THE "EDFORP DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKKftON, THURSDAY. CCTOHKR 21, 1 000. GAR SHORTAGE GKANIJ JUNCTION', C.I., Oct. til. A NlmrliiKo of ri'l riKcniliir earn Iiiih ii'ciiiilnii!il ii criniM in tint weHtorn hliiii' iiiovcini'iil mill Iiiih iijihuI tint t-iilflitiit iotiH of (very nliiiic!- mill ih cntiiiliiiK ! I" thu growcrH which if mil speedily raiu'dii-il will reach H 'hinidri-il tliiiiiNiinil ilnlliiiH.' Fur iilinnt IH liun I'm Snliiriliiy ami Siinilay there wiim mil ii hinld iiinily rolriueriitor I'lir thm hide of tlin inoiiiitaiiiH, nl iIkiiikIi in tint vicinity of (Iriinil June lion nli. iki tlii'iu wen; over 100 earn of iiiilcM IioximI anil ready fur ship liu'iit. There ar priiclienlly nu nlor HKii Incilitii'H lit all, in tii-lT li'sM liny cold Htoriigc, anil the tipple in iiionI CUM'. lll.V ill tile I.OXC, Hllickcil ill (III! orclninlH at the mercy of any storm, liml unc ocelli rcil, whicli wonlil 1 u i v j completely ruined them. Tlio Uii.miI hliippurs, iinilcr llic ciicuiiihlnnciiH, were compelled fur thu tiino being In rcl'iiNn In accepl further deliv eries ainl I'liiiliniici tin' growers lo pick lint fruit UK slowly nu possible. The ruilromlx, which all during the curly part of tin- season hud predict ed dial thi year would lie nil excep tion to the iimiiiI shortage conditions anil that there wonlil ho plenty of earn, iliil everything pohiihle to re lieve the Htuiiiinii anil lit present there im Koine improvement. Jly ne cii pclfiinery kind of car available ihe hliippcri have nuuingcd In keep the fruit tiiovintr slowly mid every euiptv as fiihl n it ix delivered from the fact i being rn-hcd to western slope points. It i largely a ciiko of fruit mnveineiit eyeei'ding the' rolling stork capacity of the fornix, which the luck of local Moriige facilities niiikea ilonlilv unfortiiiiatc. Two years ago n third of Ihe Montrose crop was lost by rottini; an Ihe plntforin await ing shipment mid at the present time hoth the Montrose anad Delta dis tricts are worse off than Grand June tion in respect lo the car shortage. This is 'partly ilu to the fnet (hat they are off the main line of the rail road, and all curs hoth go and come through Grand Junction. It was claimed that the hitter point was stealing ll 'he cars, hut ns n matter of fal'l there are few ears for any jmint. It is estimated that during Hie present week 1IMIII ears are needed to ndeipiately handle the western slop) fruit movement mid there are, scarce ly n hundred available. All last week the local shippers not out from 10 to l.'i cars daily, when 110 or 10 ears should have hccii shipped if there hud hccii the facilities. I'ndcr these circumstances the comparatively lew growers who sold their crops as Ihcy sl 1 on the trees to the agents of eastern houses who have heen through all Ihe Colorado fruit districts during the past two There have heen a few cars of late pears shipped during the past week, Imt the great majority of the ship ments havo heen apples or potatoes. Caulaloiipes mid peaches nrc still on the loscal market, but tire not up lo n shipping standard. Hotchkiss, I'no niu and Dell;!, where the the season is later, are. still shipping Klberlas, hut urn not getting ns high n price ns local peaches brought three weeks nuo. There have been sonio express shipments of Tokay and Mnscnt trrnpes of unusually fine stock, but no (inutility shipments and iitate mar kets have absorbed most of the out -(jo. Concord grapes lutvfi been very scarce. In the apple movement about 200 ears have gone out from the valley (luring the l"'Nt l" ,U,VH Tn0 ,lif!n prices (pioted on the Chicago market for Colorado tipples lmvo heen re flected here and the best. Jonathans noil Grimes Golden have sold from $2 in . or. n box f. o. h. hern. A ear of the former from Fruiln brought $'.. on the Chicago auction mar ket, netting Hit- growers tfiA ". The :i ii box net received for n car two weeks ngo is still the record for the season. Wolf