Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 20, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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CHAPTER I Jack HiUiard, a
wealthy New York clubman, hears a
mysterious voice singing in the night
under his window.
II He inserts' an advertisement in
a personal ccolumn to find the singer.
He receives a reply.
m, TV, V, and VI He visits the
mysterious singer, but she wears a
mask. He falls desperately in love
with her, but he has not seen her face.
The unknown woman gives her name
as Mme. Angot, which is assumed.
They have dinner. She refuses to
see him again. ,
HILLAKD made an inexcusably
careless shot. Be grounded his
cue and stood back from the
tnble. That was the way ev
erything seemed to go at tennis,, at
squash, at fencing, at billiards, it was
all the same.
"I say. Jack, what's the matter with
you anyhow?' asked Merribew, oot, of
"It was bad," Hillard agreed. "Per-
hona T am nnt -i 1.- ! Ti r. Infa.attt In
the game that I formerly took." I
"And wheu I make a proposition,"
pursued Merribew, "to ride to the Cat
skills and back, something yon would
have Jumped at a year ago, you shake
your head. Think of it'. By George,
you bad a bully time last year! You
swore It was the best trip we ever
took on the horses. Where's your spirit
of adventure?"
"I'm sure I don't know where It is.
Shall we finish the gome?"
"Not If you're goiinf to throw it like
this," declared Merrihew.
"Ten and a string against your half
a string," said Hillard, studying the
score. "I'll bet a bottle that I beat
"Doner said Merrihew. Being on
his mettle, be made a clean score of
twenty, five to go. "I can see you pay
ing for that check. Jack."
But the odds tingled Hillard's blood.
He settled doivn to a brilliant play
and turned sixty-one In beautiful form.
Later the two passed upstairs to the
secluded alcove. Merrihew filled the
glasses with the air of one who would
like to pass the remainder of his days
doing the same thing not that he was
overfond, but each bottle temporarily
weeded out that crop of Imperishable
debts. To him the world grew roseate
and kindly viewed through the press
of the sparkling grape, and Invariably
he saw fortune beckoning to the card
"Now, then, Jack. I've got you where
I want you. Who Is she?"
"On my word, I don't know."
"Then there Is a woman!" cried Mer
rihew. "I knew It. Nothing else would
so demoralize you. Drink a health to
Hillard raised bis glass and touched
that of his comrade. For the peace of
bis mind he determined to tell Merri
hew the whole adventure.
"To the lady in the fog!" be said.
"Fog?" blankly.
"Well, the lady in the mask."
"Fog, mask? Two of them?"
"No, only one. Once I met her In the
ttog, and then I met her in the mask."
"I'll drink to her. but I'm hanged if
I don't believe you're coddling me,"
said Merrihew disappointedly. "This
is New York."
"The whole story, Jack, details and
all; no half portions."
Hillard told the yarn simply, omit
ting nothing essential. He even added
that for tbree weeks he bad been the
author of the personal Inquiry as to
the .whereabouts of one Mme. Angot.
"I don't know, Dan. but this has
taken so strong a hold on me that I
shan't forget it soon. Imagine It your
self. Ob, but she could sing! I am a
' man not to be-held In the leash of an
adventure like this, but she held me.
How? By the hope that one day I
might gee. hex face with, no Tell oi
of the
Copyright. 1908. by IK Bobbt- i
Merrill Co.
mystery to hold her off at arm's
Merrihew was greatly excited. He
was for ordering a second bottle, but
Hillard stayed blm.
"By George! And you are sure that
it was at the SandfordsT
"I am positive. But there is a puzile
that I have failed to solve Sandford's
cable and the caretaker's declaration.
I know' that I was in that house. The
patrolman says that be baa seen no
light in the bouse since the family
sailed for Africa. It Is no dream, but
it begins to look as if I were the vic
tim of some fine hoax."
"It is more than a hoax. In my opin
ion. Walt till Sandford returns and
finds his silver gone."
