i 6 THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORD, ORFGOtf. TJIURSDAV. OOTOHKR 21. IfMMK HIGH JINKS ARE A BIG SUCCESS (Continued from puge 1.) I ago. nnd was received by Judge Ool vig, wlio, like (lie Indians who wel comed Columbus, waved his arms i ' - T-5-,Y''-'V',f r-v-1 ; ,?'!.,y-" H",-,-r',iC w",;.f.,- r,i'"-;,':, (; Anniversary Sale Hundreds of Best Bargains to be found in Southern Oregon 'Mil. H.7 I! if; '."P..1 ': "'''"" mid exclaimed, "I.o, we tiro discov ered." Ovation for Allen. .Tulm K. Allen of New York, pres ident of the Pacific & Eastern rail roml, was introduced nnd received the most marked demonstration of the evening. For fully two minutes he was forced to await until the np "plnnse had subsided. Mr. Allen ex plained that he was not an orator nnd that he did not make a practice of speaking in public. Mr. Allen ! cnid that (ho character of the local j people more than anything else had j led him to invest in 'the Rogue Rivei valley. After some time in reflection he concluded his address by stating:' "I can tell you this much the Pa- J cifie & Eastern will be completed." j He was given another ovation when ; he concluded his remarks. A. C. Burgess nnd Holbrook With fngton. assisted by n male chorus, mng n topical song, which wii! warmly received. Following are n few There's n man in Salem takes the cake: lie stopped the road to Crater Lake; An appeal we had to take, And that's no fairy tale. But he'll find out before he's through i That he's, cut out some work to do. For well show him a thing or two, And that's no fairy tale. MeMahan says he'll surely win. He doesn't knov that he's all in, And that's no fairy tale. There were two cousins of the czar Came to Rogue river from afar Nick Romanoff knows who they are, And that's no fairv tale. . A .royal orchani was their plnn; They paid to have a trusty man And so !:cy chose one of their clan, T(Oh, what o fniry tale!) They said "There's just one that will suit ; . So chose their cousin, Edwin Root, But that's a fairy tale. To Eagle Point there was a line Of rustv nails and ties of pine. Jim Hill said: "It isn't mine." . But that's a fairy tale. John R. Allen came to town, Answered questions with a frown ; People said "He's done up brown," And that's a fairy tale. Anyone in town can tell The P. & E. has. gone to h 1, But tBat's a fairy tale. Our congressman is here tonight; Appropriations are in sight ; We are in an awful plight, And that's no fairy tale. Provision congress ought to make For taking care of Crater Lake; ,':v.:,".,;.it.'. : -v , J ' ; ' , A- ' . . 7 t.""";-V- ' i .' ;:.r.'r V,i :s ' '.; , , '' 'SM w S-' ... bob Mckenzie, acting manager, with mcKEnzies merry- makers. According to statement made by H. company will open their engagement A. McLellun, advance man of the at the Medford Theater tonight in McKenzie's show, the Merry-Makers ; that funny screnming fares, "Chur played to a packed house" last night , lie's Aunt." at the Star theater, Roseburg. Theyi This company will be here for 11 left on the 9 a. m. train and will ar-j nights and two matinees. They will rive here at 3.32 p. m. today. The -appear in different bills nnd special- ties every night. It is understood they have 18 different bills in their repertoire. , Through a typhogrnphical error in yesterday's paper the leading lady's name was missHlled. It should have been Henzlit. Some note of our existence take, And that's no fairy tale. Congress will give us quite soon A federal building as a boon; But that's a fairy tale. i Some knockers say the price of land Has gone so.high it will not stand; It's going to drop to beat the band, But it's a fairy tale. The values here have come to stay, In spite of what the knockers say; Our progress they cannot delay, And that's no fairy tale. i Over-production is the cry; Prices are too d d high. And that's a fairy tale. Then sang: just before luncheon they I'd rather sing to you than cat, Or stand all night here on my feet; Every verse we'll now-repent, That's only. a fairy tale. If you insist on verses more. You'll find them printed by the score. In Medford's pamphlet on page 4, But that's a fairv tale. N'ow I'm going to have lunch. And take a drink of . that harmless punch, And that's no fairy tale. ' An elaborate' informal luncheon was served, consisting of sandwiches, salads nnd relishes. It was put up I by Caterer Johnson nnd in a splendid ' style. The punch was made in George t Bordeaux' establishment by Tom 1 Jackson nnd was a great success. I The evening was one of the most enjoyable spent by the business men of Medford in many months. The following new members were admitted to the club: YV. 15. Field, John Wilkinson, J. F. Lawrence, Jess Houck, Jolm It. Al len. J. M. Morris.' It. f. finle. Don JColvig, C. E. Evans, A. F. Bennett, C. A. Knight, Ed Gore, F. II. Claus ing, Martin J. lieddy, Emil Conies, Ed Bordeaux, Delroy Oetchell, G. W. McCoy, Charles W. Isaacs, J. K. Woodruff, Hubbard, Joe Whitney, S. Woolf, L. E. Wakeman, Francis A. Smith, C. II. (ilaizo. M. 0. Mordoff. A. L. Cusick, C..F. Cusick, Van Wal ters, O. V. Myers, William Oerig, Gus N'ewbury, F. M. I'.roker, Robert 0. Dow, Dr. Lockwood, W. II. Gore, J. C. Aitkin. 0. O. Hull. W. 0. Gordon, J. R. Wright, J. T. Summervillc, It. F. Antic, Walter Moore, O. II. feich maii, F. E. Trigg. L. U. Miuiird, J. A. Wnlmin, A. E. Whitmore, Joe L. Hain mersley, L. C. Perkins, A. . Naglo, Fred J. Blakeley, R. 0. Smith. Medlord, Oregon: This certifies that we have sold I lull's Texas Won der for the cure ot all kidney, blad der and rheumatic troubles for ten years, and have never hnd n com plaint. It gives quick and permanent relief. 00 days' treatment in each bot tle. Medford Pharmacy. ' First to show the New Co-Ed dress for Misses. Have you seen it? New Moyen-Age Dresses, Suits, Coats and Silk Skirts at Anniversary Sale Prices, We invite you to share in the exceptional Bargains. THE HUTCHASON CO. Successor to Baker Hutchason Co. ; APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. " YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery iu the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD OREGON Suto Depositary Ettablisued 1888. Capital and Surplus (125,000 Reinurroi $700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE Tho Jackson County Dank respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with tho strongest guarantee cf safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment iu systematic bunking service, which , assures the greatest care in evory financial transaction, with this oblig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER, President. 0. It. LINDLEY, Cushior. IK ADO ROOFING IS CONCEDED BY ALL TO BE THE FINEST ROOFING MATERIAL ON THE MARKET, AND IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF ANYTHING IN ITS LINE, YOU WILL FIND THAT IT Is A. Bargain For the Money IF YOU PREFER SHINGLES WE CAN SHOW YOU A LARGE STOCK OF THE FAMOUS EX TRA "STAR. A STAR" BRAND AT PRICES THAT ARE IN KEEPING WITH THEIR QUAL ITY. OF COURSE WE KNOW YOU' HO BUSY, BUT TAKE A FEW MINUTES OFF AND LET US SHOW YOU OUR STOCK. Woods Lumber CoMpy "