THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKCIOX. THURSDAY, OOTOIUOR 21. IfMW), 2 CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. ' CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. T t t ' ORDINANCE NO. 229. An ordinance declaring the assess ment on llio property benefited for tho cost of laving a water umin on Hose avenue und direelinir the re corder to enter a statement' tliereot iu the water mum lieu docket Tho citv of Medford doth ordain as follows: 1. Whereas, the at" conn cil did heretofore bv resolution de ..l.iv.. iis intention tu lav a 4-ineli wa ter main on Hose avenue from West Main street to West Fourth street, and to assess the cost thereof oil the property froutiinr on said portion of said street in proportion to luo irom ago of said property, ana did lis time and plaee for hearing protests against the hiving of said water main on said portion of said street and the assessment of the cost thereof as aforesaid; and. Whereas, said resolution was duly posted and published as required by section lit) of the charter of said citv; and. Whereas, a uieetiuc of the council held at the time and place fixed in said resolution for the purpose of considering any such protests, Out no protests were at such time or at miv time made to or received by the councd to the laving of said water the assessing of tlie cost tharauF n H foresaid, and said couu cil bavins: considered the matter, and deeming that said water main was n.iH i-i ni' material benefit to said citv and that all property to be assessed therefor would be benefited thereby to the extent of, the probable amount of the respective assessments to be levied against "said property did order said water main laid : and Whereas, the cost of said water main has been' and hereby is deter mined to be the sum of $69o.b0. Now, therefore, it is hereby fur lior determined that the proportion ate share of the cost of laying said water main of each parcel of the property fronting on said portion of said street is the amount set opposite the descriutiou of each piece or par cel, of laud below and that each such piece or parcel of land is benefited by the laving of said water main to the full extent of the amount so set opposite the description of such piece or parcel, and that the respective amounts represent the proportional benefits of said water main to said respective parcels of property and also the proportional frontage there of ou said portion of said street, and the council does hereby declare each of the parcels of property described below to be assessed and each of the same hereby is assessed the amount set -opposite each respective descrip- . tion for the cost of laying said water main. ASSESSMENT FOR A FOUR-INCH WATER MAIN ON ROSE A E NUE BETWEEN MAIN STREET, WEST. AND FOURTH STREET, WEST: Assessment No. 1 Fred H. Cook et ux.. lot 1. block 2. Roanoke ad dition in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 140 feet ou west side of Rose avenue, described vol . .. page eountv recorder's record of Jackson county, Oregon; 140 feet: rate per loot. 47 cents: amount due $05.80. Assessment No. 2 Fred II. Cook et ux.. lot 4. block 2. Roanoke addi tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon frontage 50 feet on west side of Rose avenue, described Vol. ... page . eountv recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 47 cents: amount due $23.y0, Assessment No. 3 Fred II. Cook et ux.. lot 5. block 2. Roanoke addi- tion. in the citv of Medford. Oregon frontage 50 feet ou west side of Rose avenue, described Vol. ... page. countv recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon ; 50 feet ; rate per foot 47 cents: amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 4 Fred H. Cook et ux., lot G. block 2. Roanoke addi tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon frontage 50 feet on west side of Rose avenue, described Vol.., page countv recorder's records of Jack son countv. Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot 47 cents: ntnonnt due $23.50 Assessment No. 5 Fred II! Conk et ux.. lot 7. block 2. Roanoke addi tion, in the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on west si'le of Rose avenue, described Xr' ., oagc. county recorder's -ids of Jack son countv, O.- . i-.; 50 feet: rate per foot 47 (. ..- . amount due $23.50. A-.-.'-s:iierir No. C Fred H. Cook et ux.. lot 8. block 2. Roanoke addi tion, in the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on we-t side of Rose avenue, described Vol . . . page . . , countv recorder's records of Jack son countv, Oregon: 50 feet: rate per 47 cents: amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 7 Fred II. Cook t ux., lot 0. block 2. Roanoke addi tion, in the citv of Medford, Oregon frontage 50 feet on west side of Rose avenue, described Vol. ... page .. countv recorder's records of Jack son countv. Oregon; 50 feet; rale per foot 47 cents: amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 8 Fred II. Cook et ux.. lot 10, block 2, Roanoke addi tion, iu tho citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet ou west side of Hose avenue, described Vol, ... page . ., countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon: 00 feet; rate per foot 47 cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. U Fred II. Cook et ux.. lot li. block 2. Roanoke addi tion, in the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on west side of Hose avenue, described Vol. . .. page , .. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon: 50 feet; rate per fool 47 cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 10 Fred II. Cook et ux.. lot 12. block 2. Kouiioke addi tion, iu tho citv of Medford. Oregon frontage 50 feet on west side Rose avenue, described Vo. . ., page countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per toot 47 cents; amount duo $23.50. Assessment No. 11 Fred H. Cook et ux.. lot 13. block 2, Roanoke addi tion. iu the citv of Medford, Oregon frontage 50 feet ou west side of Hose avenue, described Vol.... page countv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 47 cents; umount due $23.50. Assessment No. 12 Fred II. Cook et ux.. lot 14. block 2, Koanoke addi tion. in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet on west side of Rosi avenue, described ol. ... page countv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 47 cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 13 Fred II. Cook et ux.. lot 15. block 2. Roanoke addi tion, iu the city of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet on west side of Rose avenue, described Vol. . .. page county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 47 cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 14 Fred II. Cook et ux., lot 3. block 1. Roanoke addi tion. in the citv of Medford, Oregon frontage 140 feet on the east side of Rose avenue, described Vol, ., page. . countv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 140 feet: rate per foot 47 cents: amount due $65.80, Assessment No. 15 Fred H. Cook et ux.. lot 4, block 1. Roanoke addi tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon frontage 50 feet on east side of Rose avenue, described Vol. ., page countv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot 47 cents: amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 16 Fred H. Cook et ux., lot 5, block 1. Roanoke addi tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet on east side of Rose avenue: described Vol . ., page county recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot 47 cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 17 Fred H. Cook et ux.. lot 6. block 1. Roanoke addi tion. in the citv of Medford, Oregon frontage 50 feet on east side Rose avenue, described vol ... page couutv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon ; 50 feet : rate per foot 47 cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 18 Fred H. Cook et ux.. lot (. block 1. Roanoke addi tion. in the citv of Medford. Oregon frontage 50 feet on east side of Hose avenue, described Vol. ... page countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon : 50 feet : rate per foot 47 cent: amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 19 Fred II. Cook et ux.. lot 8, block 1. Roanoke addi tion. in the citv of Medford, Oregon frontage 50 feet on east side of Rose avenue, described Vol page countv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon : 50 feet : rate per foot 47 cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 20 Fred II. Cook et ux.. lot 9. block 1. Roanoke addi tion, in' the citv. of Medford, Oregon frontage 50 feet on east side of Rose avenue, described Vol.' . .. page county recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot 47 cents: amount due $23.50. ' Assessment No. 21 Fred H. Cook et ux.. lot 10." block 1. Roanoke addi tion, in the citv of Medford. Oreeon. frontage 50 feet on east side of Rose avenue, described Vol ... page countv recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon": 50 feet: rate per foot 47 cents: amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 22 Fred II. Conk et ux.. lot 11. block 1. Roanoke addi tion. in the citv of Medford. Oregor. frontage 50 feet on east side of Rose ueriuc. described Vol ... page county recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon : 50 feet ; rate per ford 47 cents: amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 23 Fred II. Cook et nx., lot 12. block 1. Roanoke addi tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet on east side of Hose avenue, described Vol... page ... countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet: rate per foot 47 cents; amount duo $23.50. Assessment No. 24 Fred IT, Cook et ux.. lot 13. block 1. Ronnoke addi tion, in the citv of Medford, Oregon. frontage 