THE MfififfOKD DAILY I'KtHUISfl, MedFORU, OHHnON, THUIifcDAY, OCTOHKlt 21, 1000, 1H 4 The Vg) Mask (Continued.) .. ..SYNOPSIS CHAPTER I Jock HUliard, a wealthy New York clubman, hears a mysterious voice singing in the night under his window. II He inserts an advertisement in a personal ccolumn to find the singer. He receives a reply. HI, IV, V, and VI He visits the mysterious singer, but she wears a mask. He falls desperately in love with her, but he has not seen her face. The unknown woman gives her name as Mine. Angot, which is assumed. They have dinner. She refuses to see him again. "This Til agree to take not a penny more than twenty-five hundred my self. We'll go on equal terms. Why," confidently, "besides living like a prince you'll have four hundred to throw away at roulette. Boy. you have never seen Italy; therefore you do not know what beauty is. When swe eventually land at Bellngio. on Lake Como, and I take your Illy white hand In mine and lead you up to the terrace of Villa Serbellonl and' or der tea, then you will realize that you have ouly begun to live gardens, tow ering Alps, the green Lecco on one side and the green Como on the other and Swiss champagne at $1.40 the quart! Eh? "And then." Eillard added, "there's Kitty Killlgrew singing her heart out to a people who can't understand a word she's singing." "Can it be done for twenty-five hun dred!" Merrihew chewed his cigar with sub dued fierceness. He knew very well that he was destined to go to Europe. Kitty Kllligrew, who bad promised to mail the route they were to play and hadn't! "It is written, Dan, that you shall go with me." "We'll settle this argument right here uow." Merrihew drew out a coin. "Call it,'' he cried recklessly. "Heads!" The coin flickered in the light, fell and proved that all money is perverse by rolling under the davenport upon which they were sitting. An amusing hunt followed. They ran their hands over the floor, turned the rug, pulled out the davenport and looked behind, burned innumerable matches and final ly rang for the attendant The situa tion was explained, and he procured a candle. He was ultimately successful. "Here it is, sir." "What is it, bead or tail?" asked Merrihew weakly. "Head, sir," said the attendant. "Keep it," said Merrihew generous ly, even sadly. He never ' got up a game of chance that be did not get the worst of it And now, Italy! All that way from home! "Boy, bring up a bot tle of '00." "And the lady in the mask?' asked Merrihew as they at length stood up. "I must relegate her to the fog she came out of. But it would be a fright ful thing if If He hesitated to form the words. " But Merrihew had no such scruple. "If the silver and plate were missing when the Sandfords return?" "Oh, bosh! It's all some Joke, and Tm the butt of it She was In that bouse by the same authority she rode the horse." "A woman of that sort would have no difficulty in hoodwinking the stable men," declared Merrihew. "By the way," he continued, "receiv- ed a postal from Kitty this morning from Gibraltar. Fine trip. Visited the gun galleries and the antique furniture shops. Says no sign of prima donna as yet, but believes her to be on board. O'Mally's on the water wagon. But Kitty aggravates me." '"What has she done now, refused you by marconlgraph?" "No, but she promised- me her ad dress." "Address ber care Cook's, Florence, Rome, Venice. It's the popular mall box, of. Europe, and If she has clyon Lure the By HAROLD MAC GRATH Copyright. 1908. by Iht Merrill Co. Bobbi- them the address they will forward." "That helps considerably. I'm glad there's nno Cook which can be relied on." "In the morning I'll arrange for pas sage. We'll try the Celtic." "I'll leave the business end of the trip to you." "The first Saturday In March, then. If we can get booking. That will be In less man two weess. - ' in the loony or the ciud as they were about to enter the coat room Hil lard ran into one of sevcrnl gentlemen Issuing. 