T1TK "I'lDKORD DAILY TIM HUNK. Al HOFOIll), OK KdOX, SATUKDAV, OCTOMKI? 2:.. 100f). LAYS BABE ON LAWN TD DIVERT . FAMILY Hard-Thlnklni) Grants Pass Robber Then Scales Porch and Louts Rooms. (WANTS PASS, dr., del, j:i.-Tlm ii".ii.c lit' Arthur ('(inkliii, dililnr '1' till' I'lli'il'il' dlllliilik, WIIH rnlllll'll TIiiii'mIji v unit iiliinlili' ji-ui'Irv mill mImmwiiVi! InkiMi. Tin- liiirgliir Iwiil I'vidi'iilly lui'i'iiiH'rivi'il ilniih, fur lie lilli'il ii sli'i'iiii(; Imliv nut (if n I mi t Inline nf thi luuihi', In i 1 il mi llm fro 1 1 1 lit wit, iiiii'kl.v M'lili'il l ) Imrk mii i'Ii tn u hcrunil hlury window, l il i l "( llm iiimiis wlinri' Ihi' I'liiim mill hilviT wiifi' with krjil, tlni'.v lh linnly mil III till' willlluw til lllll llJMlhill' kill)' (if till' llllllhl', .j lllll M'l III tllll (,'l'IHIIIll llllll (! tctl vvlttttt tin- fiiinily whh lit ti'iniliiiK to ilixi'iivcr who linil t'lirrii'il IIMV till- fllilll. l.llIlT II M'l'llllll llt- li'init whh iiuiili' iii tin' niclil to cut cr, lint hii'rinl ioiri wen; ili'tnili'il to (,'iuinl tlm pliu'i'. C'onkliu i in IIoki--Iwrn iilliMiilint; tlu nlnli llnptiht iih- Hlll'illlioll, MAN SHOULD LIVE 150 YEARS, SAYS STUDENT ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. Tllll I'llllllU'illg ll'lll-lt I'l'lllllill UIK'llll- I'll t'nl' III I lie nmtol'l ii'll III. Ml'llfonl, dri'tsmi, Wcdni'-iln.v, di'tolmr 'JM, ItlOII, Mix. I In I (in Allen, Mt'H, Fniurin J. IIi'tni'M, Mi'h, I). K. lln run rl, Mrn. Mnr lnri't Hinwn, A ml n-w Ciirr, dm-iir Cliililri'lli, MiM. i;. K. Cherry, Mix. Mll.V ( InillllH'I'H, .lllllll ('llllllT, (), I,. t 'riiiiili'll. Mr. Ann ('iukm, Jiiiiiiih Miiyliui, (!. I)., Mix. William llnviil- on, Kiiliimi l''ilnr, to, .1. Kxtiix, I In ' i'V l''uril, fli'ori:!' Ilum-y, lliiilry 1 li'iixley, Mixx MmiuIi' .Iiini'ltini;, (leu. ('. Ki'iliy, (Icoini' Ki'ihy, Mix flulily I ,ii it in, liiiriiiiril l.c tcr, Jkhm Miivin !y, Mr, (i. Murray, Miimiio NimIm'H, S. I. I'lirkx, II. ('. IVrryimiii, TIioiiiiik A. Kill in-, Kiliviinl Iti'iii'i'hiiiiM'ii. I'riink Slii-ttiH'k. S, I,. Si'limiill, A. A. Kiiiixniii', ,1. N. Smith? Julm Soiith ciiin, di'orj;!' Stimuli, dm-iir Sln-r-wnoil, Kny Wiilliirc, W. II. Wnlt it, II.' M. WilM.ii. II. V. Wilkiiihon, Jli. Mniiiiii! Vi'yiint. I'lirlii'x 1'iillini; for nny of the nliove li'lli'iM will ilriihc nny "iKlvi'ili-eil." A 1 1 1 1 1 j-f of oni! relit will In; iiiaili; 1 1 1 i ili'livery. A. M. VOdlKORI, 1. M. NKW Vdli'K, (li t. 'J.'l.-Thi' iiorniiil (pun of hiinnin life ix .HI yeiirx, ne enriliiii; renin rkiihle xtinly hy J'l't.fi'uxnr l'i-lii'!-, of Yule, tthii'll hnx jiiht heen :Misii-i l,y the liatioiinl eonM'n ii lion ('iiinini-Miili.iit Wiisliiiiu lon. I'rofexHor ri-lur shows Unit the lenflli of iiimii'x .ii'iii.. ix xIimiiI iiy tirowimr hoth in lliix rutin! rv ninl r.iiroie, wilh llie (irorexx of Hi'ieuee, piuiilnlion nml xoeinl hellernient. ninl iIitIiiii'x linil llie v mi 1 1 of l.'ll yenrx will not In lontf iuiMixxili1e of nl liiinmnnt. The iiive-tiejitionx liy Mi'lrlittiliuf f me (jnoleil liy l'mfexxor Ti-her to xhow (lint I he iivernye iiorniiil Hpiitl xhoiilil he l.'il) yenrx. Miimiiuilx, jrcti ernlly, lie jioinli'il out, live five limex their (.'lowing iierioil. Mmi'x jierioil of (.