THE MEDFORD DAILS TRIBUNE. MEbFORU, ORKOOX. SATURDAY. OOTOUMR '2X 100!). 6 A. A AAA A AAA A A A. A A A A A A. I Lure I qf the j Mask By ii a nrti i MACGRATH Copyright, 1908, by Ihe Merrill Co. Bobbt- (Continued.) .. ..SYNOPSIS CHAPTER I Jack Hilliai-d, a wealthy New York clubman, hears a mysterious voice singing in the night under his window. II He inserts an advertisement in a personal ccolumu to find the singer. Ho receives a reply. m, IV, V, and VI He visits the mysterious singer, but she wears a mask. He falls desperately in love with her, but he has not seen her face. The unknown woman gives her name as ilme. Angot, which is assumed. They have dinner. She refuses, to see him. a sain. VII Billiard and Dan Merryhew decide to go to Italy. Merryhew loves Kitty Killigrew, a comic opera singer, who has gone to Italy. Hil- Hard receives a black mask in an envelope. batch of mull. There was a letter which held particular lutorest to Mer rlhew. It was from the consul at Rome, a reply to Illllnrd's Inquiries regarding the American Comic Opera company. 1 "We'll now find out where your charming Kitty Is," Hlllard said, breaking the seal. But they didn't. On the contrary, the -writer hndu't the slightest Idea where the play actors were or bud gone. ' They bad opened a two weeks' engagement at the Teatro Qulrlno. There had been 'a good house on the opening night. The remainder of the week did not show"the sale of a hun dred tickets. The American mnnnger had shown neither foresight nor com- mon sense, and his backer withdrew ; his support. The percentage demand- ' ed by the managers In Florence, Genoa, i Milan and Venice was so exorbi-1 tant (although they hud agreed to a : moderate term In the beginning) that ' It would have been nothing short of 1 foolhardlness to try to fill the hook- i Ings. The singing of the prima donna. The urn rf I'l wheel ImiUeil u bit li';i Samlli r ... " "Samlf' I';: Ccor.v. t Tut t would l. Jolly!" "l'crli.p.s they will c-;u till' way r ;.:t:i. Town-", foll.n, i.x'" Su;o i'i:imgh, v.-V.'i the r."r riyu'liod :'.: I. iv, :.',ui', ; i. . girled and i '. iu' rumlillug luck, This time 1111 !ard had no ' .tlits. '.lit hloml up and wave I itr::i. The iiiitoniolille I iv:.' (i i... 1 gruaued and came to u K:and '..olio, r.audford!" "Jack lllllard, un I live, and Pan Merrihew! Nell," turning to one of t!io three pretty women hi tbt ton iieau, "what did I tell you'; I 'felt It in my hones that we would run across some one we knew." "Cr over them," his wife laughed. When we meet an old friend In a foreign land, one who has accepted cur dinners and with wjumi we have i ften dined, what is left lull to fall on Ms neck and weep? There was, t'.ien. over this meeting much ado with hand shaking and compliments, handshak ing and questions, and. as In all casi-s like this, every one talked at mice how was old New York, how was the winter in Cairo, mid so forth Will so on till U L'ollcenian politely told them that this wits not ti private thorough fa ro and that they were blocking the way. So they parted, the two young tueu having promised to dine with the Saiidford party that evening, "What luck, Dan!" Hlllard waa ex uberant. "Saves you Ihe price of a dinner," "I wasn't thinking of that. Hut 1 shall llnd out all about her tonight," "Who?" "The lady In Ihe fog, the masquer ading lady!" (To ha continued.) JrfHHLtf We are Grower Tiny illrrct from ua NO AOINTI Our Trcs are inmn atriHIr WITHOUT IRRIGATION Write (or fre catftloti. lirm stock of vrUl iv aal lblo hut txuiimirvml orcbartta Cbolct Fruit, Nut tnd Ornimtntil Trt, Grap Vine Smtll fruit Plant and SKrubbtry TllH lUl.I.Kfl NUHHKHIKS Klein Office, Grand A v,ljrt land, Or. APPLUS AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF FliUIT AN3 CnKAfr.NTAL YREES, YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY. . Largest C'omiiieri'ial Ninwiry in the Pacific Ni'ilh wt'st. Not in Hit! coiiiIjIuc. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent 1 MEDFORD. ' O U E 3 O N COMBINATION RANGE BOILER INSULATOR AND HOT FIRELESS COOKER IIow o'ij lie looked, poor devil! Hll lard had not takeu particular notice of him during the past week's excur sions. Giovanni had aged ten yeai-s since they landed. , "And was this cousin glad, to see you? And Is he to be trusted?" "Both, signer. He bad some news. She the girl is a dancer in a I'arls cafe." "Would yon like me to give you the necessary money to go to Paris aud bring her back to the Sabine hills?" Hlllard asked softly. "I shall go to Paris, slgnor after." "What Is his name?" Hlllard bad never till this moment asked this ques tion. "I know It. That Is sufficient. He Is high, slgnor, very high, yet 1 shall,. reach him. If I told you his name" 7 "There would be the possibility of my warning him." "That is why I hesitate." "Yon are n Catholic. Giovanni." Giovanni signified that he was. "Docs hot the God of all Catholics, tf all Christians, in fact does he not say that vengeance is ills and that he will repay?" "But there are so many of us, si gner, so many of us small and of