THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKEOON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1909. 5 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL! (, THE WEATHER. I'lihiiiiuil ruiiiM tonight mid Friday. After n week or more of digging anil tunneling lliii leak in the pipe near llui reservoir Iiiih been dmcov orcd mid fixed mid lliu water in be iu'g turned into tint big tank. A ttln ni'l 'id feci in length mid high onoiigh fur a man In Htimd up in wnn con structed over tlw pip" mid tlm li-ak finall.v discovered at tlio place where lliu wood pipe joins tlio other. The tiiiini'l will hit Id I nii'ii and concret ed or filled as the rily desires. Tlm Kmerick cafe from now on will close at H:'M) p. in. anil open at 0 n, in. 1) ' Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Stone of Rock ford, III., left for San Francisco to continue their tour of tlm country after Maying f'" sbort time in thin city. , . , ' ' Spices nnd extracts nt 3(5 So. 0 direct. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. IWhe of Fnrgn, N. ll an- stopping off in Medford. See of IJi'iiioii' bargains on page 4. Tin- I.iidi.-' Ouild of St. Mark's church will meet at tin' home of Mr Will Andrews on .lilt! Hiveiidi nve nnr. A pica-nnt linn' i- expected, Trv tlm Sprit nt ami Coffee Why nihh home? Cn fi"n 2."m diinmr. Mr. and Mil .1. A. Sissel of Onzrllc t'.il.. wi-ii" in l'ii Thursday making arrangements for n-nding their chil dren to school. They nKo paid- J. Kcrnnn, an old fri 1. a vir-it. Orders for sweet rreuin or butter milk promptly filled. Phono th creamery. Frank 0. Pope of Howling fiieen. ., stopped off hern the other day lor n short siny. pest meal for the least money tlm Spot enffl. Kinma W. 'I'hnin pf l.os Alleles was looking some of the fine fruit of the valley Thnr-day. The Knieiirk cafe call csecial atlention to their breakfast menu. Come and try our waffle! and maple svrup the he-t in town. 1fW ' C. S. lhukc and .1. Mayficld eame down from Pcaglo to flay in the city for a few ilny. Southern Oregon Tea fn . III! So. ( street. T tu IV C. Wnv of Pokcirnnin. Wash., is a r it iMiivnl in the city. Kiln Oiiunynw, public stenographer i-nom 4. I'ahn building. 11 T SchoelTcld eame down from AIiImihI Thnr-day for a ncss visit in the city. T103 for ten or coffee. Mrs. A. M. Stark of Kldorado SnriiiL's. Mo., is paying the nielrop- ,.ilu ,.r tl.e Ifi.L'iie Hivcr valley n visit, Now in the time to seed your lawns ' 1 Krwl viur bulbs. scrymnni'MiuH everything in tlm seed will rnniurfl, fn en s especial HI! I .IIH ' - u....i;.m In Iheir hreaUfast menu r.,.,,e trv our waffles and maplo Ihn hest in town. ' n. A. Hamilton f TorHnm! is n l.usiness visitor to the city tins wceK ah b;.la of fresh fish, crahs, oys- ,.i.. .,1 ih Hoiruc Hiver Fish III H 1 ' market. i7..i.ri n.-iiiiutt was down i...i i,,mu Tlinrsilav visilinc. f ,wl Mrs. H. U Shephend and . family, who eame here from Eupene n few dnvs npo, have decided to rc ,nin here throuirli the wintor nnd rhnps make this their permau.M.t short hui- II. (I. (Ireen of Portland is look ing over tlm orchard land with the intention of purehiihiiiK if satisfied, Tlm ri'Kiilar meelinK of tlm Wed nesday Study cluh, held ut the Vnw ler ruNidencu, whh an oeeAHioii for an (ilahornlu mid iiiterehtini; program. Mrs. K. K, Hon, of KiiKene left for home WudimHilay after a short visit with frimiiU hero. Mrs. J. M. Kennedy of Olendnle, who Iiiih heeu visilinx her son.iW. M. Hudson, left for homo. Wednesday oveninif. ' "3. i. HamiiierHley, n (Jold Hill bus iness man, was visit inj( in the eity Wednesday. Mr. ami Mrs. J. I.. Marshall and II. L. Marshall left for Montrose, (!ol Wednesday evening after a short stay in tlm city. M. I). MeFarland and family ar rived recently from Hourhon, Ind., and are visiting S. F. Loier and fam ily. Mr. and M, . T.I. K. Harris of Port land aiyi visitiiiK in Medford. Mrs. Frank Monahan 'of Santa Ana, Cat., is a .recent visitor to the eity. Mrs. C. W. Webster nnd family of Cenlralia, 111., stopped off here on her way south, where she in (jo'iiik on account of the health of herself and children. A. C foffen of Kent. 0., arrived in Medford the other day to look around. Dr. II. J. Conwy was a visitor to (liants Pass Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge T. Ktc'li-h of Chelsea, Mich n tour of the west, are slopping off here for a few iiavs. C. ISunirenl i- here from Chiciifjo on businesH. The case of N'oivnl Walsworih is Mill under wnv in .Incksorivillc. Wit-III.-.I.I-S are still heinc examined. J. S. Vainlorphy came in today from Phoenix with a load oi line pumpkins. He has three acres and has been supplying the local trade for some time. Mrs. I.. It. Fiddler left Thursday w ...!... morning lor .Moniagne, viu.. h-m- he will visit her parents, Mr. and , Mrs. fi. W. Howen. Mr. and Mrs. J. .1. Pradford and family of Alamo-a. Col., arrived on riiniiolay morning and were met by '. 1',. WyiK'oop. recently of the same lace. They are here to stay, says : Mr. Pradford. till they hear ot some-: thing better. I). P. Itenme eame down weimcs- ' day from the flolilen Kipide and Sun- . set mines, where he has been for the. past few weeks getting ready for a winter's run. Me will leave on ms return trip Friday. I,. F. Loner came' into lowiv, on business the other day. .1. K. Olson and .T. Prnmnrd lett for F.ngle Point onJjuines tlm lirsi of the week. Todd Cameron, the Jacksonville . il - 1 wp pioneer, was nnioiiL' iimsc m "o".'- the openin'.' "of the federal court in Medford Thursday. Fib'iir Ilafcr returned from a bus iness trip to Portland Thursday. Ladies, if you have hair to sen or if von want it made up imo swn.-o. puffs or curls, I also rciniir nnd color the near hair. Please bring it to me. Madam T. L. 'Rcaii.e. No. W. eomer Fourth and Onkdalo nvenuc. Yes; tlm other fellow rcitrt mis. o did his wife. Moral Advertise. F. CENTRAL POINT ORDERS 10,000 BOOSTER BOOKS Central Point him signed a eon tract with William II. Wells of tlm KmiMif company for 10,00(1 Pooster Pamphlets mid several thousand conductor's Folders. MATLOCK'S SON IS IN TROUBLE; INSANITY CHARGED KL'OKNK, Or., Oct. 21. Joseph Matlock, son of J. II. Matlock, muyor of Kugene, is in jail here charged with n statutory offense against Clam Nir chli, a 17-year-old girl, having been bound over by Judge Urvon of tlm justice court yesterday afternoon in the sum of $1000. It is alleged that young Matlock attacked the girl on n dark street a few nights ago. Pefore the examination Miitlock's brother filed a charge of insanity against him. He will lie examined on that charge Friday. Matlock in married, his wife being with her mother in Portland. Ho was nrrested a few years ago on n similar charge, nnd was placed under bonds, but left the eity, forfeiting the bonds. I'pon his return about n yenr ngo the charge was not pressed ngaiust him. Clever Comedy at the Savoy. Tonight at "The Kavoy" will