-rottili ix .'HI yenrx, ninl, iieeord in' lo linil. he Imulil live for 1"n yenrx. The pre-i-nt iiverane iliirntion of life ix xtnteil ut 3H yenrx. Two enxex of perxonK who liveil lo prent ni.'ex lire: Ilrnkeitherc, n Norweirinn, who ilieil nt the nm of Mil yenrx, nml Mrs. Mnrv I,. Woml of IlilNlmrn, dr., 11(1 yenrx ohl, hoth of whieli lire iiullientie. Heriniiii Kriix., the Kiuhlln mill linr nexs iniikerx, ilexirn to tumoinire. to the triide tlmt they lire not only ire pnred to fill nil orders lit short no liee. lint enrry the init. eomplelo line of linrnexx, sndillex, hridlex, whipx. rohex, lilnnkelx, wneon enverx, tenlx, e'e., thnt run he found ill xonlhorn (lrei;oii nt prieex Hint eniinot fail t ile;ixn when (puility .if ftoek nml wiirktiinnHhip i coiiHiilercd. lon't fortrel the plnee, 317 V.. Soveulh utreet, Medford. Probate. Kxlale Kraiu-ix Swiinclnr; order n in (1 1 heltinif Deeemher 4,( J!)U(I, ax day for final kcIIIl'IiiimiI. .loh M. Swiinelar; order of xeltle luent iiuidn. Kxlnle (ieoi(,'e f. Needle; order made for wile of perxouu! properly. K-.tnte .Ii'reiniiih I'. True; order made approving i-i-iiii-iinniial ae eoiint. Mrlafe Mnrv A. I'.ildei lia.-k ; order liiiidi eoiiliiiiiiiiL; sail' of real prop erly. Kxlnte Nellie A. lilnekhlll ii ; final order Hindi, a nd ' adu'ii,i-i nilor dix ehuried. Kxlnle , lames Ii. MrCarruii ; order mailt' api"iiitiu'.' Willium Oriee, deu Keix'nn and .lohu Duvan ap-praixerx. New Cases. . Firxl. Nalional Imuk of Soulliern drei-'ou vm, Harry K. Koxler; unit to foreeloHt' iiiorlKiiK.'. J. N. JoIiiihIoii, alloriiey fur plaintiff. Willium Miuideulinll vx. riiivenue Mining eoiupaiiy; nelion to rneover inoiiuy. K. (. Htiiilh, iiltnriiey fur plaintiff. Loretlu IVroz.i vh. W. O. Johnson and KirM National Imuk of draiitx I'hkh; in lion to ri-eover money, K. I). Iln;;h. alloriiey for plaintiff. Marrlaije Licenses. Frederiek K. Harnehuri,' and Kttn Tucker. I'eler A. I'ldersou and Annii niuid iio Mellinier. marrTedI WliKiUT-Iilil'Mlil.l'; -In Jaekxon villo on deloher H, 3 Of HI, hy Jude 1 In mi it . John W. Wright mid Iloni i. lirtimbU. REACHING THE SPOT It Can Bo Sana. Bo Bcoies of Medford Citizens Spy To cure an aching Imck. Tho (mini of rlieiiinatltm, The tireil-out fcolinj, Yu niunt reach tli tnit get at the came. In most citm-a 'til the kidneys. Dunn's Kidney Tills ore for the kid neys. 0. L, Boone, corner Ninth and C utri'ts, Medford, Or., says; "I win troubled with rhcumtitlani when I first begun lining Dunn ' Kidney Pills. I did not think they vciM do mi? nny good, but finally p'-xured a box nt l'r.rkins' drug stern. Tliey proved to be tho remedy I require! My kidneys were restored to their normal condition, mid the pains and nches in my back were removed. Dona's Kidney Pills lived up to their representations In my cnr. !. " IVr sale liy all denier. Price 50 centx. Fi.nter-Milbii.ru Co., Buffalo, N. V., sale iiguts f.ir the Knited Stutcs. lt'ineaiber tho nnm.y Doan's and tnko no other. 40 Do You Want A Home? Are Lots in Medford Too High Priced For You? Here are some Real Bargains. Four lots )V)xVl feet each Orifr lloek from city water mains. Three blocks from paved streets. .M! east front. Beautiful view of the mountains. Price .200 each; one-half cash, balance 1 j ear at G per cent Also one corner lot, south and east front, $250.00. The Medford Theatre SEASON OF STOCK McKenzie Merry Makers DOUBLE BILL "THE LITTLEST GIRL" A paetlietic act of 25 minutes. ;'THE CIRCUS GIRL" A screamingly funny farce of three acts. J. W. D -R E S S L E R Real Estate Agents, West Main Street Table d'hote dinner at The Nash Grille Tomorrow Special Music o Contemplate Planting an Orchard ? If So "7T t in. 84032 booked to date. Reliable stock at right prices. Everything in the nursery line. Vines, Plants, Flowering Shrubs. : Once a customer, you will come again. t $yh .1. t j I h ' A A - ifI m,i r K 1 N. S. BENNETT . 1201 N. CENTRAL AVE. P. 0. BOX 823. PHONE 3221 I Have a Full and Complete Slock of of all the Leading Commercial Varieties and you will Find it to your Interest to &et our Figures Before you buy. Home Grown Stock and Everything Guaranteed. Also a full line of Bulbs Lawn Grass and other seeds ROGUE RIVER NURSERY MEDFORD, OR. PHONE 583. C. F. COOK, Proprietor OFFICE IN RCGUE RIVER VALLEY DEPOT