8 THE MEDFORI) DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. ORKGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1900, f ONE ON THE PASS. . (Herald.) A Muilford booster was din iiilt a friend from Grants Pass and desired to show him all the delicacies of the season. One dish in particular the vis itor exclaimed over in delight. "That is made of snails," said his host, "don't you have snails in Grants Pass!" "Oh, yes," replied the man from the land of the Tokays," but e can't catch the pesky things." 4. 4 SPECIAL ATTRACTION AT THE MED FORD THEATER Thursday night the McKenzie Merry-Makers opened a two weeks' stand t The Medford theater. They began the engagement with the farce come dy, "Charlie's Aunt," and as a fun maker it certainly lias no peer, if an equal. Bob McKenzie in the title role kept the audience in an uproar from the very start. Touight the McKenzie Merry-Makers will appear in a double bill "The King of the Philippines" and "The Unwritten law." "The King of the Philippines" is a story of a man who goes to Frisco for a lark and on his return tells of his trip to the Philippines and of his promise to the king of the islands of his daughter's liand in marriage. His sou, going through the old niuu'b diary, finds that he has only boon in Frisco, and telling his sister's sweet heart, who impersonates "Wells," the supposed king of the Philippines, and claims the daughter as his bride. Ev ery scene in this play is a scream. The McKenzie Merry-Makers offer a prize of $." to anyone who can sit through the performance of the bill, "King of the Philippines" without laughing. Sherman, Clay & Co. to Have Formal Opening Tonight. The Sherman, Clay & Co., which has opened a fine branch piano house in the Pnliu-Neidenneyer building in tliis city, will have its formal public opening this evening. For this occa sion nu instrumental and vocal reci tal will be given. -Mrs. Edward An drews Will be the soloist and Frank H. Jones of Portland will preside at the piano. This will be a very select musical event, to which the public, is cordially invited. In announcing this opening the company gives as its reason for choosing Medford for a branch estab lishment, "the enterprising spirit of her business men, her rapidly grow ing population and the almost unlim ited possibilities of the Rogue River valley." Successful Business Persons make a thorough investigation of tho possible results before undertak ing to start in any lino, why not you uso tho same caution before buying a pin no T There is nothing more ap propriate for a home than a fine piano, and it will lust a lifetime if properly chosen. For this purpose call at Shornmn-Clny Jt Co., 134 W. Muin street, whero you will find the Steinwny, also tho peer of inner play ers A. B. Chaso, as well ns tho woll known Ludwig, Kingsbury and Wel lington. Ouo price to all is our mot to. 184 VAN WALTERS, Manager. Tho old Penuoyor block on Mor rison, West Park, Alder and Tenth streets in Portland is to ho tho situ of nu enormous department store and hotel. It is leased for a sum that shows u value of $750,006. In L'matilla. county since 11)00, 1(1 school districts have gone out of bus iness because tho milling of field to field and limn to farm has driven away the children. i - - BIJOU THEATRE BILLY EMPEY VAN, Manager. TONIGHT AND SATURDAY OUT IN IDAHO ' Charles Overton In new specialty. Special free street attraction to night In front of theater at 7:45 p. m. sharp by Prof. Frank Mur ray, king of high wire perform ers. 'Joe Sackett Cowboy Banjo Klnn Admission as usual, 10c, uud 20c Charles D. Hazolrigg has arrang ed to have seats on sale in Jackson ville for all of his attractions. Miss Jones, at the telephone office, will handle them Savoy Theatre TONIGHT WINNING. A DINNER . T'Etf-Jk" , ' GAY PAREE THE STOLEN JEWELS STORY OF A ROSE Doors open 7:15 p. m. ONE DIME The House V Sherman Clay & ' Co. Extends to The People of Medford GREETING Attend the Formal Opening o! our Store Tonight. 8 to 10 p. in, . ' t OUR POLICY The polieyof the House of Sherman,-Clay & Company,, closely followed through nearly fifty years of honorable dealing, has won for us. an enviable position in the piano world, which cannot fail to appeal to right thinking people. We offer no schemes, and no sensational advertising. V We have but oho price, the right price, an honest price, from which there is no deviation, plainly marked upon each instrument. We count satisfied customers our most valuable asset, as well as the best form of advertising, and we spare no pains - to have each one thoroughly pleased. Our Line of Pianos The strongest ever handled by one firm, has been carefully selected 1 froni tlie 'w'orld's most famous' piano constructionists and comprises : STEINWAY . WELLINGTON A. B. CHASE KURTZMAN EVERETT CABLE EMERSON KINGSBURY PACKARD ESTEY Vv. LUDWIG , SOIIMER Cecilian FARRAND Cecilian ESTEY Player-Piano A. B. CHASE Player-Piano 'CECILIAN Player-Piano CONOVER Player-Piano ' . LUDWIG Player-Piano PACKARD Player-Piano KINGSBURY Player-Piano EUPIIONA Player-Piano Music should be a1 part of each one's daily life. Its refining influence in the home cannot be over-estimated. It is our purpose to furnish the means for producing the best music, and we feel assured of a wel come commensurate with our confidence in this 'community. . , SHERMAN, CLAY & GO. ; RETAIL STORES - : 134 West Main Street Medford, Portland, Seattle1, Tacoma, Spokane, Bcllingham, Everett, 'North Yakuna,. Wt-najcbcc, Eu gene, San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Fresno, San Jose, Stockton, Santa Rosa, Bakersfield- Anniversary Sale Hundreds of the Best Bar gains To Be Found in Southern Oregon First to show the new Co-Ed Dress for misses. 1 lave you seen it? New Moyen - Age Dresses, Suits, Coats and Silk Skirts at Anniversary Sale prices. AVe invite you to share in the exceptional bargains. THE HUTCHASON CO. Successor to Baker Hutchason Co. Several pners of tho state favor i KiiiM.urntiiiiK mKi,h mako (ho oil the nliolition of tho occupation taxes proNprctoiH near Dalltm keep their levied liy ritie. J .l,.,.,. vilraliii. SAY Have you been paying a high price for your Hosiery? and then getting a quality that didn't wear. Do you want quality without that fancy price? Try and you will get r Well Made Hosiery Fast Colored Hosiery Hosiery that will Wear and at a price that even makes-competition sit up and take notice. What you want and can't find elsewhere you cau usually find at ; , ; Ask your neighbor. She will tell you the place to save money. is , Inl THE BUSY STORE