THE ME I) FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1909. ionniAi AunDCDoniiAit LOUUML HI1U I LIUUHMLt Hpccinl a In carte menu at the Lou- llcpuly Sheriff 1,'lrich states tliut vru Cafe tomorrow. ' 180 Ihcro must" lie no more union run ex- W. H. Onrdncr of North Viikitim ''Pl aceordunce with tho law, und !h a recent arrival in Medford. "".V Htu-H "IIcmhu will no ipiiekiy rol THE WEATHER. 4 Fair tonight mid Sunday. . Why rush homcT Cnfu'8 2.r)0 dinner. lou Perkins of Scuttle, who ar il ved hero a hhorl time ago to look I 1..... ..I. , I ...... I ,t '"V. , " " r , ,., ;ilion. and Kiiy they like the city fine, land and in sending local "periodicals , ' ' ' Vru. V. K. Snyder of Portland waB visiting Mr. ami Mth. T. J. Wilson Thursday. Special a In carlo menu nt the Lou vre f n fii tomorrow. 180 (1. Lcroy Hall in lecturing and preaching in and near Hoschnrg thiM week. Order for wet crenm or butier mlllt nromntlv filled. Phone the r - i tfri'iinmry. A. Kmilli of i'orllanil leaves here this week for home. The Kmerick cafe from now on will clone at 8::i0 p. in. and open'nt 0 a. in. J Mrs. A. M. flail arrived here from 1'ortland Friday and will go to Eagle Point to visit her hrother, K. h. Oall After lier visit she will go t' r'rnneisco. Choice lot of bulbs direct from Holland, all varieties, at "Cook's, the Nurseryman." 1" I.. I.. Love wiim lii-re fr Cent nil Point on liiiinc the other day. The Umvii! I'afe inakcH a special ly of liiiniiietH and supper parties. 1H0 Mr. and Mr. I-. ). Pierce or in. Ma., have Im-i-ii visiting their .Inni-liler. Mrs. (!. I'. Dyer of thin place. . Snices mid extracts lit HO So. 0 ! reel. 1 Mr. and Mrs. V. Moilen-en of fliilliii Creek di-tricl left Saturday on a trip to Marhwool. Pa., where thev will visit their old home. Kiln Oaunyaw, public Monographer, room 4, Palm buildini.'. C. 1!. Cameiiiii of Cirand Forks X. D., left for San Jose Thursday aft er visiting for n short lime with his sister, Mrs II. M. Urown. Special a In carle menu at the lAm vre Cafe tomorrow. 3H(1 I.. H. French, a prune dryer of Myrtle Creek, was in town on biiHi- Southern Oregon Tea and Coffee Co., lid So. 0 street. C. M. Duncan, formerly of Mud ford, hut now resident of Orlando, Oil.. is in the city on business "illllO No. two-vear-old prapc roots, all varieties while they last, $25 per thousand. "Cook, the Nurseryman. 187 H. S, Tnney of Pasiideun, Cul., is lookiiiL' over the city.' . The Louvre Cafe makes n special ty of haniiiets and supper pnrlieslBO ness Thursday. Phone XW.i for ten or oof fee. , A. P. Handall of Clay Center, Neb., is here for a visit with bin niece, Mm. Oeorgn flould. Try tho Spot lowed by imprisonment and a fine. Mr. anil Mm. C. II. Corey of Stock ton, Cel., who have been visiting friends and relatives in Oold Hill, stopped off in this city on their way B. K. Charboner of Mcndotu, Wash. f Oregon: i got here alright, went the and newspapers bis old home town in the eiiMt, jiiht lo hIiow Iiow ml vanevd tho people out hero are. Special n la carte menu at the Iou- vre Cafe tomorrow. 18(1 B. M. Martin of Moutngiio cumn down on business the liiHt of tho week. Medford, Oregon: Thin certifies that we have Kold Hall's Texan Won der for the cure of all kidney, blad der and rheumatic trouble for ten ami have never had n com- The Nash drill finest nervine be twccii Portland and Sun Francisco. Mrs. K. Kellogg' mother and sis ter of l,cxingtoii, Or., are visiting her at her home in Oold Hill. Mm, S. H. Landry of Woodvillc came down to visit the Misses Ivory of this place belore the latter start on their trip to San Francisco. Mrs. Jack Moore of Yrcka left for home Saturday after linvjug visited for some time with her husband here. f,u Ktliiti Clurlr mill Cliriutirin pbunt. It K.ves , puck and permanent K( t (f ,Vlllowa ,B i( M(J(. relief, (ill da.VH' treatment in each hot- ur)mi( tie. Medford Pharmacy. , il . ;':ni flirs. 