I TfTK MKOKORI) DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORlXiO.V, TIHJRMDAY, OCTOBER 21, 100!) 4.4 ' f H4i f ' Classified Advertisements, Business Directory and Market Reports BOTTOM IS OUT OF PEAR MARKET Kim & I lilt field (if Now York', mi ilir date (if October l.'i, inhiicil (In! I'.jI luwlng New Yor ili'i'iiluoiiH iiiiiild.'t letter: Weather fiiiii lint ciilil. Only lair iilttmiliuu'O nt hiiIu. Kill much lifu In I h imirki'l ihih morning, the, Irwin nil having hluclcn on liiiinl, mill willi grapuH nlill in liberal r i ! , market caxcil oil' n lilllo. Our Kin Hi i showed home. 1 1 -ii y . iivi-nigcd ifl.ll; l.uili, $1. (i."; Mayhown, 1.1-'. Six cum nt' Ma laga in n 1 1 1 1 ; inn' n vera go $1.07, Cor IlicllllllH meingcil $1.21. Akhoi'IimI l.l!0. Two earn of Italian, selling .fl.l'J In ..'I7';j, iiiiihlly if I. Wli. in l-'. Si.o ran llxll. Knl I mill winter im'iiih in livcral re ceipt. Block's Nclli sold ijil!.lU; half boxes (!. Morccuii tl.'J.'i. 1', Harrys, $l.l." In $1.7.i. CliiirKi'iiu. lH.'J.'l. llllXI'H III' (ICe,o Colllit't! Hlllll tor liiill' boxes withdrawn. Car of ( n 1 i In in in Hrllllnwcru snld !.12'i to $1.2.".. Few (.'iililorniii Id'vi Clings Hold Iiitu today ul 85c to UOc. RESOLUTION. Hit it resolved, liy tin? cily cutmril of tlio oity'of Medford, Orison, Hint il i tho iiilmilioii of t lie council lo improve (ho alley running from Mnin lo Eighth streets in liloi'k 45 of (lie 'ity of Modt'ord, willi concrete, mid to iimm".( llio com I thereof on the prop erty adjacent lo mid' benefited by nii'il in provemctit. Tlx council will meet nt III coun cil cliiiinlier in the city of Mitdf'ord, Oregon, on the 2d day of November, 11HMI, nt 7;:) o'clock p. in., Tor Ilic purpohO of hearing and considering any protests nuniiiKt Kiiid improve nient mul of the assessing of the cost llicruof an aforesaid. . Tlio city recorder in hereby requir ed to give notice of the foregoing, by posting five copies of thin resolution in five conspicuous places in Hiiiil city mid publishing the tiiiinu once in llio official paper of the oily. Tlio foregoing rcsolulion was pass ed by the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, on the 1 fit li day of October, 1 !(). by tlie following vole: Welch aye. Merrick iiye, Kifcrl nyo, Dcimiier and F.ineriek absent. Approved Ibis 20th day of Oelo bcr. 1110!). W. II. CANON'. Mayor. Attest : ROUT. W. TKI.FER. t'ilv Recorder. 181 NOTICE. Five and ten-acre tracts in the 1'icrcc subdivision will not be sold for lehs than if'.MMI per acre alter Oc tober .'111, 1!)(MI. The price until, that time will be per acre; terms. Real estato dealers and others please take notice !!)' C. II. PIERCE. LOOK A New Line of Silverware That is Absolutely Guaranteed Seethe Latest Patent Tea Strainer Martini. Reddy Hot Tamale Parlors 403 N. BARTLETT STREET. BEGINNING OCTOBER 5, WILL BE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Fresh beef and chicken tamales, Mexican hcans, chicken soup and all varieties of Mexican dishes always on hand. Special tables for ladles. Will also keep a supply of tamales, etc., at Kennedy's. Highest cash prices paid for chickens. MANUEL ELARIU, Proprietor. 4 f f f AT ITS CLOSE The Hiatus f ,c California fruit crop on October Hi wiib us follows: The following gives Ihu iiuinbiir of cam of deciduous rnit sliippeil lo all points for Ihu week (seven days) ending Moinlny niglil, October 18: Peiirs, nine cars Very little loft of this varinly now. . (Iriipes, 17!) cars As prediclud last week, grape shipments liuvij been liberal in ipiiuility during thn past sev ell days, Malagas urn iiIiiiokI out ol the marlicl, Tokay Constituting the bulk of the Hjiipineuts. A few Col' iiiclion mid Kmpcior are now moving and will increase in iiianlily from day lo day. (Jnnlity of the Cornichon is generally line. I.iikI week's report of shortage of Kmperors i continued by Inter ad vice, and il is probable that the yield will not be over one-third of n full crop. .Wclilhcr Since our last report the weather has been fine until today, when a smart shower fell during Ilic morning. Il is now clearing, mid prospect is good for sunshine. Demand for grapes is very pood, and we advise Ihn trade to place their orders early. Wo can nccept orders for Tokay shipment subject to weath er conditions only, lis tho season mny he brought to n close at any time by a heavy storm. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Offico of City, Treasurer, Medford, Oregon, October 21, 1000. Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand in tho city treas ury for the redemption of all out standing citny wurrunts issued against I) street improvement fund, C street improvement fund mid war ranis No. 7 to 24, inclusive, issued against Oakdale avenue improvement fund. li wresl on the same will cense aft er Ihe nbovc dato. L. L. JACOBS, 183 Citv Treasurer. For Chapped Skin. Chapped skin whether on tho hands of face mny ho cured in 0110 night by applying Chamberlain's Salve. It is also iiucipialed for sore nipples, burns nail scalds. For salo by Leon . llaskins' I'hiirmncy. We are Orowera-Iliir direct from u NO AOINTI Our TreM are frown trlctlr WITHOUT IRRIGATION Writ for tn oitftloc. Lanro tork of TutullfmLUt)lo foroommurolal orohftrds i.-l C Ik M.U ..J AmihiiIiI TrBAS. Ohm Vlnti, 8mill FrvH Ptinli ind Shrubbtry met, Bmill tmn rtinti ana enruoMry A n TUB DAI.LKi N0R8RHIR8 W TflK I) AT. IK! NnilSKHIES MatnOffloe. Grand Are.Portlfcni,Or THE JEWELER Near P. O. We araOrowen-Tliir direct from n V Your CAM Be Easily Satisfied by a Want Ad In The Tribune. Costs but a Few Cents, Saves Time and Money. No Matter What It Is a Want Ad Will Supply It. One Cent a Word, Six Insertions for the PrlGe of Four. WANTED. 4 WANTKI) Girl for general house work for n family of three. Ad dress I'. (). Hox (iH7. WANTKI) I'osition by firsl-cluns eiifjiueer, cither steam or gusolinc, do all my own repairs. What have you? Address "Kngincer," care Tri bune. 180 WANTED Man to work on ranch; winler's job for right man. L. E. W.. care Tribune. WANTED First-class porter at the Monro hotel. WANTED A competent girl for a small family; good wages. Address V. O. Box 423. WANTED Whole, white, clean cot ton rags, at tho Tribune office; no overalls or jumpers taken. WANTED Experienced quarry man. Address P. 0. Box 418, Medford, Or. WANTED An experienced waitress at the Totel Nash. V ANTED 12 wood choppers to chop cordwood and tiorwood. Address E. W. Liljegran, Tolo, Or. 44444444 4 4 44444444 FOR RENT. 44444444444444444 FOR RENT Farm in the Meadow district, 32 acres, 280 good fanning land. For one or more years. Rent er expected to buy stock, soncict in); of hogs, horses and farming tools. Bargain on latter. Address A. J. Olson. Gold Hill. Or. FOR RENT Rooms at 604 West 10th street, corner King street; one front room upstuirs, suite of rooms downstairs in suite or single; hot and cold water and bnth; large screened porches; lawn and shade for the comfort of pntrons. FOR RENT Modern seven-room furnished house, close in, $3.) a month. Address M, Tribune of fico. FOR RENT Rooming house 8 rooms, 2 blocks from depot, furniture for salo in 3 rooms; something good; net quick. Call nt corner Fourth and Front streets. FOR RENT Show window in cen tral location; also offico space in store if your business suits. For particulars address Box No. 455, Medford, Or. FOR RENT 5-room modern cottage for rent, with furniture for salo; best location. 1013 West Mnin St. FOR RENT Or sae, cheap, 4-room house, 1218 Tenth street. Inquire 322 South Central avenue. 184 FOR RENT Or sale, four-room house., 1218 Tenth street. Inquire nt 322 South Centrnl nve. REMOVAL NOTICE., Morrimnn and Elliott have moved to their new shop on Riverside ave nue, where they will' bo better pre pared to do blneksniithiiig in all its brunches than evev before. We tnko plcnsuro in thanking all ouv old cus tomers who have stayed with us 111 the old shop and inviting newcomers. You will now get tho benefit of our long experience- and increase facili ties. Wo are hero to stay and to please our customers. Horseshoeing is our specialty. MERRIMAN & ELLIOTT. TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Sond your trophies lo mo for mount ing. Big game heads, fish, birds and mammals mounted true to nature by improved methods. I do tanning, mnke fur rugs, make, remodel and cleon fur garments. Express and mail or dors promptly attondod to. C. M. HARRIS. 