THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON', SATURDAY, OCTODKH L'li. 1!)). 1 Bessie Clifford '! , ;, - -x frX4v sJ" Tho 'Thive Twins" will ho tlio of- tVrini; nt llu1 Mvdfnrd Tlioiitor IVtu- lur 120, nml is siiiil to ho one of I ho smai'U'sl tmiMcul ooinoilii'M that luis hoon proiluood in ninny yours. Tha Imok is hy t'hnrles Pioksoii, lyrics hy O. A. Uiiuorbiii'li, whilo Knrl 11ns ohmi is rosHiisiblo, for tin miisio. Tlio ''Throo Twins" is mho of tlio liuyi'st niiisioul ooinpiiiiios 011 the rotul, roiiiiring two biino ours and threo oouohos for tlio transportation of the company. One of the ninny novelties is an electrical norinl RwiiiR weiirhint; over 4000 pounds and il luminated with ovor 2000 inoandos oent lamps. . The company carries three machinists, something that has never been done before, for the han dlinjf of this one effect, and during its lone run in New York the "Throe Twins" wns endorsed by the entire Kew York press, and Acton Stevens of the New York Journal said the "Three Twins" wan a credit to llroadway. There are a great ninny song hits, including "The Ynm'a-Yaina $nn" "Cuddle lT'a Little Closer," "Hoo Hon Tee Hoe." "Good Night," "They Are All My Oirls" and "The Girl Up There." ROOSEVELT'S TROPHIES ARE OF MANY KINDS " WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. The en tire consignment of pickled skins of animals killed in Africa hy former President Roosevelt and his son, Ker mit, which was recently landed in New York city, has been received at the. Smithsoninn Institution. Among the animals represented in this col lection were rhinoceroos, hippopot amus, wild-beestes, bush duck, eland, wnrthog, water bucy, iinpati, zebra, giraffe! hyena, lion, Grant's gazelle, leopards, ehetah, reed buck, Thomp son's gazelle, steinbuck, bnbboon. klipper springer and jnekut. . B OU'THEAtfiE BILLY EMPEY VAN, Manager Last Chance to see "Out In Idaho" TONIGHT Beginning Sunday Night-One Night Only Sol Smith Russell's Great Comedy "The Bachelor's Romance" 4-Act Side Side Splitting Comedy New Specialties by Billy Empey Van and Chas. Overton Admission 10-20 Cents Of Interest to Mothers. There is one subject which always interests the uiiilhers of young chil dren, and tlml is how to trout their coughs and colds, or to want off a threatened attack of croup. Kor this puroso wo can roooiiiinond Chunihor Iniu's Cough liomody. It always proves henoficial. In case of croup it should Co given as soon as the croupy cough appears, so as to pre vent tho attack. Koop it at hand ready for instant use. Many mothers do so, and it saves them much uneasi ness. Kor sale by Leon B. Ilaskius' Pharmacy. . Why do thoy advertise in Tho Tri bune t Easy. They get results. F. For the Best in harness, saddles, whips, obes, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle grease and gnll cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C Smith 314 E. Main. For Chapped Skin. t'luippi'd skin wild lur on the IiiiiuIm "I' l'lico limy ho cured in. one night hy applying ('hiunhci'lain'H Salvo. It is also uneipiiilcd for sore nipples, hiiriis nad scahls. l'Vl' sale hy l.con P. Hawk-ins' I'himnnev. Acreage Property At A Bargain Vo hnvo throo aoros, just out sido tho city limits, platted all around It, with a now fivo-rooui houso, which wo coiiMidor a bar gain at t $2200 The property faces on two nt rents and would subilivido nicely. There is on olectrio motor and pump which goes with tho place, and the well would supply water for irrigating. Tho owner lias nuulo the price low in order to sell quickly, and the property will bo on the mar ket but a short time at this priou. W T. York 6 Co. "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folders Golderi Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid SI a pound for it. Everything about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and e tell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCIUiiIES, CHIN AWARE. FRUIT AND FEED Medford Theatre The Greatest Musical Comedy Success SAmerlca has" Ever Known, 3 Twins" with , VICTOR M0RLEY, BESSIE CLIFFORD AND 70 PEOPLE 70 Hear the famous "Yama-Yama Man." See the wonderful electric aerial swing. Without fear of contradiction the largest musical attraction on the road. TUESDAY, OCT. 26 I Medford Iron Works $ E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. i All Hr of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-t chlnprv Annnts In Snuthern Dronnn inr chlncry, Agents In Southern Oregon for x. caiddaiiic unnpr 0 aa j CfH CD CD CD P H CD a CD CD O t? fD TO rr- rrf CD cq 35 O CD CD o C-r- CD O 13- 0 CD TO r-1 , cr1 TO CD 09 CD cop CD CD o 2 c5 tr1 cd C-r- 13- CD w o 0 Q P P r- CD TO P P TO 0 CD W CD P it CD CD E- 1 1 CD P 1 ' CD CD 3 p fc CD TO o hH Whrl o O rt- CO o tr hH TO rap- p 13 C-r- P 13 o a P P CD S5 o 13- 13 Q-i CD Hp S-CfQ P. CD a- r ' O CD CD PL, D TO K o o p Pi 13 O 13- Pi hi TO O p t-b to TO" C-r- TO M 13 t?ac- H O rf rm P 13 P-TO CD Pi H O Pi 10 rf O CD O