THE MKDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1009. T THE WEATHER, Fiiir nml warmer tonight- But ur- tiny, ruin ii nil cooler. - ('. W. Swiiin in hero frmn Pendlo. Urn, Intl., touring lliu valley. Tlio Kuiiirii'k cnfu from now on will oIiiho at 8:110 p. in. nml open lit 0 n. pi. 3H0 . ! Mth. J. F. Keekcrt of Union was ii visitor to thu :ity Friday. Order for iwoet cremn or butter milk promptly filled. Phone the earner?. L. (I. Junes of Anderson, In J., in n ri'i'unt arrival in the city. Why mull liomoT Try the Spot Cfu' dinner. Mm. C. C. ('. ('lurk of Portlttnd i looking over the valley thin week. I Mrs. Clark in much inlcrohlcd in fruit anil other prmliirtiiniH of thin vicin ity. See list of Heimon's bargains on pngo 4. K. II. Iliiiniiiond nf Trail in in Md ford on InihinesH. Spices nml extract nt 3(1 So. 0 Mrcct. Hi-rt Amli'ifoii ix building 11 line piigolu to his line bungalow rcidi'iire mi Vcl .Main sln-ft. Tim work is being ''i'" hy '. W. Snyder, who did rimii'it lot of bulbs liiri'rt , I'tuin Ifollmid, nil vnriclic, nt '('iiok'K. tin' N'lii'hi'iyiiinn." the ripiiir work on Vc Green's liniiki, which partly burned sonic time ago. The piigolu adds greatly to the iittriictivciifhM of tho residence nml grounds. Tim F.merirk cafe calls especial ( attention to their breakfast menu. Pome mid try our waffles mm maple syrup the best in tnwii. 18(1 Two men were arrested for begging on the street's, mid one giving the mime of James Orny wn put to work on thu roiid for ten iIii.vh. The other was too drunk to give his iimne, hut $2.40 nml a hook containing the name of Louis Mittin wiih found on his per Hon. Phone 3303 for ten or coffee. "Two drunks engaged in a hrnwl on ThurKilny evening near the Nash ho tel mid only nfter much troulilo were Kopnraled mid taken to jail. They gave their names us F.dwiird Dean mid Hiirnnrd Fliers mid stated that they were employed nt tho Hurrcll orchard. As they seemed like pence alilu fellows when they sohcred up this morning, the recorder adminis tered ii slight fine and with somo good advice let them go. F.lla Gutuiynw, puhlic stenographer, room 4, Palm building. ('. L. ('lusher of'Kenlllu slopped in (lie city Friday to look over fruit land mid other investments. Thurs day he visited ( 'en I nil Point and was shown over thu valley by some of the real estate men there. Mr. dosser states that his first impression of the valley was very fuvorable and he likes Mcdford fine. I(u will go to Ashland Saturday for a few days' visit with his brother, C. K. dosser, of that place. Ladies, if you have hair to sell or if you want it made up into switch, puffs or curls, I also repair and color the neur hair. Please bring it to me. Isaac V. (lirl of Tolodo, 0.; who has been looking over thi) valley mid transacting business, lollxcccntly for other points. Madam L. L. Ilcnnie 'n. 2 HI, corner Foil rlh and Oakilalo avenue. Mrs. O. A. Faker, who came down from Ashland to visit with friends near here a few days ago, left for homo Thursday. .1(111(1 No. two-year-old (frapc roots, all varieties, while they last, $25 per thousand. "Cook, the Nurseryman." 187 Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Ware of Scut tle, Wash., an) visiting friends in this city, - If II --II Southern Oregon Tea and Coffee Co.. 30 So. 0 street. J. II. Ilcnselmim departed Thurs day for a visit with his son in Port land. The Kmcrick cafe calls especial attention to their breakfast menu. Come and try our waffles mid maple fcyrup the best in town. 18(1 W. F. Si-hneffer. a Jacksonville miller, whs viixting in Mcdford Thurs day. He cmnc in on business for the mine. West meal for tho least money nt the Spot cafe. Horace Pelton was in from