'Tardon me(" he said, stepping aside. "Xon importa!" said the stranger, with a graceful wave of the hands. Hillard looked quickly into the gen tleman's face. "I am clumsy." he said in Italian. Then the other stared at him and smiled. For a moment there was a brief tableau, in which each took the other's measure and noted the color of the eyes. The man was an exceedingly handsome Italian, for all that a scar ran from his cheek to his chin. It was all over in a moment, and Hillard and Merrihew proceeded to the street. "Handsome duffer," was Mcrrihew's comment. "But you never can tell a man by his looks. Gaze on me, for in- I ! stance." "Go home!" Hillard slapped him jovially on the shoulder. "Home! Ah. yes! But shall I have a home to go to when I get back? You have roped me In nicely. My poor little twenty-five hundred! But Swiss champagne at $1.40 the quart! Well, every cloud has its lining." As Hillard never received any an swer to his personal, he discontinued It Truly, she had returned to the fog out of which she bad come. But it was no less difficult for him to take up the daily affairs again. What mystery veiled her? Whither had she gone? Giovanni was delighted when he heard the news. He would go, too, and act as valet to the siguor and his friend till they put out for Rome. Then, .of course, he would be obliged to leave them. Occasionally Hillard would reason with him regarding his deadly projects. But when a Latin declares that he has seen through blood, persuasions, arguments, en treaties, threats do not prevail. He comforted himself with the opinion, however, that Giovanni's hunt would come to no successful end. "You will surely fall Into the bands of the police." "What God wills comes true. But by this time they will have forgotten me." . "But your man might bo dead." "He is not dead. - If be were some thing would tell me." "It is a bad business, and 1 wish you no luck." Giovanni smiled easily. Wishes sel dom Interfere 'with any one. "I will double your wages," said Hil lard, "if you will go 'Where I go and return with me when 1 come back to America." A deprecating movement "Money? It Is nothing. I am Tich after my bind." , ' "Are you still In the church?" "I confess regularly once a "week. Ob, I am a good Catholic." I "Take yourself off. I. am displeased with you." ' It was a drizzling, foggy morning when they drove down to the boat But the atmospheric effects made no 1 Impression on the volatile Merrihew. And he bad an eye for all things, from the baskets of fruit and flowers, mes I sengers with late orders from the stores, repeated farewells, to the squalling babies In the steerage. I At 4 o'clock they were on the high , seas, heading for the Azores. Hillard I was dreaming, and Merrihew. was stu diously employed over a booklet on . how to speak Italian in one day. Glo I vanni, wbo had been arranging the . luggage, came up on deck. Ho had two packets of letters and telegrams. One he gave to Merrihew and the other to his master. Hillard found among his a bulky en velope postmarked Naples. Naples! He sat up. It had been addressed to the bouse and the address typewritten. "Look at this!" ho cried. "Good Lord!" Dan gasped, his feet coming down to the deck. Hillard was holding up for his in spection a crumpled black silk mask. (To he continued.) TO BUY A PIANO and know you are treated the same as your neighbor is a satisfaction. You can do this by dealing with SHERMAN. CLAY- & CO., THE ONE-PRICE PIANO HOUSE, 134 WEST MBA1N ST. 134 184 ' NOTICE OF SALE." In the matter of the estate of George M. Needles, deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of the county court of Jackson county, Oregon, mnde on the 14th day of Octobor, 1901), in the matter of the above nanicd estate, the undersigned admin istrator of the estate of said deceas ed will sell at public auction to the lushest bidder for cash, on Monday, the 25th day of October, 1009, at 10 o'clock n. m., in front of what is known ns the "Horseshoe Club Sa loon," situated on Front street in the city of Medford, the entire stock of merchandise contained in said sa loon1, consisting of n largo amount of whisky in barrels, in bottles and oth erwise, together with a variety of other kinds of liquor usually kept by retail vendors thereof: also including two pool tables, both in good condi tion, and each completely equipped with fixtures; also n stock of tobac cos, cigars, pipes, cigarettes, etc., and a full set of decanters, glasses and tumblers, and other articles used in connection with and in a saloon where liquors are sold by retail. For a more definite knowledge, of the kind and amount of liquors, fixtures etc., to be disposed of at said sale, impure at the office of Colvig & Reames, i Medford. Oregon. I Dated October l."th, 1909. I CLARENCE L. R F.AMES, Administrator ot the r.statc ot Ueorgo M. Needles. Deceased. CITY NOTICES. (Continued From Page 2. recorder's records of Jackson coun tv. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 47 cents: amount due S23.50. Assessment No. 15 E. B. Pickle. B. Klum and W. C. Muruhv. lot 2. block 1. Summit addition to the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on east side of Summit avenue, and described Vol. 72, paire 121, county recorder's records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon ; 50 feet ; rate per foot 47 cents; amount due $23. 50. . Assessment No. 10 E. B. Pickle, n K'lmii .,n,l w c ;miliv lot a. b,'oek Sulmuit addition to the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet on east side of Summit avenue, und described Vol. 72, page 121, countv recorder's records of Jackson coun tv, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 47 cents: amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 17 E. B. Pickle. B. Klum ifhd W. C. Mtirphv. lot 4. block 1. Summit addition to the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet on east side of Summit avenue, and described Vol. 72, page 121. countv recorder's records of Jackson coun tv, Oregon: 50 feet; rate per foot 47 cents: amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 18 E. B. Pickle. B. Klum an.d W. C. Murphy, lot 5, block, 1. Summit addition to the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet east side of Summit avenue, and des cribed Vol, 72. page 121. countv re corder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet: rate per footh 47 cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 19 E. B. Pickle. B. Klum and W. C. Murphy. lot 0. block 1. Summit addition to the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet on east side of Summit avenue, and described Vol. 72, pnge 121, countv recorder's records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon; 50 feet: rate per foot 47 cents : amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 20 E. B. Pickle. B. Klum and W. C. Miirphv. lot 7. block I. Summit addition to the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontneo 50 feet on cast' side of Summit avenue, and described Vol. 72. pace 121. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon: 50 feet; rate per foot 47 cents: amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 21 E. B. Pickle. B. Klum and W. C. Murphy.' lot 8. block 1. Summit addition to the citv of Medford. Oreeon, frontage 50 feel on east side of Summit nvenne. and described Vol. 72. pace 121. count recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon: 50 feet; rate per foot 47 cents: amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 22 E. TT Pickle, CITY NOTICES. II. Klum and V. C. Muruhv, lot 9, block 1. Summit addition to the cilv of Mcdl'ord, Oregon, frontline 50 feet on vast side of Summit nvvimu. and described Vol. 72, pugo 121, county recorder's records of Jackson count V, Oregon; 50 fool ; ruto per foot 47 cunts; amount duo $23.50. Assessment No. 23 E. 11. Pickle, . Klum mid W. C. Muruhv. lot 10. block 1. Summit addition to the cilv of Medford, Oregon, frontage. 50 feet on east side of Summit avenue, and described Vol. 72, imgo 121, eouulv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet; rata per foot 47 cents; amount duo $23.50. Assessment hi. 24 E. B. Pickle. H. Klum und V. C. Muruhv, lot 11. block 1. Summit addition to tliu cilv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on vast side of Summit avenue, und described Vol. 72. page 121, count v recoider's vecords of Jackson count v, Oregon: 50 feel; rate tier foot 47 cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 25 E. R. Pickle, B. Kiuin und V. C. Mun.hv. lot 1'i. block 1. Summit addition to the citv of Medford. Oreiron, frontage 50 feet on oust Rule of Summit avenue, and described Vol. 72. pinto 121, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oreiron; 50 feet rate per foot 47 cents: amount duo $23.50. Assessment No. 20 E. 11. Piekje, B. Klum mid C. Vv Murphy, u lot fronting 51 feet 5 inches on Jacksonville road or Main street. West, and running hack on Summit avenue 1 10 foot and marked on citv mai lot 13, in Muck 1. Sum mit addition to the citv of Medford. Oreiron, frontage 140 feet on east side of Summit avenue, and describ ed Vol. "2. page 121. countv record er's records of Jackson couiitv. Ore. on; 110 feet: rate per foot 4" rents; amount due $115.80. Section 2. The recorder of the citv of Medford is licrcbv directed to enter a statement of said several as sessments in the water main lien docket of'said citv ns required bv the citv charter. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed bv the citv council of the citv of Medford on the 5lh dav of October, 1909. by the following vote: Merrick avc. Welch ave. Eifert nve, Emerick absent. Wortmnn absent. Demnier nve. Approved October ('.. 1909. W. II. CANON. Minor. Attest : , ROUT. W. TELFEII. Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 232. ' An ordinance declaring the assess ment on the property benefited for the cost of laving u water main on Ross court und directing the recorder to enter a statement thereof in tiie water main lien docket. The citv of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. Whereas, the citv coun cil did heretofore bv resolution de clare its intention to lav a 4-inch water main on Ross court from West Main street to West Fourth street, and to assess the cost thereof on the property fronting on said por tion of said street in proportion to the frontage of said property, and did fix a time and place for bearing pro tests against t lie laving of said wa ter main on said portion of said street and the assessment of the cost there of ns aforesaid: and. Whereas, paid resolution waB duly posted and published as required bv section 1 10 of the churtcr of said citv: and. Whereas, a meeting of the council wns held lit the time and place fixed in said resolution for the purpose of considering uuv such protests, hut considering any such protests, but no protests were at such time or at any time made to or received bv the coun cil to the layine of said water main or the assessing of 'the cost thereof ns aforesaid, and said council having considered the matter, and that said water main was und is of mnterial benefit to said citv and that all property to bo assessed therefor would bo benefited thereby to the ex tent of the probable amount of the respective assessments to be levied against said property, did order said water main laid; and. Whereas, the cost of said water main has been and hereby is de termined to be the sum of $773.15; Now. therefore, it is hereby further determined that the proportionate share of the cost of laving said wa ter main of each parcel of tho prop erty fronting on said portion of said street is the amount set opposite the description of each piece or parcel of lnnd below and that each such piece or parcel of land is benefited bv the laving of said water main to the full extent of the amount so sot opposite the description of such piece or pnr cel. and that the respective amounts represent the proportional benefits of said water main to said respective parcels of property and also the pro portional frontago thereof on said portion of said street, nnd the council does hereby declare each of the par 'ft CITY NOTICES ' cels of 'properly ilosorilied below to ho assessed and each ot tho same hereby is usscsscd the amount set op posite each respective description for the cost of laving said water main: ASSESSMENT FOR A FOUR-INCH WATER MAIN ON ROSS COURT BETWEEN WEST MAIN STREET AND WEST FOURTH STREET. Assessment No, 1 C. 1). Wolvor ton et ux lot I. block 2, Wolver tou'tf subdivision, in the cilv of Mud ford, Oregon, frontage 140 foot on west side Ross oourt, described Vol. 70, Page 25H, i juntv recorder's rec ords of Jackson countv, Oregon; 110 feet j ruto v: foot 52',4 cents; amount duo $73.15. Assessment No. 2 C. D, Wolvor ton, lot 4. block 2. Wolvurtmi's sub division, in the citv of Medford, Ore gon, frontago 50 feet on west side of Ross court, described Vol. 70. page 25ik countv recorder's lccords 01 Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 feet; rale per foot . 