405 Washington Street, Portland, Or. Telephone Main 3000. f Wants' f f44 44T444444444 . FOR SALE. 444444444444444 FOR SALE llil) acres good fertile land; 70 ucres cleared, 18 undar ditch. This U u snop. Address T, caro of Tribune office. FOR SALE liny driving team; well matched, sound, weight about 1200 Ijounds; 7 years old. Address T. L. Holdrcdge, Talent, Or. 195 FOR SALE 5-room house, brand new; will sell very cheap. City Re corder's office. FOR SALE From 1 to 5 acres un dcr Fish Lake ditch, V2 miles from Main street, splendidly located; price $300 per aci-o. Address P.. O. Box 842, or seo owner at 20 S. Peach fcti-cct. 187 FOR SALE Ncurly new hack. W. M., care of Tribune. FOR SALE $700 cash, balance like rent, house of seven large rooms, pantry and bath; partly furnished; two lots, 3 blocks from Mam street Address Y, care Tribune. FOR SALE Furniture for sale and house for rent. No. 42 corner Bart lett street 186 FOR SALE First-class ticket from Portland to Louisville, Ky., cheap if taken at once. Address X, care Tn bune. 184 FOR SALE Finely split stovewood in oak, fir and pine, and cordwood sawed into 16-jnch length blocks. Call on F. Osenbrugge, Studcbaker Bros. Warehouse. 1 FOR SALE At West Side stables one mule, one saddle pony, one sin pie driver, one young ranch team. ' FOR SALE 3 acres good garden land, under ditch; -good house Phoenix. Matt Cnlhoun. FOR SALE 5-room house, 31 Orange street, $350; three lots and house $2000. P. O. Box 536. FOR SALE 5 and 10-acre tracts just- within and adjoining city Urn its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE New 5-room bungalow on Peach street N.; pantry, bath room, closets, screened porch, m'u sion furniture, electric lights, sewer connection, city water supply con traeted for. Oood well and pump. Woodshed. Apply to W. J. Roberta, office over Medford National bank. FOR SALE 160 .a,cres good fruit land, 3G acres cleared; stock and implements with place $2000. Chns R. Pigeon. Medford. FOR SALE 1200 acres unimproved lnnd, also improved land, stiitnb'. for fruit, for sale cheap. See H. M, Coss, sole agent, 604 W. Tenth St Medford. FOR bALK Twenty acres, near Merlin ; good fruit land ; $400 ; terms. Address S, Tribune. FOR SALE Choice business proper ty at a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE 7-year-old black mare, ride or drive single or double; also good milk cow. G. L. Pnnkey, IV2 miles northeast of Centrnl Point, or address care Tribune. FOR SALE Cheap to close estate, one splendid thoroughbred Percher on filly, black; one nearly new hack, for one or two horses, good ns now ; for cash or approved security. Ap ply W. M.. Tribune. FOR SALE 1200 acres improved land, suitable for fruit, for snle chonp. See H. M. Coss, sole agent, 604 W. Tenth St.. Medford. tf. Now is the time to lay in a supply of coal for winter. Phone 701, Cas cade conl, $9.50 per ton. 133 Advertising is the breath of life for weak business lungs how is 44444444444444444 44444444444 4444444 BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUSINESS DIRECTORY 444444444444444444 44444444444444 44 44 Physicians and Surfleons. Building and Loan Association R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING Jackson County bank. Night calls AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C. promptly answered. Office and res- Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128 li . identjihone Main 2301. Main street. S. A. L0CKW00D, M. D. Physician Attornays. si"1 !&S Ir3- aiD F- J- NEWMAN, JOHN C Ait KIN. st. Phone Main 577, Medford. Newman & Ca Abf Court Lawyera DR. R. J. CONROY Successor to Corporation and criminal prao- Dr. Jones. Office in Stewart build- l'ee ln 8tate and federaI conrt8- 0f ing, iices over Jackson County bank. S. R. SEELY, M. D.-Physician and COl.VIO & REAMS-W. IL Colvig, Surgeon. Modern ea nipped operat- m' T fr "J"' Vi mg rooms. X-Ray. Office hours: rd Bank Bu,Idul' Secon4 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bank Building. WITIIINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, 7Z Palm building DR. F. Q. CARLOW, DR. EVA JLAINS CARLOW Osteop at h i c P0BTEK J- NEFF Attorney-at-law Physicians. Mission Block, Phone 9 D street, ground floor. 