11. i. .iiic;i ul iib- in looking over the city. U. C. DiviH, a newspaper man from Portland, in in Medford on business l(. M. Purr and T. J. Oslin of Ash land are in Mi dl'ord for the day. D. It. Black, a Portland real estate dealer, is in town on a vacation. H. H. Tronson of Kale Point wan in town Saturday. L. H. Hank, who owhh a ranch near Kiijflo Point, eame into the city the lust of the week. show at the opra house lust nite, gee jim, it was funny, i cant tell now but cant you ket eomeun to milk and you cum up here und tee the show to nite. i met one of them play .aeter fellers yesterday, bis name is frank Howe, and, noy, he talked to me just like any man, he made me aquanted bill hob, he's the boss of the show, i cunt talk to him because he makes me luff all the time.. They got some more acter men one aid hid name Table d'hote dinner lit the Nash drill Sunday evening, Special music. CI., 1?,.,, l... .. . ii,,n ., ,M,n ii uiwhcii arm un ' ... . . rt a ...... 0 , ,,. . ... ... , was uick, iney iroi 6 snoww unu vuu iir ri-Hiilt of a collision with a wift- . vo i .,,; i,:,.i nly pay fer one, one of the shows lllKy 1ZUI1 illC IllllUU UJJ unu iuc viu one they say is the cireudl gurl, i guess they hace clown in that show, .jim, they got 3 gurls in the show and i like one of them, her name is eva something, i got her a apple last nite and she gave it to a new gurl they call irene. i think she lives here, they got one more gnrl, but ilont look at me, her name 'is letter found by member of the Mckenzie troupe lf 1 .1 ! iu ititrn VritM , Jl. l.iM.m:i iiifiihii i" in... , ,.,,. Crescent, Okla., looking for a !o-a-1 . "" - - ' ling over the valley for some tunc, tion. , " , Ai.f.. Special ii la carte menu at the Mill- , " ' ' ' vre Cafe tomorrow. 18(1 , i roicssor ovwru is okhik f. ...l Xfra II V. Milchc and ver Dusy by me niiinocr oi peopia Mr and Mrs. 0. It. Neil of Ashland ' who call at his office in the Hoyden are' in the city on business j Mock, No. 21(1 East Main street, np- The Kmerick enfo enlls especial t stairs, attention to their breakfast menu. The Nash drill open all the timo Come and try our waffles nun ronplo ! Kutli Shoiidy und Mary Kittrcdge j.nip(l,0 f)PHt in town. 180 'f Ashland came down Satunlay, the ' W. K. Moody of Kmeryville, Cal., former to take n lesson and the lat is a biisincsK visitor to the city this tcr to visit. WP,.J(. Mrs. Louis Lager of Ashland, who 'Klin Kmerick cafe calls especial ,H I,,.,.,, visiting Mciltord ami JacK ii(lcnti..ii lo their brenkfast menu. suvillc for the last lew days, re- Conie and try our waffles and maple turned home Saturday, svrnp the best in town. 18!) J, s'tockton of Jacksonville was II. J. Poss and T. N. Ttancy nro .re n business tin; other day. bciv from Abiluni, Tex., looking Table d'hote dinner nt the Nash nronnd. drill Sunday evening. Special music. Ttest meal for the least monev nt JI, Oroiich, u mining engineer in the Spot cafe. charge of the cyanide plant at the l,uu I'l-in Jamison is down from .(inn mine near Jacksonville, was a Klamath Falls visiting friends. 