Urenon Historical Society Cltv Hall Rogue River Orchards Yield $1000 an Acre Annually Medfoed- Daily FOURTII YEAR. MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1000. No. 185. L GRANT SHARPE . A Council to Meet This Evening and Consider Matter of Granting Telephone Franchise to S. C. Sharps. WORK IS TO START WITHIN FOUR MONTHS Council Met Thursday as Committee .of Whole and Talked the Matter Over. At tlii evening' session of the city couiK'il it franchise will in nil probability bo grouted to K. C. Khnrpo for tlin construction mxl o)orntioii of n telephone system in Medford. The oonrc the council will pursue it of courso not definitely known, but after deliberating tbo mutter on n commit tee of tliu whole, the eouncilmen de cided to net this evening mid in nil lirobnliilitv the franchise will be granted. According to fr. Shu rpe'n agree ment he will start work within four niontliM noil hove the system in oper ntioii within 18 month. WOULD LET THE HOTELS SELL BOOZE Ashland Tired of Having Wealthy Hotel Patrons Move to Medford. An initiative petition Iuih been cir culated and the necessary nanieK so enred and filed with the recorder to have placed on the ballot at tho rcjf ular city election in December next, for tho approval or rejection of the elector, an net to amend section 5 of orticlo 7 of the city chnrter, which iu the Hcction respecting solo of liquors, ho ns to exempt regularly established licensed hotels and ros tnuinnts from tho prohibitory provis ions of the law bo far on to permit the sale of Honors at meal time, tho hours of such regular meals being named. Briefly, tho nmondmont would allow liquors to bo sorvod as a part of a regular meal nnd costing not loss than 20 cents exclusive of tho liquors, nnd sold and eonsuniod botwoon the hours of 11:30 n. in. and 1:30 p. in. or between tho hours of 5:30 p. m. nnd 0 p. in. and all hotels so permit ted lo servo liquors at nienls will be required to pay an nnnnnl license of $300 per. year in advance. The council is empowered to mnko regu lations to prevent the unlawful sale of intoxicating liquors at such places, nnd lo prescribe penalties for viola tion thereof. Under its provisions (he nrom-ietnrs or malingers of such lintels nnd reslniirnii'ls must also give n bond to tho city in tho ponnl sum ,,P 1000 that they will not violnte the law, tho purpose being to keep such establishments under proper regnlalions nnd that the privilege of pervitin liquors nl meals, ns is en joyed at hostelries ill cities shall not be abused. The lending holel ineit assert that (hey soon loso tho most profitable class of guests Bo.ionrning in tho vnl PROBABLY FRANCHISE ley. who remain horo only two or. duct a liotol so ns to satisfy his threo days nnd, resonting tho eondi-1 gnosis nnd prolong thoir stay in Asli tions, go to Medford, whoro thoy land. , ' EQUIPMENT AND MEN ARRIVE FOR P. &E. EXTENSION Two More Cars of Grading Machin ery and Dump Wagons Taken Out On the Line. SIXTY MEN ARRIVE TO GO TO WORK ON ROAD Grading Camps Begin to Present a Lively Appearance Work Is Being Rushed. Two corn of (Trading equipment ar rived Thursday night for tho Pacific & Eastern ruilrond and wera taken out to the camps Friday. The equip ment consisted of great scrapers, dump wagon and the liko. On Thursdii" evening (iO men were taken out by Ilia Pacific & Eastern local. They completely filled the coach and a number, rode on the flat car, while the baggage car wan piled high willi blanket. Matters are beginning to move more lively on the road and the camps arc lively Work will noon be under way in full blast.' WORK OF PAVING SEVENTH STREET TO START SOON As soon as nil connections with the sewer on West Main street arc made tho work of pnving will begin. The Warren Construction company ore moving their machinery here, having completed the work- nt Ashland, and iu a short time it