50 feet on east side of Rose avenue, described Vol ... page countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon" 50 feet: rate per foot 47 cents: amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 25 Fred II. Cook et ux lot 14. block 1. Hoitnoko addi tion, in the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on east side of Rose avenue, descrobed Vol ... page eountv recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rule per foot 47 cents; amount duo $23.50. Assessment No. 211 Fred II. Cook et ux., lot 15. block 1. ltouuoke addi tion, in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet on east side of Hose avenue, described Vol. . ,, pago , . county recorder's records of Jackson eountv, Oregon: 50 feet ; rate per foot 47 cents; amount duo $23.50. Section 2. Tho recorder of tho citv of Medford is herebv directed to enter a statement of suid several assess ments iu the water main lien docket of said citv as reiitiired bv tho cilv charter. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed bv tho citv council of the citv of Medford on the 5th dav of October, l!09. bv the following vote: Merrick live. Welch ave, F.ifcrt ave. Kinerick absent, Wortinnn absent, Denimer uye. Approved October tl, 1110'.). W. 11. CANON. Mnvor. Attest: KOBT.. W. TEI.FER. Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 230. An ordinance declaring the assess ment ou the property benefited for the cost of laving a water main ou North l'each street and directing the recorder to enter a statement thereof in the water main lien docket. The cilv of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. Whereas, tho citv conn cil did heretofore bv resolution de clare its intention to lav a 4-iuch wa ter main on North Peach street from West Main street to West Fourth street, und to assess tho cost thereof ou the proportv fronting on suid por tion of suid street in proportion to the frontuge of said propertv. mid did fix a time and place for hearing protests against the laving of suid water main on suid portion of said street, and the assessment of tho cost thereof as aforesaid: and, . Whereas, said resolution was duly posted and published as required bv section 110 of the charter of said citv; and. Whereas, a meeting of the council was held at the time and place fixed in said resolution for the purpose of considering any such protests, but no protests were at such time or at any time made to or received by the council to the laving of said water main or the assessing of the cost thereof as aforesaid, and said council having considered the mutter, und deeming that suid water main was and is of material benefit to suid citv and that all propertv to be assessed therefor' would bo benefited therein' to the extent of the probable amount of tlie respective assessments to be levied against suid property, did or der said water muin laid: und. Whereas, the cost of said water main has been and herebv is deter mined to be the sum of $(95.(i0; Now, therefore, it is hereby .further determined that the proportionate share of the cost of laving said water main ot each parcel of property fronting on said portion of said street is the amount set opposite the des cription of each piece or pureel of land below and that each such piece or parcel of land is benefited bv the laving of said muin to the full ex tent of the amount so set opposite the description of such piece or parcel, and that the respective amounts rep resent the proportional benefits of said water main to said respective pureels of propertv and also the proportional-frontage thereof on suid portion of said street, and the coun cil does herebv declare each of the parcels of propertv described below to be assessed and each of the same herebv is assessed the umount set op posite each respective description for the cost of laving said water muin. ASSESSMENT. FOR A FOUR-INCH WATER MAIN IN NORTH PFACII STREET BETWEEN WEST MAIN AND WEST FOURTH STREET: Assessment No. 1 ,J ,lm M. Root. lot 1. block 1. Crowcll's ndditon. in the citv of Medford. Oregon, front- 140 feet on west side Peach street. North, described Vol. 70. page 20,1. countv recorder's records of Juckson countv. Oregon : 140 feet rate per foot 47 cents: amount due $0j.80. Assessment No. 2 Delrov Octchcll. lot 12. block 4, Crowcll's addition, in the citv of Medford. Oregon, front age 50 feet on west sido of Peach street. North, and described Vol. 72 page 240, countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 feet; rale per foot 47 cents; amount due $23.50. .. Assessment No. 3 Ida Silsbv". lot 11, block 4, Crowell's addition, in the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet on west side of l'each street. North, described Vol. 71, page 215. countv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet: rnte per foot 47 cents: amount dun $23.50. Assessment No. 4 hin Silsbv, lot 10, block 4, t'roweli'n