Hillard started.
"And his gold plate." continued Mer
rihew, pleased with the Idea. "My
boy, that's what It Is the best dodge
I ever beard of. It will make a good
story for the Sunday papers. You
won't be In It unless she ropes you in
as an accomplice."
"I'm a romantic ass!" Hillard sighed.
Leddy Llghtfinger! If this turned out
to be the case be would never trust a
human being again.
"Let's take that ride on the horses,",
Merrihew nrged. "That'll clear your
brain of this sentimental fog."
"No!" Hillard struck his bands to
gether. "I've a better Idea than that
I shall go to Italy, and you shall go
with me."
"Impossible. Why, I'm all but
"I'll take you as a companion. I'm a
sick man, Dan. I'm likely to Jump
overboard if some one isn't watching
me every minute."
"I'd like to go. Jack. Heaven and
earth, bnt I should! But I can't possi
bly go to Italy with a letter of credit
no more than twenty-five hundred, and
that's all there Is in the exchequer at
"Between such friends as we are"
"That racket won't work. I could
not take a moment's peace if I did not
fjel Independent."
"But I'm not going to give It to you."
Hillard protested. "I am going to lend
It 1:0 you."
''And could I ever pay you back if I
accepted the loan?" humorously.
"There's Monte Carlo. You might
pnll down a tidy sum," said the tempt
er. "That's the way, you beggar. Hit
me on the soft side." But Merrihew
was still obdurate.
"Now. listen to reason, Dan. If you
wait for the opportunity to go to Eu
rope you'll wnit in vain. You must
make the opportunity. One must have
youth to enjoy Italy thoroughly. The
desire to go becomes less and less as
one grows older. Besides. It completes
every mnn's education. I'll put the
A tear ran from hit check to hi chin,
proposition in a way you can't possibly
get round. You will always bave tbat
thousand, go djjn.'t worry about Jhat.
You have twenty-five hundred on hand,
you Buy. With that you van boo Italy
UUo n prince for threo mouths."
hut s the proposition?" Merrihew
0 rallied the bottle.
(To bo ooiitiinii'cl.)
and know you lire (rented tho sumo ns
your neighbor is a satisfaction. You
can do this by dealing with
13-1 WEST MBAIN ST. 134
In the matter of the estate of
George M. Needles, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of the county
court of Jackson county, Oregon,
made on tho 1-th day of Octobor,
11109, in the matter of the above
named estate, the undersiguod admin
istrator of the estate of said deceas
ed will sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, on Monday,
the 25th day of October, 1909, at 10
o'clock a. m., in front of what is
known , as the "Horseshoe Club Sa
loon," situated on Front street 'in the
city of Medford, the entire Btock of
merchandise contained in said sa
loon, consisting of a large amount of
whisky in barrels, in bottles and oth
erwise, together with a variety of
other kinds of liquor usually kept by
retail vendors thereof: also including
two pool tables, both in good condi
tion, and each completely equipped
with fixtures; also a stock of tobac
cos, cigars, pipes, cignrcttcs, e'tc,
and n full set of decanters, glasses
mid tumblers, and other nrticles used
in connection with and in a saloon
where liquors are sold by retail. For
a more definite knowledge of the kind
and amount of liquors, fixtures, etc.,
to be disposed of at said sale, inquire
nt the office of Colvig & Reames,
Medford, Oregon.
Dated October loth, 190!): .
Administrator of the Estate of George
M. Needles. Deceased.
(Continued From Page 2.)
recorder's records of Jackson coun
tv. Oregon: 50 feet; rate per foot 47
cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 15 E. B. Pickle.
B. Klum and W. C. Murphy, lot 2.
block 1. Summit addition to the citv
of Medford, Oregon", frontage 50 feet
oq east side of Summit avenue, and
described Vol. 72, page 121, county
recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty, Oregon; 50 i'ect; rate per foot 47
cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 10 E. B. Pickle.