'culler at Professor O'dara's office! Madam L. L. Heainc. No. 2 1(1, corner tl(. t.r day. Fourth nnd Oakdale avenue. , Mrs. d. H. Coffeen and children of Mrs. L. A. Wheeler arrived here ' this place left, the last of the week for from Ilotaii, Tex.. Friday and is look- Chicago, where Mr. Coffeen will visit ing over the town. her aunt nnd uncle. The Lou- C'ii - - ukes a special- The Nash Onll open all ine iimo ; ty of banc :s an ' -iper parties.lSfl , Sunday, October 24, the Rev. The- ; ' Miss Cla:.i F.v.n and Miss Corn ,lore Matlock will begin a series of Slowell of F.ii!i!e Point are visiting sermons on "The New Testament friends in Medford. s fluirt'li." Communion services will be Frederick Pebnise came down from held nt 11 o'clock and will -be fol Point Friday to sec Professor lowed by the sermon, A large nt O'dara about matters horticultural, j tendance is expected lit both the Mr. and Mrs. It. T). Oillespie of morning and evening sermons. At 3 Hamilton, O., are looking over the o'clock in the afternoon the men will country around Medford this week. '; meet for the purpose of organizing n Mr. and Mrs. O. Stephens of Mn- Christian Brotherhood, and the Chris ncssn. Pa., became interested in bor-' timi Kndenvor will meet nt 6:30. New ticiillure on coming here and were up life is being instilled in the church to see Professor O'darn tlie other by its young pastor, and much good dv. I work will be done in the coming year. Mrs. W. II. Pnrnlcy of Richmond. Will Humphrey nnd V. J. Kmerick Ind., stopped off here on a tour she have returned from an extensive bunt is making of the coast. ling trip in British Columbia and have K. Dmrtrort. a rich young orchard- brought back with them the second ist of this cily. was arrested Friday finest specimen of a caribou bead night for speeding his auto nnd for ' known to be in existence. The finest running it without a liiilit. license or is n trifle larger nnd belongs to the number. New York zoological museum. The Mrs. Evelyn Maple of Central Point bend was left in Seattle to be mount was shoppin'" in Medford Friday. cd before bringing it to Modford. The letter published below was found by a member of the McKcnzie troupe now at the opera house. They she tippenr-in a double bill tonight "The g-y-w-n. Hint that a big name? i got Littlicst Girl.' a pathetic dramatic a job todey and i am goin to peddel act of 2.J minutes, and the funny bills so i wont bnv to pay in the show farce, "The Circus Girl." ' be sure and cum to nite cans you see Medford, Fridey. Cuzzin Jim, Tolo 2 shows for 4 bits, yor cuzin frank BENSON'S BARGAINS Large 14-room boarding or room ing house, 2 blocks from depot, lot 100x100; enn be made to pay $300 per month; a genuine bargain $6500 Forty acres, 16 miles from Med ford, half mile from Beagle; 8 acres cultivated; 4 acres in fruit tree 2 to 10 years old, on two good roads; small house, barn, woodshed, etc; 25 acres inclosed in woven wire fenc? .$2000 Small house and bam, with seven lots, north side Jackson street; a snap . ..$1690 New 5-rootn house, hardwood fin ish, new woodshed, well , on back porch, lot 50x100, corner Jackson and Fir ( $1450 Red Hot Specials for tonight 7 to 9 p.m. Remember the Brownlekar and Annivprcarv alp On Sale 7 to 9 p. m. Only We like to encourage the boys and girls to be thrifty and learn how to earn something for themselves. This is the' reason why we are giving away the Small Automobile or Browtliekar.' A coupon with every 25c purchns'e. You can help to encourage the boys and girls by saving tliese coupons, in saving and collecting these coupons you come to learn of I1il wonderful savings you can secure by patronizing this greatest and only srle. You are always welcome to look, whether you buy -r not. Tliese items can only be bought after 7 o'clock Sat urday night and will go off sale at 0 p. m. Never attempted by any other store in southern Oregon. One acre, 9-room bouse, barn, chicken house, city water, only 600 feet from Riverside avenue ...