uu.iilio'u. iu tho cilv of Medford Oregon, frontage 50 feet on west hide Peach street. North, described o. M. page 215. eountv recorder's records of Jackson couutv, Orogifn ; 50 feet ; into per loot 4' cunts; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. ," Charles J. "Mi Mr. lot !). block 4, Crowell's addition. iu the citv of Medloril, Oregon, front age 50 feet mi west side Peach street. North, described ol, 72, page 25 countv recorder's records of Jack son couutv, Oregon; 50 feet; rate pur loot 4 1 cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. tl Charles J. Mi xer, lot 8, block 4. Crowcll's uddition iu the citv of Medford, Oregon, front age 50 feet on west sido Peach struct, North, described Vol. 72, page countv recorder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon: 50 feet : rate per foot 4i cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 7 J). M. Witt, lot 7. block 4. Crowcll's addition, iu thu citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 00 feet on west sido Peach street. North, described Vol . ., page . ., county ro cordur's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 foot; rate per foot 47 cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 8 11. 0. Ilnrvev. lot (i. block 4. Crowell's uddition, iu tho citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on west sido Punch street. North, described Vol. (17, page countv rccordor's records of Jackson county, Oregon: 50 feet ; rutu per foot 47 cents; amount clue $23.50. Assessment No. 0 It. 11. Toft, lot 5, block 4. Crowell's addition, in thu citv of Medford. "Oregon, frontage 50 feet ou west side Punch street, North, described Vol. 70, pago 201, couutv recorder's records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon: 50 feel; rate per foot 47 cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No.' 10 Eroso J. Pot ter, lot 4, block 4. Croweirs addi tion, iu the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontuge 50 feet on weVt sido Pencil street. North, described Vol. 71, puge 421, couutv recorder's records of Jackson countv. Orogou: 50 feet; rule per foot 47 cents; amount duo $23.50 Assessment No. 11 Margaret J, Rumscv, lot 3. block 4, Crowell's ud dition, iu the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on west sido Peach street. North, described Vol. . ., page .. county recorder s records of Jack son county, Oregon; 50 feet: rale per foot 47 cents: amount duo $23.50, Assessment No. 12 J. E. Toft, lot 2, block 4. Crowell's addition, iu the city of Medford, Oregon, frontuge 50 feet on west side Peach street. North described ol. ... page ... couutv recorder s records of Jackson coun tv. Oregon: 50 feet; rate per foot 47 cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 13 J. E. Toft, lot 1. block 4. Crowell's addition, iu tho citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on west sido Peach street. North, described Vol. . ., page . ., county re corder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon"; 50 iV;ct: rate per foot 47 cents: amount due $23'.50. Assessment No. 14 William Lewis et ux.. lot 1. Lewis addition, iu the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontugo 50 teet on east side Peach street. North, described Vol. . ., pago . ., countv re corder's records of Jackson eountv, Oregon: 50 feet; rate per foot 47 cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 15 William Lewis et ux., lot 2, Lewis addition, iu the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet on east side of Peach street, North, described Vol. ... page countv recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot 47 cents;-amount dud $23.50. Assessment No. 10 William Lewis et ux., lot 3, Lewis addition, iu the citv of Medford, Oregtn, frontage 50 feet on cast side Peach street. North, described Vol. ... page ... county recorder's records of Jncksou coun ty. Oregon: 50 feet; rate per foot 47 cents; amount duo $23.50. Assessment No. 17 William Lewis et ux., lot 4. Lewis addition, in. tho citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet ou east sido Peach street. North, described Vol. ... piro ... countv recorder's records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon; 50 feet; rute per foot 47 cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 18 William Lewis et ux., lot 5, Lewis addition, in the city of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 teet ou east sine Pencil street, North, described Vol. ... page , countv re corders records ot Jackson countv. Oregon; uO feet; rate per foot 47 cents; amount due $23.50, Assessment No. V.) William Lewis et ux., lot-0. Lewis addition, in the city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on east side Peach street, North described Vol. . ., page . ., countv re corder's records of Juckson countv. Oregon; 50 feet; rale per foot 47 cents: amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 