52V. cents; amount due $20.10. Assessment No. 3" Irviiu Worth iiiglou, lot 5, block 2, Wolvurtou's subdivision, in tho citv of Medford, Oregon, frontago 50 feet on west side of Ross court, described Vol. 70, page 177. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 feet: rate per foot 52'.i cents; amount due $2(1.10. Assessment No. 4 C, D. Wolver ton: lot 0. block 2, Wolvcrton's sub division in the city of Medford, Ore gon, I ron t n 50 feet on west side id' Ross court, described Vol. 70. page 258. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feel ; rate tier foot 52'i cents; amount due $20.10. Assessment No. 5 C. D, Wolvcr lon. lot 7. block 2. Wolvcrton's sub division, in the citv of Medford. Ore gon, frontage 50 feel on west s'ulo of Ross court,' described Vol. 70. page 258, county recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon ; 50 feet ; rate per foot 52 Vi cent-.; amount duo $2(1.10. Assessment No. (i C. D. Wolvor-' ton, lot H, block 2, Wolvcrton's sub division, in the citv of Meill'urd. Ore gon, frontage 50 feet on west side of Ross court, described Vol. 70. page '258. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet: rale per foot 52 ',4 cents; amount due $20.10. Assessment No. 7 C. D. Wolver ton, lot 9. block 2. Wolvcrton's sub division, in tho cilv of Medford. Ore gon, frontage 50 fuel on west Mile of Ross court, described Vol. 70, page 258, county recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 leel; rate per foot 52 li cunts; amount due $20.10. Assessment No. 8 C. D. Wolvor ton, lot 10. block 2. Wolvcrton's sub division, in tho citv of Medford. Ore gon, frontage 50 feet on west side of Ross court, described Vol. 70. page 25S, count v ' recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 feet: rate per foot 52 Vi cents; amount due $20.10. Assessment No. 9 C. D. Wolver Ion, lot 11. block 2. Wolvcrton's sub division, in tho citv of Medford. Ore gun, frontage 50 feet on west side of Ross court, described Vol. 70. page 258. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 52 Vi cents; amount due $20.10. Assessment No. 10 C. D. Wolver ton, lot 12. hlocl' 2, Wolvcrton's sub division in the citv of Medford. Ore gon, frontage 50 feet on west sido of Ross court, described Vol. 70, page 258, countv recorder's rocords of JnckKon countv, Oregon: 50 feet; rate per foot 52Vi cculs; amount due $20.10. Assessment No. 11 C. D. Wolvcr ton. lot 13, block 2. Wolvcrton's sub division, in tho citv of Medford. Oro- gon, frontage 50 feet on west sido of Ross court,' described Vol. 70, page 258. county recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 feet: rate per foot 52Vi conts; ninount duo $20.10. .Assessment No. 12 C. 1). Wolvor- ton, lot 14, block 2, Wolvorton's sub division, in tho citv of Medford. Oro gon. frontago 50 feet on west sido of Ross court, described Vol. 70, page 258, countv recorder's rocordB of Jackson countv; Oregon : 50 feet; rate per foot 524 cents; amount duo $20.10. Assessment No. 13 C. I). Wolver ton. lot 15, block 2, Wolvcrton's sub division, in tho citv of Medford, Oro- eon, frontago 50 feet on west sido of Ross court, doscrived Vol. 70. page 258. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 52't cents; amount due $20.10. Assessment No. 14 0. D. Wolvcr ton et ux.. lot 1. block 1. Wolvcr ton's subdivision, in the citv of Med ford, Oreeon. frontago 140 feet on cast side of Ross court, described Vol. ,., page ... countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 140 feel: rate per foot 52'i cents amount due $73.15. CITY NOTICES'. ft Assessment No. 15 Murguerett Wolvortoii. lot 4, block 1, Wolvor ton's subdivision, in tliu citv of Mud lord, Oregon, fruiiliiuu 50 feet on vast sido of Rons court, described Vol. 119, page 29, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon ; 50 fcut ; rato per foot 52 'a cents; iiiuouit duo $2(1.10. Assessment No. 10- f. D. Wolver ton cl ux., lot 5, block 1. Wohei lon's subdivision, in tliu citv of