TI1E MEDFORD DAILY TKlliUM E. MEdFOBD, OURCION, FRIDAY, (XTOMKIf '22, 1!K). iiiul slimmer Is su Nhort. Their roiuiis were on tin- uorthi-tiNt ciTiior, on the first floor, and from the windows they could look down upon (lie uuirlim jtlccolu nml tlu tliluloss sen. a Hheer M feet below. Every body welcomed tho Signor Hillard. The hotel was his and everything and everybody In It. I.nter, when tboy were alone, Hillard began to explain. "Tboy tvinemlier my father. Ho used to live like n prince In Sorrento. Ev ery time I eome here I do tlio best I can to keep tho luster to bis name. Tomorrow I shall point out to you the in whli h I :m Ikm-11. A liiixslun 1 rliu esa owns It now." ".V real live prluecHs!" n,i M,.n--liow. "Is tln lieiiutlrul?" "t)nce upon a time," returned Ml. bird, IiiiikIiIiik. Giovanni did nut return till late that night, mid on tho morrow Hillard iiuestloned liim. "I lmvo been to boo n cousin," mild Giovanni, "who lives on tho way to El Pesortn." "Ah! So you hnvo n cousin hero?" Yes, signor." (To bo continued.) APPLES AND PEAKS AMD ALL KINDS OP FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Cuimncivial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Compotes witli all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, O It E N Lure I of the Mask 'Tne (Continued.) SYNOPSIS CHAPTER I Jack Billiard, a wealthy New York clubman, hears a mysterions voice singing in the night under his window. II He inserts an advertisement in a personal ceolumn to find the singer. He receives a reply. in, IV, V, and VI He visits the mysterious singer, but she wears a mask. He falls desperately in love with her, but he has not seen her face. The unknown woman gives her name as Mme. Angot, which is assumed. They have dinner. She refuses to see him again. CHAPTER viii. WHAT MERRIHEW FOUND. THE great ship had passed the isle of Ischia. and now the bar of Naples unfolded all Its variant beauties. Both he and Merri hew were foremost In the press against the forward rail. To the let ter's impressionable mind it was like a dream yonder, the temples and baths of Nero of the golden house; thither, the palaces of the grim Ti berius; beyond, Pompeii, with Glau cus, lone and Nydia. the blind girl. The dream picture faded, aud the re ality was no less fascinating the white sails of the fishermen winging across the sapphire waters, leaving ribboned pathways behind; proud white pleasure yachts, great vessels from all ports in the world, and an oc casional battleship, drab and stealthy, and the hundred pink and white vil lages, the jade and amethyst of the islands, the ruined temples, the grim giant ash heap of Vesuvius. "See that village on the cliffs to ward the south?" asked Hillard. "That's Sorrento, where I was born. Sh! Look atGiovannl!" . Jlerrihew looked at the old Roman. Tears were running down his cheeks, and his gaze strove to pierce the dis tance to the faroff Sabine bills. Italy! Hillard leaned over and touched him on the arm, and be started. "Take care, Giovanni." "Pardon! I am weak this day, but tomorrow I shall be strong. Seven years! Have you not longed for it yourself? Has not your heart gone out many times across the seas to those cliffs?" pointing to Sorrento. "Many times. Giovanni. But remem ber and control yourself. Presently the carablnieri will come on board. Ton will see that all our luggage goes promptly to the Bristol once we are through the customs." "Trust me. signor." Tbey landed at the custom house at I in the afternoon and passed without any difficulty. Hillard obtained, rooms pleasantly situated looking out upon the spar kling bay. Giovanni began at once to unpack the trunks, happy enough to have something to occupy him till aft er dark, when he determined to ven ture forth. The dreaded carablnieri had paid him not the slightest atten tion. So far he was as safe as though he were in New York. It was yet so early"in the day that the two young men sallied forth in quest of light adventure. Besides, Mcrrihew was very eager to And some Roman and Florence newspapers. The American Comic Opera company was somewhere north. They found sta tioned outside the hotel a rosy cheeked cabby who answered -to the name of Tomasso. 'or Tomass, as the Nenpoli- tans generally drop the finals. He Carried a bright red lap robe and blan ket, spoke a little English and was Very proud of the accomplishment. He was rather disappointed, however, when Hillard bargained with him in his own tongue. Tomass shook his lingers under IIHlnrd's nose, and HIl Inrd returned the compliment. Finally Tomass compromised on 1 lira 50 cen teslml (30 cents) per hour, with BO ccntlslml (10 cents) as a pourbolrc (tip). Crack, crack! Down the hill this Kent, as If a thousand devils By HAROLD MAC GRATH Copyright, 1908. by the Bobbs Merrill Co. were after them. " " "By George," gasped Mcrrihew, clutching his seat, "the fool will break aur necks!" Tomass grinned aud cracked his whip. . He did not understand the word slowly in his own tongue or in ' any other, at least not till he reached the shops. A dozen times on the Via Roma Merrlbew yelled that tnjy would lose a wheel. Bu . Tomass knew the game. Merrihew had never seen such shops. Coral, coral wherever the eye roamed where did they get it all. and to whom did they sell It? Neck laces, tiaras, rings, brooches, carved and uncarved were there women enough in the world to buy these things? "If I had a wife" lie began. "Well?" "I'd feel