your rendi-rn: "Tin' i-oiiun-xsiomil ili'lcKli iii'vit ,Ur iinylliintf for liny olhi-r nrt of III,. Mill... Ill IimiM nul f'T Wlllllll'ril (tri'foii. Wi' Im vi' no ri'iiii.-i'iiliilHin in (In- hint" or Niilionnl nn-il-." I lo in.l -iiy l'"r "l" ...on ili'lt'k'iitioit in t'oncii..'-'.. Iml its ln in.. i.i.nvriHiinl willi III" fuel it" pcr InuiH to lli. work of tin- nuMnlirr ilur inu' tin' l'"t ''i'1" niontli-, I lnt '"-v-iiiiin.'il to 'iill your nlii'iitioii to tin-i-rror In ll'." in'li- of ...nllicm Ore (;oii ill your iir.i.rlioit : "W'v lime no ri.iri'"i'iilution in (In! iniliomil eoun HU." In llu ri-rrnl imii f orr-iici' lictwpen Si'imtorH Clinnilii'iliiin mnl Iloiirm' willi nii'inln'i of ill" I'ortlmnl (.'limn -lii.f of Coiiiiiicri'i', liolh (.-iMilli'ini'ii do flnri'il llirir intention iluriiiir the eon Hileriiliun of (lie riveiK nml luuhoiM hill hefore the eoiiiinj.' i'Oii(;H's, to M-ek lihenil iiiiioirinlioiiK for Ore gon rivers nml lunlir. nml iiiuneil Kii.eifienlly , Willi nlher, tlinil Mili-i lel'elleil lo ill your mlit'lfilll. Mr. Chiiinlierlniii hns heen a mmi nlor of the I'nileil Slnlcs n short lime, over eiuhl months, nml (hut dur ing n t.eeinl session wherein no letr islnlioii whs eousiilereil oilier Ihiin lluil relnlinif (O'the renslis nml the tit riff. lit hi Inliors wilh iissoeiiilion willi n lnrtre ninjorily of the seuiitors of llin own piifly to uphold (he hand of seven cenlleineii' who were ehtsseil it s "Insuiirenl" or "I'mnressivii" re pulilii'iuiM in Iheir nnsiieeessfnl effort lo lower (he cost of living liy n ilown wiinl revision of llie hii.-her Ihiin eter tiiriff, iliil he in.l ieiiesi.il (he loiniht mill wivhes of the peotli' of sulliern (Iri'ifon? Seiinlori I.uKollette, Ilo. liver, ('iiiitmiiis, Cliiip. N'elsoii, liris. low nml !teveriili;e inmle sueh n fii:hl ns lo win for them eeoiiitiins of jiriiise from llieii tisl itnenees, irrespeetive of pnrtv. These senllemen were ul- wnvs voleil ilowii hy llin hliind-pnl eorporntion iiwiorily of reniihlienii Keiintors leil liy Seiinlor Alilrieh, lint j il luis heen eoneeileil Hint the niensiirej lit finiillv delemiineil upon wonhl iuflieteil heitvier hiinlens upon tliej eolisiuner Iml for llieir efforl. .These siiine Hi'ven nenlli'lnen freely enii Riilleilwilh Setuilor ('hiiinherliiiii nml ronsiilereil him one of Iheir nuniher. In mhlilion to his eight months of 8ervieo, Senntor ('hiimhcrliiin hnvp Hiieeessfully nil iiiliusled npwiirds of n hiindreil mutters hefore tho sevornl ffovernnieiilnl depiirlnienlH, wherein eitizeiiK of (iontlieni On-jrnn were in leresled in ns individiiiilH. Anionir ntlutr millers, Seiinlor Clinniherlnin reeeived in his until one morning n vi'ipiesl or petilioit of cili.enn of Medfnrd nsliint; for free eily deliv ery. Within Iwo hours the post of liee offieiiils hud explnined llie nn eessily under the prneliee nnd Hie In w of linviiiK n report from n spne iul iipeul. IV"1' insistence of speedy nelinii, llie depnrlmenl nl onec or dered im inspect ion lo he innde, nnd nl llie eiirliesl possible nionieul tint ( depiirlineiitnl red Inpo could he un wound, free delivery 1 for Moil ford wiih ordered. Never, I enn nssurn yon, will Soit ntor ('luiinlierl.'iin lieeonie frn en grossed in oilier innllers Hint, lie enn nol find I into or will not find time to lnlior nnd urge In Hip hest of his nliilily, ineiixnrcs lendini; to henefil the people, of soiilliern Oroaon in dividunlly or eolleelively. ns slren inusly us he will for lite vesidenls of nnv oilier eoininunily of Hie slnlo. Heiinlor ( 'liniiilicrliiin is ilesirous I know, of lien i in;.' finin liny eili.eii of llie slllli'i ilTli-pei'l i e of plil'ly, upon nnv in it 1 1 ol pulilie impoi tiini'i', nnd i'ii I'i-I ill i'i m i m ii I c i n t i . . j l will In; pven lo llll Klll ll Hlll!(..ehl iollr. I'ii r home lime, nl his direction, Seiinlor ('linuilierliiii.'H officii force luis heen collcctiii..' (lain lo mippnrl his intended efforl In KecuiP ll pub lie biiililiii(f for Mi'ilford. lie i nlso ilesirous of linviui; llll cive or eon;, nicrcinl hoiliiis It 1 1 : 3 respoiiHilile cil i.eiis of llin 'iit iii" -1 i 1 1 1 send him nil llie fuels rej;ii i'ili."' I.euefilH lo lie ccured by, nnd tli necessity for public iinprovi'iueiit -, in order Hint llie mutter enn be ojniusl ivelv nnd fully pt'CMMiled to llie eoiiunillces. Truly, you must iijjren wilh ine t Im t hoiiiIiitii Oreyoii is not without rep reseuliilion in III" niilionnl conncilH. I liuve Ihlie honor lo remiiin, Yours vcrv hineerelv, U. A. CAI'LKS.. . JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. ('. S. Wiiislmv of Ihe.l'iilliuiiu ruin puny wns ii business culler lit the courthouse F'ridny. Miss M. I'.. Towue spent n few Iioiiih in Medford F'ridny ovenini.'. Fred Hopkins oWenlriil I'oint wns ul the county sent on Fridnv. Mr. Ander.'on nnd Mrs. Marie Viincc of Itcrkclev, Cn!., spent Thurs day in Jiicksonville. Two fiiiines of Iniskelliail between tin- boys and tills' hiyh school teams f Ashland mid Medford were played nl Hie I'. S. hall Friday cveiiinir. Jacksonville was victorious in bolh ..ames, the score for the (.