20 William Lewis ot ux., lot 7. Lewis addition, in the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet, on east side of Peach street. North, described Vol. . , , page , , , countv recorder's records of Jackson countv; 50 feet; rate per foot 47 cents; amount duo $23.50. Assessment No. 21 William Lewis el ux., lot H, Lewis addition, in thu cilv of Medford, Oregon, fronlauu 50 I'eet ou uast Hide Peach street, Norlh, described Vol. .., pane ,., countv recorder's records of Juckson couutv, Oregon; 5jU feet; rate per foot 47 cents; amount due $23,50, Assessment No. 22 William Lewis et ux., lot tl. Lewis addition, iu the cilv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feel ou east sido l'each struct, North, described ol. . ,, page . ., couutv re corder's rucords of Juckson countv. Oregon; 50 ieet ; rate per fool 47 cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 23 William Luwif et ux., lot 10, Lewis addition, in the cilV of Medford. Oregon, fi'oulilgo 50 feet ou cast sido of. Punch street, North, described Vol." ... pago , couutv recorder's rucords of Juckson couutv, Oregon; 50 fuel: rale pur foot 47 cunts; umount duu $23.50. Assessment No. 21- William Lewis ut ux lot J I, Lewis addition, in the cilv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on uast sido Poach street. North, described Vol. ... pnuo ... countv re cordur's records of Jackson couutv. Oregon; 00 fuel; rate per loot 1 cunts; amount duu $23.50. Assessment No. 25 William LuwU ut ux., lot 12, Lewis addition, iu t In city of Mudford. Oregon, frontage- 50 feut on cast side Peach street, Norlh. described ol. . ,, page . ., couutv re eordor's records of Jackson coun'v Oregon; 50 feet; rnlo per fool 41 cents; amount duu $23.50, Assessment No. 20 William Lewis et ux lot 15, Lewis addition, iu the citv of Med lord, Oregon, frontage 140 feut on cast sido Peach street. North, described Vol. .., pago , eountv rucordur's rucords f Jackson county, .Oregon : 140 feet; rate pur toot 47 cents: amount duo $05.80. Soctiou 2. Tho recorder of tho city of .Medford is herebv directed to enter a statement of said several as sessments iu thu water muin lieu docket of said citv as required bv the citv charter. Tho foregoing ordinance was pass d bv tho citv council of the citv of Medford on tho 5th dav of October, 1900. bv the following vote: Merrick ave, Welch ave. Eifert ave, Worttnui ubsont, Denimer aye. Approved October 0, 1909. W. II. CANON. Mnvor. Attest; ROM'. W. TELFEH, , Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 231. An ordinance declaring the assess ment ou the propertv benefited for tho cost of laving a water muin ou Summit avenue and directing thu re corder to enter u statement thereof in the water main lieu docket. Thu citv of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. Whereas, the citv coun cil did heretofore bv resolution de clare its intention to lav a 4 -inch water main on Summit avenue from West Muin Htreet to West Fourth street, and to assess thoV'ost thereof uti the property fronting ou said por tion of said street in proportion d) the frontage of said propertv. and did fix a time and pluco for hear ing protests against the laving of said water main on suid portion of snid street, and the assessment of tho cost thereof as aforesaid; and, Whereas, said resolution was duly posted and published ns reunired In flection 110 of tho charter of said citv; and. Whereas, n meeting of thu council was held at the time and place fixed in said resolution for tho purpose of considering ttnv such protests, but no protests were ut such time or at nnv time made to or received bv the council to the laving of said water main or the assessing of the cost thereof as aforesaid, and said conn cil having considered the matter, and deeming, that said Water main was and is of material benefit to said citv and thnt all property to be assessed therefor would be benefited to the extent of the ni-olmblo amount of the respective assessments levied against snid -properly, did order said water main laid : and, Whereas, the cost of said water main has been and hcrchv is deter mined to be the. sum of $(105.(10; Now, therefore, it, is hereby fur ther determined that the proportion ate share of the cost of laving sail water main of each parcel or the property fronting on said porlioii of snid street is the amount Hid opposite the description of each piece or par cel of land below und that each such piece or parcel of land is bencfiled bv the liuin- of said walcr main to Hie full extent of tho amount so sol opposite tho description id' such piece or parcel, and that the rcspeclive amounts represent tho prnporlionnl benefits of said walcr main to said respective parcels of propcrlv. and also the proportional frontage there, of on snid port ion of said si reel , a nd tho council does hereby declare each of tho parcels of propertv described below to bo assessed and each