291. Medford. Stenographer. Dentists. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist, graphic work done quickly and Offiee hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4, Miles ' ' D. - , ; BuUding, Main street, Medford, Ore- weal tsiaie. gon. Kindergarten. KINDERGARTEN 1009 W. Tilm street. Hours: From 9 n. m. to 11:30 a. m. For particulars apply to Miss Arra Harmon, director, at the school Amusements. BIJOU THEATER West Seventh st Darling Stock Co. in repertoire of mgn-grade comedy-drama nroduc tions. Changes Sunday and Thurs- dqys. Admission 10c and 20c. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANONBill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bante Balding, Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Yonng and Eall building. A nice cool place to spend the hot after noons. Furniture H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new and second hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Mound City kit chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS- Corner 8th and Holly Sts., Med ford.. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves and Ranges. New and Second Hand Furniture. Eads' old stand, 18-20 F St .South. Phone 91. Medford, Or. Hospitals. MEDFORD HOSPITAL Surgical cases a specialty; thorough equip ment. Mrs. L. G. Gardner, Prop, 446 E. Evergreen St., Medford. Photograph Studios. MACKEY S STUDIO "Pose with Mackey and die with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's store; entrance 00 seventh street. Drayage and Transfer. ADAMS & MOORE, GENERAL Draying and Transfer, will call anywhere in city. Phone Main 561 Rtnnd at S. P. Depot Nurseries CARLTON NURSERY Grow ol) all kinds of nursery stock without irrigation or fertilizer, but ou deep, rich soil, producing a normal growth ' and a vigorous, healthy tree, with a strongo root growth. Those trees are especially adapted to Rogue hiver valley soil and conditions, P. Adams, Agent, P. O. Box 143 Offico in Central Point Hotel, Cen trnl Point, Or. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stook is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in the trust. II. B. Patterson, offico, b Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. E. Cook, Prop.' R. R. V. depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 583 Medford. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on hand and made to order 128 North G streot. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real estate, loans and fire insurance. Offiee 112 W. Main st., Medford Ore. Phone 3073. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. hu the best equipped job office in Southern Oregon; Portia id prices. 37 8onth Central ave. Opticians. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive op f:n:A 1 . , . , . ueiweeu .roniana ana Sac ramento. Office on West Main street ana railroad. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER. Ev 8pee;alist. when others fail. Offjoe in Eagle Pharmacy. Main 233. East Maim near D'Anjon. Jewtler. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew el ers, carry a complete stock and make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Nash Ho tel. . GEO. A. BUTT Watchmaker jew eler and engraver. My jewelry stock is up-to-date. My facilities, includ ing eperience and material for re pair work, are the best in the city. Corner G and Seventh sts. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. A. T. O'Brien. O. D. Nagle. THE MEDFORD BRICK. CO. . Brick manufacturers and contrac tors; also lime, cement and piaster in any quantity. Offiee, Medford National bank bldg. Phonee Main 545. Underakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day Phone 353. Night Phones C. W. Conklin 36; J. H. Butler 148. SOUTHERN OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WANTED Three girls for gen eral housework; good, wages. MALE AND FEMALE HELP FURNISHED TO EMPLOYERS FREE. Office 33 SOUTH FRONT STREET. PHONE NO. MAIN 3351. Paul de Anna FIRST-CLASS GERMAN WATCHMAKER, JEWEL ER AND ENGRAVER. ALL . WORK GUARANTEED. IN CONNECTION WITH MED FORD LOAN OFFICE, COR. CENTRAL AVE. AND SEV ENTH ST., MEDFORD.