Orenon Historical ?cetV City Hall Rogue River Orchards Yield $1000 an Acre Annually EDFOED DAIM TRIBUNE FOURTH YEAR. MEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY,' OCTOBER 2:5, 1909. No. 186. M ALLEN TO BUILD ELECTRG ROAD CLEAN HP YARDS IS THE OF LEY SLOGAN 0' Assistant Pathologist Issues Letter Telling of Need to Clean Up Infected Trees on Bac!: ' Door Lots. ' INSPECTORS FIND THE ORCHARDS IN GOOD SHAPE In the Few Trees Scattered Over the Town Lots Lies the Greatest Danger From Pests. (By P. J. (Warn.) During the past few week the county fruit insectors Imvo been in Hpeeling llin commercial orchards of tho Koguo Iliver vnlloy. Willi tho exception only of mime abandoned tracts, thoy hnvo found everything in a very satisfactory condition. Thev hnvo done their work well, mid thoir reports show tluit the eommerciiil or chnrdists of tho entire vnlloy are co operating in the work of eradicating all diseases ttud posts. 'The success which has hvun attained in tho con trol of KMir blight has been ho slrik ing, especially in very largo orchards that the writer desires at this time to voico his appreciation of tho good work which tins boon done. It will he noticed in tho nhovo com incut, Hint mention has been mudo of tho orclmrdx not situated within our towns mid villages whoro n fur dif ferent state of nffuirs exists. There nre Home notuhlc oases where fruit growers owning small tracts within the city limits of tho Hcverul towns in tho valley have done very creditable work under numl adverse conditions, It is really surprising that they were Aide to hold tin ur own at all. Those , who diil aro men who have no other business within the city limits than that of Inking care of thoir small or chards. Strictly speaking, tho busi ncss man or shop-koopor cannot look nfler tho details of orchard fruit rnis ing in tho way thai tho orchardist would do it. Since (his is true the back lot is no place for growing fruit trees, and the front yard had bet ter bo given over to shade trees, in stead of fruit trees that cannot be classed as shade trees. The orchardist depends upon the product of his fruit trees for his ex istence, while tho business man in tho city doos not consider the few trees ho mny hnvo ns any real asset, mid, as n matter of fnct, they hnvo no place in his yenrly hnlniiee sheet. The business man is entirely depend ent upon tho farmer for his welfare. Wo should lilco In nslc why wo hnvo tho several ...thriving- towns in the Uoguc River vnlloy tho' answer is ensy; tho vnluo of tlm orchards,, ns well ns thoir products hnvo mnde tbeso towns whnt thoy nro. Tho oth er grant resources surrounding these towns wore horo long before tho or chards, were planted, yot thoy did not seem to hnvo tho almost miracu- AND THE CITY TALK IT Difference, However, Said to Exist Amounting to Several Thou sand Dollars Deal Pending. C0UNCILMEN WOULD SETTLE THE LITIGATION May Secure Wasson Canyon Water and Right to Cross Hanley Land. YOUNG WALSWORTH IS FOUND GUILTY Xorrnl Wulsworth was this morning found guilty of manslaughter for the killing of James Man kins a year ugo last Christmas. The jury in returning their verdict recommended that mercy be extended by the court. With his father, Charles Wnlcworth, who was found guilty of mnn sluiightcr Inst week, he will be sentenced early ii the coming week- The case has been under way since last Mouday. The jury retired Friday afternoon and came into courtn't 9 o'clock last night for further in struction. They returned their veidict at 11:25 this morning and were discharged. For some two hours Friday the city council was in consultation with M. F. lluiiloy regarding tho present situation of' the attempt of the city to enter upon Mr. Hnnley's premises on Little Butte crqck nnd complete the gravity water, system. Attorneys nnd newspaper men wero tabooed, the council meeting in executive session. It is understood that the council mndo Mr. Ilnnley an offer of several thousand dollars for a right of wny nnd a settlement of all litigation. Mr. Hanley, on tho other band, niado the city a counter proposition, which, needless to stnto, wns several thou sand dollars more than that offered by the city, and there