Medford, Oregon, iron dice 50 feet on vast sido of Ross court, described Vol. , ., pago ., countv recorder's records of Jack son countv, Oregon; 50 feel; rulu per foot 52 ''i cents; amount due $20.15. Assessment No. 17 C. D. Wolvvr lon et ux.. lot (1, block 1. Wolvcrton's subdivision, in tliu cilv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on vast side of Ross court, described Vol. . ., pago ... countv recorder's records of Jackson c miitv, Orcg ui: 50 icct : rato per foot 5214 cents; amount dim $2(1.15. Assessment No. 1H (!. I). Wolvcr- ton et ux.. lot 7. block 1, Wolvcrton's subdivision, in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet on east sido of Ross court, described Vol. . .. pago , county recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon: 50 feet : rate per foot 52 ',a cents; amount dun $20.15. Assessment No. 19 C. D. Wolvcr- tou et ux., lot 8. block 1. Wolvorton's subdivision, in the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feel on vast side of Ross court, described Vol. . ., page , countv recorder's records of .lucks. n countv, Oregon; 50 feel: rate' tier fool 52''i cents; amount due $20.15, Assessment No. 20 -('. D. Wolver ton ct ux,, lot 9, block 1, Wolvcrton's subdivision in the city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on east side f Ross court, described Vol. . ., page ., county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per fool- 52! 4 cents; amount due $20. 15. Assessment No. 21 -tC D. Wolver ton et ux.. lot 10, block I, Wolverton's subdivision, in the cilv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feel on east side of Ross court, described Vol. , ., page ... countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot 52Vi cents; amount due $20.15. Assessment No. 22 C. I). Wolvor ton ct nx.. lot 11. block 1. Wolverlon's subdivision, ill the citv of Mndl'ord. Oregon, frontage 5(1 feet on east side of Ross court, described Vol. . .. pago . .. countv recorder's records of Jack son countv. Oregon: 50 feet: rale tier foot 52't cents; amount duo $20.15. Assessment No. 23 ('. D. Wolvcr ton ct ux.. lot 12. block 1. Wolvcrton's subdivision, in the citv of Medforo, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on cast side of Ross court, described Vol.., pago ... comilv recorder's records of Jack son countv, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot 52" cents; amount due $2(1.15. Assessment No. 21 -E. J. Roche, lot 13, block 1. Wolvcrton's subdivis ion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feci on cast side of Ross Court, described Vol, ... page ... countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feel ; rale per foot 52 cents: amount due $20.15. Assessment No. 25 E. J. Roche, lot .14, block 1, Wolvcrton's subdi vision in the citv of Medford, Ore gon, fronta"c 50 feet on cast sido Rss court, described Vol. . ., page , ., county recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon: 50 feet ; rate per foot 32 Vi conts; amount duo $2(1.10. Assessment No. 20 O. D. Wolvcr ton ct u.x lot 15, block 1, Wolvcrton's subdivision, in tho citv of Medford, Oregon, frontago 50 fpel on east sido of Ross cour described Vol. . .. pairo ., countv recorder's records of Jack son countv. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 52Vi cents' amount duo $20.10. Section 2. The recorder of tho citv of Medford is hereby directed to en ter n statement of said sevcrol as sessments in the water main lien docket of said citv. Tho foregoing ordinnnca wns pass ed bv tho citv council of the citv of Medford on the 5th dnv of October. 1909. bv the following vote: Merrick avc, Welch avc, Kifort ave, Emerick .hscnt, Wortmnn absent. Dommer avc. Approved October 0, 1909. W. II. CANON. Mavor. ' At I est : ROBT. W. TET.FER. Rocordei'. CITV TREASURER'S NOTICE. Office of City Treasurer, Medford, Oregon, October 19th, 1909. Notice ,is hereby given that thoro nro funds on hand in tho city treasury for tho redemption of city warrants Nos. 1 to 14, inclusive, issued naginst sewer district No. 7; also warrnnt No. 8, issued ogainst sewer district No. 8. Interest on snme will cease after the nhovo date. 183 L. h. JACOBS, ... ... Cily Treasurer.