Rivers, Maiden lilnsh and olher standard varieties live sell ing for slightly loss. The hip; pntnto movement is now on all over the slope nnd every section is reporting n big ('fop. At Fruita, the spud center of the Grand valley, about H00 curs nro expected, and about half are nlrendy shipped. The Plateau valley, nlso in Ibis county, will ship n couple of hundred onrs of extra high grnde polntoes. The Montrose territory expects to shin 1000 earn1 (luring the season, which' are handled through Denver commission .houses. Delta expects 200 a rs of spuds. Carlioiiilnle, the other big potato center in thu statu this sidu of thu iiioiiiilams, will ship ,000 cars from thu territory. . With thu shortage of refrigerator cars for fruit shipments from west ern slope points daily growing more serious, it was aunniiiiced Thursday Hint the Armour car lino company would turn over JillO additional re frigerator cars for iininedinloiiso and these, wilh cars the railroads are promising "in a day or two" are ex l ice led to materially relieve the sit uation. Only prevailing lino weather has prevented sciioiis damage ho far. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. William J. Knott to Ileyen h. Iliiskins, property in block I, Medford W. J. Dr'iiuhill to Jesse Hoiiek, W '.. of lot 10, block 32, Medford John A. Churchman to Charles C. Harris, lots l.'l, 14 and 15, block II, Hailroad addition to Ashland . .' C. K. Klum lo Mary h. Whit ney, 00 iicrcs in miction 10, township 37, range 2 E.'.. Ii. V. Powell to L. K. Wil- 350 1000 10 limns, lot 3, block 4, Barr addition o Medford William J. Warner ct a)., to Charles II. Utile, laud in Orchard Home Kruit tract D. McDonald to Krncst N. Hi den, properly in Cottage ad dition to Medford A. O. J it vi! lo II. 1'. Ilargrave, properly in Morey addition In Meillord . A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it it in it ii to Mendon I''. Scliutl, 1K1.3H acres in town ship 37, range 1 W C. A. lliuulin to Theresa J. Moardmaii, S of N Vs lot 10, block 1, Cottage addition to Medford Josepli It. liristow to Frank K. Schneider, S K of S W , section (i. township 3!l, range 1 W T. W. Uritlsnn lo II. S. Kvaiis laud in township 30, range IK 11. 1 Whiled to Oliver S. An drews, l.l."i acres in section !), township 3!), range I K . . Charles C. Harris to Peter De gau, lots 13, 14 and lo, block 11, Hailroad addition to Ash land . Henry G. Knders to R liench, property in Ashland l.'iOO 12H0 10 10 10 000 10 Of Interest to Mothers. There is one subject which always interests the mothers of young chil dren, and that is how to treat their coughs and colds, or to ward off n threatened attack of croup. For this purpose we can recommend Chamber lain's Cough Kemedy. It nlwnys proves beneficial. In ease of croup it should ie given ns soon ns the crimpy cough nppnnrs, so ns to pre vent the attack. Keep it at hand ready for instant use. Many mothers do so, nnd it saves them much uneasi ness. For sale by Leon B. Haskins' I'harmuey. Herman Bros., tho saddle nnd har ness makers, desire to nnnonnco to tho trndo that they nre not only pro pared to fill nil orders nt short no tice, hut carry the most complete line of harness, saddles, bridles, whips, robes, blankets, wagon covors, tents, c'.c, that enn be found in southern Oregon nt prices thnt cannot fnil to plenso when quality of stock nnd workmanship is considered. Don't forget tho place, 317 E. Seventh street, Medford. , Now is the time to'have your cleaning done. Don't wait till cold weatli er. Get out. that old overcoat, jacket, waist and skirt and have it fixed up. It will look like new. Our specialties are blankets, quilts', furs, por tieres, laces. "We clean everything, do all kinds of repairing. A trial or der will convince you. Phone 3304 COFFINS TOO CHEAP, MAKERS COMPLAIN CINCINNATI, Oct. 21. The. bur ial casket mniiuf neturcrs mid job bers, in convention hero, uro dissat isfied because the cost of dying has not kepi paeii with