will be up nnd ready for operation. The work of paving will begin at the oust end of the part to be pnved and the work will be pushed with all possible dispatch. In order to get as much done ns possi hie before the bud weather sets in, Mayor Canon went over the ground Friday in company with Engineer Foster. N0RVAL WALSWORTH'S TRIAL SOON TO CLOSE Tho trial of Nerval Walsworth, which has boon under way in the cir. euit court during the past week, will clone this afternoon nnd go to th jury. After tho verdict is returned Charles H. Walsworth, his father, who wos recently found guilty of manslaughter, will be sentenced. Tho attorneys! in tho case conclud ed their arguments this morning an the case goes to tho jury nflcr th instructions nre delivered by Jiulg Ilannn. make headquarters during their en tire stay in tho volley. It appears to bo conceded thai Medford hotels are prosperous, fact, it is said by many to be th best hotel town iu southern Oregon and much money litis been cxpondo in hotel improvement and n fino new hotel building is being projected. A lending lintel bonifneo says that the present handicap is too great. that, the most profitable guests insist upon having wine or beer at times and that Medford gets the cream of the business. Ho enres not for n bar nor for tho snloon and he is iinnhl lo seo' why drug stores should be favored above regular hotels in dis pensing to the wauls of tho public, Ilo would liko to bo permitted to enn- BIG JIM SAYS HE'LL KNOCK THE GOON'S HEAD OFF Jeffries Returns From Europe Look ing Fit and Says He Will Fight as Soon as Possible. LEAVE THE SUPREMACY OF THE WHITE RACE TO ME" Somebody Is Going to Get His Block Knocked Off," He Says, "and It Won't Be Me." NEW YORK, Oct. 22. The great est fighter the world has ever seen arrived in Now York today. Ho is looking for a fight, and if Johnson would only use some of the gasoline ho wasted in Sun Francisco in a record-breaking run to New York, it will bo better to the liking of the San Franciscans and incidentally to Jeffries and the fight fans. Looking fit, James J. Jeffries ar rived on the Lusitunin this morning. lie said he was ready to enter the ring nt any time and also to sign ar- tides with Johnson. ..I -4. ooo 1 4 t ..' " "'c ,V iciierinnn over oeiore, nc sum jusi ..... .. . . i ,., 1 n.M- 4111 llim ll.il il. u,iiui.4iui; inc.. Mlll.eil lirv Ol IOC n Hie I lieu IU me. i i , ,i ,, i n i . i .. - I .. , II 1 1 1 1 1 1 l I II r iiiii-ucu uuiiitbwii - , - , ., i , 1 Clone lino me nog miiiifijini., tn K"UIK i ,, , , ..... T ':.. nun l UK .Jt'l 1 1 lurt. I .nil p;iiui; iu fight unless Johnson does the craw fish net. 'I could enter tbo ring tomorrow and clean up this alleged champion, nit I will be nt niv best after two months' training.". Thousands joined in giving tho big fellow an ovation nnd sought to grasp his big pnw ns ho camo down the gangplank. The police were compell ed to make way for nun through the enthusiastic fans. BIG FOOTBALL GAME IS ON TOMORROW The Medford high school football team will play the Ashland boys at tho local grounds Saturday, October 23, tho gnmo to begin nt prompt 3 o'clock. For many long weeks the boys have practiced, and now, under the direction of Professor Hall, the science teacher, has attained a do gress .of efficiency which warrants their playing an outside team. Those on the team who are expect ed to do good work are: Walter Chil dress, the fullback, who handles the punts; White and Strang, tho ends; Itnrgess, the quarter, and Fnrrcll and Scoggins, tho two halves. The boys are strong in everything but experi ence, in which point it is thought that the Ashland boys have the better of them. This gnme, being the first game of tho season, is attracting much at tention, nnd a largo nttondnneo is expected. Great interest is being shown by the high school students also, and with such an