B. Klum and W. C Murphv. lot 3.
block 1. Summit addition to the citv
of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on east side of Summit avenue, mid
described Vol. 72. page 121, county
recorder's records of Jackson coun
tv, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 47
cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 17 E. B. Pickle
B. Klum and V. C. Murphv. lot 4,
block 1. Summit addition to the citv
of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on east side of Summit avenue, and
described Vol. 72, page 121. county
recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty, Oregon: 50 feet: rate per foot 47
cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 18 E. B. Pickle,
B. Klum and W. C. Murphy, lot 5.
block 1. Summit addition to the citv
of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet
east side of Summit avenue, and des
cribed Vol. 72, page 121, county re
corder's records of Jackson countv.
Oregon; 50 feet: rate per footh 47
cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 10 E. B. Pickle.
B. Klum and W; C. Murphv. lot 0.
block 1. Summit addition to the citv
of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on east side of Summit avenue, and
described Vol. 72. page 121, countv
recorder's records of Jnckson coun
ty, Oregon: 50 feci : rate per foot 47
cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 20 E. B. Pickle.
B. Klum and W, C. Murphv. lot 7.
block 1. Summit addition to the citv
of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on east side of Summit nvennc. and
described Vol. 72. page 121, county
recorder's records of Jackson countv.
Oreeon; 50 feet: rate per foot 47
cents: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 21 E. B. Pickle.
B. Klum and W. C. Murphv. lot 8.
block 1. Summit addition to the citv
of Medford. Oreeon. frontage 50 fect
on east side of Summit nventie. and
described Vol. 72. page 121. counts
recorder's records of Jnckson countv.
Oregon; 50 feet: rate per' foot 47
cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 22 E. B. Piekle,
II. Klum and Y. C. Murphv, lot I).
block 1, Summit addition to llio citv
uf Medford, Oregon, 1'routuge 50 foot
on cast bido of Summit iivunuu, and
described Vol. 72, pngo 121, countv
recorder's records of Jackson countv,
Oregon; 50 feet; rule per foot 47
cents; amount duo $23.50.
Assessment No. 23 K, B. Picklo,
B. Klum mid W. C. Murphv. lot 10,
block 1. Summit addition to the citv
of Modford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on east side of Summit nvuuuo, mid
described Vol. 72, pngo 121, countv
recorder's records of Jackson countv,
Oregon; 60 feet; , ruto per foot 47
cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 24 E. B. Pickle,
B. Klum and W. C. Murphv. lot 11.
block 1, Summit udditiou to the citv
of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 fect
on eusl side of Summit avenue, and
described Vol. 72, pnuo 121, countv
recoider's records of Jnckson countv,
Oregon; 50 feet: rato per foot 47
cunts: amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 25 E. B. Pickle.
B. Klum and V. C. Murphv, lot 12,
block 1. Summit addition to the citv
of Bedford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on eusl s'Je of Summit avenue, mid
described Vol. 72, page 121, county
recorder's recordH of Jnckson countv,
Oregon: 50 feet rato per foot 47
cents; amount due $23.50.
Assessment No. 20 E. B.
Pickle, B. Klum and C. W.
Murphy, a lot fronting 51 feet 5
inches on Jacksonville road or Main
street. West, and running buck on
Summit avenue 140 feet and marked
on citv map lot 13. in block 1. Sum.
mit addition to the citv of Mcdl'ord.
Oregon, frontage 140 feet on east
side xif Summit avenue, and describ
ed Vol. 72. page 121, countv record
er's records of Jackson countv. Ore.
eon: 140 feet: rate per foot 47 cents;
amount duo $05.80.
Section 2. The recorder of the
citv of Medford is bercbv directed to
enter a statement of said several as
sessments in the water main lieu
docket of said citv as required bv the
citv charter.
The foregoing ordinance was pass
ed bv the citv council of the citv of
Medford on the 5th day of Octobor.