Sams Valley on business the other day. Mr. Pelton is a prosperous rnnchei near that locality. Mcdford, Oregon: This certifies that we have sold Hall's Texas Won-1 tier for the cum of all kidney, blad der nml rheumatic troubles for ten years, and have never had a com plaint. It gives ipiick mid permanent relief. (!0 days' treatment in each bot tle. Med ford Pharmacy. J. II. Cochran and J. 1). Cochran are hunting in the mountains south of hero nnd expect to capture some big game. H. M. Martin of Montngue, Or, is staying at the Moore. A. II. Dawson of Oakland is a bus iness visitor in town this week. Hubert Oummilt a Orants Pass man enme into town Friday to transact a little business. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Everton are visitors from Portland sightseeing in the valley. ficorgo Tnrdloy of Portland is look-' ing over tho country around Mcdford. Charles E. Payharty came down from Oakland Thursday to spend a few days in Mcdford. Robert Kyle and J. O. Isaacson of Central Point aro paying Mcdford n business visit. Mrs. J. F. Diiintrick and children of Midland, Tex., are among tho vis itors in town this week. J. Pardee and C. II. McCanii of Orails Pass are visiting in town. Tho regular Friday morning pro-j gram wiih given by the eighth grade students of the West school thin morning. Caroline Lenders, Edith Chidistvr, Elsie Walters, Lorauie Law ton, Frances York, Mildred Hilton and (Jrnce Giiniey, (,'nllio Vogcli, Eu nice Davis, Violet Caskcy'iiml Virgie (Jatwiukle delivered instrumental siv los. Gladys McMiillun and Muree Iirown gave u piano duet mid Lucile Snyder n vocul solo. Mrs. Mary Peter of Jacksonville, a teacher who has been visiting the eight) grade teacher, Miss Marian White, was a visitor present at the exercises. Dr. J. It. Parker of Hill City, Kan., Iwas an arrival in Medlord Friday. F. Welzler of San Irnncnsco is in the city on business, but he is also interested in tho city and stales that Medloid is a pretty good town. Mrs. Stewart of Ashland paid the city a visit the last of the week. Mrs. Jim Evans of Portland stop ped off here Friday on her way to Hiiusmuir, Cul., where she goes to visit her daughter, Mrs. F. C. Laf-J fcrty. .. tUM J. S. Sawyer of Butte Falls was in the city Friday looking after some things. I John F. Steve, Dayton, 0., was in the city a few days ago looking around. L. It. French is here from Myrtle, Oil., visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Heche of Fargo N". I)., who have been stopping off here for a few days investigating,! left for Sim Diego, Oil., where they will spend the winter. They like the valley and will come back in the spring. Mrs. Ii. E. Snyder of Portland is visiting at the home of Mrs. T. J. Williams at (51.1 Onkdalc avenue. Miss Audrey Davis of the Merry Makers will not be seen during their engagement here, she having been taken sick at Koscbiirg. Miss Irene Palmer joins the company today and will be seen in the leading roles. F. W. Muller of Hoscburg is stay ing at the Moore this week while transacting some business in the city. H. C. Davis of Portland was a business visitor to Mcdford Friday. Hubert Oeminult was down from Grants Pass Thursday on business. "THREE TWINS" SAI0T0 8t THE ONE BEST BET The "Three Twins" which will be tb attraction ut The Mcdford the tcar October 2(5, is offered without fear of contradiction us the most gi gantic musical comedy on the road. It is the most elaborately staged pro duction in America and is said to ! contain more novel features than all the other musical comedies combined. The fnceograph and the electrical aer inl swing are distinct novelties, the latter being one of the most wonder ful pieces of stago craft ever