devilish sorry for her hus band at this moment." "But isn't the color great?" said Hil lard. It was good to be In Naples again. "I never saw so many kids." Merrl bew finally observed, "so many dirty ones," he added. "Herod would have had bis work cut out for blm here. Now where can we get some newspa pers? I must know where she Is." At the bookshop in the piazza they found the Rome and Florence papers. Hillard went through them thorough ly, but nowhere did he see anything relative to the doings of the American Comic Opera company. "Not a line, Dan." "But there must be something In the Florence paper. They should be playing there yet." "Nothing. These papers are two weeks old." Merrihew stared blankly at the sheet. "I should like to know what It means." "We will write to the consulate in Rome. If there has been any trouble he will certainly notify us. I'll write tonight. Now. here's Cook's next door. We'll ask If there Is any mail for Kitty Killigrow." ; But there wasn't, nor had there been, and the name was not on the forwarding books. "Looks as If your Kitty were the needle in the haystack." "Cut it!" savagely. Pictures and churches and museums were all well enough, but Merrihew wanted Kitty 1 Killigrew above all the treasures of earth. j When they turned down to the Via Caracclolo. with the full sweep of the magnificent hay at their feet. Merrl hew's disappointment softened some what. It was the fashionable hour. The band was playing near by In the Villa Xazionale. Americans were ev erywhere. Occasionally a stray prin cess or countess flashed by Inert and listless against the cushions and Inva riably overdressed. And when men ac companied them the men (if they were husbands) lolled back, even more list less. And beggars of all sorts and de scriptions besieged the "very great grand rich Americans." They were nearly a week In Naples. They saw the galleries, the museums and churches; they saw underground Naples; they made the weary and use ful ascent of Vesuvius, and Mcrrihew added a new smell to his collection every hour. Pompeii by moonlight, however, was worth a tbosand ordi nary dreams, and Mcrrihew, wbo bad abundant imagination, but no art with which to express It, happily or unhap pily, saw Lytton's story unfold in all its romantic splendor. , I They lingered .at Amalfl three days and dreamed away the hours under the white pergola. Merrihew was loath to leave, but Hillard was for go ing on to Sorrento, for which bis heart , was always longing. I A spring rain fell as they took tho incline, and It followed them over the mountains and down Into Sorrento. They finally drew up In the courtyard of the Hotel do la- Slrena, aud the long ride was at an end. Tho little gar den was white and pink with roses and camellias, and the tubbed manda rins were heavy with fruit. "And this is March," said Mcrrihew, his thought traveling bock to his own bleak equntrVj. where, winter is so long COMBINATION RANGE BOILER INSULATOR AND HOT FIRELESS COOKER Ml mm- ml htfrMM Pre f&iuwwma 4. Containing two indispensable luxuries and two sources of econ omy. . Call and let us demonstrate its merits. J. W. WHITNEY Office in Aikin Plumbing Co.'s Store, Medford. RESOLVED Tim bpht resolution for you to innU is to coino to us fur your next suit, if you want' Komi'lMug out of tl,o oiiiinun. We do the bent work nml ('Initio tho lowest prieos. W. W. EIFERT TUB PBOOBfeHBIVB TAILO Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. t Foundry and Machinist All Hr..' of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-t chincry, Agents In Southern Oregon for I , FAIRBANKS, MOPSE & CO. I Perry Subdivision THIS PLACE POPULARLY KNOWN AS THE I. W. THOMAS PLACE TO ' BE DIVIDED INTO 10 ACRE TRACTS BEST LAND IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY, FOR SALE BY WHITE 6 TROWBRIDGE, Agents, OR J. A. PERRY, Owner 1 NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET SOMETHING GOOD. i.'W ESS j , State Depositary Established 1883. Capital and Surplus 125,000 Beiourcoi $700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Hank respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest nttninmont in systematic blinking service, which assures the greatest care in' every financial transaction, with this oWlig ing institution. W. 1. VAWTER, President. G. R. LINDLEY, Cashier. CRESTBROOK ORCHARD TRACTS 5 10 20 Acres Adjoining Hlllcrest orchard and con tain unexceled deep, rich soil. Rea sonable prices and generous terms. OREGON ORCHARD3 SYNDICATE SELLING AGENTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. . B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs SALEM BEER SALEM Is the most popular beer In Northern California and South ern Oregon. It is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but Some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion lies In drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. J. E. ENYART, President J. A. PERRY, Vice-Pre8idcjt. JOHN S. ORTII, Cashier. , W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS ) $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. When we suggest that you Toast Your Bread On Breakfast Table We do not mean that you should cat off the stove toast With an Electric Toaster and hae crisp, brown, delicious toast costs lc per meal to operate. We have the best toaster on the market for sale at $4.50. Clean, appetizing, sanitary ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co.