enthusiastic audience, the players will have ample support from tho grandstand. NOTICE TO RED MEN. All members of Wentonkn tribe. No 30, arc requested to be present nt the next, regular meeting of the tribe, Saturday night, October 23, 1009 Hofreshinents nnd n good time. Visit ing membors are also invited. , 18G . L. L. JACOBS, C. of R 'I S.P.WILL TAKE . EXHIBIT TO SPOKANE FREE Carloads of Fruit to Be Exhibited at National Apple Show ( Will Be Carried Free. SOUTHERN PACIFIC MAKES VALLEY SPLENDID OFFER Two Cars and Possibly More Will Be Placed on Exhibition There. The Southern Pacific has offered to transport the carload exhibits of Hogue River apples to the Spokane National Apple show free of all charge nnd return them. The Com mercinl club was so notified today. Two carloads, one of Newtowns, the other of Spitzenbcrgs, have been promised for exhibition purposes and possioty oiner smpmenis win De ar ranged. A large number of local fruit growers expect to visit the fair. LETTER FROM FERRER TELLS OF HORRIBLE CONSPIRACY CHICAGO. Oct. 22.-Two letters , , . . , u-o,.i reported written by Ferrer, the Span . t . .. , j rt i:mi iii.ii i i . mil. iiiiuuaiivu . ,.ir.t n j. J da v. dated October. 2 and 4, and were ,it- dfl i riM. J wriffen l"i-iion. They were ad . , .. r v I f !tho French committee for the de fense of political prisoners. The first letter reads: "The most terrible thing about this was the dis eoverv in mv house of a revolution i nrv leaflet which I'd never seen be fore. Today tho judge informed me he lind finished the study of my case and that I was to be tried by court martini. So it's all ended. I'll be shortly tried by men who I fear havi not minds sufficiently free to be able to judge seriously the charge against me. Am in an infected cell with no light. The food is vile. It requires strength to bear it. Goodbye to all all. all." BORN. v ABBOTT A Aycrs Spur, October 12. 100!), to Mr. nnd Mrs. S. S. Ab bott. a son. , . BAUXETT In Ashland,. October lfi, 100!), to Mr. nnd Mrs. Lee Bar nett, n sot). ! LESLIE In Ashland, October 19 100!). to Mr. and Mrs. M. C.-Loslie, of Gt'cshnni street, a son. . Christian Science. Christian Science services nre held every Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock in the Commercial club room. Subjc of the lesson-sermon fov October 2 "Probation After Death." All arc welcome. Sunday school at 10. Hugh McDonald of Portland, who has been hero for a few days look ing over some- mines, left for home Friday evening. W. F. Cox of Phoenix left for home Yidnv after spending n short timo shipping here. P. B. Rtimson of Talent was down on business the Inst of the week. Mrs. R. I. Sttinrt nnd daughter were down from Ashland visiting friends the other day. Norman Whiting ot Rivcwview ranch was iu town Friday. FEAR ANOTHER DISASTER STRUCK ITALY Severe Earthquakes Shake Southern Siciliy, but No News Is Obtaina able. GOVERNMENT READY TO DISPATCH AID One Town Known to Be Wrecked and Long Death List Is Expected. ROME, Oct. 22. Fear that anoth er Messina disaster is awajtiiig the wo.rld in the southern end of the Sicilian island is growing hourly. The Italian government is holding itself in readiness to rush relief if a disas ter has occurred in Cantania as fear ed. Earthquakes of long duration are reported from the neighborhood of Mount Aetna, but no information re garding damage can be obtained, as all communication has been cut off. One was killed and every house wrecked in Acibeale, which is the only town that has been heard from. The government is expecting a long death list. TAFT GETS BACK INTO THE BUSINESS HARNESS CORPUS CHRISTI. Oct. 22. Taft's vacation ended at 9 o'clock this morning, when he arrived here and addressed a. meeting of the In land Waterways coin jntion, where the delegates of Texu iv.d surround ing states are dis"ns:ir plans for the betterment of