$3400 ' Four-room house on west side Main street, lot 50x168 $1500 Exchange 160 acres near Merlin, 140 acres of which is level, for va cant lots or house and lots in Med ford. This is a good proposition; in vestigate $3000 Will exchange some choice building lots for a team of good driving horses. ; Nine-room modern house, Bunga j low addition, lot 50x160, corner 4th I and Oronge, near Oakdale ave..$3850 35c Silks for I9C .15c Neckwear 19c 5c Pearl Buttons 3c 25c dozen Pearl Buttons 2 for 25c 0c Outings for 5c 75c child's Hats .'. 49c PJlie Linen Crash 8C 15c Linen Crash I Ic $1.25 Bed Spreads -..69c 10c Batting for 8c 15c Batting for 12c 35c Baiting for 23c Worth coming ten miles to buy. 50e Oakland Damask 33c Napkins, for only, doz 47c Restaurants, get busy. New Dress Goods 65c grade, all colors 39c Ladies 59c seller in 2603 knit Vests and Pnnts for . . 39c .$1.50 cotton Petticoats 98c $2.25 Hentherbloom Skirt . . .$1.69 All colors nnd black. , Silkolines, per yard .9c 25c Batting 15c Worth coming on a stormy night to see.- THE HUTCHASON CO. Successor to Baker Jiutchason Co. ) 28 acres, one mile from P. & E. tfinnn "lj""i ' - i Koomini; house Best location in the city; clears $150 per month; long lease $2200 27 acres, three miles from Med ford; $1500 house, good barn, all in alfalfa; the best land to be found in the Rogue River valley; tcrms.$l2,000 lSto acres, close in property, fin est free soil, 14 acres planted to com mercial apples and pears 4 years old. acres alfalfa; good terms $1 1,500 For sale or rent 9-room modern bungalow on Orange street, near Oak dale; rent $30; price $3850 . Business location lot 50x100, right in the heart of the city. Call at our office for particulars $8500 I ! 5 acres inside city limits, high ele jvntion; this tract can be subdivided ; into building lots or would make an ideal orchard tract. It us a bargain ; at $3000 FOR SALE IDEAL FRUIT AND POULTRY FARM. 19 Acres with house, barn and never failing spring, only $1200 TERMS, ONE-THIRD CASH, LONG TIME AT 6 PER CENT INTEREST ON BALANCE. Only one and one-half miles from Eagle Point Ry. Station ABOUT TEN ACRES OF THIS LAND IS AS FINE GARDEN LAND AS THERE 1 S TN JACKSON COUNTY. THE OTHER NINE ACRES IS UNCLEARED. FOR PARTICULARS, SEE Brown & Wakefield Office upstairs in Palm Block, Medford. 5 acres adjoining city limits, good orchard land and a beautiful site for a home; in one year will be worth double the price asked $2000 10 acres, one mile from Medford on , main traveled road to Ashland; Bear creek bottom land, set to npples nnd , pears 2 years old; trees are strong and vigorous. Here is a beautiful site for a home. Easy terms. Price $2900 3-room box house and large lot on South Central avenue, completely furnished; good well nnd chicken house; a genuine bargain; easy terms. Price $750 Some splendid business properties for snle. close in, good iiu'ome pay ers. Call nt our office for details. Our charge is $1 per month for renting nnd collecting. We represent seven strong relia ble fire insurance companies. Surety bonds We repeiif the Union Guarantee Association of Portland. We have several application on file for furnished bouses. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Opposite Moore Hotel ' 112 W. Main St. Phon 3073 Nhv