slight importance, that, likely enough, God, with all his larger cures, has not the time to remember us. What may hap pen to him in the hereafter does not concern me, for he will certainly be in the purgatory of the rich and I in the purgatory of the poor. It must be now, now!" "Go your own way,", said Hlllard, dismissing him. "I shall never urge you a gain." Giovanni gone, Hillard leaned against the casement. The sun was bright this morning, and the air was clear. He could see Naples distinctly. Below, the fishermen and their wives, their bare feet plowing in- the wet sands, were drawing In the nets, swaying their bodies gracefully. And then Slerrlhew burst In upon him wildly excited and flourished the hotel register. "Look at this!" he cried breathless ly. He flung the book on tho table and pointed with shaking finger. Hillard came forward, and this Is what be saw: ' Thomas O'Mally ' James Smith Arthur Worth La Sleiorina Capriccloea Kitty Killigrew Am. Comic Opera Co., N. T. "Kitty has been here!" "Perfectly true. But I wonder" "Wonder about what?" asked Merri hew. "Who La Signorlna Caprlcclosa Is. Whimsical, Indeed. She must be the mysterious prima donna." Hillard studied the - easy flowing' hand and ran bis fingers through his lialr thoughtfully. "What is it?" asked Merrihew curi ously. "I am wondering where I have seen Hint handwriting before." Another fortnight found the pair back in Naples after spending a week tt (.'n&iL AljbQ.Jiotel they fouryl.a ft 1 f Containing two indispensable luxuries and two sources of economy. Call and let us demonstrate its merits. RESOLVED Tho lie-t roHolnlioti for you to miiko is to eotno to us for your )evt Htiit, if yoii wnnl something out of lliu ordinal). Wo do tho best work anil cliarno tho lowest prices. ' W. W. EIFERT TUB PROQEtBSIVB TAILOK LOOK A New Line of Silverware That is Absolutely Guaranteed See tne Latest Patent Tea Strainer Martini. Reddy THE JEWELER Near P. O. HI? J. W. WHITNEY Office in Aikin Plumbing Co.'s Store, Med ford. "Look at this!" he cried. however, had created a highly favora ble impression among the critics, but she was unknown. The writer also advised Mr. Hillard not to put his money in any like adventure. "That's hard luck," growled Merri hew, who saw his hopes go down the borlzon. "But it makes me out a pretty good prophet," was Hillard's rejoinder. "The angel's money gave out. Too many obstacles. To conquer d people and a government by light opera It can't be done here.' And so the Amerl 'can Comic Opera company at the pres ent moment is vegetating in some little boarding house waiting for money from home." Merrihew gnawed the end of bis I cuiie. Ail ins jiieitsniiL urcuiua uuu burst like soap .bubbles. Had they not , always dAie so? There would be no Jaunts with Kitty, no pleasant llttlr; excursions, no little suppers after the performance. And wiiat's a Michel angelo or a Titian when a man's In love? "Brace up, Dan. Who knows? Kitty may be on the high seas that is, if she has taken my advice and got a return ticket. I'll give you a dinner at the Bertjillnl tonight, and you may I have the magnum of any vintage you like. We'll have Tomass drive us down i the Via Caracclolo. It will take some I of the disappointment out of youi system." They had ridden up and down the i Via Caracclolo twice when they espied a bilge automobile, ultramarine blue. It passed with a cloud of dust and a rumble which was thunderous. Hillard half rose from his Feat. J "Somebudy you know?" asked Merrihew. State Depositary Established 1883. Capital ami Hurplun $125,000 Rciourroi 700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bank respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guar.inleo of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures tho greatest care in every financial transaction, with this oHig ing institution. W. I. YAWTEH, President. 0. U. t.lN'DLEY, Cashier. THE... NASH LIVERY GO. Have the Best Turnouts in the City You are treated right, Ihe price is right, tho team i-i right in fnct, everything is right. Come and sco. NASH LIVERY CO. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING ' AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES ' FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs l C. Il.'ii'si'!,. Tom M. Wo rn.'ik'' ii in- kind ami stylo nf windows. Wo c:vvy glass of any .ai?.e on liatul. . Medford Sash & Door Co. J. E. ENTART, President J. A. PEilKY, Vice-Pi JOHN S. OKTII, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Asu't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A feneral Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronaoe. ii7!Wi.'-.'.'.'iiwjt: "V roar. When we suggest that you Toast Your Bread On Breakfast Table We do not mean that yon nlionld eat off the stove toast With an Electric Toaster and fiave crisp, brown, delicious toast . costs 1c per meal to operate. .We have the best toaster on the market for sale at $4.50. Clean, appetizing, sanitary' ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. .Successors to Condor .Water & Power, Co. ,