Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 22, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Undo Sum makes a cull lor men
with vigorous minus in vigorous bod
ies to become forest rangers.
The United Slates civil service
commission will hold an examination
for this position at every national
forest headquarters in the states of
Washington and Oregon and Alaska,
included in this district, on Monday
and Tuesday, October 25 and 26.
The examination will be along
thoroughly practical lines and will
consist of questions regarding land
surveying, estimating and scaling
timber, the land laws, mining and the
livestock business, supplemented by
a field test to show the applicant's
fitness to perform the actual work
of a ranger. Rangers must be be
twecn 21 and 40 years of age at the
time of taking the examination, able-
bodied and capable of performing
hard manual work. Thorough famil
iarity with the region in which em
ployment is sought is essential, to
gether with actual experience in the
kinds of work required of forest of
ficers. The forest service desires to main
tain the highest possible standard of
efficiency and the degree of advance
ment of competent men in the serv
ice is governed entirely by their ca
pacity. The initial salary is $900,
with the beginner who starts in as
assistant forest ranger. Through
good work a ranger can rise to the
position of forest ranger with a max
imum salary of $1200 to $1500.
The next step in promotion is to
the position of deputy supervisor on
a national forest. Rangers who
competency in particular lines of
. work, such as claims examinations
and marking and scaling timber are
advanced and paid according to the
importance of the work in which
they are engaged.
CHICAGO. Oct. 22. Thirty-five
thousand dollars in pennies, nickels,
silver nnd bills was paid by Chiengo
ans to the several hundred pretty
girls and women who "tagged" for
charity's sake yesterday. The money
was divided among 16 charitable as
sociations for children. The "tag
eing" is an annual event.
At A Bargain
We have three acres, just out
side the city limits, platted all
around it, with a new fiveroom
house, which we consider a bar
gain at x
- The property faces on two
streets and would subdivide nicely.
There is an electric motor and
pump which goes with the place,
and the well would supply water
for irrigating. .
The owner has made the price
low in order te sell quickly, and
the property will be on the mar
ket but a short time at this price.
W T. York 6 Co.
For the Best
in harness, saddles, whips,
obes, tents, blankets, wag
on sheets, axle grease and
gall cure, as well as all kinds
of custom work, see
J.C. Smith
314 E. Main.
An ordinance declaring the assess
ment on the property benefited for
the cost of hiving a water iuiiiu on
Summit avvuuo nnd directing the re
corder to enter a statement thereof in
the water main lien docket.
The citv of Medford doth ordain as
follows :
Section 1. Whereas, the citv coun
cil did heretofore hv resolution de
clare its intention to lav a 4-inch
water main on Summit avenue from
West Main street to West Fourth
street, and to assess the cost thereof
on the property fronting on said por
tion of said street in proportion to
the frontage of said property, and
did fix a tune and place for hear
ing protests ngaiuiit the laving of
said water main on said portion of
said street, and the assessment of
the cost thereof as aforesaid; and.
Whereas." said resolution was duly
posted and published as required bv
section 116 of the charter of said
citv; and.
Whereas, a meeting of the council
was held at the time and place fixed
in snid resolution for the purpose of
considering any such protests, but
no protests were at such time or at
anv time mnde to or received bv the
council to the laving of said water
main or tho assessing of the cost
thereof as aforesaid, and said coun
cil having considered the matter, and
deeming that snid water main was
and is of material benefit to snid citv
and that all property to be assessed
therefor would be benefited to the
extent of the probable amount of the
respective assessmentslevied against
said property, did order snid water
main laid: and, - -
Whereas, the cost of said water
main has been and hereby is deter
mined to be the sum of $695.60;
Now, therefore, it is hereby fur
ther determined that the proportion
ate share of the cost of laving said
water main of each parcel or the
property fronting on said portion of
said street is the amount set opposite
the description of each piece or par
cel of land below nnd thn each such
piece or pnrcel of lnnd is benefited
bv the lavin- of snid water main to
the full extent of the amount so set
opposite the description of such piece
or parcel, and that the respective
amounts represent the proportional
benefits of said water main to said
respective parcels of property, and
also the proportional frontage there
of on said portion of said street, and
the council does hercbv declare each
of the parcels of property described
below to be assessed and each of the
same hereby is assessed the amount
set opposite each respective descrip
tion for the cost, of laving said wale
mam :
Assessment No. 1 C. W. Snyder,
a tract of laud, frontage 113 feet oh
Jacksonville road or Main street.
West, and 140 feet deep along Sum
mit avenue, and marked AW. on map
of the city of Medford, Oregon, front
age 140 feet on west side Summit
avenue, described Vol. 65, page 321,
county recorder's records of Jack
son county. Oregon, save and except
land described as Summit addition to
citv of Medford: 140 feet; rate per
foot 47 cents; amount due $65.80.
Assessment No. 2 E. B. Pickle.
B. Klum and W. C. Murphy, lot 12,
block 2. Summit addition to the citv
of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on the west side of Summit avenue.
and descriued Vol. 72, page 121,
county recorder's records of Jack
son county. Oregon; 50 feet; rate
per foot 47 cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 3 F., R Pickle,
B. Klum and W. C. Murphy, lot 11,
block 2. Summit addition to the city
of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on west side of Summit avenue, and
described Vol. 72, page 121, countv
recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty, Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot 47
cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 4 E. B. Pickle. B.
Klum and W. C. Murphv. lot 10, block
2, Summit addition to the citv of
Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on
west side of Summit avenue, and des
cribed Vol. 72. page 121, countv re
corder's records of Jackson county.
Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot 47
cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 5 E. B. Pickle. B.
Klum and W. C. Murphv. lot 9. block
2. Summit addition to the citv of
Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on
west side of Summit avenue, and des
cribed Vol. 72. page 121, countv re
corder's records of Juckson countv.
Oregon: 50 feet; rate per foot 47
cents : amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 6 E. B. Pickle. B.
Klum nnd W. C. Murphv. lot 8. block
2. Summit nddition to the citv, of
Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on
west side of Summit avenue, and des
cribed Vol. 72. page 121, countv re
corder's records of Jackson county.
Oregon; 50 feet; rale per foot 47
cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 7 E. It. Pickle, It,
Klum und W. l Murphy, lot 7,hIock
2, Summit addition to the city of
Medford, Oregon, froiitaue 50 feet on
west sulu of Summit avomic. and des
cribed Vol. 72, page 121. county re
corder's records of Jaekm county,
Oregon 00 feet ; rate per foot 47
cents ; amount duo $23.50.
Assessment No. 8 E. II. Pickle, B.
Klum and W. C. Murphv. lot 6. block
2. Summit addition to the city of
Medford. Oregon, frontiiLC 50 feet on
west side of Summit avenue, and des
cribed Vol. 72, page 121, countv re
corder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot 47
cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 9 E. B. Piekle, 11.
Klum and V. C. Murphv, lot 5, block
2. Summit addition to the citv of
Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on
west sido of Summit avenue, uud des
cribed Vol. 72, page 121, countv re
corder's records of Juckson countv,
Oregon: 50 feet; rate per foot 47
cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 10 E. li. Pickle, B
Klum and W. C. Murphv, lot 4, block
2, Summit addition to the citv of
Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on
west sido of Summit avenue, and des
cribed Vol. 72, page 121, county re
corder's records of Jackson countv,
Oregon; 50 feet: rute per foot 47
cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 11 E. B. Picklo.
B. Klum nnd W. C. Muruhv. lot 3.
block 2. Summit nddition to tho cit
df Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on west side of Summit avenue, and
described Vol. 72. page 121, countv
recorder's records of Jackson coun
tv, Oregon ; 50 feet : rate per foot 47
feet; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 12 E. B. Piekle.
B. Klum nnd W. C. Murphv, lot 2.
block 2, Summit addition to the citv
of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on west side of Summit, avenue, nm'
described Vol 72. pago 121. countv
recorder's records of Juckson coun
ty, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot 47
cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 13 E. B. Pickle.
B. Klum and W. C. Murphv. lot 1.
block 2. Summit addition to the citv
of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on west side of Summit avenue, and
described Vol. 72. page 121, countv
recorder's records of Jackson coun
tv. Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot 47
cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 14 E. B. Pickle.
B. Klum nnd W. C. Murnhv. lot 1.
block 1. Summit addition to the citv
of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on east side of Summit avenue, and
described Vol. 72. page 121. countv
recorder's records of Jackson coun
tv. Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot 47
cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 15 E. B. Pickle.
B. Klum and W. C. Muruhv. lot 2.
block 1. Summit addition to the citv
of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on cast side of Summit avenue, and
described Vol. 72. page 121, county
recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty, Oregon: 50 feet; rate per foot 47
cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 10 E. B. Pickle.
B.i Khun and W. C. Murphv. lot 3.
block 1. Summit addition to the citv
of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on east side of Summit avenue, and
described Vol. 72. page 121. countv
recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty. Oregon: 50 feet; rute per foot 47
cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 17 E. B. Pickle.
B. Klum and W. C. Murphv. lot 4.
block 1, Summit addition to the citv
of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on east side of Summit avenue, and
described Vol. 72. page 121, countv
recorder's records of Jackson coun
tv, Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot 47
cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 18 E. B. Pickle,
B. Klum and W. C. Murphy, lot 5,
block 1. Summit addition to the citv
of Medford. Oregon, frontuge 50 feet
east side of Summit avenue, and des
cribed Vol. 72. page 121. countv re
corder's records of Jackson countv,
Oregon; 50 feet: rate per footh 47
cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 19 E. B. Pickle.
B. Klum and W. C. Murphv. lot 6,
block 1. Summit addition to tho citv
of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on east side of Summit avenue, und
described Vol. 72, page 121, countv
recorder's records of Jnekson- coun
tv. Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot 47
cenrs: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 20 E. B. Pickle.
B. Klum nnd W. 0. Murphv, lot 7.
block 1. Summit nddition to tho citv
of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on oast side of Rsmmit. avenue, and
described Vol. 72, page 121, countv
recorder's records of Jackson countv.
Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot 47
cents: nmount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 21 E. B. Pickle.
B. Klum nnd W. C. Murphv. lot 8
block 1. Summit addition to the citv
of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on enst side of Summit nvcnuo, and
described Vol. 72. pngo 121, comm
recorder's records of Jnekson countv.
Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot 47
cents: nmount due $23.50.-
Assessment No. 22 E. B. Pickle.
15. Klum and V. C. Murphv, lot I),
block 1, Summit addition to thu citv
of Medford, Oregon, froutago 50 feel
on east side of Summit nveuiiu, and
described Vol. 72. page 121. countv
recorder's records of Jucku countv.
Oregon; 50 teet; lulu per fool 4
cents; amount due $23.50,
Assessment No. 23 E. B. Pickle,
It. Klum and W. C. Murphv, lot 10,
block 1, Summit nddition to the citv
of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on east side of Summit avenue, and
described Vol. 72, pugo 121, county
recorder's records of Juckson countv,
Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 47
cents; amount duo $23.50.
Assessment No. 24 E. B, Piekle.
B. Klum nnd W. C. Murphv, lot 11,
block 1, Summit addition to the citv
of Medford, Oregon, frontngo 50 feet
on oast side of Summit avenue, and
described Vol. '72, page 121. county
recon'er's records of Jackson county,
Orogon: 50 feet: rnte per foot 47
cents: amount duo $23.50.
Assessment No. 25 E. B. Piekle,
B. Kiuiii und W. C. Murphv, lot 12,
block .1. Summit addition to the citv
of i'eillord. Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on east siJo of Summit avenue, and
described Vol. 72, page 121, county
recorders records of Juckson county,
Oregon: 50 feet rato per foot 47
cents; nmount duo $23.50.
Assessment No. 20 E. B.
Pickle. H. Klum . uud C. W.
Murphy, n lot fronting 51 feet 5
inches on Jacksonville road or Main
street. West, and running back on
Summit nvcnuo 140 feet uud marked
011 citv mm) lot 13. in block 1. Sum.
mit nddition to the citv of Medford,
Oregon, frontage 140 feet on east
side of Summit avenue, nnd describ
ed Vol. 72. page 121, countv record
er's records of Jackson countv. Ore.
eon: 140 feet: rato per foot 47 cents;
nmount duo $65.80.
Section 2. Tho recorder of the
citv of Medford is hcrebv directed to
enter a statement of snid several as
sessments in tho water main lien
dockot of snid citv ns required by the
citv charter.
Tho foregoing ordinance was pass
ed bv the citv council of tho citv of
Medford on tho 5th day of October.
1909. bv the following vote: Merrick
ave. Welch nve, F.ifert live, F.merick
absent. Wortmnn absent. Demmcr nvc.
Approved October 6. 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mayor.
Ap ordinance declaring the assess
ment on tho property benefitod for
the cost of laving a water' main on
Ross court and directing tho recorder
to enter a statement thereof in the
water main lien docket.
The citv of -Medford doth ordain us
follows :
Section 1. Whereas, tho citv coun
cil did heretofore bv resolution de
clare its intention to lay a 4-inch
water main on Ross court from West
Main street to West Fourth street.
and to nsscss thc(cost thereof on
the property irontmg on suid por
tion of said street in proportion to
the frontage of said property, and did
fix a time and place for hearing pro
tests against the laving of said wa
ter main on snid portion of said street
and the assessment of tho cost there
of ns aforesaid: and.
Whereas, snid resolution was duly
posted and published as required bv
section 116 of the charter of suid
citv: and.
Whereas, a meeting of the council
was held at the time and place fixed
in said resolution for the purpose of
considering anv such protests, but
considering any such protests, but no
protests were at such time or at any
time made to or received bv the coun
cil to the laving of snid water muin or
the assessing of the cost thereof as
aforesaid, and said council having
considered the matter, and deeming
that said water main was and is of
material benefit to said citv and that
nil property to be nssessed therefor
would be benefited thereby to the ex
tent of the probnblc amount of the
respective assessments to bo levied
against said property, did order said
water main laid : and.
Whereas, the cost of said water
main has been and hereby is de
termined to be the sum of $773.15:
Now. therefore, it is hereby further
determined that the proportionate
share of the cost of laving said wa
ter main of each parcel of tho prop
erty fronting on said portion of said
streot is tho nmount set opposite the
description of each piece or parcel of
lnnd below nnd that each such piece
or parcel of land is benefited bv the
laving of said water main to tho full
extent of the amount so set opposite
the description of such piece or par
col, and that tho respective amounts
represent the proportional benefits of
snid water main to said respective
parcels of property nnd also tho pro
portionnl frontngo thereof on snid
portion of said street, and the council
does hereby declare each of tho par-
cols of properly described below to
he nssessed each of I lie same
hereby is assessed the amount set op
posite each respective description for
the cost of laving said water muin:
Assessment No. 1 C, D. Wolvor
ton et ux., lot 1. block 2, Wolvor
ton's subdivision, in the citv of Med
ford, Oregon, frnultigo 1 10 feet on
west side Ross court, described Vol.
70, page 258, county recorder's rec
ords of Juckson county. Oregon; 110
feet; rato per foot 52'i cents;
amount due $73.15.
Assessment No. 2 C. D. Wolvor
lon, lot 4, block 2, Wolvorton'a sub
division, in tho citv of Medford, Ore
gon, l'roiitugu 50 feet 011 west side of
Ross court, described Vol. 70, page
258, countv recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 fuel; rate
per tout 52' cents; amount due
Assessment No. 3 Irviiu Worth-
iugton, lot 5, block 2, Wolverloii's
subdivision, in the citv of 'Medford,
Oregon, frontngo 50 feet on west side
of Ross court, described Vol. 70, page
1m, county recorders records of
Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 feet; rale
per foot 52 Vi cents; amount due
Assessment No. 1 C. I). Wolver
ton; lot (I, block 2, Wolverton's sub
division in the citv of Medford, Ore
gon, frontngo 50 feet on west side of
Ross court, described Vol. 70, pugo
258, countv recorder's records of
Juckson countv. Oregon; 50 feet; rate
per foot 52 Vi cents; amount due
Assessment No. 5 C. D. Wolver-
ton, lot 7. block 2, Wolvorton's sub
division,, in the citv of Medford, Ore
gon, frontngo 50 feet on wost sido of
Ross court, described Vol. 70. page
258. countv rocordor's records of
Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 foot: rate
per foot 52 Vi cents: amount duo
AsBossmont No. 0 C. D. Wolvcr-
ton, lot 8. block 2, Wolvorton's sub
division, iu the citv of Medford. Ore
gon, frontuge 50 feet on west side of
Ross court, described Vol. 70, pugc
258, countv recorder's recurds of
Juckson coiiulvx Oregon; 50 feet: rale
per foot 52 cents; amount duo
Assessment No. 7 C. D. Wolver
ton. lot 0. block 2. Wolvorton's sub
division, in the citv of Medford. Ore
gon, frontage 50 feet 011 west side of
Ross court, described Vol. 70. pugc
258, countv recorder's records of
Juckson countv. Orcgoi. ; 50 feet; rate
per foot 52 'j cents; amount due
Assessment No. 8 C. D. Wolvor
ton, lot 10, block 2, Wolvorton's sub
division, in llio citv of Medford, Oro-
gon, frontage 50 foot on wost sido of
Ross court, described Vol. 70. page
258. county recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet; rate
per foot 52',i cents; umoiint due
Assessment No. 9 C. D. Wolvor
ton, lot 11. block 2. Wolverton's sub
division, in the citv of Modford, Ore
gon, frontage 50 feet on west side of
Ross court, described Vol. 70, page
258, countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 feet; rnte
per foot 5214 cents; amount due
Assessment No. 10 C. D. Wolvor
ton. lot 12. block 2, Wolvorton's sub
division in the citv of Medford, Ore
gon, frontage 50 feet on west sido of
Ross court, described Vol. 70. page
258, countv recorder's records of
Jnckf.on countv, Oregon: 50 foot; rato
tier foot 52'i cents; nmount duo
Assessment No. 11 C. D. Wolver
ton, lot 13, block 2, Wolvo'rton's sub
division, in the citv of Medford. Oro
gon, 'frontuge 50 feet on west sido of
Ross court, described Vol. 70, pngo
258, county recorder's records of
Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 feet: rate
per foot 5214 cents; umount duo
Assessment No. 12 C. IX Wolvor
ton, lot I I, block 2, Wolvorton's sub
division, in the citv of Medford. Oro
."n, frontage 50 feet on west side of
Ross court, described Vol. 70, page
258. countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv, Oregon: 50 feet: rate
per foot 52'i cents; amount due
Assessment No. 13 C. I). Wolvcr
ton, lot 15, block 2, Wolverton's sub
division, in tho citv of Medford. Ore
gon, frontage 50 fool on wost sido of
Ross court, desorivod Vol. 70, page
258. countv rocordor's records of
Jncksbn county, Oregon : 50 feet; rato
per foot 5214 cents: amount due
Assessment No. 14 C. D. Wolvcr
lon et ux., lot 1, block 1. Wolver
ton's subdivision, in tho citv of Med
ford, Oregon, frontngo 140 feet on
enst sido of Ross court, described
Vol. ... pngn ... countv recorder's
records of Jackson countv, Oregon :
140 feet: rate per foot 52'i cents:
amount due $73.15.
Assessment No. .15 - Mnrgiiorolt
Wnlvorloii. lot 4, block 1, Wolver
loii's subdivision, iu the city of Mcd
t'ord, Oregon, I mil! ago 50 feet on east
side of Ross court, described Vol, 61),
I mi u e 29, countv recorder's records of
Jackson comity, Oregon; 50 feel; rate
per foot 5.' 'j coals; nuiouiil due
Assessment No. Ill C, I). Wolvor
ton nt ux lot 5, block 1, Wolvoiloii's
subdivision, in Hut citv of Medford,
Oregon, froiilago 50 oot on vast side
of Ross court, described Vol, , . , puuu
., countv recorder's recoiils of Jack
sou countv, Oregon; 50 feet; mlu per
foot 52 Vi cents; amount due $26.15.
Assessment No. 17 C. 1). Wolvor
lon et ux.. lot I), block 1, Wolverton's
subdivision, in tlm city of Medford,
Oregon, frontage 50 feet 011 mist side
of Ross court, described Vol, , ., page
. ,, county recorder's records of
Juckson county, Oregon: 50 feet; rule
per foot 52'4 cents; nmount due
Assessment No. 18 -0. 1). Wolver
ton ct ux., lot 7, block 1, WoIvoi'Ioii'm
subdivision, iu the citv of Medford,
Oregon, frontage 50 feut on east side
of Ross court, described Vol. . ., page
.., countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv, Oregon : 50 feel ; rale
per foot 52Vi cents ; umount due
Assessment No. 10 C, I). Wolvor
tou et ux.. lot 8. block 1, Wolvorlou'x '
subdivision, in tho citv of Modford,
Oregon, frontage 50 feet 011 cast side
of Ross court, described Vol. . ., page
. .. counlv recorder's records of
Juckson count v, Oregon; 50 feet; rate
tier foot 52 Va cents; amount due
Assessment No. 20 C, I). Wolver
ton et ux., lot 0, block 1, WolvortonV
subdivision in tho city of Medford,
Oregon, froutago 50 feet on east side
of Ross court, described Vol. , ., pngo
.., county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rale
per foot 52'i cents; nmount duo
Assessment No. 21 C. I). Wolvor
ton ct ux.. lot 10. block UWolvorlon's
subdivision, in tho citv of Modford.
Oregon, frontuge 50 feet 011 oust sido
of Ross court, described Vol. . .. page
... countv recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon: 50 feet; rntu
per foot 52'i cents; amount due
Assessment No. 22 C. I). Wolver
ton ct ux.. lot 11. block 1. Wolverton's
subdivision, in the citv of Medford.
Oregon, froutago 50 feet on cast side
of Ross court, described Vol. . ., page
. .. countv recorder's records of Juck
son county. Oregon; 50 feet; rale per
foot 52", i cents: amount duo $20.15.
Assessment No. 23 ('. I). Wolver
ton et ux.. lot 12. block 1. Wolverton's
subdivision, in the citv of Mcdforn.
Oregon, frontngo 50 feel on cast sido
of Ross court, described Vol. .. page
.. countv recorder's records of Jack
son county, Oregon; 50 feet; rale per
loot 52'i coats: amount duo $26.15.
Assessment No. 21 E. J. Roche,
lot 13, block 1. Wolverton's subdivis
ion, in tho citv of Medford. Oreg
frontngo 50 feet on enst sido of Koss
Court, described Vol. ... pngo ,,.
countv recorder's records of Juckson
countv, Oregon; 50 feet: rato por foot
52'A cents; amount duo $20.15.
Assessment No. 25 E. J. Roche,
lot 14. block 1. Wolverton's subdi
vision, in tho cilv of Modford, Ore
gon, frontii"o 50 feet on oust side
Hss court, doscribed Vol. . ., pngo . .,
county recorder's records of Jnekson
county. Oregon; 50 feet: rate per foot
52V4 cents; nmount dun $20.10.
Assessment No. 26 C. O. Wolvcr
ton et ux.. lot 15. block 1. Wolvorton's
subdivision, in tho cilv of Medford,
Oregon, frontngo 50 feet on enst sido
of Ross court doscribed Vol. . ., pngo
., countv recorder's records of Jnek
son countv. Oregon; 50 fool; rate per
foot 52'i cents' amount dun $20.10.
Section 2. Tho recorder of tho cilv
of Medford is hereby directed ,n en
ter a statement of snid sovornl ns
sessmonls in tho wnlcr main lien
docket of said citv.
Tho foregoing ordinance was pass
ed bv the cilv council of the citv of
Medford on Ihe 5lh duv of October.
1909, bv the following vole: Merrick
ave. Welch live. F.ifert. nve, Emcriek
.bsonl, Worlmnr. absent. Demmer nve,
Approved October 6. 1909.
W. II. CANON. Mnvor.
Attest: ,
Fivo and len-ncro Irncls in tho
Pierce subdivision will not be sold
for 'ess llinn $200 per aero after Oc
tober 30, 1909. Thu price until that
thno will bo $150 per ncro; terms.
Real cstalo dealers nnd olhnrs pleaso
tnko nntico,
302 C, II. PIERCE,
Tho only daily mnrkot report In
southern Oregon in The Tribune F
yours 1 F.