1909. bv the following vote: Merrick
nve. Welch ave, Kifert nve, Emerick
absent, Wortmnn absent, Dcmmcr nve.
Approved October 0. 190!).
W. II. CANON. M.ivor.
An ordinance declaring the assess
ment on the property benefited for
the cost of laving u water main on
Ross court and directing the recorder
to enter a statement thereof in the
water main lien docket.
The citv of Mcdl'ord doth ordain ns
Section 1. Whereas, llio citv coun
cil did heretofore bv resolution de
clare its intention to lav a 4-incli
water main on Ross court from West
.Main street to West Fourth street,
and to assess the cost thereof on
tho property fronting on said por
tion of said street in proportion to
the frontage of said property, and did
fix a time and place for hearing pro
tests against the laving of said wa
ter main on said portion of said street
and the assessment of the cost there
of ns aforesaid; and.
Whcreus, snid resolution was duly
posted and published us required bv
section 110 of the charter of said
citv: and.
Whereas, a meeting of the council
was held at the time and place fixed
in said resolution for the purpose of
considering any such protests, but
considering any such protests, but no
protests were at such time or at any
time mnde to or received bv the coun
cil to the laving of said water main or
tho assessing of the cost thereof ns
aforesaid, and said council having
considered the matter, und deeming
that said water main was and is of
material benefit to said citv and that
ull property to be assessed therefor
would be benefited thereby to the ex
tent of the probable amount of the
respective assessments to be levied
against said property, did order said
water main laid : and.
Whereas, the cost of snid water
main has been and hereby is de
termined to be the sum of $773.15;
Now. therefore, it is hereby further
determined that the proportionate
share of the cost of laving said wa
ter main of each pared of the prop
erty fronting on said portion of snid
street is the amount set opposite the
description of each piece or parcel of
land below and that each such piece
or parcel of land is benefited bv tho
laving of said water main to the full
extent of the amount so set opposite
the description of such piece or par
cel, and that the respective amounts
represent the proportional henofits of
said water main to snid respective
parcels of property and also the pro
portional frontage thereof on said
portion of Baid street, and the council
does hereby declare each of the par-
cols of iH'opei'lv described below to
lie assessed und each of the sumo
hercliv is assessed tho amount set op
posite each respective description for
the cost of hiving snid water main:
Assessment No, 1 C. D. Wolver
ton et iix., lot 1, block 2. Wolvor
twn's subdivision, in tho citv of Mod
lord, Oregon, iroutugo 140 foot on
west side Ross court, described Vol.
70, page 258, county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon: 140
feet; rato per foot 6214 cents;
amount duo $73.15.
Assessment No. 2 C. D. Wolver
ton, lot 4. block 2. Wolverton's sub
division, in the citv of Medford, Ore
gon, frontage 50 feet on west sido of
Ross court, described Vol. 70, page
258, count v recorder's records of
Jnckson countv, Oregon; 50 foot; rato
per foot 52 cents; amount duo
Assessment No. 3 Irving Worth
ington, lot 5, block 2, Wolverton's
subdivision, in .the citv of Medford,
Oregon, frontage 60 feet on west side
of Ross court, described Vol. 70, puge
177. county recorder's records of
Jnckson countv, Oregon; 50 feet; rate
per foot 52 Vi cents; amount due
Assessment No. 4 C, D, Wolver
ton ; lot (I. block 2, Wolverton's sub
division in the citv of Modford, Ore
con, frontage 50 fect on west Hide of
Ross court, described Vol. 70. page
258, countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 feet ; rate
per foot 52 la cents; amount duo
Assessment No. 5 C. D. Wolvcr
ton, lot 7. block 2. Wolverton's sub
division, in the citv of Medford. Ore
gon, frontage 50 feet on west sido of
Ross court, described Vol. 70, page
258. county recorder's records of
Jackson countv, Oregon ; 50 feet : rate
per foot 62 Vi cents; amount duo
Assessment No. (I C. D. Wolver
ton, lot 8. block 2, Wolverton's sub
division, in tho citv of Medford. Ore
gon, frontage 50 fect on west side of
Ross court, described Vol. 70, tinge
258, countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet: rale
per foot 52'i cents; amouiTt duo
Assessment No. 7 C. D. Wolver
ton, lot 9, block 2. Wolverton's sub
division, in tho citv of Modford, Ore
con, frontage 50 fect on west sido of
Ross court, described Vol. 70, pngo
258, countv recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate
per foot 5214 cents; amount duo
Assessment No. 8 C. D. Wolvor
ton, lot 10. block 2, Wolverton's sub
division, in llio citv of Medford. Ore
gon, frontugo 50 feet on west sido of
Ross court, described Vol. 70. page
258, county recorder's records of
Jackson count v, Oregon; 50 feet; rate
per foot 52V.i cents; amount due
Assessment No. 9 C. D. Wolver
ton, lot 11, block 2, Wolverton's sub
division, in the citv of Mcdl'ord, Ore
gon, frontage 50 feet on west sido of
Ross court, described Vol. 70, pngo
258, countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feel; rate
per foot 52Vi cents; amount due
Assessment No.' 10 C. D. Wolver
ton, lot 12. hloclf 2. Wolverton's sub
division in the citv of Medford, Ore
gon, frontage 511 feet on west sido of
Ross court, described 'Vol. 70. page
258, countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet; rnto
per foot 52 Vi cents: amount duo
Assessment No. 11 C. T). Wolvcr
ton, lot 13, block 2. Wolverton's sub
division, in the citv of Medford. Ore
gon, frontage 50 feet on west sido of
Ross court, described Vol. 70, puge
258, county recorder's records of
Jackson countv, Oregon: 50 foot; rule
per foot 52Vi cents; amount duo
Assessment No. 12 C. D. Wolver
loii. lot I I. block 2. Wolverton's sub
division, in the citv of Medford, Ore
gon, frontage 50 feet on west sido of
Ross court, described Vol. 70, pnge
258, county recorder's records of
Jackson comity, Oregon; 50 feet; rate
per foot 52Vi cents; amount duo
Assessment No. 13 C. D. Wolvor
ton, lot J5, block 2, Wolverton's sub
division, in llio citv of Medford, Ore
gon, frontugo 50 fect on west sido of
Ross court, descrived Vol. 70. page
258. county recorder's records 'of
Jackson countv, Oregon; 50 feet; rate
per foot 52'A cents; amount , due
Assessment No. 14 C. D. Wolvcr
ton ct iix.. lot 1. block 1. Wolver
ton's subdivision, in tho citv of Med
ford, Oregon, frontage 140 feet on
east side of Ross court, described
Vol. . ., page, ... countv recorder's
records of Jnckson countv, Oregon;
140 feet: Tiitc per foot 52Vi centB'.
amount due $73.15.
Assessment No. 15 Miiigliorott
Wolvcrton, lot 4, block 1. Wolver
top's subdivision, in tho citv of Mod
ford, Oregon, frontugo 60 foot on vast
side of Ross court, described Vol. 09,
pngo 29, countv recorder s records ot
Jackson countv. Oregon; 60 foot; rato
per foot 52 Vi cunts; amount duo
Assessment No. 10 U. D. Wolvor
tou ot ux.. lot 5. block 1, Wolvurton's
subdivision, in the citv of Modford,
Oregon, frontugo 60 feet on oust side
of Ross court, described Vol, . ., pngo
., countv recorder's records of Jnck
son county, Oregon; 60 feet; rata per
toot 52 Vi cunts; amount duo $20.15.
Assessment No. 17 C. D. Wolver
ton et ux.. lot (I. block 1. Wolvurton's
subdivision, in tho citv of Modford,
Oregon, froiilago 50 feet on east sido
of Ross court, described Vol. . ., page
.., countv recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 50 fuel; rate
per foot 62 'i cents; amount duo
Assessment No. 18 C. D. Wolver
toii et ux.. lot 7. block 1. Wolverton's
subdivision, in tho citv of Medford.