the nation's rivers for commercial u?e. The p'-esideut pledged his supp.irt to their improve ment and assured the delegates that the government is ready to co-opei- ate with the states and private enter prises. MARRIED. BARNEBURG-TUCKER At Med ford, October 20, 1909, Fred E. Bar nebiinr and Etta Tucker. PETER SON-MELLINdER In Ashland, October 20, 1909, Peter A. Peterson nnd Mrs. Claudine Mellin ger. bv Rev. M. Sickafoose. HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Xnsh I. W. Frankel. New York; John F. Steve. Dayton; W. V. Hood,( Rochester; A. Conro Fiero. Central Point; J. S. Sawyer, Butte Falls: H. D. Darkee. Seattle; F. E. Miiinill. San Francisco; A. A. Cad walloder, Philadelphia; W. H. Ward, Los Angeles: F. Wekler. San Fran cisco: George IT. Marsh. Sacramen to: W. II. Menill, W. F. Huefener, H. X. Starr. Sam Cohen, J. W. Par ker, A. M. Shannon. W. A. Bullock. Alonzo Morrison, F. J. Down, E. P. Somcrs, " T. O. Erickson, Portland: L. R. French. Myrtle; C. B. Mason, Biookport : Miss Stuart. Ashland. Af the Moore Iron B. Packer. Hill City: Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Ilenure, Seat tle; W. S. Simon, Loseburg; L. S. Noe, Gold Hill; Isaac W. Gill, To ledo: W. C. Daley, M. Lidloy, Lake Creek; George N. Whit ford, O. G. Kreklnnd, Provo ; B. M. Martin, Mon tague; C. Thrasher, Corvnllis; Chns. E. Dnvhnrtv. Glendnle: A. II. Dawson Oakland; E. S. Pohr, W. E. McCarty, P. E. Feikert, Portland; E. D. Bots ford. San Francisco; C. S. Prescott, , Glendolc; F. . Muller, Roscburg; . E. CTtnill, Snn Francisco. CONCI L HANLEY ARE III CONSULTATION Closed Session Being Held This Aft ernoon Between Hanley and the City - ' j Dads. li'.'i. , I - r. . ! ATTEMPT-IS MADE TO EFFECT A COMPROMISE Lawyers; Newspaper Men and All Others Barred Prospects Are Hopeful.' t ' The' eity council is meeting this afternoon in executive session with. M. F. Hanley in an endeavor to come to some agreement with him regard ing the litigation which is now hold ing the city np and not allowing work to bo continued on the gravity water system. No attorneys' or othijr par ties are present the council is tak ing the matter np in person with Mr. Hanley, and with him alone. Whatever , proposition that Mr. Hanley makes to the council, if it is considered a fair one and is accept ed, will be made public later. It is understood that the prospects are fa vorable for an arrangement whereby the city can continue the construc tion of the line. JUDGE DAVIS IS VISITING MEDFORD Man Who Aided Southern Oregon in Salem Looking Over Local Orchards. i Judge W. M. Davis, a prominent" attorney of Portland, spent Friday in Medford looking over orchards and fishing on the Rogue. Mr. Davis represented the Oregon Bar associa tion before the legislature last winter and was a strong friend of the Cra ter Lake road bill and of the Ashland normal school, and endeared himself to the people of southern Oregou by his advoency of its interests. Judge Davis, or "Pike," as he is familiarly called, is being put for ward by his numerous friends as a candidate for the republican nom ination ns attorney general to suc ceed Mr. Crawford, and should ho decide to make the race, will prove n formidable candidate. Judge Davis will accompany E. V. Carter and L. L. Mulit and other Ashland sportsmen on a duck hunt ing expedition in the Klamath Lake country. USUAL PACKED HOUSE AT BIJOU THEATER Out in Idnho was presented by the Richard Darling Stock company Inst evening to the usual Thursday night packed house. The play is a western ' comedy drama with lots of wholesome laughter and fun in it, well staged and well acted. It is hard to pick tho star of this popular company. Tho entire company have mado themselves popular here with the theater going public nnd are here to stay. Charles Overton's specialty between acts is a winner nnd always causes lots o laughs. .. ..