THE " EDFOUD DAILY TRIBUNE, M BDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2'J, VMh 3 THE APPLE CROP (lliiriiciilliiriHt) Willi llii'h x I i 1 1 1 nl' Colorado, ('iilil'iiniiii mill homi' it rt k nl' Mi:i Muiiri mill Kiiiiniihii llin iiiili' i' fn 1 1 ro puil,, limn iillicr i.IiiIum I'liiiliimii to hlloW II f-llilllllp', lllllll Mil rillllIIU'('ll Willi Iiii-I win' inn! willi llni lon-ycnr tivi'niKu, Siiiiiii nl' imr I'Xi'huiil,"' i;m lliniilc mi approximate IHI ii'i' I'diil nl' lnl vi'iuV iimrld'tiililj! iiiili'n in tin' I'nril'ii' Nuilluvi".!, Iml llni llor lii'llllliril.l in lllllllili- lii I'iynri' (iviitl II m liiuli iih 7"i i -r I'i'iil nl' Im-l yi'iir'H to lnl yield, I'rciin report Hiilmiillfiil. So fur h llii' I'liiniiii'i'i'inl crop ami prin ce nrc fMiii'-rnrcl frnwerM Iiiivc nil opportunity In i'i'iiliii hiinilHoinidy. Oil lln'iillii'i' hand if llii'.y IiiiiI mil for mi I'vliiliilntil wlinlc-iilc niii' ilixMip puiiilini'iii in likely In follow fur cull-Kiiiiii-rrt 1'iirlnil llni apple enliii'' linliil lunli'iinlly when llilin pi-icon ko n.v beyond llii'ir roneh, while the nun ininxiiiii mi' ii'hn 1 1 1 h nnil cold Klorn(.'e I'inim are pnw(irl' Id nllor llni xil 1 1 it I ion. Ileina'id 'ikm riniiiil priors nnil It'! I lie crnp K" rnlhohr than In priii'tii'ii llii'H ilnif in lliliini lnnii(.'iT policy. Iiiih proven In lw Iho brut I'lnir-ii) in llii piiht year fur I lie pro ducer, iiifivlmiil nnil omiNiinicr, wlnihi' iiitfri't coiiMili'i'i'il from yncr In year are imilunl. Ajipli' iroweri t-hippini; In loi'iil imnke!, in order In realize tlwli lii'i-l l'l'lllltx. Will llllM'I'VI' tll( IISIIIll pfe- I'mitioiix lis In iiiillili.' mnl pai-kini;, liKn In ki'.'P in cli'e touch Willi inor eluniN wlio I" liiinilli- tin- prmliicl. Kl-ll Willi nillll'l' II bllnll I'l'lip V.'lu'M miiii ypriiili-iioln- -ini-li yoohmynn' inmiy pioiliii-i-ni iiiiiilicl nl lln- unine-linn- prices may fall loo low. Tlmi In iii-eimiplii li the hot iicoordinif (o your xiliiiitioii, Inlii- iinlliiiiir for l-i'mileil nml iln not Irii't In luck. So I'ni' us lln- coimiiereiiil i'1'op for ili'i tnnl en-tern -liipineiils is eniiri-rni-'l. irrowei's are in n position to cninuinnd jilst iln.'ii. Tiny will ilo well to liit Hint murk xinutrely without over ronohitur lo Iho point cniifiiij t reaction. PRECAUTIONS INCREASE SINCE CONVICTS ESCAPED NAI.KM, Or,, 0-t. 'J'.'. Directly iih a ri'Miill of till) l'eeeiil iiKi-npo of eon ieln from llni Insliliiln for Keoblu Minilcil In hI l'Viilny, I lie balance of I lie crow of oouviols III in niiinlier, were brought in hy Siipnrinlenileiil Writers, nflhe in-ti!nle, this lil'tor nooil mill delivered over lo I lie peni tentiary, nnil no unoo convict labor will lie einploveil nl Unit or prolinhly liny oilier slntn inul i 1 1 1 1 ion, Thin ex perience will !pi'o!inily put (in'iiil to the eonlriicliinr of eoiivicl Inhor upon nlltsiiln work, pnssilily excluding sliiti! roml work whom Iho men emi l.u walehcil. Kii.vh Iho new Nlniilield Kliimliird: "The peopli! of Oregon have a KrOueh at t hit idle laud Kpeeiiialor, There nre. too inmiy of him and too imieh spread out. The iiian who invests lis weiil ih in upliuililiiic n eoiuiniinily, in irriiihiir arid Inicts, in IniililiiiK li'iinspiirliilioii lines, in iiphuildiuK his home, is welcome mid more. Says the Kuj,'ene fi-mler very pcrliiiciilly : "l,et evi-y citizen of Oickoii line up lor llm Ihiofs tluit iniilic lor 1 1, (j 'i'1'iilcr (Ivp'jmi mid in ilninj; lis wii ni" laying lhn fnuudii liou lor 'realcr Iliin'S for our re r peeiivc coiuiiiunil ies." A railroad huilili-r oilers to huilil a liinnch line from Kiikciio - to Kl miiii, I") mill's for 11 houiis ol -r IU.00II. Do You Want A Home ? Are Lots in Medf ord Too High Priced For You? Here are some Real Bargains. Four lots o(ix12o' feet oa-h One block from city water mains. Three blocks from paved streets. AH east frent. Beautiful view of the mountains. Price $200 each; one-half cash, balance 1 year at G per cent Also one corner lot, south and ' east front, $250.00. , ''For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Cuffee. " 1; is so good wc cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid SI a pound for it. " Everything about roller's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan QUOCL. JES, CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED J. W. DRESSLER Real Estate Agents, West Main Street .Herman Bros., the saddle and har ness makers, desire to announce to the trade that they are not only pre pared to fill all orders at short no tife, hut carry the complete line of harness, Fuddles, bridles, whips, rohes, blankets, najron covers, tents, e'.c, that can be found in southern Oregon nt prices that cannot fail to please when quality of stock and workmanship is considered. Don't forget the place, 317 E. Seventh street. Medford. K C. Hansen. Tom Moffat. We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. Advertise in the Tribune A SPECIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO YOU TO CALL AT .132 W. MAIN STREET AND SEE THE FINEST AND ilOST lT I '-TO-DATE TEA AND COFFEE STORE EVER OPENED UP IN SOUTHERN OREGON. WE EXPECT TO CATER .TO YOUR ESPECIAL WANTS BY CARRYING ONLY THE YERY CHOICEST RLENDS OF ' TEAS SPICES .. AND OA NOT ONLY WILL OUR PRICES ALWAYS BE FOUND COMPATIBLE WITH THE QUALITY OF OUR GOODS AS COMPARED WITH OTHER FIRMS, BUT AVE INTEND TO CONDUCT OUR BUSINESS ON THE PROFIT-SHARING PLAN AND ARE GIVING TICKETS WITH EACH " PURCHASE AVHICH MAY BE EXCHANGED FOR Valuable Articles FREE! . OF ALL COST IF SAVED AND RETURNED TO US. THIS OFFER APPLIES ALSO TO OUR SPLENDID LINE OF Cut Glass, Steins, China & Glassware CALL AND GET ACQUAINTED WHETHER YOU WISH TO BUY OR NOT. Next door to Sherman, Clay & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON M