THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, CKKOON, THURSDAY, OOTOBUIt 21, 1001). Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One year, by mail .'. .$3.00 One month by mail or carrier. .$0.50 The Tribune is for sale by Hotel P ortland News Stand, Portland, Or.; Ferry News Stand, San Franeiseo. C at. EQUALIZE VALUATIONS. It is hoped that the board of equalization now in ses sion at Jacksonville, will justify its title and really and truly equalize assessments. Assessor Grieve is new to the work. Perhaps this is the reason that there is such rank inequality in valuations as fixed by his office. Perhaps this explains why property in Medford which has had a growth in business and popu lation of over SO per cent in the past vear and a consequent increase in actual cash A'aluations, is assessed at a total of over a hundred thousands less than last year's valuations. It is probably due to Mr. Grieve 's inexperience that he permits a certain lot and brick block on Main street near Central avenue, which probably returns at least $150 a month in rents, and could not be purchased for $10,000, to; "be assessed at $800. : "! - " ' : r '"! . Possibly Mr. Grieve has depended too much upon his deputies, and has been careless in their selection. Perhaps this will explain why a certain large orchard near Medford is assessed at half of the valuation placed upon it a year ago, and other groves are assessed at far less than they sold for. As nevw made up, the total valuations in the county show an astonishing decrease, despite the prevailing prosperity and increased realty values. The assessor has sought to overcome this loss by increasing the valuation placed upon the Southern Pacific property. The railroad can stand the increase, but it is hardly fair to "soak" one concern for the benefit of so many others. . It is impossible in this article to more than hint at ex isting irregularities in present assessed valuations, but after the board of equalization has finished its labors xThe Tribune will take up the subject of assessed valuations in detail and make the public familiar, with them. - Jf valuations arc equalized, (here is little complaint by taxpayers, but when one man is forced to pay more propor tionately than his neighbor, there is just cause for com plaint. It is to remedy this condition of affairs that the board of equalization was created in other words, to equalize. THE OCTOBER APPLE REPORT "There has been very little change in the apple prospects since last month. Winter apples will likely run below the average sire. Tho clusters of very small ami practically worth less apples are now showing up very plainly. "Spies and winter varieties irener- arly in Ontario are showing up some what better in the fruit districts west of Toronto than in tho counties along the north shore of Lake Ontario, where tho crop is 'a little better for the most part a short distuneo back from the lake thai) along the lake front. " ' ; "Although early and fall varieties are much lighter than last year, Win ter varieties generally, are a little heavier, particularly Spies." Of crops in Europe tho report j says: ''Great Britain The English apple crop is reported short. Weather con ditions have been wet and cool during the sunimer and generally unfavora ble for the proper development of apples. A liirjre percentage of the fruit is below no mini in size and is inclined to-be wormy. Tn many sec tions the Aphis 1ms been troublesome both on the foliage and fruit mid lias caused the latter where severely infested to remain small and scrub by. Pears arc a better- crop than usual. Plums are nt lenst n cood av erage crop. There will be large im ixirts of all kinds of fruit into Great Britain. "Gcrmanv FRUIT MEN TELL HAWLEY OF NEEDS On Wednesday afternoon Con gressman Willis C. lluwley met with the local fruit growers in tho opera house and for two hours was told of the needs of tho valley. Several local men spoke on various subjects show ing tho need for a local weather sta tion and more government fruit ex perts, the injustice of the La Fean applo bill and other matters. Con gressman llawley promised to do what ho could. PREACH BROTHERHOOD OF MAN AROUND WORLD NEW YOHK, Oct. 21. The Rev. J. W. Van Kirk of Youngstown, O., and a member of tho East Ohio Meth odist Episcopal conference, has reach ed this city, and will start in n fow days on n trip .around tho world to proach tho gospel of tho brotherhood of man. Before departing ho pro poses to fly his flag of nil nations from the Stat no of Liberty in this harbor, and there to ring a bell, on which' is inscribed ''Proclaim brother hood throughout all the eurtli, unto all liiiiuarMty." Successful Business Persons make a thorough investigation of the possible results before undertak ing to start in any line, why not you, use the sumo caution before buying i a pitino? There is nothing more up-j propriato .for a home than a fine piano, aud it will Inst a lifetime if properly chosen. For Ibis purpose! The German crop has call nt Sherman. Clay & Co., 1H I W. j not improved during the month. Only Main street, where you will find the' a medium crop is looked for. Ger- Stcinway, also the peer of inner play- j man- will import fairly lame quan-' ors A. B. Chase, ns well as tho well j tity of apples. known Ludwig, Kingsbury and Wel- "Belgium and Holland Will have lington. One price to all is our mot- less than a medium crop of late np-j to. 184 oles. - ;" ' VAN WALTERS, Manager. When we suggest that you Toast Your Bread On Breakfast Table "Ve do not mean that you (should eat of f the stove toast ' , , ' With an Electric Toaster . and have crisp, brown, delicious toast costs 'lie per meal to operate. We have the best toaster on tho market for sale at 4.50. Clean, appetizing, sanitary ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. I Medford Iron Works I E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. ! Foundry and Machinist $ All of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-t chlncr), Agents In Southern Oregon for t FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. t 4 Savoy Theatre TONIGHT SHOW YOUR LICENSE . A VISIT TO BISKRA MOZART'S LAST REQUIEM ONE DIKE H 1 D THEATRE Mcl First Performance TONIGHT zie Me rry M i e r Any Lady Accompanied by a Person with a paid reserved seat ticket will be ad mitted absolutely FREE OF CHARGE. People's Prices 25c-50c tier ini.-niM.frft-tn litiMiimteM 5i:.liRl