of the snmo hereby is nssossed the. nmonnll set oppoHile each respect ivo descrip tion for I ho cost of In Vint; said wuir muin: ASSESSMENT Foil A Foi'IMNill ' WATER MAIN ,IROM WEST MAIN TO WEST FOURTH STREET ON SUMMIT AVENUE: Assessment No. 1 C. W. Su.vdur, a tract of laud, froiilauo 113 fuel ou Jacksonville road or Main slruul, Wust, and 110 feet deep along. Sum mit avenue, and marked AW. ou man of thu cilv of Medford, Oregon, front, ago 110 feel on west sido Summit avuiiuu, described Vol, 115, page 321, eountv rut-order's records of Juck son couiil.v, Oregon, save and except laud described as Summit addition to citv of Medford: M0 fuel; rate pet foot 47 cunts; amount due $05.80. Assessment No. 2--E, li. Pickle, II. Kliim and W. .(', Murphv, lot 12, block 2. Summit addition to t lm i-it v of Medford, Oregon, froulagu 50'fcct ou the wet side of Siiiniuil avenue, and described Vol. 72, page 121, couutv recorder's rccold of Jack son countv, Oregon; 50 teet; rale per foot 47 cents; amount due $23,, 'ill. AsscsHiucut No, 3 E, It. Pickle, H. Kluiu and W. ('. Murphv. lot 1 1, block 2, Summit addition to the cilv of .Medford, Oregon, fronlugo 50 font ou west side of Summit avenue, and described Vol, 72, page J21, county recorder's records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon; 50 feel; rale per foot -17 cents ; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. 4 E. I!. Pickle, I!. Khun and W. C. Murphv. lot 10. block 2. Summit addition to the. citv of Medford, Oregon, fronlugo 50 feet on wcl side of Summit avenue, and des cribed Vol. 72, page 121. couutv re corder's records of Jackson couutv. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 47 cents; amount duu $23.50. Assessment No. 5 E. II. Pickle. II. Klum and W. C. Murphv. lot (I, block 2, Summit addition to tho citv of Medford, Oregon, frontagii 50 feet on west side of Summit nvuntie, and ties, cribed Vol. 72. page 121. couutv re corder's records of Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 fuel; ruto rer foot 47 cents; amount due $23.50. Assessment No. If E. II. Pickle, B. Klum and W. ('. Murphv. lot 8. block 2. Summit addition lo the citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 fee! on west side of Summit avenue, and des cribed Vol. 72, page 121, couutv re corder's records of Jackson count v. Oregon: 50 feet: rale per foot 47 cents', amount duo $23.50. Assessment No. 7 E. It, Pickle. II. Klum and W. ('. Murphv. lot 7. block 2, Summit uddition to thu city of Medford, Oregon, fronlauu 50 feut oil west side of Summit avenue, and des cribed Vol. -72, page 121. countv ru cinder's records of Jackson couutv. Oregon 50 feet: ratu tier foot 47 cents; amount duu $23,50. Assessment No. 8 E. Jt. Pickle. II. Klum and W. ('. Murphv, lot (I. block 2. Summit addition lo the citv of .Medford, Oregon, frontage. 50 feet ou west side of Summit avenue, mid des cribed Vol. 72. page 121. i it v re corder's records of Jackson county. Oregon: 50 feel: rale per foot 47 cents; amount due $23.50, Assessment No. I) E. li. Pickle. It. Klum and W. C. .Murphv. lot 5. block 2. Summit addition lo thu citv of Medford. Oregon, fronlugo 50 feet on west sidu of Summit avenue, and des cribed Vol. 72. page 121. couutv re corder's records of Jackson couutv. Orogou: 50 feel; rule pel- foot 47 cents; amount duo $23.50. Assessment No. 10 E. H, Pickle, II Klum and W. C. Murphv. lot 4. block 2. Summit addition to tho citv of Medford. Oregon, frontago 50 fuel ou west side of Summit avenue, and des cribed Vol. 72, page 121. county re corder's records of Juckson countv. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 47 cents; amount duo $23.50. Assessment No. 11 K. B. Pickle. B. Klum and W. C. Murphv. lot 3, block 2, Summit addition to the eih of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on west side of Summit avenue, and described Vol. 72,. page 121. countv recorder's records of Juckson coun tv. Oregon: 50 feel: rale per fool 47 feel; amount due $23.50. Assessment No, 12 E, B. Pickle. B. Klum and W. C, Murphv. lot 2, block 2, Summit addition lo the cilv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feel, ou west side of Summit avenue I described Vol 72, page 121, couiilv recorder's records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon; 50 feet; rale per fool, '17 cents; amount duo $23.50. . Assessment No. 13 E. B. Pickle, tl. Klum and W. C. Murphv. lot 1. block 2. Summit uddition to tho cilv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feel, on west side of Summit avenue, anil described Vol, 72, page 121, .countv recorder's records of Jackson coun ly, Oregon; 50 I'eet; rale per foot -17 eenls; amount due $23.50. Assessment. No. 14 R. 11. Pickle. B. Klum and W. C. Murnhv. lot, 1. block 1, Summit addition to the citv of Medford, Oregon, fronlugo 50 font on enst sido of Summit avenue, and described Vol. 72. pngo 121. countv (Contlnuod on Pngo 0.)