the increased cost of living, Tliey deprecate cut-rute funerals, and tire proposing to cs tablish uniform prices for the retuil trade in coffins. "We coffin makers want the un dertakers to help us out more than they do," said one delegate. "We want the undertaker lo make slif'fer bills, and then we can get more for our goods. Why should we have to pay double what we used to pay to live mid let people din cheaply? It isn't fuii and it isn't logical. There are too many undertakers. They nre culling each other's throats to get business, and, what is more to the point, they nro cutting prices. An other thing, the supply of coffins is great ": 'Itiin the demand; '.!::.'.' what makes 'em so cheap. "If n man wants a decent buriul he ought to be made lo pay n decent price for it. It isn't as though it was n steady drain on the family purse. Coffins nro bought only oecnsionnlly, and when the occasion arises they ought to he willing to do the thing handsomely." DIAMOND RING BRINGS j FINDER A GOOD JOB NKW YOIIK, Oct. 21 Mrs. Thorn- j as A. Kdison. wife of the noted in-, venlor. proudly exhibited to her ; friends yesterday a handsome dia-'j moiid ring, valued at $1100, which , she lost six voars ago nnjj lius "just recovered. Coincident with the re-1 turn of th" ring, n new employe takes up his duties in the Kdison laboratory '. in I.lewellcn park, ill the person of Hubert S. McCarthy of Orange, who.' though out of work and in financial need, returned the tint.' to Mrs. Edi son lis he soon as he found out that she owned it. McCarthy found the ring six years ago, hut thought the stone was glass until he submitted to' a jeweler the other day. Then he began a search for the owner, nnd was rewarded wilh a cheek nnd n job. ! COMBINATION RANGE BOILER INSULATOR AND HOT FIRELESS COOKER Sla3! mm J mm f J.W.WHITNEY Office in Aikin Plumbing Co.'s Store, Medford. For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, obes, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle grease and gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. Acreage Property , At A Bargain We have three acres, just out side the city limits, platted all around it, with a new five-room house, which we consider a bar gain at $2200 The property faces on two streets nnd would subdivide nicely. There is an clcctrio motor nnd pump whieh goes with the place, nnd the well would supply wuter for irrignting. The owner has made the price low in order to sell fpiickly, and the property will be on the mar ket but a short time nt this price. W T. York 6 Co. 4 Containing two indispensable luxuries, and two sources of econ omy. Call and let us demonstrate its merits. 'For you particular customers who demand the bcst groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid $1 a pound for it. Every thinK about Folrjer's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, aatf we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHIN AWARE, FRUIT AND FEED. J. E. EXYART, President JOHN S OltTII, Cashier THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS : $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. - We solicit your patronage. IV C. Hansen. Torn Moffat. We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. Oregon Calls "More People" Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now. Low Colonist Rates To Oregon will prevail from the East SEPTEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 15 via the Oregon Railroad Navigation Co. Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) From Chicago $33.00 From St. Louis $32.00i From Omaha $25.00 From St. Paul .'...$25.00 ' From Kansas City $25.00 Deposit the amount of the fare with the nearest 0. R. & N or S. P. Agent and ticket will be delivered in the East without estra cost. Send lis the name and address of anyone interested in the State fo Oregon literature. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. J. A. PERKY,' Vice-Presideat. W. B. -JACKSON, Ass't Cashier.