Oregon, frontugo 50 feet on east side
of Ross court, described Vol. . .. page
. .. county recorder's records of
Jackson countv, Oregon; 60 feet: rate
per foot 52 Vi cents; amount duo
Assessment No. 10C. D. Wolver
ton et ux.. lot 8. block 1. Wolverton's
subdivision, in the citv of Modford,
Oregon, frontage 50 fect on oust side
of Ross court, described Vol. . ., pngo
. .. countv recorder's records of
Jnckson countv, Oregon: 60 feet: rnto
per foot 62 Vi cents: amount dun
Assessment No. 20 C. I). Wolvcr
ton el ux., lot 9, block 1, Wolverton's
siiBtlivision in the city of Medford.
Oregon, frontage 50 feet on cast sido
of Ross court, described Vol. . ., pngo
.., county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 60 feet j rain
per foot 62 Vi cents; amount duo
Assessment No. 21- C. D. Wolver
ton et ux.. lot 10, block 1, Wolverton's
subdivision, in the citv of Medford.
Oregon, frontage 60 feet on east side
of Ross court, described Vol, , ., page
... countv recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon: 50 feet: rato
per foot 52' fx cents; amount due
Assessment No. 22-rC D. Wolvcr
ton ct ux., lot 11. block 1. Wolverton's
subdivision, in the citv of Medford,
Oregon, frontage 50 feut on oust sido
of Ross court, described Vol. . ., page
. ., countv recorder's records of Jack
son countv, Oregon: 50 feet: rate per
foot 62'i cents; amount due $211.15.
Assessment No. 23 (', D. Wolvcr
ton ct nx., lot 12. block 1. Wolverton's
subdivision, in the citv of Mcdforn.
Oregon, frontage 50 feet on cast side
of Ross court, described Vol... pngo
. ., countv recorder's records of Jjick
son county. Oregon; 50 feet;, rate per
foot 52 VI cents; amount due $20.15.
Assessment No. 21 E. J. Roche,
lot 13, block 1, Wolverton's subdivis
ion, in (he citv of Medford, Oregon,
frontage 50 fect on oust side of Ross
Court, described Vol. ... page ...
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv, Oregon; 50 fect: rato per foot
52' i cents; amount due $20.15.
Assessment No. 25 E. J. Roche,
lot 14. block 1. Wolverton's subdi
vision in the citv of Medford, Ore
gon, frontii"C 50 feci on cast side
Rss court, described Vol. . ., page . ..
countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oregon: 50 feet; rate per foot
52Vi cents: amount due $20.10.
Assessment' No. 20 C. D. Wolver
fon et ux., lot 15, block 1. Wolverton's
subdivision, in the citv of Medford.
Oregon, frontngo 50 fect on on-t side
of Ross court described Vol. . ., page
. ., countv recorder's records of Jack
son countv, Oregon; 50 feet: rate per
font 52Vi cents- amount dun $20.10.
Section 2. Tho recorder of tint citv
of Medford is hereby directed to en
ter n statement of said several as
sessments in tho water main lien
docket of said citv.
Tho foregoing ordinance was pass
ed bv the citv council of the citv of
Medford on the 51 li day of October.
1909, hv the following vole: Merrick
nve, Welch, live, F.iferl nve, Emerick
absent, Woiimnn absent. Demmer nve.
Approved October fi. 1909.
W. H. CANON. Mavor.
Office of City Treasurer, Medford,
Oregon, October Mill? 1009.
Notice is hereby given that there
nro funds on hand in tho cily trensury
for tho redemption of city warrants
Nos, 1 to 14, inclusive, issued nnginst
sewer district No. 7; also warrant
No, 8, issued against sewer district
No. 8.
Interest on snme will cense after
the above date
183 L. L. JACOBS,
t . ,- City Treasurer;