he your lust iisirtunity to witness "Show Your License," one of tho fun niest Iniighngriiphs ever thrown upon the screen. It is one bundle of laughs from start to finish. "A Trip to llisliru is i, scenic picture of great were over from Medford Monday on business before the circuit court. Silas J. J lay wag a business caller nt Medford Monday. J. W. Morrow, tax adjuster for 0. K. N. nnd R. B. Hallock of Portland, were in town Tuesday on business educational value, finish upon your! before the board of equalization. geopraphy and learn the habits nnd customs of a queen jicoolc. "Mo zart's Lust Ifequiem" is a story of (he last years of the great compos er's life. It is told with excellent pantomime in a most pleasing man ner. Entire change of progrum tomor row. One dime. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Miss Cora liasye spent Monday afternoon in Medford. D. B. Grant was down from Ash land Tuesday on business. H. C. Keulner and Basil Gregory Attorneys C. L. Reames and Por ter J. Neff were attending court on Tuesday. II. C. Oarnett and Ed Van Dyke were Jacksonville callers Monday. Floyd Edgington was in town the j first of the week representing the Oregon Life Insurance company. I Mrs. J. Markham spent Monday I afternoon in Medford. j II. M. Pohland was before the board ! of equalization Monday, j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett spent I Tuesday with relatives living here. Mrs. Mary Miller Saturday left for j San Jose, Cal., where she will spend the winter with her son Harry. 184 from of Frankfort per home U..Q r. M. Williams Mich., is staving in tlm city looking around. t. ..,,.1 Mrs. P. M. Chnney here 'from Nashville. Tenn.. looking r i... Tlmv exnect to make this i'ii ii on , . il,.,;,. fill urn home. r,. nnd Mrs. W. M. Linis left on iv...i...w nhrht for a trip north '.,..... nilier noinls Seattle IIH'IUIUIIU ion"" , ,1 Suit T.nke. T..i. r',...,i.lev nnd 0. A. Blackmail l,.f'l .il.,. first of the week for n hnnl ; I.-;., into the Cascade mountains Kngineer Cunimiims deparlwd n,1,iv for the siciih on business, II. h. Hart of Bowen, 111., was vis :i;., brother. Dr. Henry Hart o this place, Wednesday. f He left for ALL OF ROOSEVELT PARTY IS ILL EXCEPT TEDDY NAIVASIIA, British Fast Africa, Oct, 21. Colonel Roosevelt, accom panied by It. J. CiiuniiiL'hnmc, tlm hunter mid guide, arrived here today. All the members of the expedition are well. Kdmuiid Heller, the zoologist, re turned last night, having ascended Motui! Kenia to n height of 10,000 feet. Mr. Heller said that Major Ed-; gar A. Mearns would continue the ii-renl, hoping to reach a height of l.l.tnm (cel. Mount Kenia is an ex tinct volcano, rising 1,''II0 feet. Willi the exception of Colonel Kooscvclt, the members of the expe dition have at one time or another experienced slight attai'ks of lever BENSON'S BARGAINS Large 14-room boarding or room ing house, 2 blocks from depot, lot 100x100; can be made to pay $300 per month; a. genuine bargain $6500 Ten acres one mile south of Med ford, nil set to 2-year-old trees; a beautiful site for a home . . .