8 THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OHKdOX. SATURDAY, OCTOHKR 2.1, 100!). Acme Cement Plaster ' . . . . . . . Owing to its ability to receive all manner of tints and the fact that it does not disintegrate under the influence of the weather. It Is Best For All Purposes and when used in connection with our high grade Maple Floor ing and Northern Fir finishing lumber has a distinction of tone and quality possessed by no other plaster BIG PINES LUMBER CO. ALLEN SAYS NO RIGHT-OF-WAY YET SECURED No Definite Steps as Yet Taken Re ' garding Entry to City of Pa j. cific & Eastern, Says . . President." UNAWARE OF SOURCE LEADING TO THE REPORT which led to the publioatio n of the fact that we had secured a right ot way into Medford and would build at once." Work upon the Pacific & Eastern is being rushed and it is ouly natural to suppose that Mr. Allen and his associates are figuring upon getting their line into the city, but as Mr. Allen states, no definite turn has been taken in the affair. Table d'hote dinner at the Nash Grill Sunday evening, Special music. CLEAN UP BACK YARD, O'GARA'S SLOGAN (Continued from page 1.) Only Natural to Suppose, However, .''; That Pacific & Eastern , Would Enter City. "There is as yet nothing definite regarding a right of way in Medford for the Pacific & Eastern or the es tablishment ot a treight and passen ger depot for that road at the ter minal of Jackson streets," states John R. Allen, president of the Pacific & I Eastern." I am not -aware of the source of information drawn upon menace to the fruitgrowing industry of the entire Rogue River valley. A thorough inspection and eradi cation of diseased town lot orchards has been begun, and the entire force of county inspectors are at work in the city of Ashland. As soon as their work is completed there, they will in turn clean up Phoenix, Talent. Jacksonville, Medford, Central Point. Gold Hill, Woodville, Eagle Point and other places. The same program will be carried out in Josephine coun ty. The inspectors will enforce the horticultural statutes to the letter, and in this work they hnve back of them the state horticultural commis sion and the county courts. I hope that no one will plead ignorance of the law. Furthermore, there bus been plenty of opportunity for everyone to get information on fruit diseases and how to eradicate them. The federal government as well as the stato and county has made it very easy to get such information through literature, which may be had for the asking. A federal officer has been stationed in the valley during the past two years in order to help those desirous of getting the very best information on every' phase of fruit growing, and especially in the matter of eradicat ing pear blight. This letter has been prepared in order to give anyone a chance to clean up before the inspectors come. I wish to assure every delinquent that it will be much cheaper to have this work done themselves than to wait for a county officer to do it for him. A much neater job of eradi cation may be done by the owner himself than by an officer of the law who has little time for nice work. It is not the work of an inspector to cut out blight, but rather to instruct. You would hardly expect the county to pay a man to cultivate your trees or to prune them; why, then, should you expect the county to pay men to do the actual work of cleaning up your orchards? It is the inspector's place to order this worlf done at your ex pense if you do not see fit to do it yourself. The fruit interests of the valley are dependent upon you for co-operation, and they are nsking no more of you thnn is just. Clean up your back lot orchards and help to boost the Rogue River valley. SATISFACTION OF FRUIT RAISING At the annual meeting of the Amer ioun l'oiuological society Dunn L. 'II. Hailey of Cornell university spoke on "The Satisfaction of Fruit raising," dwelling more particularly on the es thctic side of the subject. lie said: "In physical perfectness of form and solidity and color thuro is nothing in the world that exceeds a well grown apple. Let it be in the palm of your hand; put in against your cheek and inhale its fragrance; note the stem, how it stands firmly in its cavity. The apple is not only tho product of your labor, but it holds the essence of the year and it is in itself a thing of exquisite benuty. There is no other rondure and no fra grance like this." Professor Bailey closed by reading the following .original poem: . My last winter npples I ate today, Shapely and stout in their modcl- - cd skins; Securely packed in my cellar bhif Two dozen good kinds of apple spheres lay. And today I went to my orchard trees And picked me the first ripe yel low fruit t That hung far out on the swing- j Thoy bring mo tho days when tho ing shoots, In summer suns mid tho summer-day breeze. Ami thereby it was that tho two years met, . Deep in tho midst of tho ripe July, When tile wheat was shocked and tho st reams were dry, And weather of winter stayed with me yet. For I planted fhese orchard treos div solf, On hillside slopes that belong to me, Where visions are wide and winds nro free. That all the round year might come to my sholf. And there on my shelves tiie white winter through, Pippin and Pvarmain, llumho and Spy, Greening and Swnnr and Spitzen bcrgs lie, With memories tenso of the sun and tho dew. They bring tho great fields and the fence-rows here, Th ground bird's nest and the cowbell's stroke, Owing to the fact that the "Three The tent-worm's web nnd the night Twins" company leave Tuesday niaht Tiro's smoke, after the play for Sacramento. In a And smell of the smart weed nil special train, the curtain will raise through tho year. 'at 8:15 sharp. ground was turned, When the trees weru pruned and tilled and sprayed, When the sprouts wero cut and grafts wero made. When fields were cleaned and tho lirush-wood piles burned. I taste of the wilds and tho blowing rain ; And I taste of the frost and tho skies ; Condemned they lie in tho applo guiso, And then eseapo and restore mo again TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. l-'OU SAI,K-a five-room plastered house, lot oD.vltil, good well, good location, ifflno for six days, cash or terms; good bargain. Address Box city. 11)1 FOR REN'T Two elegant furnished rooms. Apply l.'ll W. Sixth st. NOTICE YOU KNO W That it wont be long until time for setting your trees? Better come in and let me make you PRICES ON THE BEST TREES ' ' Before it is too late as they are being booked out fast at this time of year B. PATTERSONJhe luakerNurseryman Office in Hotel Nash Office