Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 20, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Advance Man for "The Three Twins"
Has Hard Time Getting Rooms
for Company.
to "
The above produced cut is a
talf-tone of Miss Eva Height.
Miss Height is oue of the best inge
nues playing stock anywhere this sea
son. As Mary Jane in ,the bill the :
"Head of the Family," her work is
above newspaper criticism. Her J
wardrobe is complete ajid up-to-date.
In Best McKenzie a surprise is in !
store for all lovers of a good come- j
dian. Mr-cMcKenzie traces his an-1
cestry bn (Hi- to Old Erin, there being
enough of flie good old Irish strain :
in his to keep all merry. j
3Ir; Harry De Nora will appear
during the week iti a fancy skating
net and also feats on the Roman
rings. '
Miss Gywn Sterling will be seen
during the stay of the company in,
some very strong emotional leads.
Frank Howe and John Bellman as
character people always please and
help o make the name of McKenzie's
Merry-Makers famous.
"Charlie's Aunt" tomorrow night,
followed by "The Circus Girl" Fri
day night, i
The drawing contest waxes warm
end many high ns well as grammar
school pupils have entered.
NEW YORK, Oct. 20 In a lec
ture before the Aero club of America
Little Fox urges that the club take
immediate steps to cause the enact
ment of laws defining the rights and
privileges of persons who travel in
balloons and aeroplanes.
Mr. Fox fears that unless laws to
the contrary are passed, property
owners, whose titles give them pos
session of the air above their proper
ty, may prosecute all travelers for
trespass. In order to avoid suits for
aerial trespass, Mr. Fox suggests that
the various states condemn n certain
serial stratum as a public highway
and take title to it.
Howard Gulu is in luep trouble.
Gobs of gloom hang over him, ho
hardly knows whore ho is at. Mr.
Galo is ahead of "The Throe Twins"
show, which will play nu engagement
of one night at the Modfoid theater
Tuesday, October 20. Mr. Gale came
to town last uight&nd among other
things that fall within his line of
work was finding places for the tired
prima donnas, silver-throated tenors,
et al., to lay their weary noddles aft
er the show. Actors must sleep, even
ns other people. With all the assur
ance of the tvpical advance man, ho
up and told the diamond. studded ho
tel clerk to reserve him a couple of
hundred rooms for his people.
"Nix the rooms, my boy; they'll
have to sleep in the streets," or words
to that effect, only, of course, more
elegantly and grammatically put,
from the clerk.
"What! no rooms for my people!
Get out ! Get a fast move on and dig
up some rooms; my company is "J'lie
Three Twins."
"I wouldn't reserve a room even
for so great an actor as Ed Andrews.
I toll you yiere's nothing doing."
Mr. Galo then made a canvass, but
he found himself up against the fierc
est proposition in his theatrical ex
perience. The hotels were chock-a-block.
Mr. Gale began to see vis
ions of insane lending Indies, haughty
first tenors and leading baritones,
maddened bellowing bassos, sad con
traltos, fiery soubrettes clamoring
for his blood. It was as good as his
job. even his life, was worth to face
:hc fortissimo music of that peevish
b' of operatic people when they
found .that there was no place for
llif-m in the hotels.
Now he is tryin to arrange for
three Pullmans to be ret in here for
the accommodation of the company,
'ater to be hitched to an outgoing
train which will convey them to their
next town; .
The following letters are unclaim
ed nt this office:
Box "14 One.
Geo. L. Pnnkey One.
F Three.
W. C. K. One.
B Two.
T. S. Two.
Parties for whom these are in
tended should call for them nt once.
Work For Boys and Girls
We Pay Everyone Who W orks
From now until January; 1st this store wiil give a coupon with every 25c worth of goods purchas
ed in this store. These coupms will be redeemed at the store and real money will be paid for them..
All boys and girls can work for this store in securing these coupons and where the coupons are
brought to the store we will pay each boy and girl for the coupons. .Coupons may be turned in
each week either on Wednesdays or Saturdays before 12 o'clock noon, and will be paid for as fol
lows: Every boy or girl turning in coupons at this store will receive 10c for' each 25 coupons or
$2.50 per thousand. Every 25th coupon will be stamped in red and will count as ten towards se
curing the Browniekar. The boy or girl who turns in the largest number of coupons by January,
1910, will receive the Browniekar as his or her salary. Every coupon will be paid for when turned
in, as stated above.
Remember the bJg Anniversary Sale
and help some boy or girl t) earn money and secure a real automobile, and at the same time learn
that our prices and values are all that anyone could wish for and that style and satisfaction is ab
solutely guaranteed.
IMPORTANT NOTE As an example, say a boy has 50 people saving coupons for him and each
personally buys $10 a month; he gets 2000 coupons and earns $5.00, besides which he receives
2000 counts on the auto and if one-quarter are marked in redlie secures one additional 5000 count.
The Hutchason Co:
Successor to Baker Hutchason Company
Giving Away Our Store
Some of the people make a bus
iness of giving away their store
annually, semi-annually or quar
terly as the case may be and still
have the store left
But That Is Not So At
but what we do is this: we give you a bettor article for the, same
price, the same article for less money than any other store in the
city of Med ford; also our personal guarantee as to its quality, and
if it don't please you, when you see it in your own home, return
it and we will cheerfully refund your money. '
What We Handle
The best line of men's, la
dies', boys' and misses'
in the city of Medford; Rib
bons, Handkerchiefs, Combs,
Brushes and a general line of
Dry Goods, Notions.
Men's Work Cloves
in either plain wrist or gaunt
let. "Wc guarantee the quality
and the price speaks for itself.
Suspenders, Supporters, Work
or Dress Socks, and the best
canton flannel (Hove in the city
Hand painted china, fancy porcelain ware, white table ware, en
amel ware, tinware, table cutlery, cooking utensile, shelf hardware,
in fact we have over 4000 items in every day useful articles, includ
ing alarm clocks that, will get you up early. Come in and look
The Busy Store "