$3500 Medford Theatre The Greatest Musical Comedy Success 9America has Ever Known, 99 as Ihe result of frequent temperature. changes of "3 Twins with VICTOR M0RLEY, BESSIE CLIFFORD AND 70 PEOPLE 70 Hear the famous "Yama-Yama Man." See the wonderful electric aerial swing. Withcut fear of contradiction tlie largest musical attraction on the road. TUESDAY, OCT. 26 Forty acres, 16. miles from Med ford, half mile from Beagle; 8 acres cultivated; i acres in fruit tree 2 to 10 years old, on two good roads; small house, bam, woodshed, etc.; 25 acres inclosed ' in 'woven ' wire fence $2000 Small house and barn, with seven lots, north side Jackson street; a snap $1690 Kew 5-roora house, hardwood fin ish, new woodshed, well on hack porch, lot 50x100, corner Jackson and Fir $1450 One acre, 9-room house, barn, . chicken house, city wntir, only COO feet from Riverside avenue . . .$3400 Four-room house on west side Main , street, lot 50xlG8 $1500 HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Nash K L. .Tones. .1. K. Kendrick, C. H. Vevelims. San Frnn ...sco; O. II. Durham. Grants Pass: T C Pendleton. Table Roek: M. r.. Harris nnd wife. Senttle; W. G. New ell, C. Burgess nnd wife, Chicago; S G. Hoffman. K. i". inrnnr., .... .. Cohen, Rnn Francisco; R. Gemmott. J. Baiim. Grants Pass: Fred Pay nnd wife.f H. J. Green. C. C. Fe or. 0. Hamilton nun if. J M K. Merrill. Portland : J. J. Wnld .,,. New York; W. T. Vanlein. J. Chienco: K. f. rimer. liian W. Parker, Lo's Angeles: .T. W. Frnnkel. Bnnmv Weil. K. P. Brown. New orlt: J. T K C. Denver V.. Caneiiiler. Steven. Peyton. ('. P. Drake. Bcicle Mnvricld. p'engle:.T. A. Kell'-. M.-s. Way. PoUegamn; " TT. V. Anderson. Micnn; r. T. S. Patterson, A. r- n n .1 I n liull Lanmnii. I!. liiirna,.,. ... and wife. T. W. Gill. Rosebiirg: H. C. Hiokerl, F. F, Frikert. .T. TT. .Tnhiison. V F Borden. T. F,. Kliigshnry- ' ArcCdmnn. Miss Fleming. F. TT. .Tones. IT. C. Bickclt. F. . TncUert. r ' t.i M.,,,1.;,,. Lelnnd: F .T. Pavton, ij,.c,'ln,..j': G. W. McDonnell. v..,.i.. flnints Pass; G. U Denver. F. W. Miller. Rosebud Billy Emfey Van, Manager TONIGHT, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY RICHARD DARLING STOCK CO. in Out In Idaho" FOUR-ACT COMEDY DRAMA Charles Overton in a New Specialty ' .... ,r Special Free Street Attraction Tonight In front of theatre at 7:45 p. m. sharp by Prof. Frank Murray, King of High Wire Performers JOE SACKETT, Cowboy Banjo King Exchange 1G0 acres ne;r Merlin, 140 acres of which is levei, for va cant lots or house and lots in Med ford. This is a sood proposition: in vestigate $3000 Will exchange some choice building lots for a team of good driving horses. Xinc-room modern house, Bunga low addition, lot 50x100, eomer 4th and Gronire. near Oakda)e ave..$3850 234 acres, one mile from P. & E. depot; a bargain at the price. . $6000 Rooming house Best location in the city: clears .fl"0 per month: lonar lease... $2200 27 acres, three miles from Mod ford; $1500 house, good bam, nil . in alfalfa ; the hest land to he found in the Rogue River valley; terms.$ 12.000 IT. P. Wilson. Admission as Usual, 10 20 Gents 18i,o acres, close in property, fin est free soil, 14 acres planted to com mercial apples and pears 4 yenrs old. 412 acres alfalfa; good terms $1 1,500 For sale or rent 9-room modern bungalow on Orange street, near Onk dale ; rent $30; price . . $3850 Some splendid business properties for sale, close in, good income pny crs. Call at our office for details. Our chnrge is $1 per month for renting and collecting. We represent seven strong relia ble fire insurance companies. Surety bonds We represent the Union Guarantee Association of Portland. j We have several applications on , I file for furnished houses. ; BENSON INVESTMENT GO. Opposite Moore Hotel ' 1 12 W. Main St. Phone 3073 Main. home Wednesday evening.