tho matter stands for the present, no agreement ns yet being in sight. ' Tho members of the council nre of tho opinion that if for a reasonable amount a right of way across tho Ilnnley premises enn bo secured, the water right to Wasson oanvon and Little Butto creek both soenred, free from nil litigation, 1 lint it will be n good investment for the city. Xl" water from Wnsson ennyon, supple mented by n certain nmonnt from Little Butte creek, would be suffi cient to feed the gravity water line nnd. later, if the needs of tho city demand it. there would be n lnrge nmonnt of wnter left to draw upon. Whether the city nnd Mr. Tin nicy enn come to terms is ns yet n matter of doubt. Ions effect upon their growth ns bnve the orchards. There is but one conclusion : the man who owns fruit trees within the city limits must bo willing to enre for them ns does tho practical orehnrd ist or he will bnve to submit to their removal by tho county inspectors'. Unless he can keep out pear blight, scale nnd other diseases which nro n menace to tho commercial orchard, his trees must be cut down. ..The county frnil inspectors hnvo done everything possible to make tho back lot orchardist understand thn neces sity of eradicating nil diseases, bul much of his valuable timo has boon lost through the unwillingness, or in ability of the town orchardist to co operate nnd do his duty. With so many trees in Iho towns givon nbso lulely no nltenlion. instead of being a vnlunhlo asset they nre in renlilv n (Continued on pnge 8.) D'ANJOU PEARS Hi NEW YORK SELLAT $4.90 Manager Whisler of Bear Creek Or chards Advised Regarding Second Car of d'Anjous. ', CAR, FROM ACRE AND ' QUARTER, WILL NET $1500 Prices Remarkably Good in' View of Recent Slump in the Market. C. E. Whisler, manager of the Bear Creed orchard, has been advised by wire of the sale of a car of d'Anjou pears in New York city at an average of $4.90 a box. . This is bis second car to bo sold this season of this va riety . The first car averaged $5.45. In view of tho fact that tho pear market in the enst has been suffer ing a, slump since the Hudson-Fulton celebration, these prices are exeep. tioiinlly good ones. The car grossed Mr. Whisler $2200, which will net him about $1500. These penrs enmo from nit acre and a quarter of ground, so that Mr. Whisler will net something over $1000 nn ncro from his d Anjous. CLUB ON MONDAY Ladies of Greater Medford Club Will Elect New Officers on Monday. EQUALIZATION BOARD TO MEET ALL NEXT WEEK In Order to Give All Property Owners Chance to Look Over Assess ment Meeting to Be . . Continued. ; L TELEPHONE GIVEN TO SHARPE City Council Votes to Give E. C. Sharpe the Right to Construct Telephone System in Medford. TERMS OF FRANCHISE . FAVORABLE TO CITY Company Must Get Busy or Lose $1000 Must Pay City 3 Per Cent of Receipts. SUMMARY OF ROLL NOT YET COMPLETED 1 V IS ALREADY FORMED At Next Meeting of City Council Al- len Will Apply for Franchise Will Also Apply In Oth er Cities of the ' f Valley. 1 SOUTHERN OREGON RAILROADS COMPANY IS THE NEW CONCERN ' Now Is the Time to Visit Jackson ville and Make a Kick to Board. During the next week the board of equalization of Jackson county will continue in session in Jacksonville for the purpose of hearing complaints regarding the assessment placed this year upon the different parcels of property in this county. This week a large number. of adjustments have been made and tho bonrd tnkes this next week in addition to the one re quired by law in order to give prop erty owners an opportunity to air their grievances. A summary of the roll for this year has not an yet been completed. A vast amount of work has come up, which in spite of the fact that As sessor Grieve nnd bis deputies have been hard at work, bus kept them from completing the work until the first of the week. So, if anyone has a kick, they have a chance during the coining week to register it and have their assessment equalized. , Tho annual mooting of tho Greater Modl'ord club will bo held next Mon day afternoon in the Commercial club rooms at 3 o'clock. Asido from the election of officers and appointment of committees a vnst amount of im portant business is to como bofore