-iris hcine I'i lo M. Mini for Hie boys L'l! to 'J.'l. Consiileriiijf this was the initial per formance for both of our (cams, we feel justly proud. A lunch was' served al the Abbott house ul'tcr the game for nil the players. NOTK'i; OF SAI.K. In the mailer of llin estate of (lcoie M, Needles, deccni-cd. . Nolici! is hereby given that in pur Hiianci) of mi order of thr; county court of Jackson comity, Oregon, iniidn on I lie Jllh ilny of October, 1!H)!I, in llie mailer or the above iiauicd cslute'lhij undersigned ndinin iHlralor of Hut estale of Hiiid decoim cd will sell at public miction to the highest bidder for cnsli, on Monday, llin 'J.'illi dny of October, 100!), nt 10 o'clock n. in., in front of what in known iim the "Horseshoe (Hub Sa loon," siluafed on Front Ktroct in the city of Medford, the entire Htock of merchandise contained in snid sa loon, coiisislin of a large mnonnt of whisky in barrels, in hollies nnd oth erwise, together with n variety of oilier kinds of lirpior uminlly kept by retail vendors (hereof; itlno including Iwo pool tahlei'. bolh in good condi tion, and each completely erpiipped with fl"! ires; also n stoc!: ol tobac cos, fignrH, pipes, cigarettes, etc., mid n full net of deciinters, glnsscs mid tumblers, and other articles used in connection' with nnd in a saloon where liipiorn lire Bold liy 'retail. For a more definite knowledge of the kind and amount of liquors, fixtures, etc., to be dinpoKcd of nt snid nolo, inquire at tho office of Colvifi & Kcamcs, Medford, Oregon. Dated October l.'ttli, 1000. CI.AHKXCK L. REAMF.S, Administrator of the Estate of George M. NccdlcH, Deceased. TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send your trophies to me for mount ing, liig game heads, fish, birds and man. inula mounted true to nature by improved methods. I do tanning, make fur rug.i, make, remodel and clean fur garments. Express nnd mail or ders promptly attended to. C. M. HARRIS, 495 Washington Street, Portland, Or. Telephone Main 3G00. Prepaid Raiiroau Orders. "Sometliiiitf which is of emmider known is tloi system of prepaid or- Ms intorost to the public peiierullj nJ which is i.erhiips not generally dcrff now in effect between ntntionn of llio Southern iVifie company oud nil points in the United States. Hy irenns of this system tickets way be inrcliusei nt Medford from any place in the United States nnd mail ed or telegraphed direct to the party irishintf to come here. Sleeper ac commodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets my also be forwarded at the samr tini." ' ' Herman liros.. the saddle and har ness mnkcrs, desire to announce to the (riidc Hull they arc not only pre pared to fill all orders at short no-ty-e, but carry I he most complete line of harness, saddles, bridles, whips, robes, blankets, wagon covers, tents, e'.c, that can he found in southern Oregon at prices that cannot fail to please when quality of stock and workmanship is considered.' Don't forget' the place, 317 E. Seventh street, Medford. The Uledford Theatre SEASON OF STOCK McKenzie Merry Makers TONIGHT, OCTOBER 24 "Lord Cliumley A sensational coincdv drama in four acts, WANTED APPLE PICKERS By Talent Orchard Company Talent Oregon i nAY . I I 11 mm "Tor you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid $1 a pound for it. - t Everything about Folgers Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHIN AWARE, FRUIT AND FEED. J. E. EXTART, President J. A. PERRY, Vice-Presideat. JOHN S ORTIl. Otshr W. K JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. For the Best in harness, saddles, whips, obes, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle grease and gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK . CAPITAL .' $50,000 surplus ;.. $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacled. We solicit your patronage. State Depositary Established 1SSS. Capital and Surplus $1-5,000 Besoaroos 1700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bank respeot fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this olrfig ing institution. VY. I. VAWTER, President. G. R. LIXOLEY, Cashier. Medford Theatre The Greatest Musical Comedy Success 9America has Ever Known, "3 Twins" with VICTOR M0RLEY, BESSIE CLIFFORD AND 70 PEOPLE 70 Hear the famous "Yama-Yama Man." See the, wonderful electric aerial swing. Without fear of contradiction tho largestt musical attraction on the road. TUESDAY, OCT. 26 t Medford Iron Works ! . E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. . Foundry and Machinist a. t All l'':,.' of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-t tchincry, Agents In Southern Oregon for , FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. t Do You Want A ome ? Are Lots in Medford Too High Priced For You? Here are some Real Bargains. Four lots 56x126 foot each Oire block from city water mains. Throe blocks from paved streets. , All oast front. Beautiful view of the mountains. Price $200 each; one-half cash, balance 1 year at 6 per cent. Also one corner lot, south and east front, $250.00. ! J. W. D-RESSLER Real Estate Agents, West Main Street