per petrated. It is a steel structure weighing over 4000 pounds nnd illu minated with over 2000 electric lights. Mr. Oaites has spared no expense in staging the attraction and the New York Telegraph said that it was the handsomest costumed company on Broadway. It requires two baggage cars and three coaches to .transport the "Three Twins" company. Scale of prices Lower floor, 1st two rows, $1.50; next ten rows, $2; next four rows, $1.50;. last five rows, $1. Balcony: 1st three rows, $2; next 2 rows, $1 ; general admission, 75c. The Mediord Theatre SEASON OF STOCK McKenzie Merry Makers TONIGHT, OCT. 22. Double Bill: "The King of the Philippines" two acts and "The Unwritten Law," a dramatic tale of Harpy Thaw and Stanford White murder. B9 Follow The Crowd AND SEE OUR BIG NEW LINES OF MEN'S AND BOYS' WOOL AND STANDARD UNDERWEAR. THE FINE NEW LINE OF WINTER NEGLIGEE AND GOLF SHIRTS, NEW LINE OF BOYS' SUITS AND MEN'S LION BRAND PANTS. OUR BIG STOCK OF MEN'S SHOES IN THE LASTS YOU WILL LIKE, THE QUALITIES THAT WEAR AND.- PRICES YOU CAN PAY". WIIER ETHEY ALL GO. - THE WARDROBE, wnere n.y aii to. FOR SALE IDEAL FRUIT AND POULTRY FARM. 19 Acres with house, barn and never failing spring, only $1200 TERMS, ONE-THIRD CASH, LONG TIME AT 6 PER CENT INTEREST ON BALANCE. Only one-half mile from Eagle Point Railroad Station ABOUT TEN ACRES OF THIS LAND IS AS FINE GARDEN LAND AS THERE IS. IN JACKSON COUNTY. THE OTHER NINE ACRES IS UNCLEARED. FOR PARTICULARS, SEE ' Brown & Wakefield - Office upstairs in Palm Block, Medford. BENSON'S BARGAINS Large 14-room boarding or room ing house, 2 blocks from depot, lot 100x100; en be made to pay $300 per month; a genuine bargain $6500 Ten acres one mile south of Med ford, all set to 2-year-old trees; a beautiful Bite for a home ...$3500 Forty acres, 16 miles from Med ford, half mile from Beagle; 8 acres cultivated; 4 acres in fruit tree 2 to 10 years old, on two good roads; small house, barn, woodshed, etc; 25 acres inclosed in woven wire fence $2000 4 Small house and barn, with seven lots, north side Jackson street; a snap, $1690 New 5-room house, hardwood fin ish, new woodshed, well on back porch, lot 50x100, corner Jackson and Fir $1450 One acre, 9-room house, barn, chicken house, city water, only 600 feet from Riverside avenue ...$3400 Four-room house on west side Maiiv street, lot 50x108 ..$1500 . Exehanjre 160 acres near Merlin, 140 acres of which is level, tor va cant lots or house and lots in Med ford. This is a i:ood proposition; in vestigate . $3000 Will exchange some choice building lots for a team of good driving horses. Nine-room modern house,; Bunga low addition, lot 50x160, corner 4th and Oronge, near Oakdale ave..$3850 28-14 acres, one mile from P. & E. depot; a bargain at the price. .$6000 Rooming house Best location in the city; clears $150 per month: Ions lease $2200 27 acres, three miles from Med---ford: $1500 house, gopd barn, all in alfalfa; the best land to be found in the Rogue River valley; terms.$l2,000 lS-t acres, close in property, fin est free soil, 14 acres planted to com mercial apples nnd pears 4 years old, 414 acres alfalfa; good terms $1 1,500 Fot sale or rent 9-room modern bungalow on Orange street, near Oak-dnle;-rent $30;price $3850 Some splendid business properties for sale, close in, good income pay ers. Call at our office for details. Our charge is $1 per month for renting and collecting. We represent seven strong relia ble fire insurance companies. Surety bonds We represent the Union Guarantee Association of Portland. We have several applications on file for furnished houses. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Opposite Moore Hotel 1 12 W. Main St. Phono 3073 Main.