tho club for consideration and a full nttoudiiilco is requested. The ladies of tho Greater Medford club during the post yenr have done n great and good work in Medford. They hnvo taken steps which bid fair to secure for Medford 'a Cnrnegie li brary, nnd have raised the funds for tho parking of nn additional block next to tho present city pnrk on West Main street. Many other matters have been taken' up by tho Indies nnd pushed to a successful termination. In short. Mod ford owos much to the efforts of this club, and it is hoped that their usefulness will not dimin is in the future With only one dissenting vote, that of IL G. Wortman, the city council on Friday evening granted to E. C. Sharpe, his heirs, successors, execu tors or assigns, a franchise cover ing a period of ten years for a tele phone system in the city of Medford. The matter was thoroughly threshed out by the council sitting as a com mittee of the whole, on Thursday aft ernoon.. The terms upon which the fran chise was granted were most favora ble to the city. Mr. Sharpe was re quired to deposit a certified check for $1000, which is to be forfeited to the city if actual construction work is not started within four months from the date of franchise or if $2500 is not expended on material or equipment within a period of the next six months. The system is to be in operation within IS months. One of the most favorable terms of the franchise is the section requiring Mr. Sharpe or his successors to pay to the city 3 per cent of the gross receipts of tho company each year the system is in operation, in this city, hence with the growth of the city and the institution of more tele phones the revenue to the city will correspondingly increase. The rates to be charged for tele phones ns provided by the franchise nre the snmc now in force in the present system. With the installa tion of ench additional thousand tele phones a higher rate not to exceed 50 cents a month for ench thousand phones mny bo put into effect. The other terms of the franchise nre thoso customarily enforced in all such grants. Mr. Sharpe states that n site will be secured "nnd a building erected. He is backed by Cnlifornia capitalists'. Ho states that ho is in good fnith nnd thnt ho intends living up to all of his ngreemcnts. If he does not, the city trensm-y will be enriched by $1000. Everything Is In Readiness for Work to Start as Soon as the Franchises Are Ob tained. ! COMPANY INCORPORATED FOR MILLION AND HALF - Left Orders for Papers of Incorpora tion to Be Drawn Before Recent Trip East. John Roberts Allen, president of the Pacific & Eastern, will apply at the next meeting of the city council for a franchise in this city for an electric railroad. An application for a franchise will be made simultane ously in the ohter cities of the valley from Grants Pass to Ashland. A company has already been incor porated for the purpose, and is known as "The Southern Oregon Railways." It is incorporated for $1,500,000. ' Mr. Allen states that his company is ready to get at work as soon as franchises are secured. Before leaving for his recent trip east Mr. Allen instructed his Port land agent, Franklin K. Griffith, to draw up incorporation papers. This has been done and the company incorporated. D ESTR OH PR Y PERTY A $.1,000,000, seven-mile. 470-foot drop, tunnel on Snnko river is pro jected. It will be worth an enor mous sum when completed. The good roads people of Oregon are going to spend $1000 n year to help out ' tho organization among farmers. Some hunter or hunters nmbued with a spirit of sheer maliciousness have wrought a great amount of dum- i age nt the home on the nliniBegM nge nt the home on fhe Bnrneburg place enst of Medford. They have shot all the door knobs off the house, broken every window nnd sent bullet nfter bullet crashing through the wnll of the house, causing considerable damage. The house hns not been ton nnted for some time, but was in good repair, there being nothing to induce a man to wreck it except n desire growing out of criminal niischiovotis noss. Will Stewart is looking for some trace of tho offenders nnd should they be apprehended thoy will be tak en to tnsk for tho offense.